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News Item4/24/18 2:26 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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John UK wrote:
I've not met many with this syndrome, but the ones I have met seemed very nice people, compared to most humans.
John UK, your absolutely right. At the church that I attend there is a brother with down syndrome. I will freely confess to everyone that on more than one occasion, he has taught me a thing or two about christian character. As soon as you can, pay a visit to the joni and friends website. I promise you it will be time well spent.

News Item4/21/18 12:30 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Without any real conclusive evidence that Assad used chemical weapons upon his own citizens we invoke our "god given mandate" and bombard them with missiles. With Planned Parenthood, we do all we can to keep their doors open 24/7. This nation is in big trouble come judgement day.

News Item4/14/18 4:25 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Dear Mr. President, with all due respect, the same neo-con war hungry establishement which did tried everything in its power to keep you from becoming President of the USA, now embraces you with open arms. How did all this come about? Also, yesterday Paul Ryan decided to resign. This is just my gut feeling, but I hope that one of his main reasons for resigning was that he came to the realization that he was becoming a big player in the same establishement that he promised to eliminate during the eary part of his polirical career. One thing is for sure. We need to cry out to God for our nation and its leaders.

News Item4/12/18 1:09 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Dear Pff, if your refering to the Crusades, that had nothing to do with the religion of the Bible but everything to do with politics and blind patriotisim. Wow!! just like today!! I would also like to ask you a few questions. Were the muslims the sole culprits of 9/11. If yes, please explain why they were so "stupid" to stop with the twin towers. My goodness, they already had us on our knees, go with the knockout punch. Also, ever since we began the war on terror, have we made things better or worse? Finally, have you ever heard of someone by the name of George Soros?

News Item4/11/18 3:31 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Can you believe it? Every time the U.S. contemplates pulling out all its troops from Syria, a chemical attack takes place. Hmm... could it be that President Assad actually loves having American troops creating havoc in his country? Yea, thats gotta be it. He does it on purpose so we just have to stay. Don't think for a second that its Israel working behind the scenes in all this.

News Item4/9/18 3:02 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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As a former congressman once said, "We don't need a third party, we need a second party."

News Item4/8/18 8:14 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Can someone please help me? I'm a christian, albeit a miserable excuse of a christian. So of course I'm against things like abortion, the LGBT agenda, free welfare, wasteful spending etc. etc. But I have a problem. I'm also against the "warfare" state. I'm also against all these never ending unconstitutional wars and conflicts that this country is engaged in. The warfare state ruins our economy and gradually takes away all our freedoms and rights just like the welfare state. WHO CAN I VOTE FOR?

News Item3/31/18 3:36 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Why don't all the Arab and Muslim countries that surround Israel take in all these people and give them free housing, healthcare, schooling, the right to vote etc.. etc..?

News Item3/31/18 3:30 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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This is encouraging news. Here in Sicily, we have a very serious problem with having received way too many immigrants. However, I wonder how many of those people polled, realize that the continual erosion of the tradtional christian family along with its values and morals as God ordained from the begining is an even more serious threat?

News Item3/10/18 5:13 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Heaven forbid that diplomacy and peace break out. What will the neo-cons do? What will become of the military industrial complex? What about our god given mandate to spread democracy all over the world? What about our divine right to transform all and any nation that refuses to do things are way into your typical American state like Kentucky, Wyoming, West Virginia, etc.? I don't like this one bit.

News Item2/24/18 5:57 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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"Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." (Luke21:26) "And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so come upon you unawares."(Luke21:34) Here in Italy the evangelical population just barely reaches 1%. Yet, I can assure you that thousands upon thousands of nominal catholics have become disenchanted with their church. The problem however, just like any where else is that instead of turning to Jesus they turn to drink, to drugs, to the lottery, to new age practices, etc. Even amoung that small 1% of evangelicals most come from charismatic prosperity gospel backrounds where the only thing preached are quick easy painfree solutions to all of life's problems and where Jesus is presented as a genie in a bottle. The solution is always the same. we must cling to Jesus Christ and the Word of God. We need to also remember that Jesus never promised us a bed of roses life. If He Himself learned obedience by the things which He suffered, who are we to think that it will be different for us?

News Item2/18/18 11:17 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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While I would never agree to repealing the second amendment, perhaps it's time to make some alterations in the backround checks that are in place with regards to purchasing a gun. It does seem a bit too easy to be able to own a gun in America. Also, I think that there is enough evidence to demonstrate that psychiatric drugs, regular use of "recreational" drugs and mass shootings go hand in hand.

