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News Item6/15/15 8:48 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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BRF wrote:
Make a good Antichrist; sorry Pope
The name Frank Pravone brings back memories, as I once got a fund raising letter from his organization.

To which I repsoneded and engaged him along the lines of it would take real courage for him to tell his congregation the truth that the Eucharist is just a lifeless piece of bread and to Catholic people the truth about Him.

Never heard another peep from his organization, I suppose their are people so in love with their, and I will stress their religion that they do not want anyone to be bother them with the Truth. Because the Truth will wonderfully bother a lost sinner of their need to repent and believe the Truth of Christ not religious fantasies of make believe

e.g. Matthew 7:13-27

News Item6/14/15 4:09 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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First let's remember to pray for anyone standing up to/against the Pope, the head of the most powerful/power hungry and can we say bloody religious machine, now headed by a genuinely cunning Jesuit this world has ever seen, especially that such would be saved

From the article:
Rick Santorum, a devout Catholic and a long-shot contender for the Republican nomination, told a Philadelphia radio station: “The church has gotten it wrong a few times on science, and I think we probably are better off leaving science to the scientists and focusing on what we’re good at, which is theology and morality.â€
end of quote

Nope, sorry Mr. Santorum your Religion has not gotten it right on theology and morality

Why you all haven't even gotten it right on who God is: [URL=http://]]]CCC 841[/URL] What deludes anyone to fantasy they'r getting it right on the rest like Salvation either

"And yet it moves"

News Item6/13/15 6:40 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Brother Saint Michael
That a pretty good list as well.
Didn't James tell us:
"I'll show you my faith by my works"

as a commentary, the Spirit essentially communicating, 'I'll show you the genuine real experiential saving faith, in one elect, saved by God and for God, in the works flowing out of such faith.'

News Item6/13/15 6:08 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Let's test Moniker Man.
Repent - Arminian
Believe - Arminian
Prevenient Grace - Arminian
Seek the Lord - Arminian
Be ye holy - Arminian
Be ye perfect - Arminian
Brother Saint John
Not a bad list at all

here another one

You might be truly elect if by the Sovereign grace and working of God in your life if you have:
-Forgiven others even as God for Christ's sake forgave you
-Have so believed on the Lord Jesus Christ He is now and/or growing more and more to be your preeminent love, whom you honor, worship, trust, joyfully serve, obey and cannot keep from telling others of
-Where you delight to read/study the Bible; in this hearing His voice and following Him
-Are Baptized by Immersion
-Delight to be with others who know, love and serve Him too
-Where you love your family, your neighbors, strangers and even your enemies and those who hurt you will the love Christ showed you while yet a sinner
-Give the enemies of the Cross, the promoters of cursed false gospels and false teachings no place of saftey among you where you will tolerate and cease to expose what is amiss, their apostasy, misleading, where they will not hear the Truth and be urged to repent and get right with God

News Item6/12/15 12:08 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Oh, Bro Lurker, I have just thought of something you might be happy with, and which is certainly biblical. Instead of using the term "prevenient grace", how about if we used the expression "prevenient action", to describe the work of God in the heart of the sinner prior to him calling on the name of the Lord and getting saved?
Sure, prevenient action got a ring to it.
Acts 9:5 would be a typical proofer.
Brother Saint John UK Wales
I think "prevenient grace" is Biblical
I'll explain

John 1:16,17
16 And of his fulness have all we received, AND GRACE FOR GRACE.
17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

Truly we might define Grace with words such as God's unmerited favor, help, provision for our need at His own expense and will to provide (especially for our salvation)

And notice the Spirit moved John the Apostle to tell us ... grace for grace
Imh words here. God Himself giving "prevenient grace", everything necessary that we might receive (remember we are NOT to receive the grace of God in vain) the grace of God .... ultimately to knowing God in the new birth and in knowing Jesus Christ as Lord, in Him to know eternal life.

