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News Item1/6/2020 5:03 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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John UK wrote:
Bro US, let me assist you in your difficulty identifying where you either are telling the truth or being scornful.
wrote a lengthy response and decided against posting it.

My apologies to sister B and all others for any contentiousness, scornfulness, fraudulent rational, warped logic and darkened understanding.

Bowing out of thread

News Item1/6/2020 1:49 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
I believe, Mrs. McC, that you are reading inflection into Brother Unprofitable's statements...
Thanks QC, I am still pondering her post. I note that despite not saying anything negative about BMcCausland or anyone else to whom I responded, I am described as contentious and scornful. Evaluating her thinking to see if there is any legitimacy to it.

News Item1/6/2020 10:37 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Thanks BMac for your thoughts. Good day

News Item1/6/2020 7:22 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Not sure John, it is pure speculation as to why they did what the did before the shooting. Hindsight is 20/20. IMO, their foresight saved many lives I apparently don’t have a clue about what I am talking about or what the Scriptures teach so it may not be wise to ask my thoughts

News Item1/6/2020 5:32 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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B. McCausland wrote:
You all base your points on sentimentality, ignoring that the issue is about the theory of state and government.
You invalidate the later by pareding the first.
In fact, verses and points made related to the real topic are systematically dismissed ie ignored remarkably
Thanks for your thoughts. Reading your evaluation I must say my only defense is that I must be an *average* American Christian who seems to show a veneer of superficiality or ignorance which leads to many misconstructions of meaning. Maybe one day I will reach your level of insight and understanding but it is doubtful.

Have a blessed day sister!

News Item1/5/2020 10:46 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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BMac, the questions I asked are regarding safety. If common sense safety measures are being good stewards then that would also include the security team. The man who killed the perpetrator answered John’s question in the interview about not wounding the guy. He mentioned he trains people to avoid the headshot unless it’s the only clear shot you have. To avoid needlessly shooting a church member he took the only clear shot at the killer he had. 7 homicides within about a year within 5 miles of the site to which the church was moved prompted the need for the security team, as again, common sense. May I suggest you watch the interview linked in previous comment. Thanks

News Item1/5/2020 10:29 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Read more:

From the article

The reader finds out, for example, the security team was formed about 18-19 months ago, when the church moved to its present location in White Settlement. One of the reasons for the formation of the team was the high crime incidence in the immediate area.
Jack says there were five homicides committed in 2018 within five miles of the church location.
Details are given of the shooting. Jack tells us why he was suspicious of the individual who murdered Jacks two friends before Jack could stop him.
The attacker was wearing a fake beard and a fake wig, with a “toboggan” (knit cap?) on top.  He had on a long, 3/4 length coat. He was continually adjusting the fake beard The reason we have a good video of the attack and the armed congregants' response, is Jack Wilson talked to the Church Audio Video group and told them to keep a camera on the suspicious person before the attack started.  We learn that Jack took a little extra time because he could not get a clear shot. Due to people the headshot was the only clear shot..

the video of the interview of Jack Wilson about the shooting in this story

News Item1/5/2020 5:54 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Adriel wrote:
The point I have been making is, "WHY take a gun into church?"
If the decision is taken to take a gun with you into church - Then you are not, indeed cannot be trusting God to keep the membership and yourself safe....
Thanks for your response Adriel. Appreciate your emphasis to trust in God.

So, is the church having locks on the doors a lack of trust in God?

Does the fact they put their money in the bank, a lack of trust in God?

Does the fact they are protected by the Police and Fire department show a lack of trust in God?

If they call an ambulance due to a medical emergency is that a lack of trust in God?

Do the cars with locked doors in the parking lot show a lack of trust in God?

Are fire alarms and extinguishers a show of a lack of trust in God?

This more than likely will be my last post in this thread but I believe these are good questions to ponder in light of your thinking on the issue.

Appreciate you, have a blessed day.

