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News Item6/26/15 9:20 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Thanks for posting to me. Please don't take this as any kind of argument or trying to be fault finding and disagreeable, I have too much appreciation for you to do that
In thinking a bit deeper on my last post I think we are wrong to presume anyone CATHOLIC, BAPTIST, METHODIST, LUTHER, PRESBYTERIAN, PENTECOSTAL or Whatever, is a genuinely saved born again of the Spirit child of God unless we have some solid Biblical evidences and grounds that they are.

Barna reported years ago only 1 out of 4 Baptist and 1 out of 3 Pentecostals knew what it was to be Born Again of the Holy Spirit and other denominations weren't even close.

Records show only 1 out of 10 who come forward at a BGEA Crusade are in any kind of church 1 year later

I really think we need to return to preaching the Gospel to everyone even to pastors and preachers (Barna surveyed only 1/2 of envangelical pastors had a Biblical world view)

In light of such things you might like:
- Satan's scheme to Sabotage Churches
- In Defense of Doctrine in 4 Parts
- What Every High School Student Should Know
- 4 Bible Verses Every Muslim Should Know


News Item6/26/15 8:27 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Go to homepageFind all comments by Michael Hranek
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1517 wrote:
As much as the RCC doctrine is wrong, we should not assume this couple is not Christian, or any other "Catholic" for that matter.
Thanks for posting to me. Please don't take this as any kind of argument or trying to be fault finding and disagreeable, I have too much appreciation for you to do that

A couple of things here.
First No! THE Church was never the RCC but the little remnant of born again believers whom the RCC slaughtered in untold numbers. Their telling of Church History would be greatly enlightening. Was there a tiny remnant of people who came to a genuine born again experiential saving faith despite all the mess of the false teaching of the RCC? I believe it is safe to say there were (a whole other story)

Second, no I tend to disagree with you, imho we need to assume RCC people because of RC false teachings are lost, until proven otherwise AND I SAY THIS OUT OF LOVE FOR RC PEOPLE because if we don't assume they are lost we will sabotage our prayers and witness to Catholic people and this failure will badly affect our witness to others whether they are Catholic or not. All people need to hear the Gospel and even those who are saved need to hear it again, be reminded and remember all that is at stake.

News Item6/26/15 7:24 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Christopher000 wrote:
Michael H Wrote:
I hope you get the idea where I am coming from in my thoughts."
Gotcha, Michael...right on.
Beloved brother much in my praying always good to read your posts

Sorry I tried "my" hyperlink and it didn't work

here is the address I think will work:

for: Catholic couple fined $13,000 for refusing to host same-sex ‘wedding’ at their farm

gotta run back later

News Item6/26/15 6:29 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John for JESUS wrote:
The United States formed with the idea that all men are created equal

I don't think you can speak for all Native Americans

I'm against celebrating the massacre of any innocent people so why would I want to wave the American flag at Wounded Knee?

the U.S. isn't trying to fight with the Lakota at this time. The people who were are dead.

As I have already been considering the issue of flags (the all of it) is way complicated

For me the son of a legal immigrant knowing what the communists did to and in the country my father came from, and knowing my Yankee heritage, I am thankful to be an American and it breaks my heart our country is so far from what it was founded to be. Why we even fought a civil war that saw slaves freed (another huge and deep issue)

We need to stop being so sensitive, whiney and cowardly appeasing anyone and everyone who is soooooooo thin skinned they want to sue you for hurting their feelings.

If we seek to please/appease men we are no longer servants of Christ.

News Item6/26/15 6:15 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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We need to pray for the SALVATION of Cynthia and Robert Gifford, this Roman Catholic couple, and their family who are under unjust attack by the homofacists and the Anti-Christ government of NYS
[URL=http://]]]Catholic couple fined[/URL]

Please pray along with me that God would send laborers into their lives that would love them enough to tell them the truth of their own sins against God and against Christ and what God by Himself alone has done that they might be saved, truly born again of His Spirit and know in Jesus Christ everlasting life

So that they might be disabused from any false self-righteousness, that they have somehow made themselves 'saints' in standing against the evil of homosexuality

