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The following testimonials are from real broadcasters on the site and serves to show our dedication in what we do. For more information about our services, please click here...

Jonathan McAnally, Toronto Free Presbyterian Church

"We have been with SermonAudio for years but have come to rely on it even more in recent months with COVID-19. We greatly appreciate what you offer and highly recommend it to others. Whether I am talking to someone who never heard about the site, or who is curious about what we use, or just has questions about what SermonAudio offers, I am always glad to report how satisfied we are. To us, it really is a no-brainer to upload our sermons to SermonAudio and to utilize the features you are continually releasing or upgrading."
Don Martin, webmaster, Todd's Road Grace Church

"Your platform is very robust, accessible, and easy to use no matter what platform or device you are using. I know of hundreds of people who regularly use your site and many of these share sermons very regularly with others. It is a great resource and an incredible tool that has made a huge impact for the spread of the gospel. We attempted to put our material on line ourselves for awhile but found the technical issues cumbersome. You have streamlined it so much. It is our primary way to make our messages available to others. We hope your website never stops because it is so valuable to us and so many churches in our circles. I have also found your help and support to be very timely and responsive."
Nathan Fort, The Shepherds Church

"We are so pleased with your services. We started uploading sermons a few years ago with the initial intent to serve as a resource for our small church. That goal was accomplished and we considered it a wonderful success. However, in recent months, even with the COVID pandemic, we have seen the use of SermonAudio grow in its usefulness to us. For example, we had a young couple in their 20's start looking on line for a church. They found us and listened to some of our sermons on SermonAudio, started attending and now are already plugged into one of our growth groups. So SermonAudio has increased our outreach into our community. We know that it is hard for someone just to walk through the doors of a small church like ours but this made it so much easier for them . They learned by listening to sermons what we were like and what teaching they would receive there. Our people have found it easy to share sermons with others. We have been going through our budget items again this year and analyzing where we spend our money and how that fulfills our mission. When we reviewed SermonAudio, there was little discussion because everyone sees the value of the monthly expense. It is a huge tool in our ministry and we are thoroughly pleased with your services."
David Hankal, Roan Creek Baptist Church

"Through this time of not meeting, our church family has been utilizing SermonAudio livestreaming and inviting other family members and friends to watch with them. On the third Sunday of livestreaming during the shutdown, a young boy was watching and trusted the Lord as His Savior. I meant with this young boy and we baptized him on another Sunday. Some of his family members were present but we were able to livestream this for the whole church! We have also noted that some people who had not been to church for some time began to watch our services on line! We have been meeting together with proper social distancing the last two Sundays. Some of those individuals who have not attended our church for three to five years have begun to worship with us regularly!"
Pastor William Rogers, Grace Fellowship Church

"“We are so blessed in our church by SermonAudio. As you might expect since we are located in Florida, we have a lot of “snowbirds” who return north after they have spent the winter here. One lady who had attended our church had to go back to New York in January of this year. Her family bought her an Ipad and installed the SermonAudio app on it for her. She wrote us constantly and thanked us for being on SermonAudio. Every week she faithfully listened to God’s Word on her device. She wrote us saying, “If it weren’t for SermonAudio I would have no means to listen to the Word of God.” Recently we received word from her family that she had passed away. They sent a love gift to the church and thanked us for caring for their loved one and thanked SermonAudio for the impact in had on this lady’s life. We receive notes all the time from people who listen to our sermons on your site. We want you to know that SermonAudio is a big help to our church!”"
Eddie Wade, Landmark Baptist Churchc

"A young man in our church approached me one day about uploading our sermons to SermonAudio. I don't know anything really about technology but was grateful to see how God would use it. Through this media, I have had opportunities to interact with many different people who have listened to a message and contacted me. I have opportunities to discuss God's Word with atheists who downloaded messages. One young man who learned he would be dying very soon searched the internet for messages on hell. He found one of my messages on SermonAudio through his web search. He listened and contacted me. We had several conversations about his eternal destiny. I don't know if he ever trusted Christ, but I know that he heard the gospel clearly and SermonAudio made this connection possible. You really can't underestimate the value of SermonAudio and the opportunities it provides."
Harold Smith, Lee Creek Baptist Church

"Whenever pastors stop in my church, I show them a big worldwide map with pin tabs everywhere someone has listened to a message from our church on SermonAudio. So far we have reached 133 countries with preaching on the site! I ask pastors, "What are you doing to reach the world? This is what we do. And I am just a 'hillybilly' preacher in the middle of nowhere. Yet, our church reaches the world through SermonAudio." I encourage pastors to pay for SermonAudio themselves for the first year. You can do this by skipping a few meals out every month. Then you can ask the church to pay for it. Many have taken up this challenge. our church takes a "missionary offering" every month and this month our offering is going to pay for more services from SermonAudio. My wife and I have actually meant some listeners hundreds of miles away and have developed friendships with them. Partnering with SermonAudio is worth it!"
Marvin Stalnaker, Katy Baptist Church

