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News Item9/3/15 7:17 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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The child probably suffered routine hospital trauma in addition to the shots. And most likely had a status change from being a freeborn living soul into the bondage slave person with a corresponding commercial account number.

Why didn't you warn them? You were made aware of these dangers long ago.

Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Thank you brother Dave!! and St. Elmo, not trying to ignore you, but she was born in a hospital and more than likely received shots if that is what they do with newborns.

News Item9/3/15 1:48 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Army of Jesus  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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I hope the blood of this innocent child has not been polluted with the shots if Satan.

Unproftiable Servant wrote:
Many thanks for the kind wishes from Lurker, Christopher, pennned, and ladybug. My daughter-in-law had had two miscarriages prior to the birth of our precious granddaughter, so every milestone during the pregnancy and the birth was not only exciting but a blessing from God as He graciously answered the prayers of His saints in regard to the matter.
Psalm 113:9 He makes the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord.
to ladybug's post

News Item9/3/15 1:43 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Kingdom of God  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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Should have just quit but should have been fired.

Another dog and pony show. Recall my quotes by A. Nock.

Barry from KY wrote:
WOW, they just locked Ms. Davis up for contempt of court. I guess i'm in shock.

News Item9/2/15 2:48 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Kingdom of God  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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And the amount of satanic vaccines that murder and maim is at an all time high too. Not too far away from the Christian Heathens eating their babies in the name of Jesus, because they will still be saved and will still be getting their prayers answered you know.

time signs wrote:
Moral corruption is at an all time high too, both in society and the campus.

News Item9/1/15 11:56 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Kingdom of God  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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Some say he was a stone mason. Joseph was a carpenter.

specht wrote:
He was an unemployed carpenter.

News Item9/1/15 11:47 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Army of Jesus  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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How about making a scourge of small cords and going into any buildng that says church?

Michael Hranek wrote:
I am sorry to interrupt the discussion (on a thread about innocent people being gunned down of all things) please forgive me.
I am in the process of doing something I haven't done in my evangelism so far, and would beg your prayers (Protection, Favor, Open doors/hearts)
I have made a small simple wooden cross that I plan on from time to time carry and walk the streets here locally alone even though it would be great/better to have someone go with me (with literature etc, on me to give away: Toda, it is a 2 page pring of AW Tozer's "The OLD Cross and the New") with the goal/desire to be able to talk with people who might otherwise be uninterested.
Please do pray for me however the Sprit leads you to, especially for my attitude and wisdom in listening to those who come up to talk.
Thank you all so much!

News Item9/1/15 11:33 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Army of Jesus  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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Stop flaunting yourselves with your enticing trousers!

Jesus didn't wear pants!

But another thought, as I mentioned before in another thread, if the immodest men or women are still saved and still being blessed and getting their prayers answered, then why bother with modest apparel?

1517 wrote:
Your statements are equally "nasty". Not welcome here.

News Item9/1/15 6:57 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Kingdom of God  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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She needs to quit and do some godly work. Kinda silly to work for the beast and then expect to do only good.

News Item8/31/15 12:49 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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Oh no! Look at the outcome of the American schools - faithful Romans 13 State Supremacists!

We need all schools abolished.

News Item8/31/15 12:42 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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Same with births.

And since getting a license means something is a sin, then where in the scriptures does God state that marriage is a sin, or traveling, or speaking, or writing, or eating and drinking, or assembling together, or parenting and raising children, or assembling children together, or caring for children, or caring for the elderly, or building shelter, or securing water, or eliminating body waste, or healing, or working, or working and getting a reward and keeping the entire reward (not giving some or all to strangers with guns), or buying and selling, or giving, or giving medical advice, or giving financial advice, or giving spiritual advice, or giving legal advice when dealing with the heathen legal system, or simply living (being freely on the land without rent payments)?

10th amendment wrote:
They simply recorded their marriages in their Family Bibles. So should we.
You should not have to obtain a license from the State to marry someone anymore than you should have to obtain a license from the State to be a parent, which some in academic and legislative circles are currently pushing to be made law.

News Item8/29/15 10:24 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Army of Jesus  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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Don't believe everything you read on the internet or see on State-run tv.

If it were my children, you certainly would not see me and my wife on CNN a few hours after our children were slaughtered having a tear-less casual conversation in front of the world about the good times with our children and gun control.

Unprofitable Servant wrote:
The Connecticut State police took over the investigation from the local authorities. Accordingly, the Sandy Hook Elementary victims were included in Connecticut's statewide records, but they were not tallied as crimes of any description in Newtown in 2012. Rather, the deaths were classified under "State Police Misc." in separate records. (Snopes)
verified fact in multiple places.
"Saint" Elmo does huge disservice to those friends and loved ones who lost someone near and dear to them and he says it is just a laugh?? He wouldn't have such a callous attitude had it been those close to him.

