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Sermon10/30/16 12:23 AM
John Calvin | Mississippi  Contact via emailFind all comments by John Calvin
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Jesus for real men like pastor Matt.

News Item6/4/13 3:33 PM
John Calvin | elsewhere  Find all comments by John Calvin
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True Calvinist wrote:
Jim Lincoln
Do you think that Baptists really can be truly Calvinist in the Biblical sense?
You have often declared how you are only 4/5ths of a true Calvinist.
So am I.

News Item2/14/12 6:49 AM
John Calvin | City on a Hill  Find all comments by John Calvin
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You guys should do like we did here back in the day. Imprison all the people who disagree with Calvinism and kill the worst of them.

News Item2/14/12 6:46 AM
John Calvin | usa  Find all comments by John Calvin
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John UK...Yes, lets just study human beings and lean on our own understanding.

News Item3/12/09 8:35 PM
John Calvin  Find all comments by John Calvin
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We must always observe what the condition of the world was in the days of St. Paul. It was something new and strange to have the gospel published to the world in those days: for it appeared that God had chosen the stock of Abraham, and that the rest of the world would be deprived of all hope of salvation... Therefore, seeing it is the will of God that all men should be partakers of that salvation which He hath sent in the person of His only begotten Son, we must endeavor to draw poor, silly, ignorant creatures to us, that we may all come together to this inheritance of the kingdom of heaven, which hath been promised us. But we must observe that St. Paul speaketh NOT OF EVERY PARTICULAR MAN, BUT OF ALL SORTS OF MEN, and of all people. Therefore, when he saith that God will have all men to be saved, we must not think that he speaketh OF THEM INDIVIDUALLY, but his meaning is this: that whereas in times past he chose a certain people to Himself, He meaneth now to show mercy to all the world: yea, even to them that seemed to be shut out from the hope of salvation…. (Extract from The salvation of all men)

Survey3/12/09 2:30 PM
John Calvin  Find all comments by John Calvin
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We must always observe what the condition of the world was in the days of St. Paul. It was something new and strange to have the gospel published to the world in those days: for it appeared that God had chosen the stock of Abraham, and that the rest of the world would be deprived of all hope of salvation... Therefore, seeing it is the will of God that all men should be partakers of that salvation which He hath sent in the person of His only begotten Son, we must endeavor to draw poor, silly, ignorant creatures to us, that we may all come together to this inheritance of the kingdom of heaven, which hath been promised us. But we must observe that St. Paul speaketh NOT OF EVERY PARTICULAR MAN, BUT OF ALL SORTS OF MEN, and of all people. Therefore, when he saith that God will have all men to be saved, we must not think that he speaketh OF THEM INDIVIDUALLY, but his meaning is this: that whereas in times past HE CHOSE A CERTAIN PEOPLE to Himself, He meaneth now to show mercy to all the world: yea, even to them that seemed to be shut out from the hope of salvation…. (Extract from The salvation of all men)

Survey2/26/09 7:34 PM
John Calvin  Find all comments by John Calvin
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“But the Papists abuse this place two ways; for because God respected the prayers and alms of Cornelius, so that he endued him with the faith of the gospel, they wrest that unto the preparations which they have invented, as if a man did get faith by his own industry and power, and did prevent the grace of God by the merits of works. Secondly, they gather, generally, that good works are meritorious in such sort, that the graces of God are increased in every man as he hath deserved. In the former they are too childishly deceived, whilst that they feign that the works of Cornelius were acceptable to God before he was illuminate by faith. And we need not to fet [seek] a proof far to refute their ignorance; for he could obtain nothing by prayer unless faith went before, which only openeth the gate for us to pray… And Isaiah saith, that the Spirit of the fear of God resteth in Christ, (Isa 11:2,) that we may know that he can be found no where save only in his members”
(commentary Acts 10:1-6)

News Item1/26/08 6:09 PM
John Calvin | The Best Alias in the World  Find all comments by John Calvin
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Alan H wrote:
So I take it your answer is a no.

Go figure.

Survey11/7/07 3:31 PM
John Calvin | on PaedoBaptism  Find all comments by John Calvin
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Mark 10:14. "Suffer children."
"He declares that he wishes to receive children; and at length, taking them in his arms, he not only embraces, but blesses them by the laying on of hand; from which we infer that his grace is extended even to those who are of that age. And no wonder; for since the whole race of Adam is shut up under the sentence of death, all from the least even to the greatest must perish, except those who are rescued by the only Redeemer. To exclude from the grace of redemption those who are of that age would be too cruel; and therefore it is not without reason that we employ this passage as a shield against the Anabaptists. They refuse baptism to infants, because infants are incapable of understanding that mystery which is denoted by it. We, on the other hand, maintain that, since baptism is the pledge and figure of the forgiveness of sins, and likewise of adoption by God, it ought not to be denied to infants, whom God adopts and washes with the blood of his Son. Their objection, that repentance and newness of life are also denoted by it, is easily answered. Infants are renewed by the Spirit of God, according to the capacity of their age, till that power which was concealed within them grows by degrees, and becomes fully manifest at the proper time."

Survey11/4/07 2:05 PM
John Calvin | Having Tea with Walt  Find all comments by John Calvin
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Survey8/3/07 10:38 AM
John Calvin  Find all comments by John Calvin
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I won't demonstrate here the "bad" Calvin but will demonstrate instead the "good" Calvin:

When therefore we are reproved, there is no reason that we should turn our eyes here and there towards men; we ought instantly to present ourselves to the scrutiny of God; nay, we ought ourselves to take in hand that voluntary examination which God requires. By so doing, we shall not feed our vices by foolishly deceiving ourselves, as hypocrites do, who ever look around them to the right hand and to the left, and never raise up their thoughts to heaven.

Survey8/2/07 2:35 PM
John Calvin  Find all comments by John Calvin
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When therefore we are reproved, there is no reason that we should turn our eyes here and there towards men; we ought instantly to present ourselves to the scrutiny of God; nay, we ought ourselves to take in hand that voluntary examination which God requires. By so doing, we shall not feed our vices by foolishly deceiving ourselves, as hypocrites do, who ever look around them to the right hand and to the left, and never raise up their thoughts to heaven.

Survey7/6/07 3:09 AM
John Calvin  Find all comments by John Calvin
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The Death Penalty is my favorite past time.

Hey Servetus, come here, I got something to show you...

Survey6/11/07 12:58 PM
John Calvin  Find all comments by John Calvin
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And we have been predestined to kill these suckers!!


Sola Calvinism!!


Survey4/28/07 11:25 AM
John Calvin  Find all comments by John Calvin
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You want me to take care of these heretics for you. I've got connections you know. Just say the word and bless God, I will... uh... well you know.

Sola Calvinism!

Survey12/15/06 6:11 PM
John Calvin  Find all comments by John Calvin
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Thank you Squid for being one of my loyal worshippes.

Survey12/15/06 12:44 PM
John Calvin  Find all comments by John Calvin
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MBL said, "Everything that you say on here could be used to burn you at the stake one day very soon."

I think they use waterboarding and sexual torture nowadays instead.

Survey12/14/06 5:41 PM
John Calvin  Find all comments by John Calvin
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Michael from Endicott, NY


Survey12/14/06 5:37 PM
John Calvin  Find all comments by John Calvin
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This is how an arminian ends up who dare to challenge my ex-cahedra theology:


Survey12/14/06 5:36 PM
John Calvin  Find all comments by John Calvin
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