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1,281 total votes have been cast on this survey | 3,699 user comments  ( edit survey )

To which confession of faith do you subscribe?
Created: 7/10/2007 | Last Vote: 4 years ago | Comment: 15 years ago
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 •   1689 Baptist Confession
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 •   Westminster Confession
  33% | 424 votes

 •   Belgic Confession
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Survey12/23/09 9:12 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Observer wrote:
You've said before that you hold to the 1689 BCF. Doesn't this make you a sectarian by your own standards?
Not at all.

The 1689 is the biblical standard, and all the rest are sectarians. Sure!

Survey12/23/09 8:30 AM
Observer  Find all comments by Observer
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John UK wrote:
..But it is unbiblical to divide into 1001 sects.
You've said before that you hold to the 1689 BCF. Doesn't this make you a sectarian by your own standards?

Survey12/23/09 4:47 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Alan H wrote:
John, what am I to make of your original statement above? What do you intend by "theological complicated confessions"? Note that the word "confessions" is plural.
I can only go by what you say, John; I cannot interpret your intentions, so if you want to be understood please either be clear or explain what you mean...
Alan, if you do a simple study of the Acts of the Apostles, you will find not one man-made Confession as a test of orthodoxy. Rather you will find a simplicity, such as the confession of the Ethiopian, which was acceptable to the evangelist as proof positive of his genuine conversion to the Christian faith.

This is unlike the subsequent RCC, which demanded belief in the Trinity before being received into fellowship.

The "true church" is founded on much simpler principles, namely "gospel principles". Issues such as mode of baptism, which separate the 1689 Baptist Reformers and the WCF Reformers, should in no wise determine the validity of a profession.

God is not mocked, and he has his blood-bought people in many different churches with complicated man-made confessions. Don't blame the members!

But it is unbiblical to divide into 1001 sects.

Survey12/22/09 10:22 PM
Alan H | Washington State  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by Alan H
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John UK wrote:
My God is the same as the Ethiopian's, and my confession is the same as his, and you can keep your theological complicated confessions as a requirement of orthodoxy.
Alan H wrote:
Your condemnation of all theological confessions is a bit ludicrous.
John UK wrote:
Dear bro
Don't tell me you also have taken to reading posts too fast. I never condemned theological confessions.
John, what am I to make of your original statement above? What do you intend by "theological complicated confessions"? Note that the word "confessions" is plural.

I can only go by what you say, John; I cannot interpret your intentions, so if you want to be understood please either be clear or explain what you mean...

Survey12/19/09 4:02 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Alan H wrote:
Your condemnation of all theological confessions is a bit ludicrous.
Dear bro
Don't tell me you also have taken to reading posts too fast. I never condemned theological confessions.

But I can't help noticing that the folks who hold the WCF, which is a very detailed and excellent document concerning what the Bible teaches on various issues of doctrine, regard it as the criterior for testing the authenticity of a Christian's profession of faith. But...

Please note that the vast majority of those sinners 'called' of God by grace into a salvation state are, in the words of 1 Cor 1, the 'foolish' the 'weak' the 'base' the 'despised' and the 'things which are not'.


That 'no flesh should glory in his presence'.

For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save THEM THAT BELIEVE. For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: But WE PREACH CHRIST CRUCIFIED, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;
1 Corinthians 1:21-23 KJV

There is such a thing as the simplicity of the gospel, which many stumble at, as did the Pharisees with the man healed of blindness.

Survey12/19/09 12:45 AM
Alan H | Washington State  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by Alan H
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John UK wrote:
My God is the same as the Ethiopian's, and my confession is the same as his, and you can keep your theological complicated confessions as a requirement of orthodoxy.

Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus. And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.
Acts 8:35-38 KJV


Your condemnation of all theological confessions is a bit ludicrous.

Firstly, because I know personally that you confess much more than that simple declaration of the Ethiopian eunuch.