I hope you get the idea where I am coming from in my thoughts

And while we are at it, that news stories be accurately reported, as IMHO it is heartbreaking to think a missreported news story would wrongly cause us to thing people like the Giffords are Christians and sabotage prayer and interecession for them on something infinitely more important than earthly court victory against homofacists

News Item6/25/15 9:28 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John for JESUS wrote:
They should
What a complicated issue

So let me give my "qualifications" or background: I am a white Yankee, first generation, son of a legal immigrant from Czechoslovakia who got saved while living in Knoxville TN who fell in love with the South

I would never want to intentional hurt a black brother or sister in anykind of display of the Confederate Battle Flag. My Mother's side fought to see slaves freed; where I grew up we were proud of having a house on the underground railroad

All that said I love the South, I can understand why people are thankful for being Southerns and why it is part of their identity. In the North Yankee identity and the reason why they fought in the War of Independence has been lost and the good of it flushed, thrown away

So should we forbid the CBF to coddle whiney polical correct out to destroy our identity and run our lives? No!

Respect and consideration coming from godly convictions and the love of God for others is way different than an externally imposed form of godliness/righteousness imposed on us by the dictates of others, and ultimately appeasing black and liberal antiwhite racist never earns their respect nor pleases them either

News Item6/24/15 5:05 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Brother Christopher000

Just an imperfect observation
here goes:

In the world of Bible Interpretations
there seem to be some who would much more redily forgive a man who in a momment or rage and hurt hit a hateful spouse in the head with a frying pan and killed her dead

than they would be to forgive and welcome in love a wounded brother who divorced a woman out to destroy his faith and then in time dared to marry a godly sister and Christ who would love him and whom he could love.

News Item6/24/15 3:37 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Well, I didn't like to say that, bro, seeing as I was trying to be gracious and all.
But "foolish, scoffing, religious genius" has a good ring to it. And most apt.
CES too
Our dear religious genuis "ai" has actually done us a great service making it much more easy to understand things like the Councils of Dhordt and the WCF give unregenerate loveless false christians a vain worthless fanciful articial self-righteous religious intelligence

no where near the, in my words here, the sincere faith of those like Whitefield and Spurgeon whose serious humble personal Bible study (that is what flowed from their lives and ministry) and prayerful seeking of God made them a blessing in the family of God

Show us all anyplace, any one place where the word of God denigrates obedience to God, where is maligns seeking Him, where is runs down fervant prayer for the saint or the child of God
and I will listen to you

If you cannot, because you cannot please cease be quite and listen to "us" instead of whatever and whoever is bewitching you

News Item6/24/15 3:09 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Go figure
artificial intelligence
could just be another term for foolish scoffing religious genius

News Item6/24/15 11:24 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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B. McCausland wrote:
He can give grace for each one of us to abide and live by his revealed truth, and he grants us mercy to respond likely to those living through difficult situatuons without compromising his truth, yet experimenting his grace which is sufficient for all our trials.
Living out His revealed Truth by His mercy and grace can be something quite different than throwing away one's liberty in Christ as a redeemed born again Child of God, to please the interpretations of others, especially when to do so is against one's own conscience.

I trust you can appreciate there is much learning and growing in this for all of us, and it is to the Scripture and the Authority and Sufficiency of Scripture we must go to first/foremost and hold to no matter what the opinions of fallible men might be.

Imho true Biblical Experienctial Faith has as its author and finisher a Savior of Immeasurable worth who saves us from our sins, cleasnses us from them with His blood, and frees us from them that we might serve Him in the righteousness of faith with Joy and a thankful heart, things quite different from a righteousness derived from the Law

Like I said much to learn


News Item6/24/15 10:52 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Mourner wrote:
Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but when you say" men might miss it, if they already have their own perjudices"
Let me ask a little question: 'Are you attempting to distract from what the Scriptures actually say (to Those UNDER GRACE, for B.McCausland)?

The Pharisees' treatment of the Sabbath is IMHO a huge example of what I will call "prejudice." I hope you already know that Jesus Christ is Lord of the Sabbath and He told us that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. The Pharisees essentially refused to study for themselves the Scripture and rightly divide it (handle it accurately with humility (in its full context_B.McCausland) Mercy, Truth and Grace) and therefor hypocritically imposed upon others a bondage to their interpretation of the Sabbath that was so grieveous that Jesus Christ performed miracles on the Sabbath knowing it would offend them.

