We would like to extend a warm welcome to you for our services today which are led by our pastor Mark Gladwell.
Today’s meetings
9.45am Children’s Bible Club
10.15am Sunday Prayer Meeting in cottage
11am Morning Service
6.30pm Evening Service - All are welcome to the after church fellowship.
Weekly meetings
Tuesday 7.30 SE District Committee (Gravesend)
Wednesday 9.30 to 11 Mums & Tots 3.45 to 4.45 Children’s Hour 6.45 to 8.00 KIC club for Year 5 & 6 children
Thursday 2.00 Ladies Rest Hour Speaker – Mrs. Porter 7.45 Bible study and prayer meeting Speaker – Paul - John 15 v 26 - John 16 v 15 "Victorious or vanquished?"
Friday 7.30 to 9.00 FOY for secondary school children
Sunday 11.00 & 6.30 Sunday Services Led by Pastor
Prayer for the church
Pray for Mark Roper as he plans to move on 9th March
Please continue to pray that Simon will be strengthened by the Lord and soon able to return to work.
Also pray for Mark Tracey with his current work situation
Continue to pray for our local churches without pastors and few committed workers.
Please pray for Joan Whyte from Bexleyheath who had an emergency operation for a perforated appendix on Friday.
Pray for God’s blessing upon each of the weekly mtgs:
That all the children may attend regularly. That leaders may undertake all their work in prayerful dependence upon Christ. That leaders will be given all the grace needed. That the church will be diligent in prayer that we may see conversions ultimately resulting from all these outreach activities. That we will be given the sensitivity to encourage one another in the work of the Lord.
For the local area
Brighton (Montpellier Place) The church requests prayer for: A special outreach to mark the Chinese New Year in Hove Town Hall between 12 noon and 4.00pm on Sunday. The regular weekly outreach in Churchill Square. A young member of the church involved in the leadership of the Christian Union at Sussex University. A deeper and more serious commitment from regular visitors to the church. A real sense of unity as we go forward in the cause of Christ.
For the wider area
The Grace World View – Mexico Mexico is culturally Roman Catholic, but few are faithful to the church. The number of evangelicals has been growing, but that growth is meeting with growing, sometimes violent resistance. Mexico is located in Central America on the southern border of the United States. The country has a variety of terrain from mountains to coastal plains to desert. The climate is tropical. More than 107 million people live in Mexico. The Mestizo people, a mixture of Spanish and native Indian, account for about 60% of the population. Another 30% are native Indians. Mexico has moved toward a free market economy, but the transition has not been entirely smooth. While some have benefited from economic growth, unemployment remains high and many live in poverty. A large number work in the United States, some illegally, to send money back home to their families. Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821. A revolution in the early 1900's established the government as a republic, but one party effectively ruled until the 2000 elections when an opposition party candidate was elected president. There is freedom of religion. Although the Mexican government has had its differences with the Roman Catholic Church, Catholicism is part of the Mexican culture. Approximately 90% of the people are classified as Catholic. Evangelization can be difficult because many equate Catholicism with Mexican nationalism and are offended by protestant missions. Still, evangelicals have enjoyed steady growth and now account for nearly 7% of the population. However, evangelicals have been subjected to more persecution in recent years. Some Catholics view them as unpatriotic. Pray for believers that they may be Christ-like in their response to persecution. Pray that their witness would be bold and their numbers would continue to grow. After years of restrictions, missionary visas are now available. Pray for those labouring in Mexico. The majority is from the United States, but Americans are often viewed with suspicion. Pray that these barriers would be broken down and that many more would hear the gospel. Native religions are still widely practiced in some areas, particularly in the poorer southern states. Pray that the power of the occult would be broken and those tempted to mix the occult with Christianity would see the sufficiency of Christ alone.
Weekly Bible readings
Mon 26th Feb Ruth 2 Revelation 19
Tue 27th Feb Ruth 3 Revelation 20
Wed 28th Feb Ruth 4 Revelation 21
Thur 1st Mar 1 Samuel 1 Revelation 22
Fri 2nd Mar 1 Samuel 2 Matthew 1
Sat 3rd Mar 1 Samuel 3 Matthew 2
Sun 4th Mar 1 Samuel 4 Matthew 3
Thought for the week:
“I am God and there is none like Me.” Isaiah 46:9
General Announcements
Cleaning Rota (this week) - Mark and Debbie Door Rota (next Sun) – David Wayman
Want to get fit? If you would like to have some fun getting fit, please see either Sarah or Debbie. This is open to everyone on a Monday evening from 7.30 pm.
Dates for Diary
Saturday 3rd March - 4 p.m. New Cross Welcome Meeting for their new pastor.
Please note – Harvest Thanksgiving service has been changed to Sunday 30th September. Tea 4p.m. Family Service 5p.m.