Secondly, His confession was based upon the preaching of Philip, and Luke tells us only that Philip "began at the same Scripture." It does not tell us how much or where Philip ended his preaching. He may have told him a great deal more than you or I think. (See Luke 24:27 & Romans 10:14)

However, the effect of them all should lead to this summary...

Survey12/18/09 4:53 PM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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McAndle wrote:
Do you confess God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as greater spiritually than man can ever conceive and imagine? Infinite - Omnipotent - Sovereign - Almighty - Omnipresent.
Or is YOUR god less than this?
My God is the same as the Ethiopian's, and my confession is the same as his, and you can keep your theological complicated confessions as a requirement of orthodoxy.

Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus. And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.
Acts 8:35-38 KJV

Survey12/18/09 4:27 PM
McAndle  Find all comments by McAndle
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"But exactly how is swearing an act of confession and worship? When we duly swear in God's name, we confess several things about God. To begin with, we confess that God exists. Moreover, we confess several of God's attributes as revealed to us in Scripture: we testify THAT HE IS OMNIPRESENT and omniscient, that He is eternal and immutable, that He is just and true, that He is powerful and wrathful. By confessing His existence and attributes, we also confess that He is the Supreme Judge over all the earth and that we are accountable to Him for all that we do and say. Though the word of men may fail, the word of God never fails. Though men may fail, God never fails. By taking oaths in God's name, we confess God to be the ultimate arbiter of truth, and we worship the God of truth in spirit and in truth."
(David G Hagopian, on confessions)

Do you confess God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as greater spiritually than man can ever conceive and imagine? Infinite - Omnipotent - Sovereign - Almighty - Omnipresent.

Or is YOUR god less than this?

Survey5/25/09 5:03 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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Candle Lit wrote:
Hi, John,
I thought of you last evening when our power went out because of a storm. We had to use candles.
So that's how you got to calling yourself Candle Lit.

Candle Lit wrote:
You are a good friend to check in on Charles and his well-being. If he is on that royal yacht, he probably doesn't want to be disturbed by the likes of us.
Good news!

I've just received news that prince charles attended church yesterday and looked okay, so I guess he is just having a break from posting for a while.

Phew! I was beginning to get a bit concerned about the ol' turnip. But I've no doubt he'll be back sometime to make us all larf with his royal humour.

Survey5/19/09 11:44 AM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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Candle Lit wrote:
Thank you, John. If I have a way with words, it is because, as a child, I immersed myself in the Bible and literature. I got a Marketing degree because I wanted to be able to support myself. If I was successful in marketing, it was based more on my personality than marketing skills.
Oh, I hope the church that you are going to visit will be one where you will find sweet fellowship. It is unlikely that the church as a whole would have the distinction that you mentioned and that Scripture describes that makes onlookers wonder about the relationships - "See how they love one another!" But, among a small group within the church, that could very well be said, and possibly, overall. No, I have not found such a church, but I have found some sweet relationships within certain churches.
Ah it is always a good thing when a child shows an interest in reading the Bible from an early age. It is God's grace no less, and has born fruit in your life.

This verse:

Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.
1 John 5:1 KJV

Evidence of the new birth? Sure seems like it to me.

Survey5/19/09 9:05 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
You've a wonderful way with words Candle Lit. Part of your marketing training no doubt, the use of words in communicating.
I wonder, have you ever come across a fellowship, either church or home, where onlookers could say something like: "See how they love one another!"
I may just have found one such, and I am going to visit the pastor later this month. I hope it won't be yet another disappointment.
Thank you, John. If I have a way with words, it is because, as a child, I immersed myself in the Bible and literature. I got a Marketing degree because I wanted to be able to support myself. If I was successful in marketing, it was based more on my personality than marketing skills.

Oh, I hope the church that you are going to visit will be one where you will find sweet fellowship. It is unlikely that the church as a whole would have the distinction that you mentioned and that Scripture describes that makes onlookers wonder about the relationships - "See how they love one another!" But, among a small group within the church, that could very well be said, and possibly, overall. No, I have not found such a church, but I have found some sweet relationships within certain churches.