BTW "Trinity" isn't used in the Bible either

News Item6/12/15 11:18 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Go to homepageFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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Cotton Mather wrote:
found this Tozer story on the WWW:
I was preparing to go to Nyack College.
Before I left there was one burning question I had in mind,
and I went to Dr. Tozer and said,
Could you give me some advice concerning the problem of Calvinism versus Arminianism?
And I ll never forget the advice he gave me.
At the time I thought it was rather inconclusive and not too helpful.
But I listened carefully. He said, My son, when you get to college you're going to find
that all of the boys will be gathered in a room discussing and arguing over
Arminianism and Calvinism night after night after night. I ll tell you what to do, Cliff.
Go to your room and meet God.
At the end of four years you ll be way down the line and they'll still be where they started,
because greater minds than yours have wrestled with this problem
and have not come up with satisfactory conclusions.
Instead, learn to know God.
What an excellent word

News Item6/11/15 12:50 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
another quote: "Salvation does not save good men from a bad God, but redeems bad men to serve the good God."
Brother Saint John UK Wales
Again I want to thank you for the quote

I have an urgent prayer request I want to beg prayer for. I have lost family some of whom use Facebook. Today and I trust it was in God's providenct I came across:
Why I Am a Christian (David Wood, Former Atheist)

At first I thought this guy was just making up a terrible awful story for dramatic effect to eventually get to his point. Suffice it to say, I was floored when I realized it wasn't made up.

And along with that I wanted to share it with those I have been praying for years to see saved by God and for God, and felt under conviction to post it on Facebook that they might see it.

Please pray with me for this.
Thank you so much

News Item6/11/15 11:27 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
another quote: "Salvation does not save good men from a bad God, but redeems bad men to serve the good God."
That is a great quote!

News Item6/11/15 10:33 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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ECT. spotter alert wrote:
Another opportunity for the happy slappy crowd to all join together and huff and puff at the big bad wolf, and say look,how spiritual we are...till the threat of fines come against their employment......then crickets............
ECT Spotter
Thanks for the heads up
I checked some of the signers, and it was indeed ecumenical

When will The Church, meaning genuine repentant born again Belivers new creatures in Christ finally learn to get up and wash themselves off from the cess pool of ecumenism, and be holy unto the Lord Jesus Christ who died and rose again for us?

We can be polite to those of different religions in this, they are after all human beings made in the image and likeness of God, we aren't any better than they are, injustice against them is injustice against all human beings that ought to be stopped cold, we ought to care about this because we are commanded to love them and preach the Gospel to them, BUT we simply do not need to fight modern day Sodom by joining together with the unrepentant whore of Babylon who picks and chooses the sins she likes to exploit as causes to prey upon the naive and ignorant

Our cause if you are willing is the Gospel of Christ and the saving of souls

News Item6/10/15 5:24 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Yes, I believe it is possible, making such things into an idol to worship them, rather like the statues in a RCC
Way Crafty isn't it.

Here is the antidote.
Treat the Bible, God's word as if it is LAW, it is BTW (Psalm 138:2) not just a book of good spiritual insights, experiences and suggestions.

Then when we look at the very real wonderful Sovereignty of God in and over all things we will be Biblical and therefore right in our worship.

News Item6/10/15 11:23 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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peacemaker wrote:
Canons of Dordt.
I'd be really careful with that Dordt stuff if I were you. It is IMHO where the enormous imbalance of the Sovereignty of God and the Responsibility of man has gotten greatly confused.

for example
If one overemphasized "faith" as the gift of God, instead of eternal life being the gift of God (Yes, none can have Biblical faith unless God gives/authors that, so don't think I am saying faith is not a gift)

A distortion can set in with some: 'I believe the TULIP of Dhordt therefore I must be saved, and those who don't believe the TULIP of Dhordt must be lost, damnable hell deserving sinners'

Really? Not if they're saved by God and for God

Biblical Faith has Jesus Christ as its object, foremost love, a real experiencial knowing of Him, not the theological teaching of men (WCF as example), Biblical Saving Faith believing the promises of God results in (hold on tight here) works (of obedience to God, doing the will of God, following Jesus), and both Jesus and James makes this clear

Dhordt sometimes is similar to a "Once saved always saved" go to heaven when I die mentality ('I'm save/elect so don't bother me with obdedience')

NOT a Changed/New Creation life that make ex-sinners holy

News Item6/10/15 6:37 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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peacemaker wrote:
"What the Arminian

C. H. Spurgeon

John UK Wales

Spurgeon touched on very important matter Imho there be two serious ditches involved.

