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News Item1/12/19 3:53 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | sicily, Italy  Find all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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One goes into debt with student loans just for this? Sin really is insanity.

News Item1/5/19 4:08 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Talk about fake news. That would be just like saying no Italian PM has ties to the Mafia.

News Item1/4/19 5:04 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Yes, drinking, smoking, obesity all add to chance of a miscarriageā¯—There are other causes than overt sin. See
excerpt from, "Spontaneous abortion"
[ ]
Perhaps the sin is of anti-abortionist who don't work at finding a way to stop some of these natural causes of spontaneous abortion?
Dear Jim, you don't give up, do you? The over indulgence or abuse of food, drink and drugs is SIN. The same goes for sex outside of marriage. The Christian must also remember that upon salvation his or her's body becomes indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Dear Jim, I will however concede to you one thing. We should work at finding ways to prevent such things as spontaneous abortion. I've got an idea. Let's close all our military bases worldwide. Stop all our never ending wars overseas. Stop doing the bidding of the Saudis and Israel. Begin to transform the MIC into medical research centers. We'd have tons of more money for medical research. Dear Jim, call me a conspiracy theorist, but I'm convinced that we already have cures for certain things. But as someone once said "WAR IS THE HEALTH OF THE STATE".

News Item1/4/19 3:40 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | sicily, Italy  Find all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
This female is correct, but there's nothing in Biblical literature that she is suppose to be helping God outā¯— (Miscarriages)
Jim Lincoln, I didn't know that God worked for planned parenthood. I do know that tragic, unfortunate things such as a miscarrige are a result of human sin. Please except my advice as a brother in Christ. First, choose your words more carefully. Second, the allegiance we owe to Jesus Christ comes before our political agenda.

News Item12/30/18 8:43 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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1Mississppi2Mississippi3, You bring up a valid point. Here in Italy, all you need to be welcomed into the Christian Club is, infant baptism, first communion, confirmation and some form of intellectual acknowledgement of God and Jesus Christ. "Evangelical oddities" such as, human depravity, sin, the need of a Savior, the atoneing blood of Jesus, regeneration, prayer, the reading of God's Word, obedience to God's Word, etc... have got nothing to do with being a "cristian". Still, I wish our political leaders would reflect upon the fact that in many places, a profession of Jesus Christ, will at best, relegate you to 2nd or 3rd class citizenship. At worst, cost you your life.

News Item12/29/18 4:31 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Caroline Glick wrote a good article about the plight of the nominal Christians in the Middle East, at the time of the Obama administration. she gave Obama a hard time about it -- good for herā¯—
excerpt from, (The forgotten Christians of the East)
Jim Lincoln, we can indeed give thanks for the thriving Christian Community in Israel. But I would just love to ask Ms. Glick and Mr. Netanyahu why the situation in Libya, Eygpt, Iran, Syria, Yeman etc... isn't as rosy. Would they give me an honest objective answer? Probably not.

News Item12/28/18 9:21 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
With this kind of backlash, one has to question how marijuana was legalized as a recreational drug in the first place?
This is just my humble opinion. First, this just proves that a democracy on steroids, where the mob rules never works. By using the word mob , I do not want to sound racist or offensive. But, regarding the majority of people who did vote for the legalization of marijuana, I would like to know: are they christian, are they even legalized citizens, do they work, are they on welfare, what level of education do they have, are they married, divorced, living together, etc... Second, smoking a joint has now become respectable? Great!! But even in this Big Brother will first make sure he gets a big chunk of the profits. Then, Big Brother is going to tell you how, when, where and under what conditions you can smoke that joint.

News Item12/27/18 6:02 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Yes, I know, we had that unfortunate decline in military spending during the mid-90's. But what about the fact that since the war on terror began, our military budget is more than the next seven nations combined? This spending spree hasn't been enough to make up for that unfortunate decline in spending? And speaking of spending spree ( tax payer spending spree ), why dosen't this article mention the 326k that the pentagon spent on replacing its coffee mugs. Yea, I know, the Chinese and Russian military majors and generals probably still have to use coffee mugs that have been around since the days of Stalin and Chiang Kai Shek. So what's a splurge of 326k on good reliable coffee mugs?

