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Survey10/13/07 1:36 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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What a sad story. I agree you should leave this church, but the isue here is not tithing. The issue here is being in a good Fundamental Bible Believing church. Don't tithe to this church, bu ask God to bring you to one that you can obey God and tithe and minister to.

Survey10/13/07 1:32 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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"Faith is not our physician; it only brings us to the Physician-Faith is not our saviour. It was not faith that was born at Bethlehem and died on Golgotha for us. It was not faith that loved us, and gave itself for us; that bore our sins in its own body on the tree; that died and rose again for our sins. It is a sin-bearer that we need, and our faith cannot be a sin-bearer. Faith can expiate no guilt; can accomplish no propitiation; can pay no penalty; can wash away no stain; can provide no righteousness. It brings us to the cross,but in itself it has no merit and no virtue. Faith is not Christ, nor the cross of Christ. Faith is not the blood, nor the sacrifice; Our faith does not divide the work of salvation between itself and the cross. It is the acknowledgment that the cross alone saves,and that it saves alone. Faith adds nothing to the cross, nor to its healing virtue. It owns the fulness, and sufficiency, and suitableness of the work done there, and bids the toiling spirit cease from its labours and enter into rest. Faith does not come to Calvary to do anything. It comes to see the glorious spectacle of all things done, and to accept this completion without a misgiving as to its efficacy. It listens to the “It is finished!” of the Sin-bearer, and says,“Amen.” Horatius Boner

Survey10/13/07 1:10 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Alan - te Bible also states that Jesus is the light of the World, and goes on to say on John 1: 9-10,
That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

If Jesus is the Light of the World, and he lighteth EVERY man that comes into the World, then everyone has the knowledge of God in him from birth. Many reject what is going on in them, but some accept it, and it eventually leads them to salvation. But if this verse is true, then ALL are drawn, but not all accept.
But notice the word "lighteth". The Greek root is "Phos", which means light, and also "the power of understanding esp. moral and spiritual truth" And the Greek word for lighteth is "Photizo", which means "to give light, to shine to enlighten, light up, illumine to bring to light, render evident to cause something to exist and thus come to light and become clear to all to enlighten, spiritually, imbue with saving knowledge to instruct, to inform, teach to give understanding to"

That is what Jesus does, he lighteth the World, which is the same word World in verse 10, meaning EVERYONE, not just the elect.
EVERYONE IS DRAWN, but most reject.

Survey10/12/07 11:06 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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CBC - so if God literally "foreknew", assuming the meaning of "ginosko" in this passage is refering to sexual terms (Adam knew Eve his wife...), would that mean that the act of Salvation and the consumation thereof was already complete before one was born?
Do you subscribe that there would then be no need for repentance?

It is clear your beliefs border Dualism, and Fatalism, and have found it's genisis in Catholisism.

According to that verse you quoted, we are predestinated TO BE CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF CHRIST. If you will remain consistant, you use the word Predestination to explain salvation, and that is an improper application of the word.

Survey10/12/07 10:02 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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comments're correct about what Eph. 1:4 records. But you have missed one major thing. It says...
4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Please note the word "IN". We were chosen IN Christ, not outside of Christ. God predetermined that those who would believe and repent, accepting the message of his Son ("this is my beloved Son, Hear ye him."), would be saved. But for what purpose? That we should be Holy. God's goal was those that accepted his Son, would be Holy, because the only way God will reveal his holiness is through his creation, and that could only be accomplished through the attonement.
the other reason comes in the next verse, which you left out...
5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
We weren't predestinated unto salvation, but unto adoption. I know you will say they are one in the same, but they are not. God could have saved us from Hell, and that was it. But he went beyond that and adopted us, making us owners of everything Jesus is. Adoption can only come AFTER regeneration. God could never adopt an unregerate person. Your theory errs.

News Item10/12/07 9:44 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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John - there were a lot of things that Israel still held on to when they came out of Egypt. These men at that time of History were a little more concerned with larger issues than is it wrong to drink. Sometimes God does wink at sin for a season to deal with larger problems, as I am sure he has in your life. But please do not think I am saying that God condones the sin - by no means!

