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News Item12/26/10 6:56 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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This is what happens when the majority of professing Christians don't open their Bibles much les believe them. This is what happens when there is no quality control in Church membership and the emphasis is just on quantity. This is what happens when unbelievers are given Church membership and the right to vote on Church policy, pastors, elders and deacons. When paid workers give fireside chats to scratch itching ears and tell fables from the pulpit instead of proclaim the full word of the holy LORD God.

News Item12/19/10 4:39 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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Evil florishes when good people do/say nothing against it. They do nothing so to save their comfort, reputation, standing, or even lives. According to Jesus, such people will lose their lives and their souls (Ezekiel 33:1-1; Luke 17:33).

News Item12/19/10 4:18 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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A quarter of a century ago, I got sucked into something that was purported to me to be
"the new Christianity". It was called "The New Age Movement." I was sucked in partly because this new Christianity allowed me to indulge my own sin nature and partly because I was too biblically illiterate to know what real Christianity is. Actually reading the Bible cured this. Unfortunately like this article says, fewer and fewer professing Christians want to do this, thus the church is now as post modernly "New Age" as my New age friends were back 25 years ago. They don't read the Bible and when they do they interpret it out of context and read into it what they think so as to be relevant to their precious little world; their reality. Thus as in Philipians2:21, all seeks their own, not the things which are of Christ Jesus (as he reveals Himself in His word, the Bible).

Sermon11/7/10 7:58 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Is the government's and societies' acceptance of this perversion slowing the frequency of gay suicide or has it not had any effect at all? Surely the fact that those poor sodomites can marry one another has helped in recent years hasn't it?

News Item11/7/10 7:54 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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This one makes as bout as much sense as Oprah blaming Michelle Obama for her latest weight gain. I saw that one in the tabloids too.

News Item10/31/10 5:15 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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And they say President Obama is a Christian? Even he says this? Well certainly not like the apostle Paul or Moses defines it. God clearly says in His word this lifestyle is an "abomination" (Lev. 18:22, 20:13) and a "vile affection" (Rom.1:26-28).
Both Moses and Paul would define Christian as a follower, disciple, or ...imitator of Christ who is God in the flesh (Eph. 5:1, Lev. 11:44 Acts 11:26). And Peter would concur with this ( 1Pet 1:15-16).

News Item10/17/10 4:21 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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Wow! I would think the people of New York would be proud to vote for a man of principle like this. Why would they not want a man who doesn't cow tow to poltically correct spin doctors and lobbyists but fears God enough not to endorse and do what he knows is wrong?

No matter how much people parade perversions like sodomy, no matter how many people are cow towed to endorse it. Everyone knows in his heart it is wrong and that is why they (sodomites) feel they need to get the acceptance of others so desperately. Then they can blame them too. Also, they feel there is strength in numbers, even at the judgement seat of the Almighty. What fools are these!

News Item8/30/10 7:45 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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I guess the hard hats have rights too. They have a right not to build this Obamanation. Stick to your guns boys!

News Item8/22/10 12:32 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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What a bunch of B*** ***t. These peoples' religion says to spread their poison by the sword, or in this case, by the bomb. Freedom ends for you when you go outside the law. Flying airplanes into buildings and killing thousands of US citizens (and others) is outside the law.

this man defines a traitor. And worse, he's the president, how did that happen? Oh, traitors elected him.

News Item8/22/10 12:22 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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I am surprised they are not unanimously against a mosque on ground zero. It would be a insult to the memory of those who perished there, no question. I am sure it is intended as a victory memorial by Islam., as is the super mosque intended across the street from the Olympics in London is a memorial to Munich. Anyone who can't see this needs to give their head a shake.

News Item8/15/10 3:52 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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The US constitution defends “God given” inalienable rights. The right for homosexuals to raise children is not God given. If it were, artificial means of getting children by homosexuals would not be needed. As it is, only heterosexual couples can conceive children naturally. In fact, the getting of children is a natural bi-product of heterosexual marriage unless artificial means are used to stop it.

So if it is natural for a child to have both a mother and a father, how can an unnatural family not cause harm to children?