News Item1/4/2020 3:32 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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As previously pointed out John, the man who killed the killer (Genesis 9:6) will not be punished for his actions. Thus his actions are sanctioned by the government and he falls under Romans 13:4 making his actions also sanctioned by Scripture

News Item1/4/2020 11:00 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Is there a reason you assume the worse about your brethren in Christ, John UK? Do you expect your brothers in Christ over there who you meet to have lie views of your Christianity without knowing you? Just wondering

News Item1/3/2020 4:28 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Mike wrote:
From ABC News:
"Texas State Attorney General Ken Paxton said the alleged shooter had attended the church several times and has had multiple run-ins with law enforcement.
Although two members of the congregation died, Paxton praised Wilson for saving lives, noting that more than 200 people were at the church when the shooting erupted."
Romans 13:3
"For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:"
So the man Wilson did good, and received praise from high level authority. Seems straightforward enough.
Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.

seem pretty straight me

Adriel, Nehemiah was an individual who trusted God and he supervised the building of a wall around Jerusalem. David mentioned it was God who delivered the bear and lion into his hand but he still took a slingshot and five stones into the battle with Goliath. Using and possessing the means provided by God is not equivalent to a lack of trust.

News Item1/3/2020 8:51 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Think with me Adriel of what you are saying


Do you trust God or ...

Do you lock doors?
Do you put your money in a bank?
Do you look both ways before crossing the street?
Do you leave your keys in your vehicle?
Do you wear a seat belt?
Does your car have a spare tire?

The list could get long but I believe you see what I’m trying to say

Please give it some thought, thanks

News Item1/2/2020 6:42 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Adriel. God has been and will be a God Who uses means. Jack Wilson was the choice of a Sovereign God

News Item1/2/2020 9:32 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Sister BMac it is a well established fact that the French and American Revolutions are vastly different in both origins and outcome. I am pretty sure you would impugn any sources I used to establish this, so I will forgo the discussion. Thanks for your graciousness and your thoughts

News Item1/2/2020 9:05 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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My apologies for any perceived “bullying “ sister BMac. Your completely wrong about the French Revolution being the source for the American one but you are more than welcome your thoughts

News Item1/2/2020 5:00 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Apparently for one living on the British Isles you have not heard of the Magna Carta, John Locke, or Lex Rex by Samuel Rutherford. The American Revolution was the exact opposite of the French Revolution Your assessment in point 3 is strictly your personal biased opinion, please don’t try and pass it off as factual information

News Item1/1/2020 4:12 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Except this not a case of vengeance but nice try Adriel

News Item1/1/2020 3:47 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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Because this man will not be prosecuted for what he did Adriel means the government sanctioned his actions. Thus the HE in Romans 13:4 in this situation is Jack Wilson fulfilling that verse

Thanks for the clarification John UK

News Item1/1/2020 10:15 AM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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John UK wrote:
John 8:32, I have never called the police in my lifetime. However, they are there to do a job, in the will of God, and I don't have a problem with that.

All along, my beef has been all about killing.
How many bullets did it take to stop this man from his killing spree? One. Oh, only one? And where did that one bullet strike? In the head.
So a former policeman takes aim and shoots at the attacker's head with one intention and one only, to kill him.

John, that is how you stop a killer, that is exactly what the police would have done, The person’s death was one of his own choosing.

You do understand that under the law (please pay close attention) the man in this article will not be persecuted, why, because his actions were sanctioned by the government. Which means they fall under Romans 13:1-4

You are the one who says where is the Scriptural mandate. Where are your verses that state that one cannot defend themselves or others from harm when it is not a matter of persecution for faith?
Still waiting, I provided 2 that show one should. Thanks

News Item12/31/19 10:30 PM
Unprofitable Servant | TN  Find all comments by Unprofitable Servant
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The Bible teaches us that we are supposed to do good to all men, especially those of the household of faith. What this man did, did good to scores of his fellow believers. the Bible also states in the New Testament that if any provide not for their own they are worse than an infidel. The word translated provide means to consider in advance, that is, look out for beforehand. Again this is exactly what this man did.

Challenge to our brethren from across the pond is, other than verses that address the issue of being persecuted for your faith, give us the Bible teaching in the New Testament (or Old if you wish)that states it is wrong to defend oneself or save others from harm when it is your power to so do. If you cannot, then your thinking is just that your thinking.

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