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News Item11/22/2020 12:07 AM
Confused | Ohio  Find all comments by Confused
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I do not understand how someone who posts on this site would support a candidate who loves abortion. Have you ever seen an abortion Jim? Biden supports late term abortion and would force me and others to pay for them with our hard earned tax dollars.
I am so tired of people, who claim to follow Christ, refusing to follow His word. There is no getting around God's Word. There is NOTHING anyone can say. Abortion is a SIN, so ANY political party that would promote it is EVIL!!
The Democratic Party is demonic. Abortion is only one issue, which is what I look at when I vote. I dont vote for a man, I vote for the issues. That is how it should be until Jesus takes over!!

Sermon5/6/18 3:17 AM
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The Lord delights in thee
Jonathan Wilson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Is this not Daniel Henderson?

Sermon11/15/16 8:08 PM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
We are all thrilled that God may have given the USA a momentary reprieve. Now let us go forth and preach the Gospel as never before. Strange comment. Shouldn't we have already been doing that despite who the president previously/currently is?

News Item4/13/16 1:18 AM
Confused | US  Find all comments by Confused
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If you are going to try to call Cruz a wolf in sheep's clothing then what do you call Trump? Scripture says that by their fruits we shall know them. Though he claims to be a christian, Trump's actions and morals speak otherwise.

News Item8/2/15 1:58 PM
Confused | SA  Find all comments by Confused
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Get Real wrote:
I guess the funny thing is that I never cried out about my 17 year old getting sent into the adult population wherein he was beaten by a 30 year old man so badly that he was rushed to the ER having convulsions, that the Jail not the Hospital never contacted me of this situation, and they Billed me for the ambulance and hospital bills, when I sent the bills back to the Jail demanding that the law states that the county is responsible for the bills and how they added this too his jail fees he owes and they somehow became from 3k to 25k in hospital bills, and how they pinned an escape attempt on him when someone else stole his sheet off his bed and he sent in a request for another before the attempt, how they never sent him to trial on this yet every time they picked him up for an offense, they put him in solitary and said they would do this until a years worth of "jail punishment time" was logged, how he was sentenced to 10 years for stealing junk from a garage, how this skinny white blonde boy with asthma was sent up the river, and how many times he had to fight a black man predator who was his cell mate
Get Real,

You have my sympathy.
Was this black cellmate a public official, hired to protect the innocent?

News Item3/10/15 5:26 PM
Confused | USA  Find all comments by Confused
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I am not commenting on your script.

I want to know how you got to use so many characters. There seems to be a limit to the characters I've tried to comment with.

News Item11/25/14 11:03 AM
confused  Find all comments by confused
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John UK wrote: never even read your Bible.
Ephesians 1:18 KJV
(18) The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints...
Psalms 18:28 KJV
(28) For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.
Hebrews 6:4-8 KJV
You always seem to get the Bible upsidedown John.
The verses you quote apply to Christians in which the Holy Spirit is indwelling already.
You RCC/Arminian types believe that human faculties can embrace the truth and Scripture doctrines BEFORE the Holy Spirit's indwelling when the mortal is still under the dominion of sin. That is exactly what Satan wants people to believe then he can get religious reprobates into the churches and confound them.

You omitted v17 John ....
17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:
18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints"

See God is sovereign (first cause) just like the Calvinist teaches you.

News Item11/24/14 2:41 PM
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John UK wrote:
arminist version of prevenient grace, .... Spirit is normal for those whom the Lord calls, and that this is not an "indwelling" but an enlightenment, a communication, an enlivening
I wish you would learn how to spell Arminian John. Perhaps that would help you to read the Bible more accurately.

So "enlightenment" eh John?
Do you mean the Age of Enlightenment so loved by the secular world?
"The Age of Enlightenment (or simply the Enlightenment or Age of Reason) is the time period in which cultural and social changes occurred emphasizing reason, analysis and individualism rather than traditional ways of thinking."

Lets see John's NEW method of how God works is (1) Enlightenment - Is NOT indwelling - So it is the Spirit's work from a distance sort of remote control - Haven't we been here before? The future Christian (Elect at this stage - Who knows???) anyway this Christian possible still at enmity with God and cannot discern - Is zapped with an enlightening bolt flash or whatever and hey presto they are ???? What saved? Partially saved? Or just initially zapped?

Ro 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
See also V9 ....

Arminian or Johnology???

News Item3/27/14 12:16 AM
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I don't understand why theblaze website and articles are posted on This can only lead to confusion! mormonism is a cult and all false religion is the worship of demons. Glenn Beck is a heretic and needs to repent and believe the Gospel!

News Item8/31/13 10:44 AM
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Where did you come up with that nonsense?

News Item3/19/13 6:52 PM
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John for JESUS wrote:
PROBLEMO...We weren't arguing who ordained them to eternal life. I'm just saying all who were ordained believed already. They were believers in God who needed to hear the gospel truth. Funny how the bible doesn't mention that they were ordained until after they believed.
Acts 13:48 "And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed." --- Doesn't believed come last in this verse after ordained to eternal life? Glorifying the Word of Lord because the preacher said he would speak to you is not the same as salvation.

