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News Item5/24/19 7:25 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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No distributors...just goes to show how hardline everyone is against pro-life, because they're sacrificing millions for their liberal agenda. Justin Trudeau must be thrilled, being a raging, pro-murder, hard left liberal.

News Item5/23/19 5:11 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr Tim Wrote:
"No, Christopher, the reason you don’t have trash dumps is because New Englanders are too stingy to throw anything away. That’s why your mini-storage areas are filled with “treasures” such as keys from old sardine cans and bundles of pre-UPC Twinkie wrappers."

So predictable. A typical, Southern hickbilly, always deflecting, because the cold, hard truth is so depressing. The deep South is one, ginormous landfill, with a lot of happy hickbillies using it to play, whack a mole, and find treats to eat.

News Item5/23/19 4:23 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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JaG Wrote:
"You oughta see if Chris000 could look in those Yankee dumps up there, and see if someone threw away some pie pans. They would give your cart a nice shiny look, and tell everybody when your coming so they can run away..."

We don't have any trash dumps up here. All of our garbage gets overnighted, daily, to you people down there, so you can go treasure hunting for gifts to give your kin, and find stuff to eat.

News Item5/23/19 8:43 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Gay Allen Wrote:
"Hey Christopher and everybody hows it going, good with God i hope, i am experiencing a bunch of problems irl, but now i have a better understanding and relationship with Our Father in heaven, He has been spanking me, i have been thanking Him, to the glory of God."

Hi Gay, sorry to hear about the personal issues, but I was glad to read the rest. The changes in you over the years have been remarkable, and I'm really glad that you keep looking up; trusting and depending more upon Him. Life has its travails, that's for sure, and being in Christ doesn't make it all go away. In fact, I'd say that our battles are increased, exponentially as we also have to battle this flesh, daily, once we begin anew.

Hang in there, because it's not forever. Our lives seem long and hard but they're just a little, tiny blip in the grand scheme, and releif is in sight.😊

News Item5/23/19 7:16 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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While Falun Gong isn't The Way, it seems to me that whenever any government persecutes any false religion or cult, it backfires on them. I think it causes the persecuted to dig in even deeper, because they come to believe, with even more ferver, that their way is/must be The Way, simply because of the hard persecution against them/it, so they're even willing to give up their lives for what they perceive as truth, that to them, the persecutors are confirming.

Reminds me of Christians who are in gross error. People come against them, and scorn them for this and that; trying to correct the error(s) they are promoting, but the backlash is received as being persecuted for Christ's sake, as living martyrs.

God provided His Living Word, for any and all; clear, concise, and simple...we will all be without excuse in the end, whether that means being in gross, scriptural error, dedicating ones life to gods or goddesses that never were, mother Earth; nature worship, or choosing to serve Satan himself...nobody will be able to claim ignorance, or being duped by some false teacher or prophet, etc. God made The Way, simple and clear, for any and all.

Matthew 7:23
...And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

News Item5/22/19 3:20 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Interesting thoughts, and breakdown, John. You're right in saying that the numbers are fluid, really, and change daily. The new tax laws are the most complicated, ever, I've heard, so I'm glad to have who I do as my accountant/advisor. Last year, when I questioned the large refund, which would have triggered an audit, he told me that in 30+yrs, he's had one, single account audited, so not a bad teack record (I think).

Quite so, QC, and I should have led off with what you said about it being a Christians characteristic to want to be fully honest.

News Item5/22/19 6:23 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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The headline is misleading, and is about and IRS survey, and income tax. I don't know why people bother to cheat, and risk an audit. As a business owner, that's the last thing Is want, and so far, so good. My accountant is an ex-IRS auditor who I've used since I began my company, so he definitely knows what to do, and what not to do, etc. I was fortunate to have had him referred by a friend.

The only "almost" issue I had was two tax seasons ago, when I dropped my stuff off 2wks before the file date, April 15th. Due to the time constraint, he handed my package off to one of his associates, and when I called to see what the damage was, I was getting a large return that I wasn't expecting. I questioned it, and after verifying his associates numbers, found that she had doubled something, which would have redflagged me for a guaranteed audit, so, whew! Close one.

Anyway, I know many have complained about the limit on property taxes, and other reductions here and there, but the child tax credit was doubled for those with kids, the standard, automatic deduction is at 24k, and the greatest thing for we, small business owners is that we can shave 20% off of our net profit, dramatically reducing our taxable income.

Ok, end of boring post. 😊

News Item5/22/19 5:49 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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I was just listening to some news headlines on talk radio, and a liberal Democrat was speaking about how a woman's right to murder the babys they carry, is under assault. The thing that caught my attention, was when she said, "it's morally repugnant".

