As the people of God we may be confused from time to time. We saw Abraham who thought "all things were against him" getting corrected that all things were and are for God's people and we too must have this correct perspective! We see persecution happening today with no respect in society for what God has set in place. We must know there is still a God who sits enthroned above! All things SEEM to be moving in the wrong direction, but God is above and His Kingdom is sure and it is coming!
Of what: "He that sits in the heavens shall laugh and hold them in derision." The Messianic Psalms speak about our Lord Jesus Christ and this Psalm is very powerful as it speaks of the Holy One. In the old testament typical God has set His king which was symbolic of the reality of the Lord who conquered (David) and established his kingdom (Heaven.) It sets forth the Kingdom of Heaven. The typology passed away in the typical and the Kingdom now is unbounded without walls! It is that Kingdom that is being looked at in this Psalm. David looked at it with the carnal eye as the heathens raged and imagined vein things. They set themselves against that kingdom that he was given power to conquer. That is what the church sees and experiences today as the world sets itself against the church. Where is there appreciation for the church in the kingdoms? They want to break the bands asunder and cast the yoke away. What God has set in society they want to cast away completely as they rebel against God and His commands! They want to cast away Judeo- Christian principals in regards to the institution of marriage, family, and many others. And God gives us difficulties from time to time. Why? To make us STONGER!
Why: Why do the nations set themselves against us, against God, and why are these things happening? Because when the winds prevail the tree sets its roots deeper and deeper into the ground. When you see persecution and hardship the TRUE churches identity comes to the fore!!! Sometimes we are asked what will happen to the church and the faith of our fathers? The small hut in the cucumber patch which is so hard to find today. We have to look very hard to find FOUND DOCTRINE anywhere today! Even in the church world! Paul says look heavenward and nothing can be against us! God sits in the Heavens though they may mock and deny Him today! He decreed and His decrees and He sets Christ at His right hand in glory who died on the cross and established His Kingdom in His resurrection and ascension. And we believe it in faith and are mocked for believing it.
Our smiling: Yes His Kingdom has been established and He has put ALL things under Christ who is the head of His church. And He has ALL dominion and ALL power forevermore. He rules over ALL! The Lord opened Gazania's eyes to see and behold the Lord's chariots and horses. He opens our eyes also and we see Him as He is exercising Himself for His Kingdom and we smile seeing the many great vistas of His decree and He WILL COME and those who are in and part of His Kingdom are indeed blest FOREVERMORE!