"Taking FIRM Steps" Psalm 3:23-25 This Psalm is a contrast between the righteous man and the worldly man....and Israel is ALWAYS in the favor of the Lord. "Do not fret!" As the grace of the Lord is always with His people and although sometimes difficult, we ALWAYS and at all times are under His grace and all will work out and turn out for good for the child of God. As we saw in Lord's day one, we belong to Him for time and eternity and are His prize possession! Though from time to time we fall due to sin, we never will utterly fall and He will chasten and will always bring us back!
What: "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord." Again, this Psalm is a contrast and so in this Psalm we deal with ourselves...the man of God....and are doing so from the viewpoint of the steps we take in our lives in the midst of the world (the path.) A man's life and the way we walk and live day to day. The Psalmist breaks it down ever further for us and is talking about our steps. The individual, small steps. Not the "stairs," but the individual treads if you will. And he does so from a very practical point of view.
How: This Psalm states that they are "ordered by the Lord." They are in His decree and counsel. As we look objectively from God's point of view. This text however, looks at this subjectively. The steps of a good man are steadfast and firm as opposed to stumbling and falling. (Out of Jehovah.) If our steps are rooted in God, then they will be firm, but if we plant them in our own druthers, we are sure to stumble and fall. God envelopes our entire life and His word envelopes the whole life of the child of God and so a man's steps ought to be out of the Lord God! The word of God will lead us in a safe way. It will safely lead us as it leads us in our Christian life and living. (Will safely lead if in its wisdom they confide.) We have to deal with our ourselves and our own flesh however, and we only like the way the Lord leads us and His commandments and His word until they become an inconvenience to us and our flesh. We are warned here and we need an OBJECTIVE standard and straight-line from the Lord in the way in which we are to walk. The Word of God ALONE is the dictate of my life as He will lead in a way that is replete with examples of what happens when the child of God walks in his own way. Read about Abraham, Lot, Alemalek....very bitter lessons of what happens when the child of God walks in his own way, but thanks be to God that He turns to good! And we can add our names to this list as we too often don't want to plant our own feet according to the OBJECTIVE Word of God. We take steps daily and those steps have consequences and the Lord says to us "to take those steps in ME" and there will be fruitfulness! So often today we hear "what do you think about this?....No...what does the Word of God say about it?! It is our only guide in faith and living beloved!
Result: The only goal and purpose is the Glory of God in His Kingdom. And when we walk and set our steps in His Word, we will be to His glory as He sees the Holy Spirit working in our lives. This is reality, and when we look back we see the Lord's hand, but must always remember that the Lord will NEVER let us fall utterly. What an impetus and a glory that belongs to us! We let Him down daily, but He does not!
Let us so walk in His word, knowing full well and without doubt that when we fall He will always bring us back. Let us so walk, taking firm steps in His word...for our benefit, and for His glory!