Imagine that. Trying to save little, helpless human lives is morally repugnant. Denying women their "right" to murder, on-demand, and for any reason, whatsoever, is morally repugnant. The right to murder is celebrated, but the right to life, well, that's morally repugnant. A baby in the womb, is a disgusting, repugnant nothing, and has no rights, simply because the child hasn't been delivered yet?

Wow to them all. The daily mass-murder of infants is no different than lining up 1000's of toddlers and young children, and dumping acid on them, or having them all drawn and quartered. Would the same people still laugh, have partys to celebrate, and still fight for the right to murder all of those children? Why not...because they can see them? Because they've been delivered? Ridiculous, wicked humans.

News Item5/21/19 6:43 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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"Police say the diocese has hidden records of complaints about priests, including former St. Cecilia pastor Rev. Edmundo Paredes."

I'm glad that many have, and still are, falling away from this false, and diabolical system, but where are they landing, is my concern? This false system dooms them while they remain with them, faithful, and in a state of grace, and it dooms them as they depart; pronouncing them, ananthema. The system, I believe, dooms them in another way now, as the "faithful" become disillusioned, and venture on to Athiesm, Agnosticism, and the metaphysical, etc. They believed the church of Rome was their salvation, so where do they go, and what do they do when everything they knew, and believed in, implodes, so the church dooms them, thrice.

I hope the bulk of them decide to start fresh, praying fervently, and unceasingly, opening their minds, grabbing their bibles, and begin to re-learn everything; slowly reversing all of the hardwired lies.

The "one true church", and its doctrines, traditions, rituals, and magisterium, are wickedness, and it's Popes, Bishops, and Priests, evil incarnate, under the outward guise of holiness, piety, and soft, inviting speech, sprinkled with just the right amount of scripture to complete the illusion.

News Item5/21/19 6:18 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hi Christoph,

I would add that Mormonism is of very recent invention, being invented by Joseph Smith in 1830. Do you believe that God allowed the whole of mankind, up until 1830, to be condemned, and miss out on the spirit paradise, and the three degrees of glory, because He chose to withhold very important information that we needed?

Smith practiced religious folk magic, and magic supernaturalism, such as divining, and searching for treasure by peering into a seer stone, etc. His parents and grandparents also claimed to be seers; saying they would have visions, and receive secret messages from God, etc. Unfortunately, young Joseph grew up around this sort of supernaturalism, and metaphysics that he took a big step further, later on, as a mass con, or which allowed him to eventually be deceived by Satan, or a very high ranking fallen angel, and invent Mormonism.

Consider this: Just as every other false religion, and cult, were invented in more recent years, save for Islam and Buddism, etc., so was Mormonism invented by a mere man around 1830, and just as every other false religion and cult is, Mormonism, according to God-breathed scripture, is fully anti-bible, anti-God, and anti-Christ, in all it teaches and believes.

Sola Scriptura, Christoph...the Bible alone.

News Item5/20/19 4:04 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Always strange to me that people who claim to be Athiest, spend their waking hours battling against a God that they claim doesn't even exist. They form alliances, associations, non-profits, and they make full use of the legal arms, like the ACLU, to wage war against a God they claim doesn't exist. Seems to me that if they truly believed He doesn't exist, then they wouldn't do anything more than grimace at our foolishness, and make smart comments, etc. No, I think they just hate anyone who condemns their lusts, and immoral behaviors and views, etc. I just don't know what else would explain their hatred of The Living God; a God they claim is nothing more than pure fiction, and utter foolishness. They seem threatened, more than anything else...

News Item5/19/19 8:31 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr Tim Wrote:
"Epiphany, Christopher? Didn’t he design lamps, jewelry and other gewgaws?"

Gewgaws? Hillbillyspeak for doodads, doohickeys, whatchamacallits, and dem dar tings? I feel 5% dumber everytime I finish reading anything scribbled out by a mangy, backwoods mountain chipmunk whisperer.

News Item5/19/19 6:46 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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"The Equality Act would "force Americans to participate in events and speak messages that violate their core beliefs, all in the name of an 'equality' that tolerates no dissenters," she said in a written statement.

It also would erode equality for women "by denying female athletes fair competition in sports, depriving women of business opportunities designed for them, and forcing them to share private, intimate spaces with men who identify as female." Waggoner said."

