"God's Anointed" LD12 & I John 2 The name of Christ "Anointed" is fundamental and important. The SON of God is confessed in His names. It points to His very essence in Son of God. Now we move to the office He holds in His essence as the Anointed One. And we are called Christians because we are partakers in Christ's anointing!
Christ's anointing: Christ received the name the Anointed One. it was used in the old testament. Christ was the 3 fold office of Prophet, Priest, and King. You must go to the old testament to see the meaning and rich content of this name. Anointing was done in the old testament. There were men who were CHOSEN. God points out and selects a man of His choosing and secondly God pours our His Spirit to fill the very one He anointed to equip him for his office to which they were anointed. God QUALIFIES them for the very purpose for which He anointed them! Note the offices were separate in the typical (old testament) but are ONE in Christ who is the fulfillment!
Christ's office: Prophet. A prophet was a seething pot so full of Christ that he overflowed. Christ preached the Word of God and was the CHIEF Teacher! He taught "I am the One they spoke of!" All that God will accomplish in Jesus He makes known to us. It is the doctrine of salvation. And Christ is THE PROPHET who teaches us by His Word and Spirit!
Chief High Priest: He brought the blood and made sacrifice for the people. Christ was not only the Priest BUT was also the SACRIFICE! Jesus the most fitting sacrifice can say "It is finished. It is done!" He brings Himself and makes FULL atonement and sacrifice for us as well as intercedes for us as He IS our High Priest!
King: The Lord has set His King in Zion! The old testament kings went out and conquered. Christ conquers sin, death, and hell and He rules EVERMORE as our ETERNAL KING!
Our calling: So what is our calling? It becomes very personal. They adhere to His teachings of an exemplary man? No. Because we are partakers of HIS anointing. We are ALL prophets, priests, and kings and it must manifest itself in our lives. We KNOW the revelation of God to us and we grow in the prophetic office and it becomes our confession from the inside. We must be ready to speak it as priests as we give our bodies as a LIVING sacrifice unto God which is our reasonable and acceptable service to Him. And we are kings because in the militant church we put on the armament and fight until the battle is finally finished when Christ comes again and we will RULE and live with Him forevermore!
A very important concept we must take hold of!