We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by our Pastor, Mark Gladwell.
Today’s meetings:
9.45am Children’s Bible Club 10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage 11am Morning Service 6.30pm Evening Service
All are welcome to the after church fellowship at Mike and Rosemary’s
Weekly meetings:
Thursday 2.00pm Ladies Rest Hour - Speaker – Eddie Porter 7.45pm Bible study and prayer meeting - Speaker - Ralph
Sunday 11.00am & 6.30pm Sunday Services - Led by Pastor
Prayer for the church:
Let's praise God for honouring the work done in the name of Christ this week.
Let us continue to pray that the challenge of the gospel will bear fruit in many lives.
Let's pray that those feeling particularly tired may know the Lord’s refreshing grace.
Simon hopes to return to work in the near future. Pray that this may go smoothly.
Pray for Ralph as he prepares for taking the Bible Study at Whitstable on Wednesday evening then here on Thursday.
For Local Area :
Basildon is the church on the Prayer Diary for the coming week. The church thanks the Lord for:
The many ways in which he has blessed it over the past year
For the ministry of Mark Drury who has recently resigned from the pastorate.
The church asks prayer for the Lord’s guidance for the future for itself and also for Mark, Jo and the family as Mark takes a break from pastoral ministry.
For Wider Area :
The Grace World View – Monaco
Monaco is a tiny enclave on the Mediterranean Sea in south-eastern France. It is located near the French border with Italy. The land area is less than 2 square kilometres. The warm climate and beautiful scenery is part of the attraction for the large number of tourists who visit. A little more than 30,000 people live in Monaco. Over 80% of them are expatriate workers mostly from France or Italy. Only a small number are native to Monaco. Monaco with its Monte Carlo casino is a world famous tourist attraction that draws people from around the world. Tourism is the largest part of the economy. However, Monaco has also diversified into light industry and services. Monaco is a constitutional monarchy and has remained stable for many years. There is freedom of religion, but the Roman Catholic Church is the official state church. Over 70% of the population is listed as Catholic. Evangelicals are found almost entirely among the expatriates. There are a small number meeting in a handful of churches. Witnessing by evangelicals is strongly discouraged by the government. Pray for these few churches and evangelical believers. Pray for the Catholic majority that many might clearly hear the gospel and come to Christ. Monaco is also home to a Trans World Radio broadcasting station. The station reaches much of Europe and part of North Africa. Pray for this ministry - for funds to keep the station running, for wisdom in program selection and development, and for follow up on contacts made through the broadcasts.
Christian Czech and Slovak Gospel broadcasts are progressing on the Internet In 1975, Czech broadcasts were launched on shortwave from Radio HCJB in Ecuador. Slovak was added seven years later. Czech speakers Pavel and Klara Steiger later moved their broadcasting efforts to the Czech Republic to develop local FM broadcasting through a partnership between HCJB Global and TWR. In 2002, the shortwave broadcasts were finished and the move to Internet and satellite broadcasting began. Today, the Internet connects the Steigers with Czech-speaking people around the world. According to HCJB Global, the website (www.hcjb.cz) receives about 250 visitors per day. It also providing access to recent and archived programs as well as the ministry's bilingual magazine digest.
Weekly Bible Readings:
2 Samuel chapters 9 – 15 Mark chapter 11 – 16 and Luke chapter 1
Thought for the week:
But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him. Acts 2 v 24
General Announcements:
Holiday Bible Club It is with thanksgiving to God and gratitude to all friends for their prayers that we can report a very blessed H.B.C. 61 children were eligible for prizes on Thursday evening and we were thrilled to have so many present.
The gospel was clearly presented in the Easter story and some lovely craft activities undertaken. Craft groups were particularly grateful for help from our visiting helpers!
I am sure many of us were humbled by the real sacrifice that many made out of love for the Lord last week. We are reminded that God is no man’s debtor.