"A Concluding Doxology" LD52b & Psalm 2&48 Christ teaches us a tremendous end to our prayer and one of great significance and importance! He sets us on a FIRM foundation. We took it upon our lips in petitions and now we again take them upon our lips and make those requests bold confessions! We affirm that these things are God's and that they are sure things! The knowledge and firm conviction that His IS the Kingdom, the power, and the glory FOREVER!
Bold: The concepts are the same as is shown in the word "for" and are connected to this doxology. Our prayer is fraught with great certainty and without doubt! God is able and willing to give us every good and perfect gift and so the child of God's petition is founded correctly and always to the glory of God!
Well grounded: The Kingdom of God is the realm established by God Himself. It is a spiritual realm...not the typical but the reality. We possess the riches of the Kingdom of Heaven and it is NEVER able to fail! We are to take hold of by faith in our hearts as we have only a foretaste of it in the present and now. It is certain because it is God's and is given to us! Why? Because His is the power! He does whatever He pleases. Christ sits at God's right hand and guides and directs ALL things. This does not mean God is powerful (like in the belief of dualism) but that God holds all things in His hand and this even includes the devil himself. He is not A power, but is powerful as He does whatever He pleases which is His glory in the church, among us His people, and that which will be realized perfectly one day to the everlasting praise of Him! The power that will show forth His glory forever! We live in a world that points us to their own glorification, their own power and might, and their "kingdoms" and yet we re-affirm it by faith even though often it seems the world has the glory here below. We will continue to affirm that it is GODS! His Kingdom, His power to accomplish that Kingdom that will be to His glory forever! Every mouth of ridicule will be silenced one day and no one can rob God of His glory and power and one day all will see this very fact!
Certain: And then we add the word Amen even though often times misused by us. We often use it to mark the end of our prayers which is misuse. It marks certainty. It shall surely and certainly be! We are certain that everything we have asked for will certainly come to pass and we best make sure what we ask for is to His glory and for His Kingdom and glory!
His glory will be realized. When He comes again and then forevermore!