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News Item3/22/18 6:17 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Apologies John,
There is a thread on this same topic titled "Supreme Court" forget full title as I am doing this on my fone .
But it's about the pro life folk putting their case to the Supreme Court , against what they claim is a breach of their First amendment right, as the local state is forcing them to advertise abortion in pro life clinics....
That's the long winded version of topic title .
But, when you press to add a comment , it doesn't give you the facility to do so.
Maybe it's a technical thing , I just wondered, or is there sometimes news threads that you are not allowed to comment on, as they are only for information purposes....
Hope this clears up my first post John, or more than likely makes it muddier !!!!

News Item3/22/18 11:48 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Hi, can anyone tell me why some topics don't allow comments to be posted!
I.e. On a thread on this topic re Supreme Court doesn't allow comments..?!

News Item3/22/18 4:54 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Well said Youth in Asia, well said indeed.

News Item3/20/18 6:26 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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John UK
Brother, i have tried to reply at length to your comments a few times ; but each time my text seemed to disappear into the ether that is the web!!!
So for the moment I shall keep quiet, and if it's right we shall return to the wonderful topic of revival/awakening.
Praise God in Heaven

News Item3/18/18 7:32 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Dr Tim ;
Succinctly stated my brother.
The intention of my earlier comment was; simply to engage them, show Christian love, whilst at the same time, informing them of a clear Gospel msg.
After all, if believing folk don't engage with the politically active, other than it being the Fathers will; I would be still an active member of the communist party.
I am ETERNALLY grateful , of course to our Heavenly Father
But also to the Saints who prayed and took the time to talk to me and point out the error of my ways. In love
Isn't Grace a humbling experience.
God's Blessings on one and all

News Item3/18/18 7:27 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Dr Tim ;
Succinctly stated my brother.
The intention of my earlier comment was; simply to engage them, show Christian love, whilst at the same time, informing them of a clear Gospel msg.
After all, if believing folk don't engage with the politically active, other than it being the Fathers will
I would be still being an active member of the communist party.
Apart, of course from our Heavenly Father

News Item3/18/18 7:15 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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John UK
I tend to think you have hit the nail on the head, so to speak.
I have been thinking; like many, that we are rushing at breakneck speed toward a cashless society, which has only one goal.
To prepare the way for antichrist, and the introduction of taking the mark.
After all, whilst the son of perdition is no doubt desperate to make his earthly appearance. The stage must be set, and the conditions in place where, taking the mark will be technically possible to implement.
As a non pretrib believer, I believe that the Saints alive at the time will recognise him for who he is...
We are in for a rough 31/2 years from the date of us recognising the son of perdition

News Item3/17/18 7:55 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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John UK
Can't say that I agree, I get it that The Lord made us different etc, but in my experience many many female believers think along the lines of many guys , and vice-versa.
I can think of a few Godly women who deffo very much disagree with you brother šŸ˜
But, hey man, believers will be agreeing and disagreeing with each other until The Lord comes back šŸ˜
Carol, apologies if I have offended in anyway ; I was simply musing as to why so few of our sisters comment on the various threads...
Maybe John is right in his analysis!!
The last revival in the UK was started because God prompted two Godly sisters on the Isle of Lewis to start praying for the same. Praise God they responded to His prompting .
God Bless

News Item3/17/18 7:40 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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I understand what you are saying, particularly re the SNP and their dogmatic leader.
Believe me as a former card carrying member of the CP I get what you are saying, ;
However, just calling them out, is nothing more than a waste of breath.
We have to show love, we have to be a bright light in a dark world.
I wish I had the answers, I really do. But, what we do have in our corner, is the King of Kings ;
Only, I believe, by getting on our knees, pleading with The Master and be willing to go face to face with our own local politician and explain in love, how as individuals and as a group that anti Christian policies are ; offensive to God , to us as individual believers, and explain the consequences of ignoring God and His guidance in the scriptures.
The above I confess from experience, is rarely welcomed. However if we as believers discharge our individual responsibility, then we go forward to the next challenge when they come up with other legislation that offends.
Then we act consistently, and go back to face them again, otherwise, all we are doing is sounding off, (I am not accusing anyone here of that)
One of the hardest things I find in my walk, is consistency.
As my late wife used to often say, "if you can't walk the walk, then don't talk the talk"

News Item3/17/18 3:28 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Whether homosexual or not ; most all politicians are naught but unrepentant sinners.
Here in Scotland when we vote in national elections, the Labour Party (democrat) or Conservative party (GOP) both are led by openly lesbian women.... Green Party by homosexual man'
So how then are believers to vote???
Brothers, this is the world we live in, and it will only get worse in the months and years to come .
Come soon Lord Jesus, by your Spirit help us to endure and remain strong in our Faith

News Item3/17/18 9:27 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Buckeye; thanks in particular for your first post on this thread.
Dr Tim, dude, you are a hoot, just love your humour man.
Re women and makeup, less is definitely more.
For every tattoo a female has it incrimentaly reduces her attractiveness as a person....
Particularly on the outside...
Just to say, one wonders why there isn't more women posters here on SA !!!

