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What is your view of women pastors?
Created: 4/19/2003 | Last Vote: 10 years ago | Comment: 14 years ago
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 •   It's not biblical
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Survey1/26/10 6:26 AM
princecharles | anglesey uk  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by princecharles
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i dont think women make good bible teachers in my observation, nor should they run sunday school.

Then again there are lots of men who teach but shouldnt!

It would be great to meet a good female preacher, I expect Philips daughters would have been good in that line. If memory serves they were martyred as well.

How many churches wont allow women to participate in the teaching of the church and yet are more than happy to have them run the sunday school - astonishing !!!

Survey1/25/10 10:34 PM
Alan H | Washington State  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by Alan H
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"We close with one suggestion to such women as may be inclined to this new claim. If they read history, they find that the condition of woman in Christendom, and especially in America, is most enviable as compared with her state in all other ages and nations. Let them ponder candidly how much they possess here, which their sisters have enjoyed in no other age. What bestowed those peculiar privileges on the Christian women of America? The Bible. Let them beware, then, how they do anything to undermine the reverence of mankind for the authority of the Bible. It is undermining their own bulwark. If they understand how universally in all but Bible lands the "weaker vessel" has been made the slave of man's strength and selfishness, they will gladly "let well enough alone," lest in grasping at some impossible prize beyond, they lose the privileges they now have, and fall back to the gulf of oppression from which these doctrines of Christ and Paul have lifted them."

[URL=]]]The Public Preaching of Women by Robert Lewis Dabney (1820-1898)

Survey1/25/10 1:08 PM
New Yorker | New York  Find all comments by New Yorker
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I think when a woman takes the role of being a pastor, she becomes a man. Usually women pastors are unmarried and unhappy with their lives. I think a woman can teach beside her husband, but a woman running a ministry on her own is not healthy.

Survey2/14/09 7:01 AM
Sharon S.  Find all comments by Sharon S.
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Alan H. wrote: "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God." 1Cor.11:13

Christ taught servant leadership. Most people will follow this type of leadership.

Christian women should have no problem submitting to such leadership in the home. There is a built-in design within the woman that wants to respond. There is a built-in design within the man to lead. Of course, this has all been corrupted by the curse, but is being restored (through sanctification) in the one indwelt by the Holy Spirit.

A Judge's son with whom I worked made a statement that stuck with me: "The principles of the Bible are beneficial, if followed, even to the one who is not a Christian."

God is our Maker. He knows how relationships work best. We can trust Him.

Survey2/13/09 8:40 PM
Alan H | Washington State  Protected NameFind all comments by Alan H
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Sharon S., it simply comes down to this...

"The demand for the ordination of women, as rebellious as it is in itself, is a symptom of a much more serious malady. The ordination of women might disfigure the church, but the disease of which it is a symptom will kill her unless it is quickly diagnosed and treated. That disease . . . is the rejection of Biblical inerrancy."

(Scripture Twisting in the Seminaries by John W. Robbins, Part One: Feminism, “The Most Serious Error,” Pg. 51, 53).

That quote from John W. Robbins could cover many other areas of rebellion as well as this. I have not read his book, but it concerns that which is being "miss-taught" in the seminaries. It is my understanding that the number of women in seminaries has increased so dramatically that they will very soon outnumber the men, if they don't already; and so, the pulpit will follow after.

"But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God." 1Cor. 11:3

If the man does not submit to his head, Christ, why should it be surprising if the woman does not submit to her head, man?

Where was Adam, while Eve was being deceived by the serpent? Certainly some place in the garden. but not in the right place...

Survey2/13/09 6:40 PM
Sharon S.  Find all comments by Sharon S.
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Alan H wrote:
Sharon S.,
Coming from another woman, I really appreciate your candidness...
Alan H.,

Thank you for your gracious comment. You have always been gracious in your postings.

As I consider my posting, I'm reminded that I should be less impetuous and more mindful of how long these things hang around. I tend to vent in print. It's a reminder to me that I will give an account for my words, and I should continue to ask the Lord to set a guard over my mouth.

Blessings to you and yours.