"SermonAudio is a fantastic means of getting the gospel out all over the world. Our church has downloads from everywhere around the world. SermonAudio has been one of those tools that we have been able to utilize with great blessing. Whenever we download new messages each week, the response is almost immediate. We are so thankful for this opportunity the Lord has been pleased to use throughout the years. We are constantly letting other people know about SermonAudio. We are really happy with what you offer. We are thankful for your staff that is doing a fabulous work."
Bill Welzien, Keys Presbyterian Church, OPC

"I have been doing open air easel evangelism three times a week at on one of the piers in Key West, Florida. Every night after my presentation, I pass out business cards or invitations that our church produces and for the last few years have put our SermonAudio site on the back of the cards. We only have about 35 people in our church every Sunday but because of this outreach and business cards we hand out, we have people from all over the US and the world listen to our sermons. This is such a valuable tool. Our congregation uses the site as well if they miss a service one week or if they want to listen to a message that is archived on your site. You have a good ministry. I am so thankful you are careful who you let broadcast on the site as well. I am grateful for the sound teaching people can find at SermonAudio."
Wayne Reynolds, Independence Baptist Church

"We really, really appreciate the work you are doing! You are doing phenomenal work! Our associate pastor gives us a report each month of where are sermons are being accessed! It is so unreal to us that our messages are going all over the world in these last times."
Pastor Keith Throop, Immanuel Baptist Church

"here are several reasons why I appreciate SermonAudio so much. I can direct people to your site without worrying about it they are going to hear heresy or some doctrinal aberration from the sermons there. I am so thankful that you hold to a high doctrinal orthodoxy and that you ask each broadcaster to subscribe to your articles of faith. I also really like the integration tools you have. It’s so easy to link my blogs to our SermonAudio page as well as integrate our SermonAudio page with our website. It seems like every time I have said, “It would be neat if SermonAudio offered this” that I go on your site and find out that you have that feature already. I have always found your tech support very responsive to any question or issue I was having. Thank you for all you offer and keep doing what you are doing well."
John Pistorius, Pastor, John Pistorius, Pastor

"We have found your site so useful in many different ways. Sometimes when people can’t make it in to our sermons, they are able to listen to the sermon at home later in the week. We have some homebound members who regularly listen to the sermon this way. My wife is serving elsewhere in the church during the service so she enjoys listening to the uploaded sermons she misses. We are always surprised to see the different countries where our sermons are accessed! Just knowing that a lot of people listen to sermons who would never have heard them in any other way makes partnering with you worth it to me. People are out there who are hungry for the Word, who are nourished by the sermons on your site, and who are uplifted by this means of communicating God’s Word. It’s really invaluable for the spread of the Word."
Josh Espinoza, Independent Presbyterian Church

"The main thing I like about SermonAudio is their longevity. They have delivered a reliable ministry tool and have a proven track record. They are great to work with and always are responsive to needs we have and willing to listen to suggestions we offer. SermonAudio offers us such a great means to reach into homes and expand on to different platforms. It allows folks in our congregation to listen to messages on the go or as they sit at their computer at home. I’m thankful that the SermonAudio staff is committed to developing, enhancing and upgrading their features on a continuing basis. Keep up the great work there!"
Bob Dennis, Immanuel Baptist Church

"We had a young man come to us out of a rough background. He fellowshipped with our church for some time and then moved away. I had no contact with him for several years but just this week I received an email from him. He shared how he had wandered away from the Lord but had just come back to the Lord recently. He noted that he had experienced a difficulty journey back to the place of repentance and trusting Christ again, but he has been walking with the Lord again. He mentioned how he had recently begun to listen to sermons from our church once again through SermonAudio. I had no idea what the Lord had been doing in this man’s life. I share this as an encouragement to other pastors: you never know how your sermons on this site might be used by God to work in people’s lives. I am grateful that SermonAudio is dedicated to getting the Word out to the largest number of people possible using available technology."
Carl Jones, Immanuel Baptist--Carl Jones Bible Class

"We really appreciate what your site offers us. We have managed to reach a lot of people and receive a lot of feedback through the years we have been on SermonAudio. From time to time I receive emails from all over the world from people who have benefitted from the teaching they have heard. Our class members often go home and listen to the lesson again as they do their study. I’m just a plain old Tennessee Bible teacher and I never dreamed that we would ever have been able to reach so many people. It really is beyond amazing to us. We encourage others to use this site and see what God will do."
Bill Issa, Reconciliation Baptist Church

"I have to confess that our church, Reconciliation Baptist Church, being on SermonAudio is an answered prayer from the Lord Himself. It is unbelievable how important your site is!We now receive emails from friends and other people we don't know from all over the world informing us that our sermons are a blessing to them. How could we have reached some of those countries without the help of SermonAudio! Finally, at RBC, we can't thank you enough. We have nothing to pay you guys back with; the only payment is that we'll always mention SermonAudio in our prayers. May the Lord Jesus Christ shine His gracious face on you. We love and respect you."
William Einwechter, Immanuel Free Reformed Church

