Many have used this text to point to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and prognosticate the dates of His arrival wrongfully so. Yet, another danger is to not speak about the end times either. We must note however and mark the times in which we live. We must prepare and "keep our lamps trimmed" so we are neither slumbering or sleeping. This period occurs during the passion week and the disciples ask when He will come again and Christ gives them discourse regarding.....
What: The Lord bids us to learn a lesson from the fig tree. The fig trees fruit appear before the leaves and Christ says to judge as the fig tree. That spring is spent and summer is near. There are certain signs that tell us that "so likewise we can know it is near." Many say this passage speaks to the destruction of Jerusalem, but not so as the disciples ask about the end of the world and the coming again of Christ.
Of What: We then understand "this generation" as Christ has used this terminology at other times in scripture. It does not mean only the contemporaries of Christ, but the terminology used by Christ refers to "a certain group of people (the ungodly.) There will always be two groups of people by His design. "These things" refer to the signs of the times and precursors that predict the time frame as we are in proximity to the coming of Christ! There are certain signs that are enumerated for us here (Matthew 24:5ff) The beginning of sorrows: many things that are MORE profound than they ever have...that have global consequences, diseases and infections that are resistant to drugs and medications (read about the horsemen and the peeling away of the seals,) breaking down of nationalities, technologies, things being ready for an anti christian kingdom! Privacy laws already being threatened and they want more and more! Preparations for the anti christian kingdom! The devil has and always desecrates God de-thrones God and what do men do today??? And God gives them over to their vile affections as they elevate themselves...... This is the world today! Signs of the times and footsteps of Christ. These things have always been and the church has also partook of these things along with the world. But..."there will be great tribulations..." And the church is safe as long as they are among the nations. Then there will be "sorrows." Travail....birth pains that occur but come to an end and bring forth something beautiful! There will be time table, but Christ warns and we ought to know and be able to mark the signs of the times....not negatively in fear and sorrowful for travail, but the Lord wants us to see CLEARLY what is at the end of the travail!!!
Certainly: They will occur, but let us not put them away and refuse to face them. We must see them, understand them, and be encouraged! The Lord is coming! He is coming to bring forth Glory! Verse 35: His Word shall not pass away and He is going to come and His angels will scour His people. And then what? We will spend eternity with Him in glory! A world with no end! No pain, no sorrow, no travail, but bliss....oh the bliss beyond even our fondest imagination!