Survey5/19/09 8:43 AM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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Candle Lit wrote: can sum up the CURSE in Broken Relationships!
How wonderful life would be were it not for sinful people - difficult people - cruel people - thoughtless, self-serving people! How could God love such a rotten bunch of people? But He does. He picks us up out of miry clay and puts our feet on the solid rock. He finds us squirming in the dirt in our mother's blood, and He washes us clean, dresses us in fine clothes, and showers us with His Love. What an awesome God we serve!
Such MARVELLOUS LOVE - that WE should be called the CHILDREN of GOD. Who can describe it? Who can explain it?
"And can it be that I should gain an interest in the Saviour's blood? Died He for me who caused His pain? For me, who Him to death pursued? Amazing love, how can it be that thou my God, should die for me?"
You've a wonderful way with words Candle Lit. Part of your marketing training no doubt, the use of words in communicating.

I wonder, have you ever come across a fellowship, either church or home, where onlookers could say something like: "See how they love one another!"

I may just have found one such, and I am going to visit the pastor later this month. I hope it won't be yet another disappointment.

Survey5/19/09 8:22 AM
Candle Lit  Find all comments by Candle Lit
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John UK wrote:
Sorry to edit your post Candle Lit.
"Relationships" I think is a key word. Interaction with either God or fellow man is built into our design, and without either, man is going to be depressed.
"Stress" is often dealt with by the world by strong drink, which blurs the brain. Or security, which is a pseudo-relief from stress. But... can sum up the CURSE in Broken Relationships!

How wonderful life would be were it not for sinful people - difficult people - cruel people - thoughtless, self-serving people! How could God love such a rotten bunch of people? But He does. He picks us up out of miry clay and puts our feet on the solid rock. He finds us squirming in the dirt in our mother's blood, and He washes us clean, dresses us in fine clothes, and showers us with His Love. What an awesome God we serve!

Such MARVELLOUS LOVE - that WE should be called the CHILDREN of GOD. Who can describe it? Who can explain it?

"And can it be that I should gain an interest in the Saviour's blood? Died He for me who caused His pain? For me, who Him to death pursued? Amazing love, how can it be that thou my God, should die for me?"

Survey5/19/09 6:23 AM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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Candle Lit wrote:
.......We probably only experience true freedom momentarily in this life........Material goods did not make me happy......Relationships are where I find much joy and sorrow.

One does need a certain amount of basic necessities to be free to pursue interests. Food deprivation would certainly have a huge impact on a person's well-being. A safe place to live, and a job that provides enough to live beyond the day to day would give one a certain measure of freedom from stress.
P.S. Your mention of the water rats made me think of Wind in the Willows. Have you read that?

Sorry to edit your post Candle Lit. I found the whole very interesting and thought provoking.

"Relationships" I think is a key word. Interaction with either God or fellow man is built into our design, and without either, man is going to be depressed.

"Stress" is often dealt with by the world by strong drink, which blurs the brain. Or security, which is a pseudo-relief from stress. But...

The Christian can drink in the peace of God freely. He can 'be filled with the Spirit' (Eph 5:18). Paul the apostle proved his own words by what he joyfully endured after his conversion.

"Contentment" is the biz!

Survey5/17/09 5:17 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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Norm wrote:
just on quickly to say Amen to the posts..bless you Michael.
The righteous are bold as a lion (Proverbs 28:1)...but we thank and bless the indwelling of the Spirit for being so.
God willing,i shall be going to trafalgar square this year with a brother who has designed his own gospel tract *Victory at Trafalgar*, which Naomi prints .
It is based on Nelsons final prayer before dying,and the victory at Trafalgar..then brings in the gospel with Victory at Calvary. The leaflet is attractive with a colour picture of HMS Victory on the front.
I will keep you dear brethren posted as to when we go.
Incidentally ,before i go outdoor witnessing,Satan usually buffets me and trys to hinder me ,for he knows my weaknesses,and so i need victory in Christ to be not ignorant of his devices,and that shield of faith to stop his fiery darts.
Do you guys get similar ?
That be good news about the London sortie, Stormin. Do let us know when the assault on the devil's domain is taking place and I be sure to give prayer support and interest.