"SermonAudio has been helpful to us in a lot of ways. It is a great resource for our people to listen to sermons. It has been a means of church growth throughout the years. We have had a good number of people come to us over the years who first learned about us through SermonAudio. We also consider SermonAudio as part of our missionary outreach both locally and overseas. We simply consider it as part of our missionary budget. We are very thankful for the high quality of everything you do. We value that you have a doctrinal standard to which broadcasters must subscribe. It’s encouraging to be part of site of solid, conservative churches that hold to the fundamentals of the faith. We have found this partnership to be both economical and a way to increase our exposure. What a great opportunity to partner with others who proclaim the truth. Even though we don’t know most of them, we share this unity in the declaration of truth!"
Dr. Gus Rodriguez, Assistant Pastor, Hunt Valley Baptist Ch

"We have been familiar with SermonAudio for some time and as pastors we have used the site often to listen to pastors and sermons. Recently we decided to go in this direction and put our sermons on the site We are looking forward to using a lot of the features you offer on your site. We currently make CDs but know this way of distributing sermons to our people will be more cost effective and more accessible. Thanks for your great work."
Paulo Freire, Hope Church

"We have only been on SermonAudio for less than a year but are amazed to see how many people have viewed the sermons from our church. We are just a small church but we connected SermonAudio with our own church website and it has been a blessing to us. It’s great to have all the sermon files archived on SermonAudio and yet linked with our website. It’s just wonderful and we have always appreciated what you do. It is encouraging to see God’s Word going out throughout the world. We give thanks to God for your ministry."
Pastor Everett A. Henes, Hillsdale Orthodox Presbyterian Church

"Our congregation knows where they can go to find our sermons on your site. I will often be preaching in a series and reference another series or message I preached at another time. I will say, ‘Now you may want to go back and listen to that message again. Just go to our SermonAudio page where you can download the message and listen to it.’ Our shut-ins use the site regularly. Beyond our own church we know that some of our denominational missionaries will listen to our sermons as well as those who are in areas where the gospel is oppressed. Your site is intuitive and very accessible. All of this is very encouraging to us and we are thankful for your ministry."
Joshua Jenkins, Hope Baptist Church

"We are enjoying our time on SermonAudio! Our church has lots of mothers with babies and young children who often have miss parts of the message. SermonAudio is a perfect way for them to listen or re-listen to a message. We have heard from several people in other states who don’t have a good church within driving distance. They have shared how they found us on SermonAudio and listen to our sermons. This is blessing to us and to them. Personally I go on to the site and listen to a few guys I like to keep up with and hear. If I need help in dealing with a difficult text I search by Scripture and find good resources."
Leonard Bailey, Hope of Christ Church

"Our members make very good use of your site. Our church is located near a military base so some of our people are only with us for a few years before they move on to other assignments. Our partnership with SermonAudio allows them to remain somewhat connected to us as they move and keep up with sermons and the series. The site is easy to navigate. It is nice to have all the sermons archived and accessible. I also enjoy listening to other pastors to see how they handle passages and themes that I am exploring. Thanks for all your good work."
Craig A. Thurman, Hidden Hills Sov. Grace Baptist Church

"really enjoy the way your service works. We have brothers in our church who work way up on the North Slope in Alaska, some 700 miles away, who are able to access the message we preach as soon as we load it up on the site. When some of our church folks are away, they have instant access to the message shortly after it is preached and they love that. Others who are sick or have to be away for some reason also benefit from this service. And what is really amazing is that we are a little church out in the woods of Alaska and yet we reach people in many countries and lots of states each month! A preacher friend in Idaho asked me one time about getting on SermonAudio and I told him, ‘You just need to do it! It gets your messages out there!’"
Ryan Pitterson, Deacon, Heritage Baptist Church

"We use several different platforms and web services and we appreciate how easily and seamlessly your site works. Our congregation really appreciates the app that you have. In addition to uploading messages to SermonAudio, we have them on your website but most people find it easier to use their phones to download and listen to sermons on the SA app. We have no complaints and are thankful for the features you all provide."
Steve Massey, Hayden Bible Church

"We are so pleased with your service. We regularly get feedback from our congregation as to how SermonAudio is a blessing to them. We find the site very easy to use and access. We provide a link on Facebook weekly to the most recent sermon on SermonAudio to raise our awareness of our presence on your site. I enjoy getting the reports you provide. It’s always interesting to see where people are listening to our content. You really provide an amazing service which we enjoy. Our people have really enjoyed accessing additional content on your site ever since we started partnering with you."
Ben Fetterolf, associate pasto, Hampton Park Baptist Church

