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News Item6/5/19 5:08 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Prosperity gospel: Preachers who exploit people's faith by promising future wealth for today's donations, or, "love offerings". Faith, in the form of donations, will garner fabulous wealth for the giver...what a racket.

One of their favorite, and most effective lines is: Even if you don't have it, give it, and have faith that you'll be blessed 100-fold. God can't, and won't reward the faithless...He wants you to be rich beyond your wildest dreams, so plant your seed (donation) right now, and watch it explode into more money than you'll even know what to do with.

These people are still going stronger than ever, and getting richer than ever, as the ignorant still buy into the nonsense; treating God's Word as some pyramid, wealth building guide, while everything else is just a blur, and of secondary importance, apparently. Charlatans.

News Item6/5/19 3:57 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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On Sunday, a 17yr old Dutch girl was granted euthanasia. They call it, passive euthanasia, where her doctors agreed to stop forcefeeding her, and send her home to slowly die...a 17yr old girl. Why did they agree to it? Because she suffered from severe depression, and the trauma of being molested and raped as an 11yr old. Horrible things, for sure, and everyone suffers in different ways, but how incredibly irresponsible of the medical community. So much for, "Do no harm" from the Hippocratic oath they all swear to. No different, really, than, allow no harm, as far as I'm concerned.

"Under Dutch law, doctors can agree to euthanasia for a child as young as 12 as long as suffering, including psychiatric illnesses, can be medically defined as unbearable and with no end in sight."

As young as 12yrs old, and for something as common as depression, or severe depression, most likely, in these cases. Unreal.

News Item6/5/19 9:14 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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The scandal with these Priests isn't a thing of the past, and the church isn't simply trying to move on, and heal. The scandal, and the crimes, are active and ongoing, because they(its "holy" Priests) are what the "one true church" invites, welcomes, and breeds. The "one true church" is a wicked black sludge, wrapped in a thin layer of just the right words and sights that give it the illusion of holiness. Only the ignorant are drawn to its riches, beauty, and soothing words.

Wasn't it Hansel and Gretel who were drawn to a witches cabin, because she cast some sort of a spell that made the exterior of her home look inviting with all sorts of bright colors, and made out of candy, when the reality was that it was a decrepid old shack? Hansel and Gretyl were drawn to an exterior illusion, while death waited for them inside, just the church of Rome.

News Item6/4/19 10:25 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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"The Ohio Library Council ultimately decided to cancel the event, and the Newark Ohio Pride Coalition announced it would hold the Pride event at another location."

Good. The infiltration of the public school system alone, and right on down to kindergarten, is disturbingly grotesque, and more than enough. Now, it's, come on down to your local library, kids, enter into our, no parents allowed, safezone, and hang out with your very own drag queen tutor, who will teach you how to look glamorous, how to dress fabulous, and how to practice wickedness, safely? Disgusting, revolting, disturbing, and woe to those who condone, glamorize, promote, and encourage such evil amongst the youth in this brave new, anything goes, morally corrupt, increasingly Godless, society.

News Item6/4/19 10:09 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Rhode Island's very own, Governor Gina Raimundo(D), just declared June as gay pride month. Disturbing, but not surprising. These people have become a serious force to be reckoned with, and why is that? Why is every liberal politician bowing down to them, and their plight? Same reason they are fighting for open borders, sanctuary citys, lowering the voting age, reversing the laws that forbid felons from voting, and trans equality...votes, votes, votes. Simple Simon.

News Item6/1/19 6:53 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Mike NY Wrote:
"Ginsburg should be able to point out the words in the Constitution that say so. They aren't there, so she might have as frail a mind as she does a body. Or maybe she just can't read plain English well."

I'd say it's neither of those, but rather, another common liberal forcing agendas, and personal views inbetween lines that don't even exist in the first place. Whether those lines exist, or not, their fellow comrades receive anything they utter as constitutional truth. Apparently, our forefathers wrote that particular article and section in invisible ink that only liberals can see.

News Item6/1/19 10:48 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Gotta love it whenever you go to read an article, and are forced to subscribe for the rest of the story.

Right QC...God Himself says that none of His creation can deny Him. The words might come out from their mouths, and they may have convinced themselves, but they need to work real hard to keep the reality of Him actively supressed. I think the thing with Athiests runs parallel to the Satanists, where denying the God of the Bible, or in the case of Satanists, worshipping the murderer, who they believe is the real power, gives them all a great sense of freedom to do as they will, without any fear of judgement, or sense of wrong. Denying God releases them from the constrictions of sin; of right and wrong, etc. Those are my thoughts, anyway.