There are two teenage boys on the girl's track team at a high school in Connecticut. The boys identify as females, so of course, they are treated as girls. Due to the fact that they are naturally, stronger and faster than any of the girls, they have blown away every girls track record, and haven't been beat in any competition. The opposing teams always cry foul, and rightly so, but even the girls on their own team are crying foul because the two trans boys are stealing away their potential scholarships. When interviewed by the local media, the parents accuse the detractors of being jealous of their boys, and when asked about the overall fairness, the boys respond, "Well, the girls just need to run faster". Liberals gone mad.

News Item5/19/19 6:31 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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comments the way, Dolores, I'm glad that you received the things I said in a positive way. My main goal was to get you to take a look around, and see that disagreements abound on a daily basis, and are hardly restricted to you, personally. The other point I was making is that we ALL battle, or have battled, prior indoctrination on some level, and have become hardwired to believe certain things/ways. We just need to make certain that scripture is always our final truth, no matter how hard our minds try to fight for those things that we learned at first, or those things that we simply prefer to believe by way of personal preference, etc.

Hope everyone's day is good🔩

News Item5/19/19 6:15 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr Tim wrote:
Christopher wrote, “People here disagree with each other.”
I disagree.

John UK Wrote"
Tim, I don't disagree with you, but I beg to differ.

I don't concur with either of you nuts. We could solve this if you'd both have an epiphany, and just come to realize that I'm always right. No matter what I say on whatever topic, I'm right. Set your pride aside, and just accept it.

News Item5/19/19 6:09 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dolores Wrote:
"I have lots of background experiences that God has used to help others with same things I once dealt with and by the Spirit of God overcame. I believe we go through bad times, and God will use to help someone else so nothing is wasted..."

That's great, Dolores. One thing I always remember my dad saying is that life's trials will either make you, or break you. Unfortunately, they finally broke him, because he killed himself in 1996, when he was 56yrs old. No note, no warning signs...nothing. nevertheless, he tried his best, and his words rang true. Like many, I've been through some really horrible things, but never once said, "Why me", or felt sorry for myself. The reason for that is because early on, I came to realize that my traumas gave me the ability to relate to the struggles of others, and actually offer real world help, and advice, as opposed to merely listening, but having no clue what a person was really up against, or had to endure. I thank God for all I've had to endure, because I can look at anyone, and tell them, "Hey, I get it", and do what I can from there.

I've lived a dark life, but I always heard God softly whispering, even in the darkest of times, and I could never shake it...He wouldn't let me, because I was always His.

News Item5/18/19 4:37 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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...When we're witnessing to someone, and they disagree, which they will, we can't throw our hands up, and say, "Ok, I'm done!", and just walk away out of frustration.

Sometimes we're the teacher, but always, the student, and ever learning. Scripture is always the final word though...not the teacher, so we always need to examine whether or not the teachers words be so, and we got things right, no matter how hard our brains might want to fight against something that's been hardwired into us as truth, because it's what we learned at first, or is status quo within our Christian community.

Again, you're not alone...people here disagree with each other, 24/7, so I'm never quite sure why you think everyone's against you, on a personal level, when anyone happens to disagree on a matter.

Just some food for thought. 😊

News Item5/18/19 4:36 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dolores Wrote:
"...At least I am working on it and it has been a learning experience A training is how I now look at. To handle all kinds of exchanges with all kinds of people has helped me in my walk with Jesus."

Hi Dolores, I wanted you to know that I've taken notice. You mentioned somewhere that you were in debate class in high school, I think. Debating is a learning experience, and through trial and error, you learned to hone your skills. I'm not comparing this forum to a debate class, but it can be very useful for learning, and honing our witnessing skills, again, through trial and error, and as you said above, learning how to effectively handle all kinds of different people, which is always a challenge in and of itself, because everyone's so uniquely different.

"...because of my background and low self esteem, have to get off..."

I always get the vibe that you think you're all alone, and that it's you against everyone else here, but that's just not so. Take a look around, and you'll see that disagreements abound, and none of them ever say they're signing off whenever another disagrees with them. They make their case, and then silently, agree to disagree if that's what it comes to, and move on.


News Item5/18/19 12:48 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr. Alan Cairns does a good job exposing the Roman religious machine, and has preached against the system, often, with a righteous indignation, because he greives for so many souls trapped within it. I would highly recommend his scripture-based preaching against all things Rome.

News Item5/18/19 12:42 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John UK Wrote:
Good morning Christopher.
I have to tell you bro, after reading your post, that to say that is even worse than Arminist theology. If you want scripture proofs, check out the first three parts I have posted this morning.

Thanks, I just noticed my verbiage, and should have said that many refuse to listen; take heed...choosing badly by turning away from the truth presented to them.

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