"One of the things I do each Monday morning is upload our sermons to Sermon Audio, so I’m pretty familiar with it. The main way we use Sermon Audio is as an archive for all of our sermons. One thing I like about that is that I can look up sermons from 15+ years ago! I really enjoy the various search features on the site: speaker, date, passage, etc. I also enjoy the ability to download mp3’s or mp4’s of the sermons. We appreciate Sermon Audio because it puts a vast resource of biblically based sermons in the hands of our people."
Jason Parker, High Country Baptist Church

"One of the ways in which our partnership with SermonAudio has been especially helpful to us is that several people who have visited or have joined our church first found out about us on SermonAudio. Before they ever came to a service, they listened to some messages and had a feel for the kind of church we were. This has been a wonderful encouragement to us."
Jim Harris, Heritage Bible Church

"We are just very pleased with SermonAudio and what you offer us. Everything just percolates along very well and we know it has a far reach around the world. Every week at our services we have a slide in our announcement feed that reminds people they can listen to sermons on your site. At times I have made a slide with a world map that shows everywhere someone has listened to our sermons on SermonAudio and it so encouraging to our people. We have always been very happy with our partnership with you."
Pastor David Lipsey, Heritage Reformed Congregation

"SermonAudio has been helpful to our church in many ways. We have contact with several people, such as a couple in Newfoundland, who regularly listen to our messages for spiritual nourishment because there is no gospel-preaching church in their area. As I have pastored both in America and in Canada, one thing that has interested me is that in both countries there are wide swaths of area where there is no doctrinally sound church available. We know that many people from different countries watch our livestream on your site every week. The young people and singles in our church really appreciate this site. They are constantly downloading sermons and listening to them on their devices. There is actually nothing quite like what you offer."
Michael Myers, Heritage Presbyterian Church

"’m really grateful for your ministry personally. SA had a role in my calling to gospel ministry and where I am today. When I was a sophomore in college, I was assigned to work on a baseball field for 8 hours a week. I would load up sermons from various pastors and listen to them all day long when I was doing my job--men like Bill Shisko and Sinclair Ferguson I did this every week at school for two semesters. God used this time and the ministry of godly men on your site to do a deep work in my heart. Today, as a pastor and a broadcaster on your site, I still access SermonAudio a ton! Thanks for the ministry you provide! It made a difference in my life."
Pastor Brian McCrorie, Heather Hills Baptist Church

"We’ve appreciated the SermonAudio service, which we’ve used for almost 10 years now, I think. The service allows our teaching and preaching to go FAR beyond our community, and we’ve received feedback at times from listeners literally around the world. The service is easy to use and reasonably priced. We’re thankful to be able to take advantage of such a great service to the ministry of the Word. Blessings!"
Mike Waters, Heritage Reformed Baptist Church

"SermonAudio fundamentally helps us and blesses us in two specific ways. It allows us to bless others with our teaching and it allows us to be blessed by the teaching of others. I personally listen to SermonAudio almost every day. As I am preparing sermons weekly I often look at messages by various men on the site to see how they divide up the text size for the sermon. I am accessing the site all the time. I listen to several well known speakers that minister to my heart. Your site has also broadened my horizons to other speakers from different backgrounds or denominations. I even enjoy listening to otherwise unknown pastors who may not be as polished as some of the featured broadcasters but who are faithfully preaching God’s Word. Often after I listen to a sermon from one of these men I stop and pray, “Lord, thank you that you have so many faithful men of God preaching Your Word!” I just want you to know that you all are just a great blessing to me and our church."
Paul Davis, tech coordinator, Heritage Presbyterian Church

"We are loving SermonAudio! It works great for us! We like not having to store all our sermons on our own site. I find uploading sermons to the site quick and easy. The live webcast feature is very nice and easy to set up. This allows our members who are unable to attend a service to still participate. It’s a huge blessing to be able to listen to so many other sermons that are available on your site. Having so many different devices that access the site is also a big advantage. SermonAudio does everything we need it to do and more! We really are thankful for all you do for us."
Dr. Scott Hanks, Heritage Baptist Church

"We are extremely happy with SermonAudio. Lots of people in our church family use it. We hear from people who listen from other states. What a great blessing to be able to listen to sermons on this site! It is a definitely a blessing to us! We appreciate that you have doctrinally conservative content on the site as well."
Harold McMillian, Heritage Baptist Church

"You have been a real blessing to us in helping our outreach. We are able to reach several different states as well as our several other countries with our sermons. We just had someone visit our church from the west coast who had moved to our area. They found us through SermonAudio! Thank you for making this possible."
Anna Pierce, Secretary, Harvest Community Church

"I had never heard of SermonAudio before but our church has been on the site for about six months now. It is exactly what we needed. Your site is very user-friendly and I love letting others know about this resource. We are hoping to put lots of our pastor’s older sermons on the site eventually. I love listening to current sermons on the site as well as sermons from the past."
Pastor D. A. Waite, Bible For Today Baptist Church

"Our Bible For Today Baptist Church has benefited by using the for many years. It has enabled us to stream our Sunday morning, Sunday afternoon, and Thursday services around the world 24/7. We have heard from many throughout the USA and from foreign countries as well who are listening to our services by this streaming means."
Barry Parsons, Harvest Fellowship of Colebrookdale