Survey2/13/09 5:24 PM
Alan H | Washington State  Protected NameFind all comments by Alan H
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Sharon S. wrote:
Sharon Watkins, Pastor, speaking at the National Prayer Service at the Washington National Cathedral, and president of the Disciples of Christ Ministries, should be convincing proof that women should not speak from the pulpit, though Scripture alone should be sufficient.

Sharon Watkins is a disgrace to the name of the LORD, and I am cringing that we share the same first name.
My grandmother always said that my name meant "rose" - a fragrant aroma. This woman does the name an injustice, and I can only watch this service with the sound muted.

If I am saddened by such a service, the LORD's displeasure must be great!

Sharon S.,

Coming from another woman, I really appreciate your candidness...


Survey1/21/09 11:11 AM
Sharon S.  Find all comments by Sharon S.
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Sharon Watkins, Pastor, speaking at the National Prayer Service at the Washington National Cathedral, and president of the Disciples of Christ Ministries, should be convincing proof that women should not speak from the pulpit, though Scripture alone should be sufficient.

Sharon Watkins is a disgrace to the name of the LORD, and I am cringing that we share the same first name.

My grandmother always said that my name meant "rose" - a fragrant aroma. This woman does the name an injustice, and I can only watch this service with the sound muted.

If I am saddened by such a service, the LORD's displeasure must be great!

Survey11/25/08 6:33 PM
Aldern  Find all comments by Aldern
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St Jeremiah wrote:
There is a lack of clarification on this issue. Part of the problem is translation:
I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 1 Timothy 2:12-13
The problem with this translation is that it ignores the context. Adam and Eve were husband and wife....they were married. After the fall...the wife was commanded "Your desire.....

.....This would place her over her husband to teach him God's word. This is not the proper order (1 Cor. 6:3). Paul never says anything about the role of single women in the Church. They are under the direct rule of Christ. In the mission field it is proper for single women to plant churches. When a man...who is trained and qualify to Pastor should take over the leadership of his local Church. Where established Churches are...she can teach Sunday School.

The problem with this hypothesis is that it suggests that Eve was not representative of a female until she was married.

Thats not true.

These verses/reasons have nothing to do with marriage.

1Tim 2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression"

Survey11/11/08 6:17 PM
St Jeremiah | Salt Lake City, UT  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by St Jeremiah
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There is a lack of clarification on this issue. Part of the problem is translation:

I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 1 Timothy 2:12-13

The problem with this translation is that it ignores the context. Adam and Eve were husband and wife....they were married. After the fall...the wife was commanded "Your desire will be for your husband (authority), and he will rule over you." Genesis 3:16 The sin nature in the wife fights against the rule of her husband.

So the text from verse 8 to here is men = husband (aner) and woman = wife (gune).

I do not permit a wife to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 1 Timothy 2:12-13

This would place her over her husband to teach him God's word. This is not the proper order (1 Cor. 6:3). Paul never says anything about the role of single women in the Church. They are under the direct rule of Christ. In the mission field it is proper for single women to plant churches. When a man...who is trained and qualify to Pastor should take over the leadership of his local Church. Where established Churches are...she can teach Sunday School.

Survey7/21/08 9:07 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Jessica Dawson wrote:
My mother says to the effect that women are cooking their own goose, in trying to live their lives as men do. Women now are more likely to suffer heart attacks and die younger just as men.
My parents had an agreement when they got married that my Mother stay at home, and this while my Father worked. Mom used to have a motto, that since her husband was out working hard, she would work just as hard at home.
She did renovations, even taking down walls herself. My parents built a house together, Mom would often deal with the contractors and she did a lot of labour herself.
She took care of a huge garden when I was young and our farm animals. When my parents couldn't afford presents, my Mom made them for me.
My Mom has been the target of hatred from other women who have been resentful and jealous of her because she "wasn't working"! The role of Mother and wife is not even recognized as valuable by many women.
Commendable comment Jessica.