News Item4/3/12 8:52 PM
confused  Find all comments by confused
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CD maybe you can answer my question.

Why does the Holy Spirit wait to indwell the sinner until after he believes?

Sermon1/12/10 5:46 PM
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The Road Out Of Heartache!
Andrew Quigley
“ Great Sermon! ”

Survey3/5/09 7:52 PM
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"The following "Question" was asked by a member of the congregation at Grace Community Church in Panorama City, California, and "Answered" by their pastor, John MacArthur Jr. It was transcribed from the tape, GC 70-8, titled "Questions and Answers--Part 36."


I know that you take a Biblical view of salvation by faith alone.

John Macarthur: Yes, by grace through faith--NOT BY FAITH ALONE. By grace through faith.

Question (continued)

Ok, but I’m a little confused as far as the implications of that Lordship to the non-Christian at the point of salvation. How much of it can they really comprehend in terms of the Lordship issue? And then along with that, are you saying through your series on the Lordship that the call to salvation is synonymous with the call to discipleship?


Survey12/19/08 3:50 PM
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'God eventually broke through with saving grace, granting life through the new birth, and repentance and faith where previously there had been rebellion and unbelief. Sure enough, God can and does do it. To him be praise and glory.' John UK

But as God loves the whole world why does HE as you say break through with saving grace in some and not in others? Is it because the some are willing without grace or made willing first by grace. Or did God love the some more or love them differently? Confused

News Item5/14/08 2:29 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Wine or water is no more holy
How do we reconcile that with this..

And he said, Bring me a new cruse, and put salt therein. And they brought it to him. And he went forth unto the spring of the waters, and cast the salt in there and said, Thus saith the Lord, I have healed these waters; there shall no be from thence any more death or barren land.2 Kings 2:20,21

Survey4/12/08 1:34 PM
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If Jesus condones drinking wine with alcoholic content, then the bible is contradictory. Jesus says in Mat. 26:29, "I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit {the fruits of the earth] of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom". This wine Jesus refers to is the product of agriculture.
Man, being in a fallen state, would not be able to refrain from over-indulging. What if a lost sinner, maybe a neighbor or co-worker, sees a born again Christian buying a bottle of wine? The lost sinner then buys himself a bottle, but being lost, he overindulges. He gets inebriated, gets behind the wheel of his car, and kills an innocent person. Is the born again Christian who bought the bottle of wine responsible?
We may be the only 'bible' lost people will ever read, to partake in what the world partakes in is to not be any different than the world. The world will say, 'if John Doe, who is a Christian, can drink, then it must be okay'. Sadly, that lost person who may believe this just might become a full blown tragic that would be for the Christian who led them astray. "Do not love the world or anything in the world"

Survey1/8/08 10:31 AM
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JD wrote:
DB, You are a disrupter and one who is attempting to confuse the Scriptures and I do not know what is your motivation. However the end to your devices cannot be good and I fear for you.
There is NO covenant of grace in the Holy Scriptures.
No one hads said Abraham was a Jew. Where did you get that out of the blue?
Satan is a master of misinformation and I believe your words are his!
Very Confused:
You are rejecting my argument feom the passages I am dealing with. At least deal with those passages and tell me how I am misrepresnting them. Then we will deal with your argument.
Are you too confused to know how to debate?
I am out for the day!
I have shown clearly that your silly notion that there was no promise to the Gentiles is false. If you think that the passages you cited clearly show otherwise than yo make the scriptures contradict themselves and show your true colors!

Your debating skills (if we may call them that) are severely lacking. Book yourself in with the Doc. He is bound to have a potion for you!

Survey1/8/08 10:04 AM
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JD wrote:
My statement is not stupid and it was not my statement.
Yes it was. It is not the quoting of the Bible to which I object. It is your silly commentary!

JD wrote:
...If you say the Scriptures are stupid then you are telling us more about yourself than I care to know.
Not referring to the scriptures but to you!...

JD wrote:
...That was a promise to Abraham and not to the gentiles..
Gasp! If God said this is the covenant I make with you and **all your seed** and ****the seed**** is all true believers, there is no promise to them if they happen to be Gentiles?!

You are even sillier than I thought!

Survey1/8/08 9:34 AM
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JD wrote:
What is my take on them? They speak for themselves. What is it about them you do not believe or you will not accept? I would really like to know.
And how do you connect the verses you quoted to what I said? What point are you trying to make with them? It makes no sense! You are right, you are confused and you are obviously not a spiritual man.

And I suppose we should all concur with the modest estimation that you have of yourself?!

The point of the verses that I cited should be plain to all but the blind viz. that the promise made to Abraham was to him and his seed (Gal 3.16). But the seed is not ethnic Israel, it is all true believers. That would include the Gentiles who are specifically included by Paul in the Galatians passage as the children of Abraham. Gal 3.29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

So your plain stupid statement that gentile believers had no promise is rubbish. The promise to Abraham was a promise to them as well. They are heirs to the same promise!! O/W how can Paul say, "..then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to (in agreement with) the promise"?!

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