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News Item5/10/16 6:52 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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If you want, you can go to the comment section on sermons rather then bugging us here about us posting about what the news stories are about rather then some sermon on another part of the site.

News Item5/10/16 6:48 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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I find this headline rather amusing: "Trump: 'Russell Moore Is Truly a Terrible Representative of Evangelicals'". As if he is a good representative of vangelicals himself?

News Item5/10/16 6:46 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Exposing Beck wrote:
It recently was revealed that Glenn Beck paid Ted Cruz an exorbanent amount of money to drop out of the race.

Yah, and Trump is really some green lizzard guy from that odd planet. Really? The later has more credability than your made up story!

News Item5/10/16 3:35 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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You rejected a principled man for an unrepentant, God-hating, adulterating, gay "marriage" supporting, abortion supporting, lying, pervert, pseudo-socialist who looks like an ugly, old, woodchuck! How can you complain about the direction our society is headed?!

News Item5/9/16 9:51 AM
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Christopher000 wrote:
We have no choice, Elmer...defy the laws of the land, go to jail. Render to Caesar what is Caesars, and to God, what is God's.

I would note that we are to follow the laws of the land as much as possible without defying God's commands. If the law of the land, however, defies God's commands, then we must obey God rather then men. Just read Daniel 3 and Daniel 6. There is a point where we cannot follow the law of man when it defies God.

News Item5/8/16 9:45 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Andrea wrote:
Bless you one and all.May His grace,mercy,strength and peace be with you.Have a blessed week all!

May He bless you and yours as well with all His goodness!

News Item5/8/16 6:17 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Andrea wrote:
Many doctors work for no more than 700-800 euros,sometimes even less so they leave.We also currently have free healthcare for refugees that need medical attention.I really believe God will honour that.Bless you lots and in His grace.

Do you think doctors being underpaid is a good thing? Even what you yourself just admitted about your country's healthcare system is unsustainable! As doctors grow more scarce due to these low wages, healthcare will gow up in cost. It's simple supply and demand stuff. A deficit of about 4,400 less doctors then what is needed for your population is not a plus! And as far as the refugees go, many of them have spread violence all over europe! God bless you as well.

News Item5/8/16 5:38 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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You may find this link informative:
Bribery Price List for Greek Doctors |...

News Item5/8/16 2:57 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Pennelope wrote:
what a good thing it is to do something unto the Lord and serve your fellow man in community without having to get the action "approved".....

Yah, just wait till your beloved Donny or Hillary gets in! That will be the end of that!

News Item5/8/16 11:44 AM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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As for free healthcare, in your own country of Greece, analysts believe Greece needs about 5,000 general practitioners to meet the demand. They currently have about 600. The lack of doctors is so bad that it’s common for patients to offer bribes for appointments.

Free healthcare has rarely if ever worked out well in the long run.

Finally, I would point out that nothing is "free". "Free" education and healthcare would be payed for by increasing the tax burden on the average joe and rich alike. We will still pay for it.

Have a blessed day!

News Item5/8/16 11:43 AM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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I don't know if you know this or not, but the "free education" band-wagon is being used by people in our country who hold this belief:

"We have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we’ve always have kind of a private notion of children. Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We haven’t had a very collective notion of “These are our children.” So part of it is that we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities. Once it’s everybody’s responsibility and not just the households’, then we start making better investments.”– Melissa Harris-Perry, MSNBC host.

News Item5/8/16 11:42 AM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Andrea,Athens Greece wrote:
America needs funding for health,education.In my opinion,and this is an opinion,education should be free for all.Universities,educational facilities are extremely expensive.This is what governments want,to deprive a nation of education.

Ever heard of the internet? Most college resources are available online for free here in America, meaning as long as someone actually takes the time to google the stuff, it is free. MIT has all of their courses online for free. The only thing you do not get by getting the resources free online is a degree (but you get all of the knowledge), and even then you can take an inexpnsive exam and earn that by filling out a couple of tests! Education is hardly an issue here, and the real issues arise when the government tries to take the place of the parents in their childrens education.

News Item5/8/16 9:35 AM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Christopher000 wrote:
You're all the same person. You're all Geff, and Geff's all you.

Yes, I'm like some creepy gremlin! Someone got me wet, and thus JayJay, John 8:32, BibleSays, TMC and all the rest of you popped out! Just please don't expose me to the light of day, please!

(I'm just kidding of course, though I could visualize Tony with a white stripe on his head! )

News Item5/7/16 7:29 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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TMC wrote:
"...posted and presto!: Geff posted much the same thing just before I did!"
"You may wish to look into the Constitution Party."

Sorry for taking your point. I guess we just must think kinda alike! Thanks for the recomendation.

PS. Sorry for not posting so much lately, y'all. I have been kinda busy with some legal stuff lately. Now it looks like I may be able to post a bit more regularly.

News Item5/7/16 7:17 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Lurker wrote:
"...perhaps the disheartened Cruz supporters need to consider that God has plans for this nation at this time that don't match up with their plans."

Thank you for posting that, I agree whole heartedly.

News Item5/7/16 7:15 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Mike wrote:
"...soon after Geff began posting again, after being gone a couple weeks, several others who also haven't posted for the same amount of time posted to offer support."

I don't know why they posted, but I can garauntee I am not posting under multiple monikers, nor do I personally know JayJay, BibleSays, John 8:32 or any of the other people of which you may be speaking. Hope all is well with you.

News Item5/7/16 12:22 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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"...should've listened to him rather than Pastor Macarthur and Lucado, we might still have a constitution...". Yah, listen to the loony nuthead spitting out rage and a bunch of silly tributes to himself and his own greatness rather then listening to pastors. Trump hasn't said anything really about defending the Constitution, rather he's currently proposing things that are not Constitutional! "Trump has said what the evangelicals will not say...." Probably because it's profanity ridden, and expressing veiws that are antithetical to Scripture! Evangelicals should be saying Planned Parenthood does wonderful things? Evangelicals should be saying abortion laws shouldn't change and the murder of babies should continue? Evangelicals should be saying gay marriage is fine, in fact, we should have "forward motion" on it? Maybe in your universe, but not in God's word!

News Item5/7/16 12:21 PM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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"Geff, while you sit here everyday namecalling Trump he is out there filling stadiums with tens of thousands talking about the issues that matter to them." So did Hitler. The abillity to fill stadiums with thousands of people doesn't make what's being said or done right. Just look at the Colloseum! "Romney had passed abortion and forced health care laws in his own state..." And Trump praises Planned Parenthood, says abortion laws should stay as they are, and embraces a single-payer socialist system of healthcare even worse than Obamacare! "Trump makes evangelicals uncomfortable because he brings up the 28 pages (the evangelical-bush alliance with Saudi-Wahhabism) and his insistence for decades that these were faux wores to be avoided." First of all, I'm not scared of any "28 pages" because I'm not a conspiracy nut. Secondly, Trump called for us to go into Iraq and Libya at the time, even though he now denies it!

News Item5/7/16 8:14 AM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Mike wrote:
"It must be magic."

What do you mean? I don't understand what you're talking about.

News Item5/7/16 7:19 AM
Geff  Find all comments by Geff
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Thanks Christian from Ohio (I like Ohio, but I realy don't like your governor. No offence to you ). Thanks also to BibleSays, the first verse you sited is so very true, and the second is very encouraging to read.
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