Survey7/18/08 5:39 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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There is no such thing as a "woman pastor". It maybe a woman pretending to be a pastor, just as there are charlatan men pretending to be pastors, but Pastors are raised up by God according to bible doctrine. It is impossible for her "to be the husband of one wife", (unless "she" has suddenly become a "husband" which is impossible without scripture contradicting itself). Therefore, "she" can never be a pastor.

Survey7/18/08 5:17 PM
Eddy Fying  Find all comments by Eddy Fying
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"View of women pastors"

I suppose it depends where you are sitting. But personally if I was sitting in the pew of the wrong church, I might see a woman - but I would not then see a pastor sent by Christ.

The Lord really meant it when HE recorded....

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

Survey7/18/08 4:20 PM
Joelly | Northern Ireland  Find all comments by Joelly
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Women pastors, just another example of our rebellion against God's word.

In agreement with you Freeman. Amen.

I love being a woman and there is such freedom in obeying God's Word as a woman.
Before I knew God I was one of the most rebellious woman always lording it over my husband and there was nothing but strife in our marriage but once I became a new creation in Christ, HE changed me forever and showed me my role as a woman that. HIS Word is True. That is how God has ordained it.


Survey2/24/08 3:29 AM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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When the Pharisees questioned Jesus about divorce, He said, "Because of the hardness of your hearts..., but from the BEGINNING God made them male and female. Therefore what God has joined let not man seperate." In other words, this is how God ordained it from the start so here endeth the argument. Paul used the same reasoning when talking about men, women and the authority structure and forbidding women to teach or have authority in ITim 2, referring back to the order of creation and the way God originally intended things to be. Once again, here endeth the argument!

Survey12/7/07 1:38 AM
Elkin M. Kaufman | Walker, La.  Go to homepageFind all comments by Elkin M. Kaufman
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God Never called a woman to preach or usurp authority over a man. It also says let the women keep silent in the church.

Survey11/24/07 2:17 PM
Just Wondering  Find all comments by Just Wondering
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Just wondering,

Why would you recommend a book that teaches in direct contradiction to THE BOOK?

Just wondering,

PS-would also like to know why someone else is posting under this moniker? At least call yourself Just wondering 2. I don't want your posts confused with mine. Thank you.

Survey11/24/07 4:49 AM
Doug Fraser | Texas  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Doug Fraser
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Dessie wrote:
PLAIN and SIMPLE, it is not biblical.
It's a form of deception and false teaching...may I suggest you get a copy of the book..10 Lies the Church Tells Women (How the Bible has been MISUSED to keep women in spiritual bondage.

It's time for women to arise and take their rightful place along side of men who are Also called to preach, teach, and share the love of Jesus Christ, here in the USA and around the world.
OR should the the various denominations which believe this lie recall all of their single and married women missionaries?
May God grant you the love, peace, and revelation of His word of how He uses all who are called to worship Him in "spirit and truth".
May God bless you as you honor Him.

Survey11/19/07 9:24 PM
Dessie | WV  Find all comments by Dessie
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PLAIN and SIMPLE, it is not biblical.

Survey11/19/07 7:28 PM
Lumpy  Find all comments by Lumpy
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Greetings Jessica Dawson

Greetings Jessica,
One wise mother!
One wise Proverbs thirty-one, Jesus loving woman is worth more than one-hundred lazy Jezebels’ added together. You should be pleased with your mother and I know you are. I would be too. There is a reason why these other women are jealous of your mother. These others are lazy, perfidious and unregenerate God-haters with humanistic selfish views. While I was in the U.S. Army for twenty-five years, my wife worked hard raising our son and preparing the home. I helped when I could, but raising a child and supporting a career soldier is not an easy task and a lot of women can’t and won’t do it! My son, today is a supervisor (Sergeant) in a county sheriff’s office and an Army Reserve Sergeant, with a future and his own family…… Praise God
There was a song written years ago (1974), by a Canadian band called the Guess Who. They performed a secular song that was and is most appropriate, even today, for a great number of modern American women. I don’t know if heard the song (since I don’t have a clue concerning your age) but it was titled, “American Woman”.
Unbiblical people are outlined in 1 Corinthians 2:14-15; and this is their song.
Be Blessed
Jesus is Lord

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