News Item3/10/18 2:18 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Carol, I am delighted that our musings on such a sensitive topic has been a help to you.
John , I understand now cheers, still think it was a brave move going on a tour.
I couldn't have done that, but kudos to you brother.
Ā£7k !!! That's a lot of money, I shall have to look further into this, I did intend to do it this summer God willing, your info shall act as impetuous for me to get a move on as it will only get more expensive.
I am currently at a Christian Conference in Cheshire, two Godly converted Jewish brothers are teaching.
I highly recommend Jacob Prasch to you, he is an excellent end times teacher, with a brain the size of a bus!!!!
Check him out on you tube,
He is a brash New Yorker, who calls a spade a spade!!!!
And isn't slow to call out the money preachers !!
Something that's long overdue I believe from well known Christian preachers.
God Bless brother

News Item3/8/18 12:31 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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BWS to answer you, methinks he would treat like the Harlot it's it the way he opined against the Church of Rome ...
I am sure The Lord has removed the lamp stand of this abomination of a so called church.
As John U.K. sais, he would prefer to read guidelines from the Free Church, which is a proper Presbyterian fellowship.
The current COS is a sham, in addition, they passed a resolution that said Jews have no historical right to Israel.
May God have mercy on them

News Item3/8/18 12:24 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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John UK
Dude, not sure who organised your birthday treat, but I could have thought of more pleasant ways to spend that special day lol
That said, I was offered similar by a friend of my late wife's , I respectfully declined;-)
In our local crematorium there is a Garden of Rest, a nice private quiet place where many choose to spread the ashes of their loved ones, having done this in the past for a relative, I was still surprised at the amount of grey ash amongst the soil...
I intend to have a small cremation plot, with a headstone for Mags and myself. Our kids say they would like somewhere to go to chat to us..
So the field you described, do they prepare the hole in advance for you and plant Lilly's as well? Or is that something the family or others have to do?
It does seem like a nice elegant solution I have to say John

News Item3/6/18 2:21 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Much as it saddens me to say Dr Tim, *smile*
I completely concur.

News Item3/5/18 7:19 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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So many interpretations, how does on choose!?
As I was converted from communism by the Grace of God and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Whilst reading the KJV, then Tis to that one shall remain loyal, and continue to strive with the Holy Spirit for elucidation...
Of course more than ably tutored and assisted with educators the like of James Jacob Prasch.
Amongst other learned men;; in me they have the dullest instrument with which to work, sadly

News Item3/5/18 7:19 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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So many interpretations, how does on choose!?
As I was converted from communism by the Grace of God and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Whilst reading the KJV, then Tis to that one shall remain loyal, and continue to strive with the Holy Spirit for elucidation...
Of course more than ably tutored and assisted with educators the like of James Jacob Prasch.
Amongst other learned men;; in me they have the dullest instrument with which to work, sadly

News Item3/5/18 7:08 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Memo to self ;
Don't allow yourself to be drawn off topic, stay on point, be respectful to subject under discussion.

News Item3/5/18 5:05 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Happy to hear that John UK thanks.
Edward Bear, just because you decide on a cremation , that does not preclude you from still having a grave plot.
Here in the UK where space is a concern, as well as cost to be honest.
Majority opt for cremation, and in my experience a CHRISTIAN funeral in a crematorium is often used as an opportunity to give a clear Gospel message.
My friend asked me to conduct his funeral service, he had terminal cancer, a man more set against the Gospel would be hard to find.
However, Billy surrendered his life to Christ in full repentance and The Lord took him home some wks later...
My point being, I knew that a load of his workmates were attending the funeral service in the crematorium. ; Believe me I was Delighted to inform them of Billy's conversion.
Suffice to say, there was much conversation about it afterwards as we shared a meal.
Tis a truism indeed, there are no atheists on their deathbed. I am however confident that one day, I will shake his hand in Glory
God Bless

News Item3/4/18 8:13 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Jesus Christ WASNT just thrown down on a rubbish heap
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