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News Item3/4/18 8:10 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Grr I typed my thoughts and have no idea where they went!!!!
Anyways!!! I shall restart!!
I am confident that those whom suggest dumping their remains in a bag at the side of the kerb!!
I reckon these brothers were talking tongue in cheek!!
However , we can't play fast and loose with this topic and above act disrespectfully with our remains.
Our saviour Christ was just thrown on a rubbish heap. He was taken down, earlier than usual he was taken respected and buried in a new tomb.
This of course to allow God show the risen Saviour arisen and in health to the believers at that time......
I think likewise we should treat our remains respectfully as we are His good workmanship.
My Maggie was cremated, and I keep her remains in a small casket in our bedroom....
I KNOW she is with The Master singing praises to God and thanking Him for answered prayer, well she would like to, in truth she will be overwhelmed by the Glory of God...
I beseech you fellow saints, if we can, look after our family's look after saints in your fellowship and beyond whom are in need....
The remainder, have a budget funeral, why loads cash on a monument to your bones or the like when you will have a mansion in Heaven

News Item3/4/18 10:20 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Burial or cremation matter little to me, I am confident my God will if he wants resurrect both my late wife (whose created remains) lye in a casket and if I am not called home before He returns then resurrect me from my remains also. ....
As for John and his grand plans, rather than selfishly build a monument to yourself John, why not consider giving your riches to those needy either in your fellowship or beyond...
For when we are absent from the body we shall be in Glory..what good a monument to your bones my friend??
No reply needed John was just me musing, absolutely no offence was intended, lest any was taken.

News Item3/4/18 10:07 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Let's pray whilst there, he offers a grovelling apology for the UK voting agains Israel in the UN.
Whilst I have some respect for young William, I wouldn't trust his brother Harry as far as I could throw him..

News Item3/3/18 4:25 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Poor victims, my heart goes out to them.
Another example of the barbarism of Islam. And the way they are ingratiating themselves into European democracies. It is only a matter of time before sharia will affect us all.
In parts of England they have their own sharia courts just now, and, given the the way the Scottish government handles things , sharia courts will be here next....
Despite my loathing of all aspects of islam, they certainly know how to play the long game.

News Item3/3/18 4:13 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Dr Tim,
I am sure that makes sense to you ;-)

News Item3/2/18 11:37 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Steve Doring ;
Re your comment, with a rather sarcastic tone to it I have to say.
You should note that after the Dunblane tragedy, Scots law was amended to make near impossible to own a firearm by that I mean a handgun.
II own a few sporting guns, i.e. Twelve gauge shotguns . And believe me the hoops you have to jump through to own these is extraordinary...
So yes we had Dunblane, But we did something to make it very very difficult to own a firearm. This was and is an inconvenience for many. But rather that than go through another Dunblane.
I fully accept that gun culture in the USA is a different beast, but at the same time I shake my head in disbelief that a country like the USA couldn't come up with fairer but firmer rules/laws when it comes down to gun ownership.
And please don't get me started on the need for anyone outside the military to own some of the firearms that are on general sale in your country. Tis truly mind boggling for any non USA resident
God Bless
Oh and as I type!!!!! There is another school or college shooting being reported in the USA on the UK news feeds
You guys will never learn methinks

News Item3/1/18 9:16 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Dave from Oz,
Given you seem to get so many comments removed by the moderator;
Could you not state what you have to say without using terminology that seems to irk the moderators so?
We or at least I , could well be better informed if we/I could actually read what you take the time and effort to write

News Item3/1/18 9:01 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Instead of sending those sad miscreants to my beloved Scotland ;
Why not just adopt into USA law ,Scottish law. Where it's illegal to own a handgun outside of the confines of a lawful gun club.
The greatest tragedy is in my view, that the wonderful USA will learn little from this, and the future like the past will see history repeating itself .
And more little innocents lives will be cut short. As I have commented before in other threads, for the USA , the gun genie is outa the bottle and it ain't going back in .

Gods' blessings on one and all

News Item2/11/18 5:11 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Sadly Glasgow, the biggest city in Scotland; also has the biggest Mosque/compound in Europe.
Whatever next I often ponder, but take absolute solace in the Fact;
He, is still in control!

News Item2/11/18 5:00 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Carl Haydock; Consider done. Still working through the grief process myself, which is still raw.
I can identify with the stomach churning emptyness you and your family are experiencing just now.
May our Heavenly Father, by His Spirit minister to you and your family at this, the saddest of times.
God Bless

News Item2/7/18 7:53 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Simple answer is, NO!!

BUT, on reflection, we had a recent thread where there was much discussion on topic of Loneliness. I "think" that it was about loneliness in society in general.