Something doesn't seem right here and it doesn't take a law degree to figure that out. Come on your honour, give your head a shake!

News Item8/1/10 2:18 AM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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Ya better think twice if you're gonna speak what ya think, the thought police are out and about and they'll get ya if ya have the wrong thoughts. So don't even think it, just go along with the crowd. Who cares what's true or not, as long as you're on the popular side of the question. Calling wrong right and right wrong is just a matter of opinion anyway and that can be changed with a little sensitivity training re-education) anyway.

News Item8/1/10 2:03 AM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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Only in Canerder you say? doubt it! It's anywhere where you have men of the cloth married to other men (or at least pretending such foolisness). And what's more? it's coming to a church near you. Yes, you guessed it, it's called abomination and it's very liberal, it says what is wrong is right and visa versa.

News Item7/18/10 12:28 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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Sounds like a replay of the intraduction of sexual orientation into the Canadian Bill of Rights where it didn't exist before. They forced it on us without discussion never mind the normal political and democratic process. Sort of like the HST (Harmonized Sales Tax).

News Item7/4/10 4:42 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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To Love is to tell the truth such as to bennefit the beloved. The opposite of love is not hate, but apathy. It is the very thing needed by a person who knows the truth in order for them to allow another person to continue down the broad road to destruction.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." John 14:6

God commendeth His love towards us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

News Item5/30/10 4:40 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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I wish Saddleback Church was spreading the true gospel; that comes from the revelation of God through His Word the Bible. I wish it was not compromising that true gospel and tolerating the error and apostasy of the Muslims etc. but spreading the saving message of the whole gospel of Christ. But I have read the writings of Rick Warren and I seriously doubt this is so. For instance, Warren says music is neutral and has no meaning of it's own but it is only the lyric that gives music meaning. But David played the harp with his hand (no mention of singing) and the evil spirit left Saul (1 Sam16:23), and before Joshua was able to understand the words of the Israelites in Exodus 32:17 , he said their songs were the sound of war. If Rick Warren is right that music is neutral, then Hollywood is wasting it's money employing composers and the program music of Beethoven, Berlioz, Wagner, and Lizst was a joke. By the way Rick, for the benefit of musical illiterates like yourself, program music is "instrumental music that tells a story. (Walt Disney's Fantasia)." So if Warren believes he can convert the depraved and unregenerate to a holy gospel by the soundtrack of sensuality, rebellion, and pride of Rock music, I cannot agree or support him! Nor if He preaches just a half truth never mind

News Item5/30/10 11:39 AM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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So Rick, Ya going to produce Christian porn to reach the pervert? or are you going to preach the truth of scripture which will be unpopular with the world and will lead to persecution? That is one other mark of the first century church, they preached the truth with no spin and it lead to persecution just as Jesus said it would. See Luke 6:26 for Christ's words to the popular gospel.

News Item5/16/10 5:34 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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All roads lead to Rome but only the narrow one, leads to heaven.

What ever happened to 2 Cor. 6:17-18 and how do alleged "Christian" chaplains preach that and support this?

News Item5/16/10 5:28 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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Best to keep these women ignorant of what they are actually doing. Seems to me keeping people ignorant is a sign of dark ages; of manipulation and tyranny Don't confuse them with the facts. Don't let them know that they are actually murdering a human being. Then we can continue murdering legally right up to term (which is called partial birth abortion.

I think the philosophy behind this is, “what they don't see won't hurt them." OK girls, put your head in the sand, millions of ostriches can't be wrong, can they?

News Item5/16/10 5:18 PM
Steamroller | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Steamroller
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Doesn't freedom of speech cover freedom to tell the truth? There is no question that the Bible condemns the practice of homosexuality and damns those unrepentant practice it.

Should a loving person who knows that people who continue on this practice will suffer the torments of a host of diseases in this life and hell fire in the next, not warn them of their folly? Should a loving person not try to turn them from their destruction?

Should the watchman NOT WARN HIS CITY OF IMPENDING ATTACK? How guilty is the crowd who encourages a suicidal jumper by crying, "jump, jump, you have the right to do with your own body what you will!?" What a loving thing to tell such a one on the brink of destruction! But such seems the immoral majority these days.

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