News Item12/23/18 2:11 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Jim Lincoln, I respect your opinions of President Trump. However, the fact that to try to prove your point you quote something by Mr. George Will is quite strange. Strange because Mr. George Will is comparing Trumps 2016 campaign to that of Henry Wallace's 1948 campaign. Jim, let me tell you that for me, Mr. Henry Wallace is one of America's forgotten heroes. And he should be for you as well. Mr. Wallace was one of the few politicians of his time to have the courage to speak out against the emerging cold war and arms race with the USSR. Do you know that he was a strong advocate of labour unions, national health insurance and equal rights for women? Do you know he was way a head of his time in that he was against racial segregation? Oh, by the way, you want to know why FDR set him aside as VP in favor of Harry Truman? Because he caved in to the demands of not only the conservative wing of his party but also the SEGREGATIONIST WING. One final thing, it should come as no surprise that Putin prefered Trump as President. Hillary made it clear that if elected, she was going to be tough on Russia.

News Item12/23/18 1:06 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Setting aside the fact that it is unconstitutional for the Supreme Court to tell a sovereign nation what it can and cannot due with its borders. I have a question. If we were to do away with all the free welfare, the free this, and the free that, etc. etc.. would we even have an immigration crisis? I can tell you that here in Italy we wouldn't. Please do not misunderstand me. As christians, we must seek solutions to these problems in accordance with God's Word. But the truth is that the so called "immigration crisis" is a big part of the NWO Agenda.

News Item12/20/18 12:08 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Why is it that our political leaders wait until their getting ready to leave office before they begin to admit all the mistakes they made?

News Item12/20/18 5:17 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | sicily, Italy  Find all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Why is it that our political leaders wait untill there getting ready to leave office before admitting their office?

News Item12/14/18 1:04 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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I do not approve of this measure that the democrats passed. But hey, all they really did was just make it easier to raise the money to keep the welfare and warfare states in business.

News Item12/10/18 1:13 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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If only leaders like Macron and Merkel would take time to read the Bible they would quickly discover that the God who made us and placed us on this planet isn't a globalist but a NATIONALIST!!

News Item12/9/18 2:20 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | sicily, Italy  Find all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Traditions,relics, symbols and man made creeds and doctrines do not make a person right with God. Only Jesus Christ can do that. When thinking that I grew up in a nominal Catholic family, even attending a private Catholic school, I am grateful to God that he had mercy on my soul.

News Item12/7/18 12:37 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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When are the liberals and progressives going to have the courage to admit that addiction to anti depressants, mass shootings and other forms of gun violence go hand in hand. This is the problem. Not the second amendment.

News Item12/6/18 1:19 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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The NFL racist? Only 28% of its players are white. There is also a rule which states that whenever a team is in search of a new coach at least one of the candidates that it interviews must be a non-white minority.

News Item12/2/18 2:58 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Yes but "it's worth it," and "it's the price you got to pay." What's important is that we transform those countries into free democracies. What's important is that those military contracts keep coming in to the MIC. Jobs!! Jobs!! Jobs!! What's important is that those god fearing neo cons continue to spread the agenda, continue to make us safer, continue to make the world a better place. Christians shristians.

News Item12/1/18 1:41 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Dear Frank, I agree with you. Really, the only way would be to openly repent and have the courage to expose these hellish secret societies. To think about the disgusting acts one has to perform during a scull and bones initian. To think about the "wholesome shenanigans" that take place yearly at Bohemian Groves. Dear people, these are not conspiracy theories, they are facts. And the most sad devasting truth is that the very same people we vote for. The very same people we're convinced have what it takes to make America great again are the very same same people who belong to these societies.

News Item11/24/18 8:12 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Backwoods Duck Farmer wrote:
How funny, instead of sending American troops to fight petty wars on the other side of the globe, our president actually uses the military what it's meant and then is viewed as a hateful tyrant?! We live in backwards times.
Those petty wars on the other side of the globe are a part of the globalist NWO agenda. Simply calling on the military to defend one's borders isn't. Oh yea, the huge profits that the MIC makes with all those petty wars has something to do with it as well.
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