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News Item7/17/15 3:07 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Army of Jesus  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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From "Our Enemy, the State" by Albert J. Nock.

"There appears to be a curious difficulty about exercising reflective thought upon the actual nature of an institution into which one was born and one's ancestors were born. One accepts it as one does the atmosphere; one's practical adjustments to it are made by a kind of reflex. One seldom thinks about the air until one notices some change, favourable or unfavourable, and then one's thought about it is special; one thinks about purer air, lighter air, heavier air, not about air. So it is with certain human institutions. We know that they exist, that they affect us in various ways, but we do not ask how they came to exist, or what their original intention was, or what primary function it is that they are actually fulfilling; and when they affect us so unfavourably that we rebel against them, WE CONTEMPLATE SUBSTITUTING NOTHING BEYOND SOME MODIFICATION OR VARIANT OF THE SAME INSTITUTION. Thus colonial America, oppressed by the monarchical State, brings in the republican State; Germany gives up the republican State for the Hitlerian State; Russia exchanges the monocratic State for the collectivist State; Italy exchanges the constitutionalist State for the "totalitarian" State." cont.

News Item7/17/15 2:52 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Army of Jesus  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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What's the problem? She's "just doing her job" and being consistent with the popular dual-personality doctrine. You know, do evil from 9-5 for the love of money which is blamed on God (the Protestant work ethic, Romans 13) and then be a believer and do good from 5-9. The dual-personality doctrine! So convenient eh?

Now how many people who profess Christ do you know that do evil in order to "make a living"? Politicians, military, police, lawyers, child predator services, tax collectors/assessors, school teachers, census workers (oh just some extra cash), pharmacists, allopaths, vaccinators, pastors...

And so many more.

News Item7/17/15 2:36 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Army of Jesus  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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All schools are religious. It's either a school for Christ or a school for Satan. Pretty simple! But don't let the "Christian" schools fool you, as they are actually for Satan. They register and get permission to assemble together from Satan, and they agree to obey his rules.

News Item7/17/15 2:30 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Army of Jesus  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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I don't know if the devil poops, but Capitalism is a poopy belief.

"The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism" by Max Weber

"Selling the work ethic: : From puritan pulpit to corporate PR" by Sharon Beder

News Item7/17/15 2:19 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Army of Jesus  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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"suffer not a witch to live"

News Item7/17/15 2:15 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Army of Jesus  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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No, if marriage has been destroyed, which in reality it has not, it has been destroyed by those who desire man for their king, who has thus declared that marriage is a sin ("illegal") and that a license must be given by man in order to be properly married and therefore without "sin."

News Item7/17/15 2:07 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Army of Jesus  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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It ended when "God's people" wanted man as their king.

News Item7/17/15 2:04 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Army of Jesus  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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Believers should be together more and more as they see the day approaching, yet the pre-tribbers gather for only an hour or so a week for a dead ritual to hear some motivational speaker.

If they are true to their "Jesus can return at any moment" doctrine, then they should be together daily rather than assembling together with unbelievers at their wage-slave jobs for 40-60+ hours a week so they can pay Whitey and pay for all the unnecessary junk they just have to have.

News Item7/17/15 1:29 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Army of Jesus  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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You do not see them for you are blind and are unable to see. As Jesus said in his day to those like you, "ye are of your father the devil..."

Oh, and no one has to be a card-carrying Satanist to be a Satanist, for all people are either believers or unbelievers. They either worship Christ or they worship Satan. No other option.

you must be wrote:
Elmer Fudd part of Looney Tunes. You keep forgetting Satanic worshippers don't go to your alleged temples, momuments, and symbols for any services or rituals so it is only looney conspiracy people like yourself that see them. Satanist don't even acknowledge them. But you know they just snuck them in under our noses. Stay off the internet it is bad for your mental health.

News Item7/17/15 1:18 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Army of Jesus  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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And how many innocent people have Marines and other similar sects murdered here and abroad???

Remember Waco too. Hellbound cowards!

News Item7/11/15 12:04 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Kingdom of God  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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And SA is a great tool. That's why I need administrative access so I can shut this propaganda, word-choking forum down. But anyway, "Propaganda" by Jacques Ellul is a must read, especially for the youth.

News Item7/10/15 11:59 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Kingdom of God  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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The nature of the presidency is against God, so whoever is given the seat can only be against God. Besides, the president is merely a puppet. If God would strike the puppet master, do we have to know? Is he obligated to tell everyone?

News Item7/10/15 11:54 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Kingdom of God  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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What about the Satanic temples/monuments/symbols in Washington DC?

News Item7/9/15 3:26 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Kingdom of God  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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Now that Brother Saint Kent Hovind is free from Satan's prison, maybe he will expose the Levitical Priesthood since he was a victim of it.

News Item7/8/15 12:32 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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About 16 years ago when I was newly excited about believing and trying to obey Christ, I noticed the American flag idol raised higher than the Christian flag idol at the local "Assembly of God." I emailed those people of my concern and of course it was like talking to a rock wall. Nothing has changed to this day, but I do appreciate their honesty on who their god is.

News Item7/8/15 12:27 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Kingdom of God  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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As I mentioned before, if the church (which consists of believers) is exempt then each individual believer does not owe ANY tax whatsoever. Make sure to inform the cashier at any retailer of this so he or she will honor and respect the faith of Jesus Christ, because we do supposedly have freedom of religion in this land.

Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Just for clarification. As you noted, churches are automatically tax exempt, they do not need to apply for 501c3, and should get rid of it if they have. Thus you are allowed to take YOUR money deducted off YOUR payment to the government. That would not be a kickback, it is simply keeping more of your money. It would be a kickback if the money belonged to the government, it does not. Plus getting my own money back from the government does not give me any influence with the government. Your are not deducting the amount from your taxes you are deducting the amount from your income that is taxed, HUGE difference. (you said, "you are deducting that amount from your taxes")

News Item7/8/15 12:21 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Kingdom of God  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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Steve in Missouri teaches the Levitical Priesthood.

[URL=]]]Levitical Priesthood of Tennessee[/URL]

News Item7/6/15 11:51 AM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Kingdom of God  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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"Suffer not a witch to live"

News Item7/4/15 3:48 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I | the Kingdom of God  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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Brother Saint Elected Christopher, the short answer is no. Even if any sort of inflicted violence on someone may appear to "work", does it ultimately "work" and is it right? I say no, just like I say no to sinners prayer, fish dinners, games, rock-n-roll music etc. for supposedly drawing unbelievers to Christ. Seems to work, but it doesn't.

Look at the entirety of scripture and you'll see the false doctrine of hitting little children. Professed believers have a fetish with violence and domination and pervert scripture so they can justify their sin. Don't hold some doctrine, especially one so serious as hurting children who cannot even understand, based on a few isolated passages, especially a few OT passages, and even more especially a few "dark sayings" (proverbs).

However, since your wife is an unbeliever, and if I may use the same application, are you dwelling in the corner of your house? And how may believers with contentious, brawling wives are obeying God and dwelling in the corner of their houses or wilderness? Is this doctrine being taught?

Proverbs 21:9 It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.

See Proverbs 25:24, 21:19

Christopher000 wrote:
Hi Officer Brother Saint Elmer...

News Item7/1/15 11:41 PM
Brother Saint Elected Elmer I  Find all comments by Brother Saint Elected Elmer I
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Or to the end and back.

Mr b wrote:
no Christopher , I wish I could afford to sail around the world. I try to stay off the grid but sometimes these stories , I just have to comment . I'm still here , I just don't comment much . Don't want to " offend" the politically correct ??
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