Unfortunately for them, they'll find out one day how wrong they were. Sad thing.

News Item6/1/19 9:45 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John UK Wrote:
"Quite so, Christopher. You are quite right to grumble, but let me show you why your words seem to have no effect.
When a thread goes pear-shaped and you have your grumble about anger and about people not posting with Christian love and grace, nothing changes because you do not direct your message at anyone in particular."

Hey John, I know you brought this up once before, and I agree, but not in all instances. I'm well aware that I'm not in the habit of naming names, even when my comments might be to a specific person or two. Honestly, I've always assumed that, whoever, would know I was speaking to them in most cases. Other times, I know I can be pretty general, so like you said, the people who should be taking note, might be pointing their fingers at everyone else, so I get that. Mostly though, I think it would be pretty clear who was being spoken to, and in other cases, I wouldn't name names anyway, because it's a, "if the shoe fits", type of comment, as Frank might say. When it comes to the flat Earth topic, it was one of the cases where I thought the who's who was pretty clear.

So, there's my breakdown, as I see it, but I do agree that it can cause confusion at times, because not everyone is as self aware as others (finger pointing).

News Item6/1/19 7:43 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr Tim Wrote:
"Christopher, you hurt me deeply when you made fun of my appearance. I can’t help the fact that my ears are fourteen inches long and covered with fur, or that I have that third eye in the middle of my forehead. Please try to show a little sensitivity in your future posts."

Dr Tim, I sincerely apologize for making you think that I was poking fun at your appearance. I need to be more careful with how I word things at times, because I would never, ever make fun of your appearance. I know it's not something you have any control over, and can't do anything about, so I wasn't poking fun of you, I was feeling sorry for you. I can't imagine your struggle, or how deeply you've been scarred by the normal people who DO make fun of you. Shame on them, because they should just look the other way when they see you coming. I do feel for you, apologize again for the mis-understanding, and if you ever need someone to talk to, and I mean this...good luck.

News Item6/1/19 6:25 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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...the protectors and the educators have become the abusers. Nothing is off-limits, but, as a parent, discipline a child with a spanking, when all else has failed, and go to jail.

News Item6/1/19 6:22 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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I get that this is the reality of it, but I really struggle over articles like this, after it's too late, because I didn't know what was coming before I read it. I guess like the horrific details of how babys are murdered, there's no real way to skirt around the details, without softening the hard reality of what these kids are being exposed to.

Intimacy has been cheapened, polluted, and expanded into the grotesque and taboo; crossing gender lines, and the up and coming generation is becoming cold, calloused, objectified, and being taught to objectify. Restricting intimacy until marriage, and then, only between a man and woman is antiquated, and ridiculed as the old way, because God has been condemned, and ostracized from the new, progressive, anything goes, God who?, America.

The very adults who are suppose to be protecting the children, are doing irreparable harm, causing confusion, feelings of hopelessness, despair, putting them in situations to be abused, and even driving them, indirectly, to suicide, or to be drugged up by mental professionals because they can't cope with all of the nonsense they're being exposed to.

Woe to those who harm the children, whether physically or emotionally, and woe to those who support, and promote the wickedness we see going on toda

News Item5/31/19 8:30 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Personally, I think it would be a really interesting, and fun topic to have a discussion on. Problem is that it always goes off the rails real quick; taking a left turn, and getting heated up about as fast as a conversation on Bible versions does, unfortunately.

News Item5/31/19 7:20 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr Tim Wrote:
"What would this witch know about being a mother? I doubt if she ever spent one day at home with her kids. Too busy fighting for feminism to ever do anything feminine."

I remember when "Buzzi" Ginsburg fell, and broke a few ribs a while back. She was up and about, and doing fine when people were actively offering her their organs, and ribs...yes, ribs. Bafoons. Problem is that they were being completely serious at the time, and quite literal, which is what made their comments and offers so ridiculous. Alyssia Milano, again, being completely serious, offered Ginsburg both of her kidneys, which not only shows how unintelligent she is, but Ginsburg had broken ribs, not failing organs.

Just goes to show how hardcore and fearful the liberals are of ever losing their "right" to murder babys, en masse...they'll do anything, even offer their lives, apparently.

