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Sermon11/13/2023 12:17 AM
Jeremy  Find all comments by Jeremy
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Two Reasons for Praising the Lord
Wallace A. Bell
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful message, brings back great memories.

Sermon6/19/2022 9:29 PM
Jeremy | South Carolina  Find all comments by Jeremy
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
This whole series is done very well! Very informative and descriptive of how God is faithful to His church throughout history.

Sermon1/23/2022 12:37 AM
Jeremy | PA, USA  Find all comments by Jeremy
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
I love this guy. The power of truth spoken softly comes through his messages and has been very effective in my life.

Sermon1/11/2022 8:08 AM
Jeremy | Colorado  Find all comments by Jeremy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for uploading these messages as well as others. The sound quality is good.

Sermon7/20/2020 10:50 PM
Jeremy | South Carolina  Find all comments by Jeremy
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Beauty vs Discernment
Jim Callahan
“ Great Sermon! ”
Really well done. In a time and place where so much value is placed on beauty, The Lord calls us to realize there are much more important things to be valued.

Sermon7/16/2020 10:32 PM
Jeremy | South Carolina  Find all comments by Jeremy
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Cultural Marxism
Dr. Phil Fernandes
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow! Well put together and a concise presentation of facts!

Sermon2/9/2020 11:22 AM
Jeremy | Pennsylvania  Find all comments by Jeremy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The Lord has used Dr. Beeke so powerfully in my life, because his messages are so devotional and he preaches biblical truth clearly. The glory of God is central to the messages and in this particular sermon, parts 1 & 2, he doesn't get involved with debating the different end times views concerning the millennium or anything. He just preaches orthodox, historic, and biblical eschatology, which assumes the fact that the millennium is the gospel age of grace in which we now live, and reveals the fact that when Christ comes again, that day is the final Day of Judgment. And so everyone must repent now and believe in the only Lord and Savior. The teachings of Christ's coming are intended to invoke fear and trembling to those unsaved that they may turn to Him, because when He comes, it's over and there will be no further opportunity ever for salvation, because that begins the eternal state. But to those who belong to Him the promise of His coming is our blessed hope. I personally believe any other view of Christ's coming or the end is misleading and therefore a lie of the devil. The King is coming!

Sermon11/14/19 2:49 PM
Jeremy | Pennsylvania  Find all comments by Jeremy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Brother when Dr. Brown confronted you with the idea that if someone is seriously inquiring if they may be saved and if Jesus died for them, that you would be unable to tell them yes for sure...I believe he thought he had you on that one. I would have pointed him to John 6:37 All that the Fathet gives me will come to me and (therefore) whoever comes to me i will never turn away. Dr. Brown makes Christ out to be a liar by his arguments. Our Lord is the one who tells us the Father's plan and that there are some He has given to the Son to save. He says this throughout John's gospel. Arguing against this truth comes from fleshly emotions that are rooted in the sinful idea that God owes fallen man anything. He could have left us to all perish but He did not and so we ought to be grateful for His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. Also, the gospel is not, Christ died for is that Christ died for our (believers') sins, etc...and this invitation is given to those who are weary and heavy laden. "Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest..." Matt. 11:28. And so to Dr. Brown, your person inquiring after salvation should be given this message, Christ died for sinners and promises to save all who come to Him for salvation. Are you inquiring after

Sermon11/14/19 8:25 AM
Jeremy | Pennsylvania  Find all comments by Jeremy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great friendly discussion between 2 well intending men. For those in the universal atonement camp I would challenge you to consider Jesus' words in John 6:37 "All that the Father gives me will come to me..." and just camp our right there and ask God to reveal its meaning to you. Also, please consider the teaching of the Holy Spirit in Ephesians concerning the fact that salvation is said to be God quickening or resurrecting the one who was formerly dead in trespasses and sins. Those whom God raises from the death of sin to faith in Christ and eternal life cannot be lost and God will keep them to the end. Start here and understand this, and then interpret the rest of scripture accordingly and you'll find it all fits together nicely. Oh, I John 2:2 is John reminding his hearers that it wasn't merely a Jewish Atonement at the cross, but it extends to the whole world. But dear free will person will you not see the fact that if Christ bore Judas' sins on the tree then God cannot punish Judas for his sins. He cannot punish sin twice, first in Christ, then in you. OT sacrifices were offered as a type or shadow and only temporarily covered sin. Christ made a real atonement that took sin away once and for all. He came into the world to save sinners, not so they "could" be saved. He raises

Sermon11/11/19 6:45 PM
Jeremy | Pennsylvania  Find all comments by Jeremy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This can be terrifying, but it's the Word of God to be sure. God owes us nothing, it's the starting point to arrive at the truth.