[URL=]]]When Peace Costs Too Much[/URL]

Mourner, I sure hope you are not promoting some kind of idolatry of the WCF, as if Scripture must be interpreted by the WCF and forced to conform to the WCF (Dhordt etc.) by adding to or taking away from what God Himself says to us in Scripture.

News Item6/24/15 9:35 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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kjg wrote:
I have forefathers who were Unionists and Confederates, so I fly both flags on Memorial Day. The flying of the Confederate flag(s) is a nonissue and a distraction from real issues of abortion, persecution of Christians, and under-the-radar actions of the federal government against American citizens. Satan is great at stirring the pot and yesterday I caught myself being drawn into the controversy. I need to remind myself who the real Victor is.
Perhaps it is too much to say 'great post' still you have given us a very good word to not allow our lives to be distracted from far greater and more important real issues such as:
The Homosexual assault on society
The teaching of the myth of Evolution as fact (along with the criminalization of teaching Creation) in our government schools ... BTW a far worse evil against all people Black or White than Confederate Flags, robbing them of the uninalienable rights given each of us by God, teahcing them they are only an 'evolved' pond scum
Criminalization of teaching the Truth of the Bible, the Word of God
Criminalization of the Acknowledgment of the God of the Bible in society
The Promotion of Allah, Islam and Pro-Catholic Ecumenism and the "new" antiChrist world order.

News Item6/24/15 8:27 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Christopher000 wrote:
I was speaking
Imho B. McCausland in speaking about those under the grace of God did not take:
"But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart."
I Cor. 7:10-15
far enough

"But if THE UNBELIEVING depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace."
1 Cor 7:15

the "not under bondage" takes careful, humble, prayerful consideration

First, the obvicous, if an unbeliever leaves let them leave, the believing brother or sister is not under condemnation if they do.

Second, what then? Imho The CONTEXT Addresses This, men might miss it, especially if they already have their own prejudices.

Again this is written to those UNDER GRACE:
Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife. But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but I spare you. 1 Cor 7:27-28

We were just told if an unbeliever leaves a believer is not under bondage. (Mercy!)
Such a one should not seek a wife (Wisdom)
But if thou, the one loosed not under bondage, should marry (1 Cor 7:9) they have not sinned (Liberty!)

News Item6/22/15 5:10 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Hi MS,
I'll answer with a question. Would you, as a Christian, be happy to be running a business making weapons of destruction? Or would you invest in shares or stocks of an armament company, hoping for more wars to increase your tally? Hmmm?
Hi John,
Just jumping in here briefly.
I seem to recall that all things were created by Him and for Him. Would that include tractors for farms, xrays for hospitals, electric power generating plants, and maybe even defense industries so the people of a country can be safe from foreign attack and police within a country can have the means to fight modern day well armed terrorists?

Obviously there ought to be responsible sales of such things, but all in all nations that can put up a defense IMHO aids in keeping relationships peaceable between half-way sane countries. Even the US and the USSR feared starting nuclear war with each other and hopefull still do.

News Item6/22/15 10:12 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Dolores wrote:
To me to have a gun to protect yourself would be a deterent rather than threat.
I appreciate your testimony.

Self-defense is indeed a matter that needs the mercy, grace and wisdom of God to have godly God-fearing judgment/discernment.

And I do not think for a moment Francis 1 is qualified, nor credible to speak on the subject seeing the offical teachings of the RC Religion he heads, supports, practises and endorses, is at its heart thoroghly AntiChrist

God's Truth is much clearer: Thou shalt not commit murder. And wise self-defense is not murder, and martyrdom for the Gospel isn't necessarily a matter of self defense either. Confusing these things gets people into all sorts of evil, strife and the bondage of fear.