I guess the devil bothers every believer, but he especially tries to prevent the gospel being proclaimed. But as you well know, JESUS STANDS WITH US - HALLELUJAH!

Survey5/17/09 4:06 AM
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just on quickly to say Amen to the posts..bless you Michael.

The righteous are bold as a lion (Proverbs 28:1)...but we thank and bless the indwelling of the Spirit for being so.

God willing,i shall be going to trafalgar square this year with a brother who has designed his own gospel tract *Victory at Trafalgar*, which Naomi prints .

It is based on Nelsons final prayer before dying,and the victory at Trafalgar..then brings in the gospel with Victory at Calvary. The leaflet is attractive with a colour picture of HMS Victory on the front.

I will keep you dear brethren posted as to when we go.

Incidentally ,before i go outdoor witnessing,Satan usually buffets me and trys to hinder me ,for he knows my weaknesses,and so i need victory in Christ to be not ignorant of his devices,and that shield of faith to stop his fiery darts.

Do you guys get similar ?

May the dear Lord have mercy upon us all.

Survey5/16/09 5:16 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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Michael Hranek wrote:
John UK
Thanks for the kind words regarding the other thread. It was such an immense subject I feel I only scratched the surface and tried to cull what I did have to a somewhat manageable size.
Much appreciation for you and Brother Norman as God knows laborers in the harvest are so greatly needed and those that do labor need all the encouragement God might give us.
Yes I appreciated all your evident hard work which you put into it. If you do another one ( ) it might be worth getting a free blogging site so you can post it all up in one go.

If you're going to be getting out and about to preach the gospel and witness to Christ among the lost, it would be great if you posted up on the evangelism forum so that you and your fellow soldiers can have some extra prayer support from those with a heart to do so. I would regard it a privilege to be involved in that sort of standing together in the gospel.

Survey5/16/09 5:02 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK
Thanks for the kind words regarding the other thread. It was such an immense subject I feel I only scratched the surface and tried to cull what I did have to a somewhat manageable size.

Much appreciation for you and Brother Norman as God knows laborers in the harvest are so greatly needed and those that do labor need all the encouragement God might give us.

Survey5/16/09 4:40 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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Norman Smith wrote:
Last word to John..i am still willing to go the extra mile(s) to be with you in a town centre with you and Charles (hi Charles ! )..but i wont say that anymore,for perhaps i am keeping on bro ? Remember how special Tiverton was ?Maybe thats the one and only time well meet down time with our saviour in the air ?! hallelujah
God bless you all
Jude 21
Stormin, I praise God for you bro. It's great to hear that it went well in Bracknell today. And although you are home now, the Holy Ghost is still able to speak into hearts. The word of God sure is powerful.

I will never forget Tiverton, it was a wonderful time of fellowship in the gospel, and our dear bro Lexiconis who we met on sermon audio treated us to lunch. What a special day that was, and eternity will show if we had any good effect on our fellow countrymen.

I would dearly like to get together again for some evangelism, maybe when the weather warms up. I'll e-mail you soon.

Survey5/16/09 3:47 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Go to homepageFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Norman Smith wrote:
Hi John,Hi Michael,
praise the Lord for the Spirits blessing in Pastor,Tony and myself preaching the was wonderful just to be amongst the lost.
Norman Smith
Amen! I appreciate the encouragement and especially the prayers. It went well. A few hecklers, etc. but one young man came up afterwards to talk. He was saved and going through some difficult times and needed someone to listen, give him some Scriptural encouragement and to pray with him.

Consider this:
How much different would our church meetings be if the pastor, deacons, Sunday School teachers came after fervently seeking the Lord in prayer that we might have His word to speak and especially to be able to pray with power in the Holy Ghost with any who He might bring needing His answers to our praying?

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