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News Item11/7/2020 12:27 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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What a great great great loss for the church of our day. Coupled with the loss of our dear brother Garry Hendrix, this has not been a good week. I am personally not a great fan of the popular pastors and and teachers of our day, but Dr. Cairns is, with a small handful of others, an exception to that. He has reached me in ways that few others have. Sorry, but that's the reality. His "prayer talk"(s) have ben exceptionally helpful and we could all take a few lessons from him on contending for the faith in the sorry day in which we live. I'm sorry I never had the opportunity of meeting him personally, but I'm thankful to SermonAudio for for his archived materials. Our loss is Christ's great gain, for he endured the turned face of the Father to redeem this saint. And so Heaven rejoices. I extend my deepest sympathies to his wife and son for their great loss. Having just recently lost my wife, I understand that this loss is greatest to them.

Sermon9/26/2020 10:47 AM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Wasn't Tim Keller at the fore in forming Gospel Coalition?

News Item5/9/2020 10:31 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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Can't wait til the hysteria's over.

News Item5/2/2020 10:09 AM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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Rejoice! It's just Romans 13 at work! . . . .Not.

News Item1/26/2020 10:19 AM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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To Joel in Pensacola. - “ The design of civil government is not to promote the advantages of the rulers, but of the ruled. They are ordained and invested with authority, to be a terror to evildoers, and a praise to them that do well. They are the ministers of God for this end, and are appointed for this very thing. On this ground our obligation to obedience rests, and the obligation ceases when this design is systematically, constantly and notoriously disregarded. Where unfaithfulness on the part of the government exists, or where the form of it is incompatible with the design of its institution, the governed must have the right to remedy the evil. " - Charles Hodge
BTW, I want to encourage you to use the KJV.

News Item6/16/19 11:39 AM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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I am ashamed of my home state. NY s--ks.

Sermon3/10/19 5:09 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you! Very refreshing and uplifting! One thing though. I do reserve the right to use the term "modern versions onlyism" if anything, at least, to identify an undercurrent that exists among many reform brethren and ministers in particular. I was however very encouraged by this video. may the Lord bring great increase in the numbers of those hungering to return to the time tested traditional text that our reform forefathers used.

Sermon3/10/19 5:00 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Am almost halfway through this book and so far I find it very informative. Thank you for recommending this and please keep up the good work in promoting and defending the traditional text of scripture and in particular that of the New Testament. When I finish this book it is my intention to do a disertation on it and hopefully teach it at a men's fellowship.

News Item1/13/19 8:48 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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BWS wrote:
Pastor Justin Hoke's prophetic sermon to churches today is online at SermonAudio here!
Heard this sermon twice. Excellent and heartily recommended.
BTW, this church needs to take the Bible Presbyterian label off them.

News Item1/13/19 2:47 AM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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What a wimpy church.

News Item9/30/18 1:31 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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Sorry, but I cannot wholly sympathize with the general atmosphere here. Yes, I believe it is fair to say that Mr. Camping departed this world a heretic. It was not always so however. I can categorically state, having listened to Family Radio on a nightly basis for a very good portion of the late 1980's, that he was once sound in his theology, and Family Radio WAS the most sound radio ministry, probably on the whole planet. A lot of the preachers that you find on SermonAudio now, you would hear on the Conference Echos program every night at 9PM. Where, why and how he went off on a tangent is a mystery to me. He basically abandoned the sound method of biblical interpretation he had used for years. This is a tragedy to me, being that I was saved primarily through his ministry. This is also however a pretty sobering lesson, that someone who is solidly sound can at the drop of a hat, depart from the truth. Sad, sad, sad.

News Item7/28/18 7:46 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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.....never mind.

News Item7/14/18 7:55 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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I wonder what it must have been like in the English speaking church when there was only one bible to refer to in points of debate or controversy or practice. is it possible that that generation knew more about maintaining a good marriage, were better at child rearing, and maintaining strong, healthy united local churches than the following generations? Was there more or less unity in the body of Christ as a whole than today? Is it just coincidental that there is no known revival (local or sweeping) that took place under any modern translations? (including the NKJV)
Meh. That's all meaningless and irrelevant, right? As long as we have love.


Go Expos!

Sermon7/9/18 8:49 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Billy Graham -A preacher who's message during an interview was different from his message in the pulpit. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - A preacher who's message was the same in both.