One little observation about Luther:
His drinking may have been why his mind was so numb that he would agree that Anabaptists were heriticks and should be killed.
"...they (Anabaptists) are not only blasphemous but also seditious men, let the sword exercise its rights over them. For it is the will of God, that he shall have judgement who resistith the power." (Arthur B. Strickland, Roger WIlliams (Boston: The Judson Press, 1919) p.72 ) Obviously he did not know the will of God!!!

Survey10/12/07 9:33 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Ben said:
Abraham DID tithe.
Abraham gave a tenth of the spoils he took from the "five kings" and gave it to Melchizedek, the first High Priest, and King of Salem...

That's right Ben. And let's be accurate: this was BEFORE the law, and technically, Abraham was a GENTILE!

And note also, Abraham's tithe was given to the Authority figure that God ordained. And the only intitution that is run by God's authority (unless you belong to a deacon run/board run church), is the local Church.

But don't intermingle tithes and offerings. They are two seperate things, and both should be lived.

Survey6/14/07 12:47 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Abigail, I asked you if you speak in tongues in your church because according to I Corinthains 14:34, and understanding the context of this chapter in the correct usage of tongues in the Church, women were not permitted to speak in tongues, or to prophesy (preach).

34.Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.

So, this being the case, I was wondering if you participated in such things, since you brought up that you knew you were saved because you were filled with the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues.

If you are speaking in tongues in Church, then it can't be of God, because he said not to. So if it isn't of God, who is it of?????

This is why I asked.

Survey6/13/07 10:16 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Abigail - do you speak in tongues in your church?

Survey6/13/07 10:12 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Howlers: please note...

"Prepositions: words that begin phrases that show where things are (location), time, or belonging. They are commonly 3 words long and end with a noun. Remember that the subject or the verb of a sentence can never be in a prepositional phrase."

"The advantage of being able to recognize prepositional phrases in sentences is that neither the subject nor the verb will ever be a part of the prepositional phrase. "


And one more:
"Be sure to eliminate prepositional phrases before looking for the subject."

Mike - I also enjoy your posts, and must concede that you are right. I missed that, and I am sorry. I am going to have to let this verse soak a little while longer. Thanks

News Item6/13/07 6:37 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Dispensationalism too contends that it is either works or faith. Salvation has never is still obedience to the voice of God.

Survey6/13/07 4:56 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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No, I hadn't heard that one. I wasn't expecting that one...pretty funny.

I do remember the first time I heard your pastor preach, and was horrified ( I live in rural southwest missouri, where Chris is from too, believe it or not, and preachers hear don't say things like Bro. P) to hear his description of a lady who would come to his house when he was a kid. He was preaching about not having compassion when he described how gross she was.

I still remember it quite vividly

News Item6/13/07 4:52 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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That's called being a pacifist (if you mean letting issues stay and not confronting and solving them).

Survey6/13/07 4:48 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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I do not know the motto.

News Item6/13/07 4:41 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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So I won..great!!!

One other thing - I AM NOT AN ARMINIAN!
For to be so, I would have to believe I could loose my salvation...and I don't!

Survey6/13/07 4:39 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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I remember Chris telling about how Brother P could look at you and tell you the Holy Spirit told him what you had done. Chris was like, when you go to church, you make sure you are right with God.
The two times I was there to visit, I met your pastor, and I don't think I have ever shook hands with someone who's eyes were so real and so kind. When I was leaving, he shook my hand and said "Godspeed Pilgrim".

I wish I could get more tapes of his.

News Item6/13/07 4:30 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Seaton - so what you have proven is that baptism CAN NOT be a continuation of circumcision because baptism was only administered to believers.

Thank you for confirming that for me

Survey6/13/07 4:27 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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I love what He says about calvinism "the doctrine of Devils, all five points, because it destroys the simplicity of Christ."

Yes, Chris and family have been in Australia for 1 year now, and are doing well.

By the way, I am Chris' brother, and I will mention I talked to you when I email him again.

this is so cool!

I wish everyone would hear Bro. P's series on demons. Not until I visited Philly could I ever understand what he was preaching.

News Item6/13/07 4:24 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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I don't know if they all agree on 7 dispensations, but probably not. there are some hyper's that like to disect even the NT into litle pieces, which I don't agree with.

Even if there are three covenants, I like the ring of Covenant Dispensationalists.

Survey6/13/07 4:20 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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I always loved to hear him. I learned more in one service than I ever did in Bible College. He is definately a rare find.

Did you know Chris Eckels?

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