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Sermon6/15/2021 5:29 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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6 Days Or Millions Of Years
Jeff Arthur
“ Great Sermon! ”
My brother I thank The Master for gifting you the power to preach His Word. You are indeed a faithful to the Word servant..

Sermon4/21/2021 11:03 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Break up your fallow ground
Dr. David Mackereth
“ Great Sermon! ”
This was a Blessing beyond measure; my sincere thanks to both The Triune God and yourself for being open to the prompting and guidance of The Holy Spirit.. For surely a Word such as this can only be completed when ones heart is open to The Master. Blessings to you and yours my brother.

Sermon3/10/2021 2:28 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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The Believer's Helper
Rev. Derek Erwin
“ Great Sermon! ”
My dear brother, having just woke this morning coincidentally at 07:07 am, after a disturbed sleep I needed to hear the/of word of/from God our Heavenly Father. So, bleary eyed I searched sermon audio the topic of prayer. I am grateful to ‘the Helper’ for guideding me to your teaching, for indeed I have been blessed and encouraged as I listened to your words. Isn’t Grace both wonderful and a blessing, a balm to our souls indeed in time of trouble

News Item11/8/2020 6:10 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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As a Brit who commended President Trump, not a perfect man, but a flawed man who openly loves his country. Mr Biden on the other hand an openly corrupt individual.
I would assert that America, if in the final analysis selects Biden and Harris; you have selected the two most corrupt individuals in the history of your wonderful republic.
I would urge Christians to pray without ceasing that President Trump is re-elected. Surely only a ‘non thinker’ would out of the two men prefer Mr Biden.
As for my fellow Brit who asserts that President Trump is an perceived as an embarrassment outside the USA, I disagree with this assessment, for sure he is perceived as such, BUT only by the fake news media which in the UK is every bit as fake as the media in the US; I give you the BBC as a prime example.
So pray brethren for President Trump, if for nothing else, he is faithful to Israel, he is against, unlike Biden & co against abortion. TWO very good reasons to pray for the man.

Sermon11/8/2020 5:57 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What joy my brother knowing you are preaching in the house of God during these difficult days. May our Heavenly Father Bless you in the most profound way.

News Item11/8/2020 2:24 AM
Hugh | Scotland  Find all comments by Hugh
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Hope you are right Dr. Tim, I saw on Facebook an item about a very talented piano player from Russia of whom it is said that while in the womb any time the mother listened to classical music he responded to it,and the pro-abortion people like Harris condemn to death any child in a womb just because it is inconvenient .

News Item10/19/2020 5:42 AM
Hugh | Scotland  Find all comments by Hugh
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We are governed by ever increasing control freaks , don’t ask them to build ships , hospitals, or run exams they can’t the power hunger in them they can’t hide as they believe that it is only more and more government control over the family that is for best , the Scottish Parliament have consistently shown their unwillingness to listen, they also can’t tell the difference between a smack given in love to discipline and a blow of brutality. It seems to me more and more they want to be the controlling influence in society. One thing else there is no fear of God in them.

News Item10/10/2020 3:44 AM
Hugh | Scotland  Find all comments by Hugh
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Can I use this platform to commend the people of the State of Missouri in their choice of Senator. I have listened to a few politicians and commentators lately and your Mr Hawley is the most refreshing speaker I have heard. Hope he continues and more like him would serve your great Country. God bless.

News Item8/30/2020 8:22 AM
Hugh | Scotland  Find all comments by Hugh
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Will they not fall on their own sword. Is it not very evident the hatred they have in their own heart , they cannot hide it or contain it, listen to one any time they speak. The ones I have heard speaking you can sense the venom they have towards Christians. We must learn to use the law if it becomes law to prevent them pouring out their hatred towards us, as citizens the law is there to protect us, but I would not put any trust in our rulers and judges ref Psalm 2
Let us be aware we could be getting closer to a time of persecution and if it happens keep in mind “ if God is for us who can be against us†our end is safe and may He find us faithful to the end.