"We are a small church in rural Pennsylvania, but through your site we are able to reach the nations. The extent of the outreach we have through SermonAudio astounds us! Hardly a week goes by that we don’t have more downloads on SermonAudio than we have people in attendance in our church. People who have listened to our sermons connect with us occasionally. We have sent material to a church leader in China who listened to our sermons and requested additional resources. Whenever I meet solid pastors, I ask them if they are on SermonAudio. If they are not, I ask them, “Why aren’t you?” Purely from a mission perspective it is worth every dollar we spend. Some years our missions budget is one-third of our annual church budget, however, SermonAudio is the best investment we make every year for missions. Thank you for all you do."
Dr. Tim Tooten, Sr., Harvest Christian Ministries

"I don’t know how I stumbled on to your site, but I am so glad I did. I absolutely love SermonAudio. It is a great platform to use. I connect everything I do, my preaching and my daily devotionals, to your site. I really appreciate seeing the increased reach you give us as I look at the monthly download reports. I share with our people regularly that being on your site has really grown our church--not so much within the walls of our church, but beyond it with the influence we have internationally."
Rev. Todd Ruddell, Christ Covenant Reformed Presbyterian

"Partnering with SermonAudio has been very useful to our own people as well as to others who have found us on your site. You have provided a presence and larger platform that we would not normally have. I hear from folks all over the country who have listened to our sermons. It is a source of steady encouragement to me and our church. Through the years, I have made several friends by contacts made through SermonAudio. We are grateful for the relationship we have with you."
Pastor Joshua Holden, Heady Mountain Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has been such an encouragement to me as a pastor and to our church! We are a small church with only about 30 people on a Sunday but it’s amazing how many people we reach abroad through your site. The process of editing and uploading our messages each week is very easy. We are excited to post our 100th sermon in just 7 months with you all. The price we pay to be able to put that much gospel out there to so many people is worth every penny each month. I recommend it to every pastor who is trying to get the Word out. I love that I can listen to sister churches and other other men I respect and admire on your site. As a pastor, I need my soul feed as well so I am on the site several times a day. I enjoy listening to some of my friends from my Bible school years who are on the site. I recommend the site to every pastor I know who is trying to get the Word out. I knew about the site for several years and prayed about signing up for awhile but couldn’t afford it. However, when you ran the $1 sale and then took the limit off the number of sermons a church can upload a month, I took that as a direct answer to my prayers. I also love the ability to upload pdfs to the site and we use the business cards you provide to let people know about our church and your site. Thank you for all you are doing! What a blessing!"
Reverend Daniel Dillard, Grace Reformed Presbyterian

"What a great service you offer! It is very accessible to everyone! You have a tremendous resource available at your site! What a great gift you have given to churches to be able to make Bible-centered, Christ-honoring preaching available to people everywhere! It’s incredible that we can have access to thousands of Bible expositors on this site. I use it myself to listen to pastors and Bible teachers that I really appreciate and who minister to me. We also appreciate the monthly reports which are so encouraging and helpful to us! We are entirely satisfied with your service!"
Rev. Ken Burkett, Ph.D., Greenville Bible Church

"Our partnership with SermonAudio is helpful in three ways. It allows our members who miss an occasional sermon for some reason to catch up during the week and stay up to date with the preaching. Our members especially appreciate this feature when I am preaching through a series. Secondly, when people have to move away from our area, they often keep connected with us by listening to the messages each week until they are able to find a solid ministry that will become their new church home. Several people have commented how helpful this has been to them during their transition period. Thirdly, we have had several visitors over the years, some who have joined our church, who found our church through SermonAudio. SermonAudio is an affordable way for small ministries to reach beyond their own congregation. It’s been a blessing to receive and occasional email or a phone call from someone who has listened to our sermons and wanted to ask questions about it or seek counsel. Thank you for all you do."
James Tippins, GraceTruth Church

"I love SermonAudio. A friend recommended it to me years ago and I signed up when you offered the $1 sale! Over the years. I have recommended the site to several others through your referral program so they could sign up for $1. My wife and I have various computer backgrounds and we have tried other ways in the past to store and upload our content but this is the the best. I would die if I couldn’t keep our account! What a repository of sermons. I feel confident that my church members or family can click on sermons on the site and not hear bad teaching. Whenever I have reached out to your staff you have always provided timely and helpful answers. Your customer service is great. You are providing a great service at a very reasonable price. Being on SermonAudio has allowed us to have a great outreach. I am regularly responding to emails and returning phone calls from people who have heard one of our sermons on SermonAudio and want more"
Pastor William Poss, Gulf Coast Bread of Life

