you go, gent! if all y'all read the histories of these so called "religous" holidays, you'd see that they were instituted by the catholic church to try to entice the non-christians, esp. the pagans, to join the church. X-mas was institued by The Church in the 17th century. At the time, Jan. 5th was a day to celebrate Chri--'s birth & Dec. 22nd was the winter solstice for the pagan's. The CHurch combined the 2 so the pagans could join the church--more money for the priest due to increased offerings--while not having to give up their own beliefs--the first Universalists.
I'm going to get it in all today because I'll probably be kicked off tomorrow. I wear headcover & dress plainly--sometimes in full quaker dress--so I feel I am testifying each & every time someone sees my Commitment to my L--- by the way I dress. That is the whole reason I started plainly dressing.
you go, guy! let's talk about being bound! all I have to say to the men here is: CIRCUMCISION! by mosaic laws! when was the last time you heard a pro-circumcision sermon preached. this also goes with a woman not wearing men's clothing--another judaic law (by the way, they all wore robes in that day, so who came up with the "pants for men, dresses for women modern-day thinking" ) also judaic laws talk about men wearing beards & headcover. it also talks about men who've had their male parts demolished for some reason--whether by birth or accident--should not be let into the "tribe"--which would be compared to our modern church. once again, when was the last time you heard a sermon on the previous mentioned? Let's not be bound &/or hypocritical!
Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding. Proverbs has a verse stating "drink so that your heart may be merry". there's no verse comdemning alcohol consumption--wine was served in the upper room for the last supper--man condemned the use, not G-- or Jesus. nor did they condemn tobacco use or women wearing pants. once again, man did that.
I believe in the Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Sylvia Brown type of thinking. I believe alot of scripture was changed or removed from the original texts--protestants took out the Apocryphal books & never told us about the Books of Mary, why wouldn't they delete other things from the found texts. Good reading: The Woman's Bible--dudette was Far ahead of her time, & The Mystical Life of Jesus.