News Item5/31/19 4:57 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Yeah, the, mature enough, part being added, threw me off a bit, and could have been left out.

So, here's the issue I've always called into question, minus scripture, and minus any "evidences" from both sides, round Earth, and flat Earth: People just love to talk. Fun fact: Most criminals get busted because they've just got to tell someone else a out their crime. So, here's my thing...imagine the sheer number of people, and people from every nationality, across this "Earth", past and present, who were, and, are involved in the most massive cover-up of all-time, and to date, have kept the biggest, wildest, and most fantastical secret ever, but...not a single peep from anyone who would truly know. NASA, satellite and space telescope operators and photographic viewers, astronauts, cosmonauts, space station visitors, space shuttle ride-alongs, foreign, domestic, and private space program employees, foreign and domestic governments, photographic and video editors, and the list goes on and on. The point is that hundreds of thousands of people, over time, and not a single one spilled, wrote a memoir, or went public with a deathbed confession, etc.? Seems inconceivable, given the information that that they all must be/have been bursting to spill. Secrets like that just aren't k

News Item5/31/19 9:08 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr Tim Wrote:
"Fantastic, Christopher? I agree, but it’s spelled with a k, you know, Fantastik. You need at least a gallon of it, along with some bleach and a can of Goop, just to scrub the dirt and grease off your face and hands so you aren’t too dirty to enter the high-pressure car wash and knock some of the cooties off of you. And those clothes of yours need special treatment. I recommend a flamethrower."

What's with the ad hominem attack? I've never done anything but treat you with kindness, and the utmost respect.😊

News Item5/31/19 7:13 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hey Watcher, I downloaded the e-book to give it a read, out of curiosity. Thanks for your friendly response. I'm not sure why this topic has always seemed to cause such anger. Who cares if it's round, flat, a pyramid, or a cylinder?

News Item5/31/19 7:04 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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News Item5/31/19 6:57 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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From the article:

“Revoice promotes their need to bring all things LGBT+ into the Church for complete acceptance as legitimate identities to be embraced. They communicate that a person's sexual orientation is a fixed nature of human beings,” explained Black to CP last year.
I completely disagree with this ideology as it is not biblical. A true Christian identity is man and woman, male and female, and found in Christ alone, not in an unclean term of sexual brokenness.”

Basically, being a sodomite, a lesbian, or bi, is the way that God made them, so even though they seem to acknowledge that they need to resist their "natural" urges, they pull the sympathy card, saying that their struggle is a fight against the unnatural attraction that God created them with(?) That's how I'm understanding it, anyway. God abhors these acts against the natural order that He set in place; clearly warning that it is an abomination, punishable by hellfire, so for these homosexual "Christians" to keep saying, "Hey, God made us this way", is no different than the drunk claiming that God created him an alcoholic, the pedophile claiming to have been created with the urges to harm children, or the murderer claiming to have been created with a disposition to spend his life killing, etc.


News Item5/30/19 6:45 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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US Wrote:
"Please be so kind as to share that with which we are unaware. According to the definition you posted, Earth is a planet.
Your reason for saying it is not?"

Watcher holds the view that the Earth is a thin, flat disc, or square, I believe, and that that all four sides are surrounded by walls of ice which keep the oceans in place. Any pictures and video evidence taken with the near and far Earth telescopes, as well as from NASA, the space station, and shuttles, etc., are all either fake, or doctored...flat Earth. Watcher can correct me where I'm wrong.

Watcher, hope everything's been going well.

News Item5/30/19 5:15 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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"In April, controversial transgender lobby group Mermaids came to the school to provide a training session.

It made statements including that “advancements in science” had revealed “many more” combinations of chromosomes alongside XY for male and XX for female."

...and there it is...scientific, and biological confirmation that mankind has been wrong all along in restricting, and limiting human beings to two genders. The trans, and non-binaries must be elated, and feel so vindicated as they cry tears of joy after such a long, and exhausting fight to get their species recognized.

Mermaid nonsense. "Many more combinations of chromosomes"? Seems to me that they're trying to pave the way for anyone to say they're anything, or anyone, and get officially recognized as whatever, biologically. "I'm not a man, I'm a kitten"..."I'm not a woman, I'm a tulip"..."I'm not a little boy, I'm a fire engine"..."I'm not a little girl, I'm a mermaid". Where would it end?

The children are being indoctrinated, and confused from kindergarten on, and the ignorant, liberal adults believe any outlandish nonsense that supports their own views and lusts.

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