However the posts also included Loneliness experienced by church folk, particularly those that whilst in their earlier life faithful workers in a fellowship, but through health, age or infirmity, just faded out of folks memories, only to be brought back to them when the Pastor, or Minister gave the sad announcement of their passing. THIS, whilst sad news, could bring back many happy memories of a previous possibly for years active church member.

My point, (a little long winded) wouldn't it be brilliant, that using this or similar technology where a church service could somehow be relayed, say through SA or other broadcasting site, BUT use the opportunity for on a volunteer basis, one or two physically able folk to go and spend the duration of the service with, what we called "The Shut Ins" not the best name perhaps.
But, I am confident that those stuck at home would love too have regular fellowship with other church members particularly on Sunday morning as the service is live....

Let us strive to use technology for the blessing of those unfortunate in our fellowship: All could be Bles

News Item2/7/18 4:39 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Great comments also when debating many Scriptural disciplines a host of different opinions.
For me I side with Kev and Watcher.
Simple Legalism!
It's all about The Master , surely know one can disagree with that!!!!!

News Item2/6/18 5:16 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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I believe that, going by my experience only that is; That believers fall far short of the mark when it comes to looking after the older housebound generations of church members...
having changed church a few times, due to relocation in the past 40 years since my conversion, ..
One often heard of this or that individual who was a faithful member of the fellowship had past away.
On asking about on more than one occasion sadly, you learned about the work of these individuals, whilst discovering they had all but been forgotten about. It seems even in the best of fellowships we can be guilty of, out of site out of mind.
I guess it's just yet another area of our Christian lives that need improvement.
Come soon Lord Jesus,

News Item2/4/18 10:21 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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I neither use Facebook or twitter .
I have in the past used twitter, once I got šŸ’Æ "friends/followers" I would shut down the account . Assuming that there is nowhere near a šŸ’Æ folk who would really like to be my friend!!
On twitter you get plagued with, follow me and I follow back!!!! Utter shallow nonsense

News Item2/4/18 5:23 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Cripes, when I look back at my early conversion days, when I changed the use of my left wing trade union notice board; To a daily scripture reading board , which was generally accepted by all....
Changed days even here in the U.K. Where today I would probably loose my job for some hate crime or other'!!

News Item2/3/18 7:45 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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re couple of comments on, "how your ox was gored" I offer the following link to an excellent talk by a much learned Messianic Christian Preacher, Whom is a blessed preacher and teacher;

The chat about loosing social media pages!

Why collectively do Christians not abandon social media altogether three days a wk, and all spend time in prayer on a certain topic, we all agree on.

lets start a #letsallpray using the time that was used on social media, and look forward to a God movement.

News Item1/30/18 4:31 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Aye, you are probably right doc, but a true believer resisting such is, unbelievable!!!
Can it truly be so? Surely not, but I guess in these last days anything is possible, may God forgive and bring them to repentance.

News Item1/30/18 3:50 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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It may be guns in America, it will be something else say here in the U.K or anywhere else.
As we all know the world is going to hell in a handcart!
I realise there will be diverse opinions here on the Masters return, post trib pre tribe etc etc What matters is HE is coming back! šŸ˜ and Brethren, what a time it shall be, God willing I look forward to meeting in person some of the sages here on SA.
Connor, I love the Irish, in fact am looking forward to my first trip there in the Spring.
I pray Gods' Blessings on all visitors to SA

News Item1/27/18 1:25 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Thousands murdered each year!!!!!!
All the family's and extended family members affected by these killings, Its breathtakingly sad.
Oh if The Lord by His Spirit would touch that country by an awakening, how wonderful would that be.
Then again, it would be wonderful for it to happen anywhere. The last awakening in the U.K. Was on the Isle of Lewis off the west coast of Scotland, so long ago,
I often ponder as to why the Saints all over the world, are not burdened to pray for an awakening!!
My apologies for rambling, I am in a reflective mood I guess!!

News Item1/25/18 6:56 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Country Boy, I am unsure to what you are alluding, I would be grateful therefore if you could explain a little more what you mean. cheers.
Just a Guy; I understand, but respectfully disagree. If someone has a desire to kill folk, then he/she has lost their moral compass, but let's say they decide to kill, if guns were only available at or rather kept in gun clubs at ranges, then it would be more difficult for the average deranged person to easily get their hands on say an automatic rifle etc.
Sadly for the wonderful USA the Genie cant be put back in the tragically there will continue to more cases like this school shooting, and nothing but the return of our Master will consign such disasters to history, and be no more in out memory. Praise God.
Quiet Christian; like most of your posts, another well thought out argument; I have read a little about your Constitution, and the paragraphs regarding the right to bear arms etc. However, whilst I agree at that time it was a wise decision. But would you not agree if the framers of the Constitution were here today, or more particularly in the late 20th century, they would be strongly arguing to amend certain sections of the aforementioned Constitution?
Sadly our Christian influence on society diminishes daily
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