Sermon7/8/18 1:40 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Wow! Nestle Aland 29th edition in 2021? The earth will be moving slowly for the next three years as I anticipatingly hold my breath for that one.

Sermon7/8/18 1:32 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The greatest theologians of the twentieth century according to Billy Graham: Karl Barth, Emil Brunner, Paul Tillich, and Carl Henry. Only Carl Henry was a bible believer. Come to your own conclusions about the 'faithfulness' of Billy Graham.

Sermon3/26/18 6:51 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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The Controversial Billy Graham
John Pittman Hey
“ Great Sermon! ”
With all due reverence pastor, I cannot say that I have the same charitable disposition that separates what Graham preached in the pulpit from what he himself says in interviews, that he beleives. Such disparity has proven to be a stumbling block to many souls. They're not mere speculations. When I examine what Lloyd-Jones preached and what he would say when being interviewed by the BBC, it's the same bold biblically based message, always. Unforunately for Dr. Graham there is plenty of room for his ministry on the broad road that leads to destruction. There will be many who prophesied in our Lord's name that will hear the words 'depart from me, I never knew you.' I don't know. Perhaps I'm wrong about his position before God, that he has indeed been presented faultless before Him, because of the merits of Christ, while his works are burned up as wood hay and stubble. But when my Roman Catholic mother can point to people like Dr. Graham to buttress her point that she is just fine before God as a practicing Roman Catholic, it does not cause my confidence level to rise about whether or not this man was a true man of God. Lord Bless brother.

Sermon3/18/18 5:06 PM
FG | USA  Contact via emailFind all comments by FG
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The Controversial Billy Graham
John Pittman Hey
“ Great Sermon! ”
Let me just start off by saying that the greatest preacher of the 20th century was NOT Billy Graham. It was Martin Lloyd Jones. That being said, I must say that when I read statements such as the one that Graham made in 1978 McCall's, where he stated that he no longer believes that a pagan in a far country would perish if he didn't hear the Gospel, and that the embracing of natural light was enough to get him to heaven, thru nature and so on, my perception of him is one of a forked tongue minister, who preaches the true Gospel out of one side of his mouth and a false gospel out of the other. I prayed for a long time that he would publicly repent of these false teachings and embracing the enemies of God as brothers and promoting them to God's people and the world in general. His sins go way beyond mere imperfection and venture into, or at least dangerously close to the area of selling out the gospel and Christ. We do not have the benefits of the New Testament describing to us his true spiritual state, as was the case with Samson and Lot. So the only thing I have to go on is that there was no known repentance on his part for these sins. Sorry. I know I'm not his judge, but neither am I the least bit confident that he is with the Lord at this time.

Sermon3/14/18 8:42 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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Reaction to Billy Graham's Passing
Rev. Stephen Hamilton
“ Great Sermon! ”
What a sad commentary when we cannot even hear an accurate assesment of Graham from BJU. Looks like they may well be joining the likes of Wheaton College or Fuller Theological Seminary. A friend of mine who met Steve Pettit assured me that he really has BJU going in the right direction. Coming from my friend, that was not good news. And now my worst suspicions have been affirmed. I thank the Lord for those few like yourself who have spoken rightfully regarding Graham. He may well be nowe more popular than ever, with both the world and the church. But thank the Lord he has his faithful even in Sardis,

Sermon2/22/18 6:02 PM
FG | USA  Find all comments by FG
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I must say that I have profited to some extent from the Generations ministry. This, however is a very weak point in this ministry. As far back as 1978 Billy Graham stated that he used to believe that pagans in a far away nation would perish if they didn't hear the gospel, and he no longer believes that. That was 40 years ago that he said that. Later, of course he reiterated that sentiment on the Robert Schuler Show and the Larry King Show. Graham's open fellowship with, promotion of, and bidding "God speed" to the likes of heretics like John Bonnell, Archbishop Micheal Ramsey, Norman Vincent Peale and the Pope does not seem to bother the folks at Generations Radio one iota. And Billy Graham, persecuted?? The same Billy Graham that was puff pieced to death by all of the publications owned by William Randolph Hearst at the beginning of his "crusades" back in the 1950's?? That is hardly the case.. The world loved Billy Graham because he was so "tolerant." It broke my heart to find out that he had passed because for years I had been praying that he would publicly repent of his ecumenical unfaithfulness to the very Word he preached. He didn't. Sorry, but I am not confident that he is with the Lord, no matter what anyone else says, including Kevin Swanson.
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