"Excellent! Excellent! Excellent! That’s how we feel about your site. We are absolutely pleased with the services you provide. You are a tremendous blessing to us. We have received feedback from listeners throughout the years, and many have expressed how hearing our messages and those of others on the site has been a great blessing to them. Every time I have had a problem with something and have contacted you, you have responded quickly and resolved the problem. We rejoice that the Lord raised you up and that we have been able to partner with you for many years."
Chris Dyer, Guelph Faith Bible Assembly

"We are delighted to use SermonAudio. We are a small church that had a website before joining with SermonAudio. We found that for our church uploading all our sermons to this site was so beneficial to our assembly and others. We push out our sermons to Twitter and Facebook so that people can find them easily. This has been just a great experience for us. It has given our small church a far reach in places like Germany and Pakistan. Through SermonAudio, we connected with a church over in Pakistan which we now support regularly. Your site allows us to connect with and reach people that we would otherwise never reach. I can’t say enough of how much we appreciate all you provide and do for us! We are deeply grateful."
Pastor Enrique Sarria, Iglesia del Valle Centra

"We are thrilled to see more than 700 downloads in a week and half since we opened our SermonAudio account. It is of great encouragement for the whole church that more people are able to benefit from the ministry of His Word. Thank God for the SermonAudio staff and the great job done with this site."
Stephen R. Burch, Green Mountain Baptist Church

"We are very pleased with our relationship with SermonAudio. I really like the reports you send us each month. As we look over the reports at our deacons' meetings and as I present the numbers each year to our congregation, I am reminded that for $40 a month we have a 24/7 presence 365 days a year all over the world. We have had downloads in over 70 countries thus far. We couldn’t support a missionary for that amount each month and have such a reach. We may never know what God is doing through someone downloading and listening to one of our sermons. The ease of integration with our website and the organization and storage of our sermons on your site makes it worth the cost of the service each month. I will occasionally give someone whom I am counseling or discipling a link to one of the sermons I preached on SermonAudio, have them listen to it, and then talk about it the next time we meet. It’s so much easier to give them a link than it used to be to find the sermon recording, make a CD, and hand it off to them. Your site is a great tool for us."
Ben F. Gardner, Grace Reformed Baptist Church

"Personally I use the app to listen to messages by men that I know and I respect. Being on SermonAudio has also given our church exposure to a wider audience among like-minded believers. We have found that we get quite a few hits from SermonAudio. More people find us through your site than they do accessing our own website. Using SermonAudio, I have also found like-minded pastors in my own area and so it is a great tool for increased fellowship. You are a blessing to us and we appreciate all you do!"
Rev. James M. Sharp, Greater Grace Ministries

"Sermon Audio has been such a wonderful blessing for me. It's where my old sermons are finding new life! When I retired from last pastorate, I asked the elders’ permission to have all the recordings of my sermons throughout the years including those on cassettes and cds. The sound engineer in my last church has been uploading them weekly to SermonAudio. My listening audience on SermonAudio has been increasing exponentially over the last couple of years and I now have more people listening to my sermons on-line than I ever did in my congregations! That’s why I say, ‘My old sermons are finding new life.’ It has been really great to be on your site because I know that God’s Word never will return without accomplishing God’s purposes! Thank you and God bless your ministry."
Rev. Andrew R. Allan, Partick Free Church of Scotland (Cont)

"We are very happy to be a part of the SermonAudio family and with your service. We were delighted when you allowed churches to upload unlimited sermons per month. We are quite encouraged when we receive the monthly download reports and see all the different countries that we reach. Those reports are quite comprehensive and thorough. Thank you very much for all you do for us."
Michael J. Schout, Grace United Reformed Church

"We are a small church with a small budget. We don’t have a lot of bells and whistles so to speak, but SermonAudio is a great value and a great investment for our own congregation who have to miss a service for some reason or who simply want to listen to a message again. It is also very encouraging to our church to see that we are reaching out around the world through our presence on the site. We, as with most churches, wish we could do more in missions, but to know that God’s Word is being spread through this means is great. We love the site and are thankful for it. It really has been a wonderful partnership."
David Fagrey, Grace Reformed Church

"Our members really appreciate SermonAudio. Your phone app is great and that is what more and more of our members are using to download and listen to sermons. The app offers an easy way to share sermons so we find that the Word can spread very quickly that way. We are very thankful for the site and what you offer."
Rev. Philip B. Strong, Grace Reformed Fellowship

"I can’t tell you how privileged I feel to preach the Word of God and to have someone in Germany, Spain or Japan listen to it on SermonAudio. It is so encouraging to me. The Word is going out all around the world through you. You all are like Gutenberg inventing the printing press in his day. I am so grateful for the techies who had the forethought to create this site. It is a wonderful tool and relatively easy for me to use. I can refer people to the site with confidence because I know you don’t allow just anything on this site. SermonAudio is a great avenue for people to find solid preaching. I am reminded of Elijah who wondered if there was anyone else out there standing for truth. Sometimes when I minister in this area I wonder the same thing, but then the Lord reminds me that there are thousands of faithful men who are on SermonAudio and stand true to the gospel! Thank you for harnessing the power of technology and harnessing it to advance God’s kingdom!"
Kenneth Stewart, Glasgow RP Church of Scotland