News Item8/23/2020 9:19 AM
Hugh | Scotland  Find all comments by Hugh
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Sport Clubs and Sportsmen as well as media people have been very lazy or very gullible. They obviously have taken the BLM line without seeking out the source of the movement. I would say if people looked into and investigated BLM its support would drop away.
It is against all the things that give stability to community ie family, fatherhood, gender = 2, they are all for abortion, anti police etc
Waken up Joe Bloggs before it is too late

News Item7/31/2020 10:22 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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One is profoundly sad that Mr Mcarthur has yet to repent on his statement, ‘you can take the mark of the beast worship Satan and still be saved.’
For me this is a great shame, Mr Mcarthur has spent decades in faithful service, So very sad. that he sees no need to recant this lie.

News Item7/26/2020 8:43 AM
Hugh | Scotland  Find all comments by Hugh
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Are Barclay’s spineless, or are the activists so full of fear of losing their argument that they use every way they can, to snuff out those who take an opposing view.

News Item7/26/2020 7:41 AM
Hugh | Scotland  Find all comments by Hugh
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Well done to Sam Coonrod for not blindly following the crowd. The B. L. M. movement also endorses abortion (as far as I can find out ) which is an act which has a total disregard for Life.

Sermon7/1/2020 9:52 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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“ Great Sermon! ”
My dear brother, you are indeed, a Blessed man of the Living God.

Sermon6/27/2020 9:10 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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“ Great Sermon! ”
My dear brother, thank you for a word in season. . I was challenged in the most positive way whilst cycling to Balloch from the West End of Glasgow . It was indeed my pleasure to have the company of both the Holy Spirit. And yourself as the word was opened into my heart.... It may well have been raining cats n dogs, but the company was divine.

News Item6/24/2020 5:43 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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I was chatting a few days ago to a recently retired department head of one of Scotland’s premier higher education institutions. This individual has and always was very left leaning, they said it was their responsibility to teach that ‘Left is good, The Right and capitalism was very bad!
I honestly believed that (until this conversation) that all allegations re institutionalised extreme left views being pushed to students was nothing more than ‘ right wing silliness’ Boy! Am I late coming to this realisation! 😳😳ðŸ˜
And before my conversion I was a practicing member of the The UK Communist party!

News Item6/17/2020 5:57 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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An excellent and timely quote from Spurgeon

News Item6/12/2020 3:12 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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I have over the years read some silliness in Christian literature, however this insanity takes the biscuit .

Sermon5/24/2020 8:57 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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“ Great Sermon! ”
My dearest brother Jeff, just to say you are in my thoughts often. Just the other day Friday I believe! I had downloaded this sermon along with three others on my new phone. . My brother it was a delight to have both you and the Lords company as I listened to these inspired sermons as I (using my outdoor exercise time during this covid business) to walk in my local botanical gardens feeding the squirrels, crows and the whole panoply of songbirds. Yes Jeff it was a lovely walk, the three of us in the Spirit walking in the deluge of a rainfall. In His time my friend I shall shake your hand in Glory, and look forward too shaking your dads hand also... Come soon Lord Jesus.

Sermon4/4/2020 6:07 PM
Hugh | Scotland  Find all comments by Hugh
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Revival On The Isle Of Lewis
Rev. Duncan Campbell
“ Great Sermon! ”
Onde never tires of listening to the word being preached faithfully and of hearing first hand accounts of a real awakening, a movement of God is a wonder to behold. My prayer (one of them) is for the Lord to use this time of pandemic to revive His church, bring back to Him all those whom have backslid. That His church would be revived, and in His Mercy and Grace, cause a world wide awakening, it seems to me at any rate, time is running out for the lost. We are ever so near I believe to the return of our Saviour; then it will be too late for all those millions of lost souls. PLEASE PRAY FOR A CHURCH REVIVAL AND AN AWAKENING OF THE LOST.
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