Sermon5/27/19 3:47 AM
Jeremy | Bloomsburg, PA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jeremy
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“ Some problems - Part 2 ”
(....continued) The term is used as an umbrella term to cover many groups. Unfortunately, this led to a talk that paints with an overly broad brush, while being overly colored by the speaker’s own bad experiences when applying its modern implications. The speaker would have been better served by interacting more with specific primary sources, and creating more separation amongst very disparate groups by doing so. The speaker is a good orator and is engaging, but overall I would not recommend this talk to others as a good overview of the topic. There are certainly good parts, but enough conclusions that don’t match my own study in the primary sources and my own experiences give me pause. (And contrary to the speaker’s claim, I can point you to a number of good, completely orthodox theology books from a mennonite perspective! I recommend starting with Daniel Kauffman.)

Sermon5/27/19 3:44 AM
Jeremy | Bloomsburg, PA  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jeremy
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“ Some Problems - Part 1 ”
I am commenting on this message (and part 2) as a Reformed Baptist pastor who has a Mennonite background and has read significantly in the early anabaptists. First, these messages are very colored by the speaker’s background in a very fringe, seemingly cult-like group that apparently classifies themselves as anabaptist. The experiences he describes are very different from anything I have seen in mennonite circles. His experiences are certainly his experiences, but be aware that they don’t in any way represent any type of “normal” anabaptist experience. Also, I wondered early in his first talk if he had been influenced by Jim Renihan in his views, as it seemed to be present. Lo and behold, a bit later in the talk he mentioned being in Renihan’s class. Accordingly, despite being presented at a conference on the history of the baptists, there is no mention of the influence of Menno Simon’s writings on the First London Confession. Renihan minimizes this connection, but as someone who has studied Simon’s writings, that influence is undeniably present and easily recognizable. The “junk drawer” analogy on how the term anabaptist is used historically is a good one (and one I had never heard before, so I’m assuming it is original to the speaker). (continued....)

News Item12/25/16 10:23 AM
Jeremy | Usofa  Find all comments by Jeremy
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Gay Allen wrote..

the rulers of this world love to shoot each other confirming hand signs and symbols on businesses, this is nothing more then Mr Ham showing his "friends" that he is still on board with the luciferian agenda ...

Maybe in the new year the women pastors on sermon audio can tell us about the biblical mandates concerning backbiting other believers...just my thought for a good Christmas sermon!!

News Item12/25/16 10:20 AM
Jeremy | Usofa  Find all comments by Jeremy
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s c wrote:

Reaching the world is always more effective God's way. Compromise really doesn't help. Faithful preachers are always in season and don't need to look like the world 2 times a year.

Merry Christmas SC!!! You should email Mr. Ham, and tell him your are calling a faithful man a compromiser on a public forum. What does the LORD say about that?

News Item12/23/16 12:12 PM
Jeremy | Usofa  Find all comments by Jeremy
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Yeah..just a little bit. I'm a door to door sales rep for a fortune 50 company which will go unmentioned. When I was in Ma. I did the same job, and people woiuld slam the door,on me..they do it here too..except they do it with bible verses on their doors. Very interesting. And I REALLY miss good pizza and Chinese food!!

News Item12/22/16 4:21 PM
Jeremy | Usofa  Find all comments by Jeremy
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I'm from western mass. Just moved to Kentucky. I really miss New England a lot though and really would,love to go back and Lord willing do some street preaching and maybe help plant a church. I used to love going to Pawtucket Red Sox games at McCoy.

News Item12/22/16 10:50 AM
Jeremy | Usofa  Find all comments by Jeremy
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I've always loved that 'claimed responsibility' bit. Imagine kids in school saying ' I'm the one who put the tack on the teachers chair!!'

News Item12/21/16 4:51 PM
Jeremy | Usofa  Find all comments by Jeremy
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I'm glad men can't have babies..although I recently passed a kidney stone. WOW that was tough!!!

News Item12/21/16 3:21 PM
Jeremy | Usofa  Find all comments by Jeremy
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I know I'm not Connor but yes they do. The free ligonier app is better in my opinion. Love the ocean state! Fishing for fluke off point Judith

News Item12/21/16 3:11 PM
Jeremy | Usofa  Find all comments by Jeremy
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Steven R wrote

I thought Conner, a Bible school dropout and cashier at a McDonalds, calling someone else 'dumb' was very very amusing

Again you didn't think before you hit enter. Shocking

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