He that seeith the Son and believeth on him hath eternal life. John 6:40
We do not arrive at Christ by knowing all the right doctrine. We know right doctrine only by knowing Christ in saving faith. When I see Christ I know God must be sovereign in salvation. The only way a sinner like me can be saved is if God elected me unto salvation and put me in Christ before time began, because by nature I never would have chosen Him. When I see Christ by faith I see that I am totally depraved. The only way I can be saved is by the sacrifice of God’s Son. When I see Christ by faith I know I can never be lost because the Lord Jesus Christ is the successful, victorious Savior who can never fail to save any for whom He died.
May 26-27: Central Grace Church, Rocky Mount, VA. Scheduled Speaker Gabe Stalnaker
May 25-27: East Hendersonville Baptist Church, Hendersonville. Scheduled speakers Bruce Crabtree and Don Fortner.
June 15-17: Lantana Grace Church, Crossville, TN. Speakers TBD
July 20-22: Sovereign Grace Baptist Church, Ewing, NJ. Speakers TBD
A Loving Husband
It is easy to submit to someone who loves you sacrificially. For a man to insist that his wife submit to his authority without earning her respect by putting her needs before his own can only cause resentment. The Lord proved His love for His wife by giving Himself for her. He always speaks kindly to her. He is always tender and patient with her. He reminds her constantly how precious she is to Him. She in return, delights in submission to His loving authority. “Husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for it.” Eph. 5:22-33.
Pastor Greg Elmquist
A certain seminary professor espousing man’s “free will” in salvation, but preferring to be known as a Calvinist rather than an Arminian, identified himself as a moderate and modified Calvinist.
He explained his moderate and modified Calvinism as follows. He believed in man’s depravity, but not his total depravity. He believed in the Father’s election of some to salvation, but not His unconditional election of them. He believed in Christ’s atonement for sinners, but not His limited atonement. He believed in the Spirit’s calling grace, but not His irresistible grace.
His moderate and modified Calvinism was classic Arminianism! He was what he denied being.
But he committed a far more serious error. His espousal of man’s “free will” required him to moderate man’s depravity and to modify God’s sovereignty and grace – and thereby deny God’s sovereign grace. And he demonstrated that they who espouse man’s “free will” cannot espouse God’s sovereignty and grace – for man’s “free will” and God’s sovereign grace are mutually exclusive.
Missionary Dan Parks
In the world and in the church, those who are most critical are always those who are most useless. Those who are quick to tear down, rarely do anything to build.
Pastor Don Fortner