We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by our Pastor, Mark Gladwell.
Today’s meetings:
9.45am Children’s Bible Club 10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage 11am Morning Service 5.40pm Lord’s Table - Please see notes on reverse 6.30pm Evening Service
All are welcome to the after church fellowship at Joyce & Cliffs.
Weekly meetings:
Monday 6.30 pm church open for H.B.C. preparations. 8.00 pm Prayer and final planning. All welcome.
Tuesday – Thursday Church open from 8.45 am All helpers prayer meeting 9.25 am 10.00 am – 12.00 am Holiday Bible Club All helpers welcome to bring a packed lunch and enjoy fellowship.
Thursday 6.30 pm Holiday Bible Club prize giving and exhibition
Good Friday 11.00 am Service at Bexleyheath Chapel – speaker - Eddie Porter. Followed by Fish and Chip dinner. Please ensure your name is on the list if you want a lunch. Please bring a donation towards the cost of the food.
Sunday 11.00 & 6.30 Sunday Services - Led by Pastor
Prayer for the church:
Please pray for this weeks Holiday Bible Club. Pray that God may bless this work. Pray especially for Daniel, Mark and Sarah as they lead the talks. Pray that the work will be guarded by God’s sovereign care.
Please pray especially for Thursday evenings meeting.
Simon hopes to return to work in the near future. Pray that this may go smoothly.
For Local Area:
Clapham, Courland Grove is the church on our Prayer Diary for the coming week. Please pray for Paul and Ruth Reed in their retirement and for Jonathan and Abigail Gardner and their family as they settle into the church. Pray also that the church will know the Lord’s rich blessing.
For Wider Area:
CENTRAL ASIA - INCREASED HARASSMENT OF CHURCHES In Uzbekistan, police raided an unregistered church in Qarshi during the Sunday morning service on 25th February. Pastor Sergei Shandyvayev calmly continued the service, as the police began filming the service and everyone present. When the service ended the officers sealed the doors and recorded the name and address of all present. They interrogated the church members, asking them why they had become Christians and demanding to know from where the church received its funding. Following this the individual church rooms were searched and Christian literature was confiscated. A church in Osh, Kyrgyzstan was refused registration. The reason given that was that the church had previously been organising religious activities without registration. Pastor Nikitin, the church’s leader, said the decision was absurd. “Nothing in Kyrgyz law says that if a church has been functioning without registration and then wishes to obtain it, the Religious Affairs Committee has the right to refuse.” On 7th March Pastor Fauzi Gubaidullin in Shymkent, Kazakhstan, was given a three day custody sentence for failing to carry out a court order to close his unregistered church. The judge set the prison term to begin immediately, despite the fact that under Kazakh law Gubaidullin had 10 days in which to appeal his sentence. Gubaidullin was released on 10th March, and plans to appeal the sentence as unjust. At the same time as this apparent crackdown on churches and church leaders, Kazakhstan is also intending to introduce a new Religion Law which proposes even greater restrictions on religious activities than are already in place. If the law is passed in its current draft form it could mean that all unregistered religious activity would be banned, and registered religious communities with fewer than 50 members would be banned from publishing or importing religious literature, maintaining open places of worship or conducting charitable activity.
Pray for Christians in Central Asia to have wisdom and discernment concerning registration of their churches, and courage to continue their worship despite the possibility of opposition from the authorities.
Pray that churches who are in the process of trying to gain registration will not be obstructed from doing so, and that registered churches will not suffer unnecessary harassment.
Weekly Bible Readings:
Mon 2nd Apr 2 Samuel 2 Mark 4
Tue 3rd Apr 2 Samuel 3 Mark 5
Wed 4th Apr 2 Samuel 4 Mark 6
Thur 5th Apr 2 Samuel 5 Mark 7
Fri 6th Apr 2 Samuel 6 Mark 8
Sat 7th Apr 2 Samuel 7 Mark 9
Sun 8th Apr 2 Samuel 8 Mark 10
Thought for the week:
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galations 6 v 9
General Announcements:
Lord’s Table: We invite visitors who are active members of an evangelical church and have been baptized by immersion to commune at the Lords Table. Friends who are not eligible to participate are welcome to observe but are kindly asked to refrain from taking the bread and wine.
Please note that for the next two weeks, the keep fit meetings have been postponed due to the Holiday Bible Club activities and the Bank Holiday.