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News Item10/30/09 12:38 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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If Sting had handled his music career as Mr. Obama has the affairs of this nation he would have gone bankrupt long ago.

By the way, notice the mentality of the people who really think Obama is great. The IQ level must be way down.

News Item10/29/09 2:18 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Friends, only a SMALL portion of most countries are homosexual. However, they have a certain amount of power due to the corruption in politics. The vast majority of people (not just Christians) are against sodomy. It's past time to do something about it.

News Item10/29/09 2:07 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Once again Mr. Obama mocks a holy God. What's next, special treatment for people who enjoy sex with animals? UNGODLY AMERICA!

News Item10/29/09 12:02 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Problem? It's called S-I-N. A holy God condemns sodomy throughout the Bible. He will judge any nation (including America) that looks upon it as normal.
These people want "special" treatment based only upon their perverted, ungodly lifestyles.

News Item10/28/09 8:10 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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And I'm not surprised that dogs bark or ducks quack. I expect as much since the NY Times is an Opposite-From-The-Truth newspaper.

News Item10/25/09 2:54 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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We must understand that anything "government-approved" in communist China is EXTREMELY limited. This is especially so concerning Christianity. The underground church is spreading the gospel in China, not the state church. The state church is only a token used to impress those of us in other countries.

News Item10/25/09 10:23 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Then consider me a crimminal because I will not obey such an ungodly and ridiculous law.

News Item10/24/09 11:30 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Well, the interest in this discussion left me a long time ago. Very boring, nothing new. The same old, worn out, flimsy arguments being used against the King James Bible that have been used for many DECADES. Such were proven false long ago, yet the arguments continue. (See last sentence below for the reason why.)

Meanwhile, the KJB is STILL in the hands of the masses young and old, rich and poor, educated and ignorant in all countries and cultures of the world. It's STILL being mightily used of God as it has been for generations behind pulpits and on mission fields. STILL considered a literary masterpiece by even its harshest critics. The modern versions? They keep on coming and going, coming and going, over and over and over and over.....

Oh, and the Bible publishers keep on making their $$$$$$.

News Item10/24/09 12:09 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Pardon me while I have a quick fantasy.....President Dombrosky would send in the Army Special Forces and Navy SeALs to teach these fellows some manners. All the Taliban understands is brute force.

News Item10/22/09 11:25 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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An upper-class, distinguished woman once asked a great man of God (I can't remember who) not to preach too much on the blood of Christ. He replied to her that he would not. "Because", he said, "it is impossible to preach too much on the blood of Christ." Amen!

Survey10/21/09 10:38 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Just returned from my trip to Oklahoma. So, you fellows are still at it.

It appears to me that some of you have been trying to kill a fly with a shotgun. I prefer a fly swatter. In other words - simplify. There's just as much truth in fewer words.

In the wilderness our Lord faced Satan and won the victory with the Word. In Matthew 4:4 He said that we should live by "every word" of God. Now, you shouldn't have to use a dictionary to understand these two words (I hope). In order for this statement to be true we MUST have "every word" or the Lord made a mistake. Personally, I believe what He said. That means God's Word MUST be preserved right down to the very words (as He promised to do). Personally, I think God is quite capable of doing that. I don't believe He is limited. Now, it isn't going to do me a bit of good to have His Word in anything other than English. That's all I speak. So, that's the ONLY way I can live by His "every word". Can you not see the absolute simplicity in all of this? Why complicate what our Lord has made so clear and plain?

I believe the KJB is the pure and perfect Word of God. I have compared it to all the rest, which I no longer use. Do you have another choice? Then you also must consider it pure and perfect because God's Word is just that!

News Item10/21/09 10:27 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Just returned from my trip to Oklahoma. So, you fellows are still at it.

It appears to me that some of you have been trying to kill a fly with a shotgun. I prefer a fly swatter. In other words - simplify. There's just as much truth in fewer words.