True real genuine honest to "can't say goodness" arminians, imagine sin aint that bad, it is something they can fix up with a little bit of prayer etc. ignoring the fallen lostness of the nature of deliberate depravity they were born with and God owes them nothing

Do nothing hyper-Calvinists err in a horrible different direction, essentially forbiding people (whosoever will) to seek God and cry out to Him for mercy because there is effort involved, which they frightfully confuse and distort with human effort to earn, deserve, merit, make God owe them religious fantasies

Grace is not opposed to effort, in truth grace ought to rightfully motivate great effort, grace is opposed to merit.

Biblical Faith rests on the Promises of God, AND ACTS (humbly acts) UPON THEM ACCORDINGLY; (BTW resulting in doing His will) Trusting in the One who gave them, He didn't lie to them did He!

The Holy Ghost, and godly preachers point sinners to God's word that they might act on it

e.i of effort
issue of blood
opened the roof
wept over His feet
have mercy!

News Item6/9/15 3:27 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Mike wrote:
I wonder why the utterings of a racist bigot professor make the news at all.
I don't know exactly
but let's think here a little bit
God is sovereign in and over all things
including the media whether they like it or not
So it is to be considered our Father knows these celebrated beloved servants of the god of this world the devil
are there to do humanity, especially the child of God no good whatsoever
and our Father gives us warning of them

BTW Also of their lawless (no respect for the Consitution) friends or allies in government committed to an ungodly service of sin and evil

Now real genuine warnings
will NOT be taken to heart or sounded by hirelings in our pulpits
but real genuine modern day "Prophets" will sound a warning of coming evil, call God's people to repentance and fervent pray about it and especially preach of the coming day of the Lord when Jesus Christ comes defeats all enemies and rewards those serving Him who He purchased with His own shed blood

others may go off in other thoughts in these things, and I am likely to grow in mine has God teaches me and I learn better in my faith.

Blessing and victories in your faith to you, Brother Yankee in the wretched ungodly empire state of New York

News Item6/9/15 1:03 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Bro Saint Michael,
Quite so, quite right!
But not the answer I was thinking of. How about this?
Brother Saint John UK Wales
You are certainly correct (Biblical and therefore right) that it wrong for women to usurp authority over the man

What I was seeking to address was the deeper issue that we so ought to listen to those men who speak the Truth of God (rightly divide His word) contrasted with those who (ab)use Scripture so that even though they cite Bible verses, adding to them, taking away from them, reading into them (EISEGESIS - human fleshly notions/traditions philosophy) is wrong, sinful, misleading, corrupting, defiling just about however you can describe it

others may word this better
Proverbs 22:17-21 instructs us to hear the words of the wise, would that be
1. those who genuinely fear God
2. those who listen to God, who really believe Him and obey Him?
3. those who genuinely repent and are born again of the Holy Spirit a new creature in Christ
4. those who are genuinely holy, separated from sin, false teaching and false teachers
5. those who praying men
6. those who are soul winners (fishers of men) who take the Great Commission seriously
7. those who genuinely hate evil and stand against it

News Item6/9/15 9:23 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
I'm always right if biblical. You disagree? For eg. Every day, on UK TV, Joyce Meyer struts her stuff and preaches from the word of God. Now I ask you a

question: Is it okay (biblical) for me to sit under HER ministry?

Brother Saint Michael,

Say, if IO fails to answer the above question, maybe you would like to have a crack at it?

Bro St John UK Wales
No! It is absolutely NOT Right to sit under the teaching of Joyce Meyer NOT under the teacing of any other false teacher.