News Item2/12/18 1:30 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living in society, they create for themselves, in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." Fredric Bastiat "The Law"

News Item2/11/18 12:27 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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John for JESUS wrote:
There needs to be more studies done to say for sure why some players get CTE. It seems like most of them don't. Why is that? Was it the ones who led with their head in order to tackle that get it? Is it chemically induced because of steroids? I'm curious why alot of the old football players seem okay while others aren't.
John for Jesus, professional football replaced baseball as our national pastime with the advent of TV. But before all this, the players made minimal salaries and most even had to work second jobs during the offseason. But today, with all the money that's involved, players work out all year and feed on a steady diet of steroids, muscle mass building suppliments and painkillers. When will we have the courage to ask questions like "how many painkillers did the teamtrainer give that player to play an entire game with broken ribs?" "When does bigger, faster and stronger become too big, fast and strong for what the human body was intended?"

News Item2/1/18 4:25 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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Dr. Tim wrote:
You two don't seem to realize that if we don't tackle our enemies on their turf, we'll have to face them on ours. American security and protecting our national interests IS our business. You talk like children who think if they cover their heads, nobody can see them.
Dr. Tim, the ones who are covering their heads are all the neo-cons who are convinced that our foreign policy is making the world a better safer place. Really? Countries like Libya, Egypt, Iran and Syria are better off and safer today than 20 years ago? Dr. Tim, here's a real good question. Has our ungodly and unbiblical foreign policy made it safer for christians to live and worship in those countries? Dr. Tim, guess what, our politicians could care less about all those poor persecuted christians. Pushing their nwo agenda is more important. Another question. Do you think that God is pleased with what we are letting the Saudis do to all the innocent men women and children in Yeman? One last question, what makes one an "enemy" of the U.S. Someone who attacks us first with whom we were at peace with or anyone who refuses to bow down to an ungodly nation which is convinced it has received a divine mandate to rule the world?

News Item2/1/18 1:05 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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"North Korea makes seemingly daily progress on its goal of striking the US mainland with nuclear armed missiles." Really? Are we really sure that this is what Kim Jong-Un wants to do?Look, while you can't deny that he has a few loose screws in his head his real goal is to not end up the same way that Hussein and Gaddafi did. Nor does he want to go through what Assad is going through right now. Can anyone blame him for that? Why don't we just stay at home and tend to our own business instead of going all over the world fighting all the "monsters" and "dragons" that our own politicians have created. Hey, we could put all the extra free time to a very good use. Like getting on our knees and crying out to God for forgiveness, repentence and restoration.

News Item1/28/18 1:19 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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I condemn the fact that American troops have been in Afghanistan since 2001. What good has come out of it? Well, let's see. The NWO agenda continues to move forward. The Federal Reserve continues to loan money to the US government which we the taxpayers have to pay back. The military industrial complex continues to manufacture bombs 24/7 making its leaders even more wealthy. The costs of maintaing our troops there continue to weaken the economy. The heroin traffic continues to boom. The lives of innocent men women and children are either lost or totally devasted. The few remaining christians there suffer even more persecution. Can anyone think of something else?

News Item1/24/18 1:46 PM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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This is a very sad and disturbing trend. We also need to remember that barring a divine intervention from God the morals and values of this generation will by no means resemble those of "grandma" and "grandpa". "...and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the Lord, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel." Judges 2:10.

News Item1/13/18 11:25 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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When God, in His mercy, began to reveal to me through the Holy Spirit and His Word, His Son Jesus Christ, He also began to set me free from certain addictions like drugs, alcohol and too much time wasted on professional sports and fantasy sports games. Having said this, I always have mixed feelings when an athelete speaks about his "faith" helping him win the game. Does this mean that the christians on the other team had too little faith for God to bless them?

News Item1/13/18 5:09 AM
Phillip Mezzapelle | Sicily, Italy  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Phillip Mezzapelle
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This article only points out some things that we all ready know, or at least should know. Raising taxes is never the solution to paying off debt. The way to pay off debt is to create revenue. The way to create revenue is by providing a service that benifits others. Our governments way of "creating revenue" is by forcefully stealing from its people. Finally, the USA is insolvent. This is due to the fact that the current financial system in place, is debt based fiat. This means that the only way to pay off old debt is to create new debt. Democrat or Republican we need to admit that our governments way of doing "business" not only violates the constitution, but it runs contrary to Gods Word.
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