"SermonAudio is a great service. We are a young church and have been with SermonAudio since we started. We receive quite a bit of feedback from listeners. It is quite remarkable how widely our sermons are distributed. We are really amazed and astonished by who listens to the sermons and where they listen to them. For example, we have received feedback from a group of believers in a mountainous region of Japan. These folks aren’t even part of our denomination but they gather regularly to listen to the messages since there is no church established near them. It is also very easy for our congregation here to use the site when they have missed a message. This is especially helpful when I am working through a series on a theme or Bible character and members want to keep up with this."
Mike Kwok, Fellowship Baptist Church

"I just want to really thank you for maintaining and supporting this site. It's a great blessing knowing the the sermons our pastor preaches in a small Australian town are reaching a global audience. May God bless you for the service you provide."
Rev. Hugh Ferrier, High Free Church Stornoway

"I have used SermonAudio personally for years. I enjoy the broad range of denominations on the site and the solid teaching that ministers to me. Everyone I know finds the site very easy to use. We have church members in their 80's who are no longer able to attend our services, but they tell me it easy for them to download and listen to messages on their iPads. It is really fantastic to be a part of the site. It is a tremendous resource for the church."
Rev. Sam Perez, Grace Reformed Church

"We are very satisfied with SermonAudio. It meets all the needs we have currently as a local church. The uploading process is very streamlined and the ability to search for sermons is simple and easy. Having our sermons on the site enables our members to conveniently share a message or two with their friends who are considering visiting our church. This has been helpful in allowing friends to get a sense of what our church is all about before attending."
Ron Johnson, Grace Reformed Baptist Church

"We have partnered with SermonAudio for a over a decade. We find the site to be use friendly. We were able to integrate their new sermon browser with our website so that our sermons are more readily accessible. The process of downloading a sermon is very easy. Whenever we had a question or an issue, the staff has been very responsive in helping us out."
Pastor Christopher Sheffield, Grace Reformed Baptist Church

"I have nothing but positive things to say about SermonAudio. Your service is very helpful and really is an extension of the ministry of our local church. Being on SermonAudio has been instrumental in allowing us to make a connection with people who have listened to sermons and had questions. I’ve had some opportunities to interact with individuals who have contacted us. One man lives in an area where there are very few solid evangelical ministries so he has listened to messages to supplement his spiritual intake. Another gentleman contacted me about streaming my messages from SA on a radio station out west. It has been interesting to see how God has made these connections somewhat “out of the blue.” Some people wonder if SermonAudio is worth the monthly fee, but for us there is no question it it. It’s a benefit to our own members who want to listen to a sermon they missed for some reason. We also appreciate that you are site that has a solid evangelical emphasis so that we can recommend other sermons on your site. We are overwhelming satisfied with this opportunity to be on SermonAudio."
Robert Luff, Greenville Christian Fellowship

"We appreciate all you do at SermonAudio. The site is accessible and easy to use. I use it personally to listen to messages from other churches and to stay in touch with ministries I have a connection with. SermonAudio makes it much easier to distribute our sermons. We use your website integration tool which works well for us. We love what you are doing!"
Nicolas Alford, Grace Baptist Church of Taylors

"We recently updated our website and made the switch to SermonAudio for hosting our sermons. We were looking for a site that offered better service, better outreach, and better functionality and partnering with SermonAudio has accomplished all of those goals. We are very pleased. We like the statistics you provide each month along with the ability to search sermons by speakers, dates, series, and topics. Our sound techs have all been very positive about the change. We are thrilled with what you offer. We are very happy to be a part of the SemonAudio community."
Rev James MacInnes, Lochalsh & Strath Free Church (Cont)

"We all have our roles in the work of God’s kingdom and SermonAudio plays a vital role in helping churches like ours get the Word out to others. We minister in a place where there is gospel hardness, yet this means allows us to reach some that cannot make it to church or are hesitant to attend. We had one individual in our area listen to our messages on-line for some time before actually visiting us and worshipping with us. SermonAudio has been a blessing to us in many ways. Your work is very efficient. I have also appreciated the timely response you give when we have contacted you about an issue in the past."
Jeff Young, Grace Reformed Baptist Church

"SermonAudio is such a fantastic help to our church. We always have members who are absent for various reasons on the Lord’s Day and they are so devoted to the Word that they want to listen to the sermons they miss. Compared to the old methods of duplicating cassettes or burning CDs, simply taking five minutes to upload a sermon that is instantly available to everyone is remarkable! I also belong to an association of churches and I enjoy being able to listen and learn from the other pastors in our association. Having people depend on having quick access to our sermons and resources has been so helpful in making more disciplined in getting the material uploaded. One final way that SermonAudio has helped us is that nearly everyone who visits our church has first listened to a few messages on SermonAudio before attending. We are so pleased with the many ways in which you have helped us. Keep being faithful at what you are doing!"
Pastor Justin Pierce, Grace Life Church Tri~Cities