Why would I say that, Joyce Meyer and other false teachers (I hate to use the word) "preach" from the Bible, quote Bible verses, carefully pick and choose proof texting (EISEGESIS) their "beliefs"

Christians have an imparitive to "rightly divide the word of Truth" (2 Tim 2:15) with works well with "Take heed that no man deceive you" (Matthew 24:4)

I think you already know Satan knows the Bible and can probably quote it better than CH Spurgeon. But that is the point if Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyer, Rick Warren, Tony Palmer (deceased) or Augustine and his fans does no rightly divide the word of Truth we don't have to listen to them

and we are blessed when we refuse to sit under the cousel of the ungodly (Psalm 1)

News Item6/9/15 6:25 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Are you saying we should ask God to give us what we deserve and not that He would be gracious to us and to others?
Unprofitable Servant

I am saying we ought to come honestly before God, confess our owns sins, and the sins of our churches and our nation against Him and ask Him for mercy even as the publican did, and even as Moses interceeded for the children of Israel

NOT come like the Pharisee and imagine our righteousness is so good we deserve His blessings, because if we do we deceive ourselves

NOT to malign, blame on the devil, even on human devils, and despise the loving corrective disciple (and warnings too) of the Lord, even if needs be it is extremely sever and painful

1 John 1
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Psalm 67
1 God be merciful to us and bless us,
And cause His face to shine upon us,
2 That Your way may be known on earth,
Your salvation among all nations.

News Item6/9/15 6:12 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Christopher000 wrote:
What a load of trash.

For the record, I am a Yankee (white)
I have relatives (white) who fought against the Confederates (other white people) to see black people freed from slavery

Where is "our reparations?"

Hmmmm, If the black community really really wants to be free and prosperous it looks like what they desperately need to do is "fight against" (I do not mean physical violence) their own black misleadership and reverands, and white liberals as well, in what we might call "racial shariah" who are sabotaging, corrupting, exploiting and enslaving them right now today, and most important they (all of us) need to take God seriously and if they aren't genuinely saved to get saved and live holy and godly in Christ.

Much learning and growing to do for this imperfect white yankee to do

News Item6/8/15 9:13 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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peacemaker wrote:
Since yet again
Ah do you really want to come to the end of the road you are walking?

I have to think it is a truly scary thing to watch someone malign repentance and malign calling upon the name of the Lord that He might mercifully save them, and dare to claim the sinner under the conviction and leading of the Word of God and the Spirit of God are somehow ordering God to do anything.

I want to plead with you
Life and Death Belong to God
Jesus Christ loves righteousness and hates iniquity I think it is safe to say you really don't want to provoke His wrath

[URL=]]]The God of the Bible Kills People - Rolfe Barnard[/URL]

News Item6/8/15 5:16 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
I've yet to meet a HyperCalvinist Antinomian Peacemaker. It seems to me they are all miserable troublemakers just like the Pharisees Jesus had to deal with.

Well, if any do not understand what revival is like, try watching THE REVIVAL HYMN, a compilation of great preachers like Ian Paisley etc, preaching about the revival fires.

Brother Saint John UK Wales
Revival Hymn

This is really just a heads up I haven't forgotten the QUESION I P hasn't answered, unless I missed it

Hope to put some Biblical thought together on Joyce Meyer and sitting under her teaching or not. Might be tomorrow before I actually post it.

News Item6/8/15 1:02 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Frank wrote:
Hillary will "likely" be the next president; God help us all
This comment is for pondering/praying
it is not against you, but made to you as I have to consider you can appreciate what I am saying

Scripture tells us if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the Truth is not in us

Question: Could the fantasy, the imagination that we think we deserve a better President that Obama, than Hillary be part of the problem with "Evangelicals?"

We act like "we" somehow deserve ease and comfort and even a government that would give us special priviledges, and are upset/jealous the homosexuals, Muslims, and illegal immigrants are getting them, when "we" have not stood up for the Truth, Genuine Biblical Holiness and Separation nor the Great Commission and have even punished/shunned those seeking to do so and those warning of the severe displeasure of God, in OUR, let me stress "our" churches

If judgment begins full blown will it not begin with the churches?
Likewise if we are to see REVIVAL/AWAKENING a Mighty Move of the Spirit will it not begin with the genuine God-fearing Children of God and NOT with corrupt, hirelings in Government

Thanks for letting me post all this concern to you

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