In the wilderness our Lord faced Satan and won the victory with the Word. In Matthew 4:4 He said that we should live by "every word" of God. Now, you shouldn't have to use a dictionary to understand these two words (I hope). In order for this statement to be true we MUST have "every word" or the Lord made a mistake. Personally, I believe what He said. That means God's Word MUST be preserved right down to the very words (as He promised to do). Personally, I think God is quite capable of doing that. I don't believe He is limited. Now, it isn't going to do me a bit of good to have His Word in anything other than English. That's all I speak. So, that's the ONLY way I can live by His "every word". Can you not see the absolute simplicity in all of this? Why complicate what our Lord has made so clear and plain?

I believe the KJB is the pure and perfect Word of God. I have compared it to all the rest, which I no longer use. Do you have another choice? Then you also must consider it pure and perfect because God's Word is just that!

News Item10/19/09 10:57 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Behold, the laptop. Still on my trip and able to make a quick comment.

The KJB translators were such masters of the English language when it was at its most eloquent and expressive in history. Have you ever noticed how the word "charity" is used rather than "love" in 1 Corinthians 13? Now, "love" could have been used as it is in other places in the Bible. So, why "charity" instead? Here, I think, is why. Charity is love made visible. Charity is love expressed. Charity is love seen. Anyone can say "I love you". Charity PROVES it! The KJB translators could have used either word. They chose to use the one that was the most meaningful for this great chapter of God's Word. The modern versions, although correct in using "love", miss the deeper meaning that the KJB translators wisely provided. This careful choosing of words was done throughout the KJB translation.

Well, that's all for now. Back to my journey.

News Item10/18/09 3:56 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Well, what do you know. Time for one more post before I leave.

Evidently, Jim, you have ignored (on purpose?) my previous comments on Erasmus. It is good to get the whole truth, not just 1/2 or 3/4 of it on a subject.

And what's all this about Shakespeare and the classics??? The almost total absence of such wonderfully brilliant literature from our society is one reason that the minds of so many people are filled with nonsensical rubbish.

A suggestion, Jim. Why don't you find all of the so-called "flaws" in the King James Bible and correct them so that we can have a perfect Bible?

News Item10/18/09 3:06 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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You're right, Jim. That's exactly what the Bible publishers say about their own particular versions ($$$$). I've read the ads and brochures for years. They know that the vast majority of Christians will never question what they say. It wasn't until I did my own research that I understood their sly deceptions. When it comes right down to it the only reason for the UNENDING flow of Bible versions is the huge financial gain it always provides. I once knew a fine old lady who owned a Christian bookstore. She told me that the publishers had a habit of sending bookstore owners, managers, etc. information about upcoming Bible versions and the profits to be made from the sales. Sad but true.

I'll be on a short trip, so I'm not sure if I'll be posting anytime soon. Perhaps I'll get a chance.

News Item10/18/09 10:18 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I enjoy downloading sermons by Spurgeon to my mp3 player and listening to them. There is one, "Christ Our Passover", in which he speaks of the shed blood of Christ and the importance of it. He says that our Lord's DEATH could not have been by any other means but by the SHEDDING OF BLOOD. Wonderful sermon and true.

Peter called it the "precious blood". INDEED IT IS!!!

News Item10/17/09 11:10 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I am not that familiar with Mr. MacArthur so I did some quick checking on the subject in question. It seems that he believes that the death of Christ is what saves and not the shed blood. Of course, this makes no sense because the Bible clearly says differently. I don't want to come to a hasty conclusion and will do some more research.

News Item10/17/09 5:45 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Sorry, Jim (again). I did more research on another of your favorite subjects - Erasmus. Yes, he was Catholic. AGAINST his own wishes. He was placed in a monastery by an uncle after his parents died. Erasmus was anything but a good Catholic. He continually rejected and spoke/wrote against Catholic doctrine. He believed in salvation by grace through the blood of Christ alone. After he died the Pope declared that no Catholic should read his writings.

To say Erasmus should be rejected does not make good sense - once the WHOLE STORY is known about him.

News Item10/17/09 4:37 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Sorry, Jim. The statement by Dr. Frank Logsdon concerning the NASB is obviously very true. I've found many sources to confirm it. I plan to do more investigation on this matter nonetheless.

The fact of the matter still stands. I can say that I have a Bible that is the pure and perfect Word of God and you can't.

News Item10/17/09 2:37 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I would like to have some comments concerning the statements I posted made by Dr. Frank Logsdon about the NASB. Robert, why don't you start it off?
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