Note, the yound widowed mother I wrote of was on the phone with 911 imho afraid to defend herself and her baby, but compelled into doing that by evil men, and Imho I have to consider it to be vile evil ungodly counsel for anyone to pompously tell such a woman, you should have let them beat you, rape you, hurt your baby and even kill you both rather than defend yourself

I'll get off my soap box for a bit
Thanks for letting me vent my frustration

News Item6/22/15 8:44 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John UK wrote:
Pleeeeeease note
Brother Saint John UK Wales
Wow! Is there ever a difference in self-centered self-interest in murderous violence against preceived enemies to have one's own way, even to advance the religion of Calvin or Rome against precieved heretics

and using weapons and physical violence to save the life of the prey of the wicked. Imho thinking God is Sovereign, to use skill and means He has provided to manufacture defensive weapons can be righteous

BTW to abandon the innocent, the helpless/defenseless to the cruelty of those who would kidnap, abuse, torture, rape and murder, when one has the weapons of war to rescue them can be a wicked vile sin of a whole other sort.

In short by the mercy and grace of God, we must judge/discern with godly, God-fearing discernment and by His grace act accordingly

BTW I believe we have the right of self-defense when attacked, such as the young widowed mother home alone with her newborn with two men breaking into her house to rape her did when she shot them (or at least one of them dead and the other fled for his life)

Now being attacked for preaching the Gospel, wrongful arrest by one's own governemtn again are matters that require discernment in how we ought to act

News Item6/19/15 9:52 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Get Real wrote:
our ancestors had it so much more harsh, we are a pampered people, and now some want more pampering, toughen up, read about the martyrs, prepare yourselves, gird up your mind ...
Get Real
Jesus didn't tell the 120 that they would be pampered, coddled and so wonderfully popular and socially acceptable to all the wicked and blasphemous religious idolaters of the world when the HOLY SPIRIT came upon them, or did He?

News Item6/19/15 9:35 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Andrew wrote:
Horrible article...anyone trying to build a bridge from Mormonism to Christianity is no Bible believer and sure isn't any Baptist! God help!
Thanks for posting. It was an encouragment to me as we "Baptist-type Bible-Believing Believers need all the men and women but especially all the real men God might give us and rise up among us to stand for the Truth of the Word of God (ah, like it is the LAW of God because it is, NOT just a spiritual book of good suggestions) no matter how seductive, bewitching and popular Satan and his servants, human and demonic make their lies of tolerance and dialogue to be.

Perhaps this edoc/pdf might be a blessing to you:
[URL=]]]In Defense of Doctrine in 4 Parts[/URL]

News Item6/19/15 9:23 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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hugh wrote:
Christopher, i believe that. It would take.more than sitting through a prayer meeting to reach into the heart of this deluded and misguided individual. I example myself, as a hard bitten communist, i was determined to argue against the claims of Christ , it took sitting through many many meetings and the intervention of The Holy Spirit before I was to realise the foolishness of my viewpoint and the sinful state i was in.....

I am curious however Christopher, has there ever been circumstances where an individual gun owner was in a position to avert a gun massacre due to him or her carrying a firearm??

hugh from Scotland
First thanks for posting
Your above comment reminded me of a testimony I came across:
Why I Am a Christian (David Wood, Former Atheist)
David's testimony becomes so shocking I thought (wrongly) he was only making things up to deal with atheism and the Gospel. Wow! was I wonderfully wrong.

Second: Do a Google seach on 'firearms used to save lives' and research the matter for yourself of law abiding citizens resorting to the use (or threat of) firearms to prevent and/or stop crime.

Even the anti-gun Whitehouse here has a study telling them this.

News Item6/18/15 9:42 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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1517 wrote:
This is the news we need to read and hear. I celebrate Christ's work in these areas; what a fantastic display of His power, love, and grace. I know these true believers will have courage, even at the point of death if the Lord wills it, to remain faithful to the call on their lives. Praise God for His continued work in the world!
I love hearing testimonies of Muslims coming to genuine saving faith in Christ

Acts 17 Apologetics
all have some excelent videos on YouTube

One of which I took the time to type out for people in my church [URL=]]]4 Bible Verses Every Muslim Should Know[/URL] and IMHO every Christian ought to be thoroughly knowledgable of so that we might witness to Muslims as the Lord gives us opportunity (and it fits a single 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of paper too)

BTW These verses are good, really good to use in witnessing to anyyone, even Roman Catholic people (who according to CCC 841 adore the same god as the Muslims)

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