News Item8/28/15 9:41 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Army of Jesus  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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For the believer, there is no dilemna, as the answer is clear regarding the worshipping of idols and the killing of people in the name of Jesus.

For the unbeliever, the answer is clear as well, just take the shots because they already support murdering people, for that is why they joined the cult in the first place.

Frank wrote:
This vaccination thing is very interesting. On one side, I think that most will concede that they do use cells from murdered babies. Now in my opinion, parents should not be mandated to get their kids vaccinated. It doesn’t take the village that Hillary called for to raise children. Okay, now let me raise an issue that has not been raised yet, but all who served in the military will concede is true.
Every person who enlists in the military receives several vaccinations/shots during basic training. In addition to that I know that when I went to VN, I received several more because of the location I would be serving in. My question is this; if someone says that receiving a vaccination is tantamount to assisting the abortion industry, then they must also say that serving in the military is doing the...
Interesting dilemma.

News Item8/28/15 9:27 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Army of Jesus  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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No need to fret, this is just another obvious hoax. This Parker is probably laughin all the way to the bank with the other Parker, Sandy Hook star, Robbie Parker. And the writers of this script are surely laughin at all the gullible ones that actually believe such obvious nonsense.

News Item8/18/15 3:01 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Kingdom of God  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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Maybe we'll get another 40,000 plus denominations, and another 40,000 plus in Korea too, especially if the "missionaries" are there preaching their false doctrines making twofold more the children of hell than themselves.

News Item8/15/15 1:11 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | land of Phariseeical Calvies  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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News Item8/14/15 5:26 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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8) Baby is taken into another room
(Midwives caused many infants to be
initiated into witchcraft and Satanism. The
midwife had the opportunity and the ability
to take charge of the infant in those few
moments it took, to take the infant into the
next room, ‘hold it up to Satan’, and offer it
to him, or draw blood, with or without the
parent’s consent. The person you put in
charge of your children has the legal right,
spiritually, over that child.)
9) Placenta is taken by family to be eaten or
is kept by the hospital and sold to be eaten.
10) Faustian contracts are now presented
and the ritual of attaching a negative entity
known as the ‘person’ is initiated. Here is
where the witches, sorcerers and
necromancers work together to bring
children of God into the Realm of the dead.
Registering (contracting with the state) your
Biological Property (the body of the baby),
creates the Birth Certificate, which is
actually a DEATH Certificate evidenced by
the signature (curse-ive) of the registrar on
the document putting the living baby into
probate. The Birth certificate is ALSO a
Financial Security Instrument representing
proof of parental consent in signing over the
baby to the State. You are thus Consenting
to the State's Owner

News Item8/14/15 5:11 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Kingdom of God  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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Pharmacy = Sorcery
(The word Pharmacy has it's roots in the
Greek word Pharmakeia)

Hospitals, Doctors, Registrars and Nurses

Many of the modern day witches and
sorcerers are HIDING within the Health Care
industry. They use hospitals to conduct their practices undetected. In this article, I'm going to reveal some information I put
together while on the Temple of Light & Life
retreat. It brought tears to my eyes when I
pictured the steps taken to create the
'person' and I feel OBLIGATED to share this
with those who are awake and alive.
The steps taken to create what is called the
'person' are as follows (the order may vary
in some hospitals)
1) Baby exits the womb
2) Umbilical chord is cut PREMATURELY
resulting in massive amounts of blood loss
and spillage* (In natural births the baby gets all the nutrients until the sac is empty, there is usually little to no blood loss)
3) Placenta is pulled out.
4) Baby is SHOCKED into consciousness
usually from a slap giving the baby pain as
it’s first experience on earth also causing
resentment towards the mother. cont.

News Item8/14/15 5:00 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Kingdom of God  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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So you're the "ugh". Please explain what you are talking about.

"man-made races" btw

Dorcas wrote:
s c,
Elmer is someone who posts anti-everything rubbish on here.
Most of his comments are vile and we report them to the SA Mod. when he posts them up.
They remove them completely or delete, that is why you haven't seen them.
You haven't missed a thing, nothing but racist bigoted rants.

News Item8/14/15 12:47 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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Not here killer. I'm not the pro-killing in the name of Jesus State/White-Supremacist, you people are. I need access to admin functions as I am a competent moderator, and I am here to speak truth and to defend it, so you Christ haters and lovers of man and his kingdoms and his inventions should find another website to spew your antichrist words and doctrines.

Lurker wrote:
I sure hope Fudd doesn't have an arsenal of weapons. He seem the unstable type who would shoot up a theater in a fit of rage. The man is sick and needs help, both mental and spiritual.

News Item8/13/15 6:16 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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What are you talking about?

Ugh wrote:
What a vile comment ELMER the troll
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