Vacation Bible School for ages 4 through high school will be held this Wednesday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to noon. Everyone is invited to attend a picnic Friday the 14th at 4:30 p.m. in Simpson Valley. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Kerry Simpson and her family on the passing of her Baba, Henry Mahan.
Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord.
If this admonition were not necessary for us, He would not have given it. The word business is diligence. Do not become lazy in the effort you give in serving the Lord. Be fervent, white hot, boiling over in spirit, serving the Lord. To become slothful in our diligence and zeal can easily happen to any of us because of the sinful nature we all possess. But how evil! That way of being is contrary to “The love of Christ constraineth me.” I cannot think of anything more ugly then trying to fit the worship of Christ into life’s busy schedule. The Gospel, if true, is of infinite importance; if false, is of no importance. But what it cannot be is moderately important. “Not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.”
Pastor Todd Nibert
The Lord was pleased to call home our pastor, Henry Mahan, last week. I am so thankful that now Henry has the possession of everything he believed by faith during this life.
I could write a book on all of the lessons the Lord taught me through my pastor and mentor. Rather than try to write down all of them, I would like to tell you about four of the most important lessons Henry taught us. These lessons are good for every believer not just preachers.
The first lesson is faithfulness (I Cor. 4:2). Brother Henry was always faithful to preach Christ and only Christ. He refused to compromise the truth or get sidetracked from it. I desire to be made faithful to do the same thing. Faithfulness is not just for preachers. Every believer is to be faithful to attend the worship service, faithful to continually seek the Lord, and faithful to use the talents the Lord has given them in His service.
The second lesson is be prepared (II Tim. 2:15). Henry studied and prepared diligently. He often told preachers to not just get in the pulpit and “pop off”, but pray and study hard to get the message God would have His people hear in that hour. Preparedness is not just for preachers. Every believer should come to the worship service prepared to worship, having sought the Lord’s blessing on the service.
The third lesson is love. Henry loved people enough to tell them the truth (I Thess. 2:7-8). He told me one time that a man cannot be successful in the ministry unless he loves people. Love is not just for preachers. No believer can be useful in God’s service unless we both feel and show love for other people.
The fourth lesson is the worship service is a time to worship the Lord by exalting Christ the Savior in the preaching of the gospel. The worship service is not a place to show off our talents or the talents and cuteness of our children. The worship service is not the place to talk about the political and social issues of the day. The worship service must be given exclusively to the preaching of the gospel. God cannot be worshipped any other way. Guarding the worship service is not only for preachers. Every believer can and should guard the worship service by coming to the worship service to hear what God has to say to me today. We guard the worship service by not seeking any personal glory or recognition, but seeking the glory of Christ alone.
If we could learn these lessons, the Lord just might make us effectual in preaching the gospel of God’s free and sovereign grace in Christ Jesus to the next generation.