Missionary Daniel Parks will be with us to preach an evening service next Sunday, June 30th. We will be giving a gift to help the work in the Virgin Islands. If you would like to contribute please mark your gift accordingly. There is a sign up sheet for food in the vestibule. You are invited to attend the wedding of Clarah Marie Jennings and Isaac Dale Floyd on July 6, 2019 at 1 p.m. at College Grove Grace Church in College Grove, TN. A reception will follow at 6887 Pulltight Hill Road. RSVP to Sarah Jennings at (615) 969-7234. The couple is registered at Target and Walmart. May the Lord be pleased to bless Isaac and Clarah with a long and loving marriage.
Many times someone has excitedly told me after the service that they had been praying about something that had been troubling them and the Lord gave them the answer through the Word that had just been preached. Think about that. The Lord answers prayer and He answers prayer through His Word. I cannot stress enough the importance of prayer in general and prayer for our worship services in particular. It would do us good to remember this admonition, “ye have not, because ye ask not.” (James 4:2)
Men and women think of a thousand inventions to save themselves and neglect Christ Who is the one thing needful.
Pastor David Eddmenson
God in the gospel commands us to do the impossible. Scripture is full of examples. “O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.” (Ezek. 37:4) “Lazarus, come forth.” (John 11:43) “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.” (John 5:8) “Stretch forth thine hand.” (Matt. 12:13) Those are impossible commands from God, but with the command from God came the ability from God. The dry bones heard when the Spirit breathed life into them. Lazarus came forth when God gave him life. The impotent man immediately took up his bed and walked when the Lord made him whole. The impotent man stretched forth his hand when the Lord restored it whole.
My friend let us seek Christ by hearing the gospel the very same way. God commands us to believe Christ. Then let us beg God to give us the gift of faith. God commands us to come to Christ. Then let us beg God to give us spiritual life and the ability to come. Salvation is of the Lord. God gives His people the ability to do what is impossible for the flesh: to believe on Christ and come to Him. Then let us beg God to do the impossible for us.
“Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith” - II Corinthians 13:5
Usually when we think of examining ourselves we think of examining our lives. How are we dealing with besetting sins? Are we reading the Bible to our spiritual profit? Are we spending time in prayer and communion with the Lord? What does our daily lives say about our love to Christ? Can others see that we are Christians? What did Paul say? Examine yourselves whether you be in the faith: if we gain assurance by how well we are performing, it is a false, works based assurance. If we conclude we must not be saved by our failures in these things we are once again making salvation dependent upon our performance. Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? Do you believe that when He said, “It is finished” the salvation of all the elect was accomplished? Are you relying on who He is and what He did as all you have for acceptance with God? Then you are “in the faith” and a true child of God.
Pastor Todd Nibert