A gunman believed to have shot and killed a WDBJ-TV 7 journalist and cameraman during their live broadcast at Bridgewater Plaza in Moneta, Virginia, on Wednesday morning reportedly shot himself along Interstate 66, while fleeing police. He died at about 1:30 p.m. at a hospital of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Franklin County Sheriff Bill Overton told reporters.
ABC News reported that it received a fax containing a 23-page manifesto from someone named Bryce Williams, according to a tweet. The document was handed over to investigators, ABC said. The network posted a short story reporting some of the manifesto’s contents. They show Flanagan alleging that he had been the victim of bullying and discrimination because he is gay and black.
He also said that he was compelled to respond to Dylann Roof’s massacre at a Charleston, South Carolina, church in June and he was inspired by Seung Hui Cho, who...