I have two great desires every time I preach. I desire that the Lord would be pleased to use the message to save His lost sheep and that He would comfort the hearts of His people. There is only one way both of those desires can be accomplished at the same time. It is to preach Christ alone. The only way a sinner will be saved is through the preaching of Christ, the Savior of sinners. The only way the hearts of saints will be comforted is also through the preaching of Christ.
When the Lord came walking on the water to His disciples who were so full of fear as they were being tossed about in the stormy sea, the way He comforted their hearts was to tell them “It is I; be not afraid” (John 6:20). All it took to comfort their hearts was to see the Lord Jesus Christ. He didn’t even have to tell them how or when He was going to deliver them. All it took to comfort them was to see the Lord.
So by God’s grace, I intend to continue to preach nothing except Christ and Him crucified. All a lost sinner needs in order to be saved is to see Christ. I say to you, “Look and live!” And all a suffering saint needs to see in order to be comforted is to see Christ our Savior. I say to you, “Behold it is the Lord, be not afraid!”
Brother Scott Richardson once said, "There is a point where God and men must meet, whether in grace or judgment and that point is where both are revealed as they are.
Preaching Christ Alone
Why do I continue to preach to you Christ alone? Why do I continue to preach to you, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved?”
I preach Christ alone, because salvation is so important. If it were not a matter of the life and death of your soul, and that of your children, I could come before you this morning and give you my theories. But I must tell you the truth. We are by nature, lost, without Christ, separated from God, without hope, without life, without God in this world. We are condemned members of a condemned race, and soon our life on this earth will be over, our body will return to the earth, we will be stripped of all this covering, and our immortal soul will stand naked before God in judgment. God will demand 2 things of us in that day: Complete satisfaction for all our sin, and a perfect righteousness. They are only found in Christ alone. If I die without Christ, I die without hope. But if I have Christ, I have eternal life.
I preach Christ alone because salvation is not something we can get by something we do. Those who come to God come through the merits and righteousness of Christ. We come when we see that He is the only way to God. Good works, religious reformation, baptism, prayer, tears, vows and resolutions will never bring salvation. If you are trying to do something in order to find favor with God, quit it! Trust in Christ alone. Only in Christ is salvation, and He is the way, the truth, and the life of salvation. The good news is rest, cease from your labors. There is no salvation in any other place. But there is salvation in Christ. "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." We have no other hope but Christ who is our only hope.
Pastor Milton Howard
The perfection of God is a source of sweetest consolation to us in our feebleness and foolishness. If He were not omniscient, we might suffer and He not know. If He were not omnipresent, we might cry and He not hear. If He were not omnipotent, we might perish and He be unable to help. If He were not good, He would not care for us, or might crush us.
Christopher Newman Hall (1816-1902) (paragraph structure alt’d)