"Our Only Comfort! LD1 & Romans 8 One often wonders how Lord's Day 1 ought to be introduced even as many pastors and churches no longer preach the catechism. In no way do we elevate the catechism over scripture or look at it apart from the Word of God and references, but we understand Scripture is a historical revelation and when we look for specific doctrines we have to page though the scriptures to find them as theology is laid out historically to the people of God while the catechism lays out and expands on these doctrines and "maps out" for us the whole council of God for not only our pastors to preach as well as gives us PRACTICAL preaching and doctrine as it applies to us PERSONALLY!
Meaning: This is a spiritual question here and it belongs to the child of God even though the world would asks this question to themselves too as they live in the same world as we do under the blanketed curse. Modern technology gives them those comforts in living and modern medicine even provides a comfortable departure in dying and leaving this world....but we view this existence very differently don't we? Do we not have a different perspective? It is a pilgrims journey amidst a blanket of the curse after the fall. The world deals with only the physical, but the child of God understands sin and death and asks himself against all of these consequences of sin what is OUR COMFORT?!
What is our comfort and what sustains us? It is the Gospel of Christ that I in both my living and my dying belong to Christ in both my body and soul! That is why many elderly have pressed this Lord's Day close to them. The ungodly does not want to talk about a soul or go that deep in conversation, but we both body and soul that the body houses is Christ's and will live WITH Christ. I am not my own and do not belong to myself anymore as Christ has purchased us! (Read Psalm 21) We belong to God! What can we do? Seriously ask yourself this question. Can we provide for ourselves? How wonderful it is not to belong to ourselves but to belong to Christ who guides us, leads us, provides for us, and has our whole life planned! When the burdens are too tough can we stand in our own strength? We don't have to and the answer is no. He carries us and provides for us! Body AND soul! And we die and what are we going to say as we see the casket? That we belong to the Lord and He takes us to glory when we breathe our last! I WILL see God! We are set in His liberty and we can walk in that liberty!
Scope: Everything in this life is subservient to our salvation. God makes it that way and sees to it! What do we need to live and die comfortably? We just need ONE thing! The knowledge that we are NOT our own, but belong to our Lord Jesus Christ as He bought me, purchased me, and died for me!
We can be comforted always and when we die we are His and He will take us to glory. We are His possessions that will be with Him forevermore. Life is rough and sometimes hard (bet many will say Amen here,) but be comforted. You and I belong to Him, for time and eternity. Nothing can ever comfort us more!