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News Item6/15/16 9:04 AM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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But wait, I thought Chick-fil-a was homophobic and hateful towards gays... Why would they be doing this? Oh. Maybe because it's possible to disagree with someone without hating them. And it's also possible to show love to those people. Go, Chick-fil-a!

News Item6/12/16 2:03 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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@Moses: Interesting that you would day that, since Scofield was a user of the King James Bible, and yet his famous study Bible was one of the first to popularize compromising positions on Genesis. Reading the King James Bible does not make someone a great Christian with pristine theology. I know many KJV Only proponents with some really messed up theology.

News Item5/11/16 4:51 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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@H. Dickson: Apparently you didn't read the article. Moore didn't say Trump was nasty -- he said that Trump was right in calling him (Moore) nasty, because that's what he is apart from Christ and God's grace. He wasn't saying anything negative toward Trump at all. Please don't slander a man without reading all of the facts.

News Item5/6/16 10:41 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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Fully agree with and appreciate your thoughts, Geff.

News Item5/6/16 7:08 AM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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Very good points. Not trying to make a definitive statement on her spiritual state. I do rejoice if this is truly a new sister rescued from the bondage of Islam. Just pointing out the danger of immediately accepting her as a sister just because she says she is one -- especially given the public spectacle she is and how that type of situation isn't normally conducive to true Christianity.

News Item5/6/16 7:08 AM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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Very good points. Not trying to make a definitive statement on her spiritual state. I do rejoice if this is truly a new sister rescued from the bondage of Islam. Just pointing out the danger of immediately accepting her as a sister just because she says she is one -- especially given the public spectacle she is and how that type of situation isn't normally conducive to true Christianity.

News Item5/6/16 6:04 AM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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If The Weeknd is performing at the wedding, I'm kinda inclined to doubt the soundness of the conversion. He's quite a profane artist -- at least when it comes to the drug and sexual content in his lyrics...

News Item4/28/16 7:39 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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Thank you, It is pretty simple. That's precisely what I was attempting to expose.

News Item4/28/16 5:13 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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Also, this whole idea that the Sabbath was changed to Sunday in the New Covenant is ludicrous, because everywhere that the New Testament refers to the Sabbath it's talking about the Saturday (Jewish) Sabbath. Even in the Book of Acts, after the day was supposedly changed.

News Item4/28/16 5:10 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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If you can find me any verse that makes a distinction between the "moral law" and all the other OC laws, I would be much obliged. Otherwise I don't see any reason to make the distinction you are making.

News Item4/28/16 2:40 PM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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We also don't have a verse that says,"Forget the law about not trimming the edges of your beard and do what you like with your facial hair." But what we do have is verses that indicate that Christ fulfilled the entirety of the Old Covenant and that our responsibility is to obey the Law of Christ as set forth in His words and those of His apostles.

News Item4/28/16 5:15 AM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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Christians keep the Sabbath, which was fulfilled in Christ, by resting in Him from their works to gain God's favor. Every day is holy unto the Lord; every day is the Lord's Day. We must live every day as living sacrifices, offering ourselves up to the Lord as His vessels to do His will. If we exalt one day over others, it's easy to lose sight of that calling.

News Item4/28/16 5:12 AM
Christian | Ohio  Find all comments by Christian
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Jesus says in that passage that the children of God are those who will be resurrected. For only they will be found "worthy" since they have been cleansed by the blood of Christ. All believers will be resurrected.

News Item4/21/16 12:00 PM
Christian  Find all comments by Christian
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B. McCausland wrote:
1. and probably they wear
'sanctified'/sanitized pans too, and surely too.
Very good comment but,forgive me, but what are pans? Do you mean pants? Trousers? I have noticed you use this word before. Is it something else?

News Item4/3/16 7:12 AM
Christian | Ohio  Contact via emailFind all comments by Christian
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What matters is not whether we think certain verses in our Bibles are "important." What matters is whether or not they were in the originally written books. Did they come from the hand of Mark, John, Paul, Luke, etc.? Or were they added later and are foreign to true Scripture? That's the question textual criticism seeks to ask, and that's what a lot of people don't seem to understand.

No one wants to add to or remove verses from the Bible. They want to discern what was in the Bible to begin with. And the best way to do that is to consider the evidence in *all* the manuscripts, not just the ones we consider sacred or traditional.

News Item4/3/16 7:00 AM
Christian | Ohio  Contact via emailFind all comments by Christian
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Really benefited from reading this article when I found it on Christianity Today the other day. I had my suspicions about Cruz's theological upbringing, based on many of the "win back America," patriotically-charged, pro-Israel stuff I've heard him say. It bothers me, but I would still support him over Trump. Not sure yet if it's a "lesser of two evils" situation or not...

News Item3/28/16 4:47 PM
Christian | Ohio  Contact via emailFind all comments by Christian
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@enough already: That's just the problem: The KJV Onlyists don't allow others to have a different preference. They claim that any Bible but the 1611 AV is of the devil. We, on the other hand, admit the merits of the KJV and thank God for all that He did through it for over 300 years. But we are also in tune with the reality that new translations, in the language of the people, are now a necessity. And to keep the Bible out of the modern tongue is to further the work of the devil by making the Bible continue to appear irrelevant and ancient, rather than the living and breathing Word of the Living God.

News Item3/28/16 4:44 PM
Christian | Ohio  Contact via emailFind all comments by Christian
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The argument that we should stick with the KJV because it's what has been used for centuries is flawed, because the same could be said about the Latin Vulgate that existed before the KJV. It was in use for even longer than the 400 years that the KJV has existed. In fact, when the King James translators had begun their work on the 1611, many disputed with the need for a new translation, because God had been working through the Latin Vulgate for so long already. Why then did they make a new translation? So that the common people could understand it.

Yet what are KJV Onlyists doing today? Trying to keep God's Word from the common people by demanding that it be kept obscured by a 400-year-old language. God's Word is meant to be understood by all, so let us give it to them in their own language, not one that is hundreds of years removed from the one they speak.

News Item3/26/16 12:04 AM
Christian | Ohio  Contact via emailFind all comments by Christian
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Ah, I was running a little short on my daily Hogwash intake. Thank you, Independent.

News Item3/10/16 6:11 AM
Christian | Ohio  Contact via emailFind all comments by Christian
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Wow, Jim, Americans who support Israel are actually Christians? That sounds like we're adding something to the gospel: if you support Israel, then you're a true Christian...

I think it's an important point that the believers living in the midst of the Israeli people, who witness the socialist government and anti-Christian religion of Judaism, come away not convinced that these are still God's chosen people. And I agree with them. The "Israel of God" is the body of Christ, including all those Gentiles ingrafted into the remnant of Israel because of their union with Christ, the Son of Abraham. That's what Romans 11 is all about.

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