"What I love about SermonAudio is the outreach! It blows my mind that we are able to connect with listeners all around the world. I regularly receive texts, emails and phone calls from places I have never been and will probably never be able to visit. I had an hour and a half conversation with someone from Canada looking for a local church. I’ve had contact with folks in Iraq, Saudia Arabia, South Korea, and the Philippines as well as elsewhere. It’s rather shocking to me. This is an incredible tool for impacting lives through preaching and teaching. Keep in mind we are a small church but this partnership allows us to have an impact far beyond our size!"
Rev. Brian De Jong, Grace Orthodox Presbyterian

"We are delighted with SermonAudio and think it is a valuable way to reach our community and the rest of the world with preaching of the Word. I use the site personally, especially when I am traveling. I can download sermons in advance and then listen to them as I am driving. When I am doing research for sermons and want to find out how others have handled the text, I often will go to SermonAudio to listen to a few other pastors on the site. Personally, one of our children has married and now moved to another country and so SermonAudio is a way she can continue to stay connected with us and hear the Word regularly. One other blessing we have received from SermonAudio is that it allows us to share messages from conferences our church hosts. For example, every year we hold a Reformation Conference, and we are able to quickly share the great content with others in our own denomination as well as with those that want to listen on SermonAudio. Thanks for the good service you offer us!"
Derek Melton, Grace Life Church of Pryor

"ermonAudio provides a great way to record and reproduce sermons using modern technology. Technology, such as the internet, has its bad and its good uses, but SermonAudio is one of those great tools that helps facilitate the spreading of God’s Word. It’s a wonderful ministry that helps churches of all sizes, but especially small churches, be able to store their messages for others to access. Homebound saints as well as those that have to miss a service due to work or sickness access our messages. We also receive occasional feedback/emails from those who are outside of our own community. This is a great ministry and a tremendous tool to every church that uses SermonAudio. Thank you for all you are doing."
Grace Presbyterian Church, Dr. Richard Davies

"Our church family enjoys SermonAudio so much. We have many people who go right to SermonAudio almost as soon as church is over. They either download the sermon to re-listen to it, or if they weren’t in the worship service, they can access it right away! SermonAudio is great for our church body! All that you do is greatly appreciated. A member of church started putting my sermons up on SermonAudio years ago and has been doing it faithfully all these years! We sincerely thank the Lord for this service!"
Rev. David Stewart, Portglenone Free Presbyterian

"We see SermonAudio as another means of ministry and getting the Word to the world. It is very easy to use. I upload the sermons every week and it only takes a few minutes to complete. As I am studying for my sermons, I will sometimes listen to other men who have preached on the same passage, especially difficult passages, to see how they handled the text. I am thankful that you now allow us to upload unlimited sermons each month. That really helps when we have a week of special meetings. Now we can upload all the messages so that those who couldn’t attend can listen easily. I appreciate that you have added value to our monthly fee in that way. I also appreciate the Facebook integration which enables people to easily share the sermon with others. We are so blessed when we get feedback from others around the world as to how sermons have helped them. May the Lord continue to bless your work and bring many to Christ through it and build up saints through this means."
Pastor Harry Dowds, Stonepark Baptist Church

"Our own folks have found SermonAudio very beneficial. Although we don’t have a large audience outside our own church, we also know that some from a distance enjoy downloading and listening to our sermons. Occasionally one or two small churches that are temporarily without a pastor download and play a sermon for their gathering. I enjoy downloading sermons from other pastors and listening to them. Our people here also download messages from other men we recommend on your site. We appreciate this opportunity."
Pastor John Fry, Grace Missionary Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has been a big blessing to our church. It is an easy platform to work with. I appreciate the way you can put sermons in Dropbox to upload. That makes uploading so much easier for us. The constant improvements and upgrades your team are continually making to the site is much appreciated. We have set up many of our shut-ins with Roku sticks so they can watch the sermons from home. I’m excited that you are continually working to add new platforms and devices as well."
Duane Lyons, Tech team leader, Grace Gospel Fellowship

"Your app is wonderful. I give you 5 stars! We have no issues with your service. You offer an amazing array of features. The functionality of the app is great. Everything is user-friendly. We have partnered with you for many years and hope to utilize more features in the future."
Joe W. Allen, Jr., Grace Family Fellowship

"ermonAudio is one of the primary resources that has helped our church grow and reach out to others. It is a wonderful tool. I send out about 500 emails every week to people and place links to recent sermons that we have on SermonAudio. Two families, who found our church through SermonAudio, have recently visited and joined our church. Last week I got an email from soldiers in Afghanistan who told me they listen to our sermons every week. Regularly I receive email from listeners that I have never met. We cherish this partnership and plan to continue to use it as long as we can."
Pastor Sammy Burns, Grace Covenant Baptist Church

"We deeply appreciate the ministry of SermonAudio, and know that a church such as Grace Covenant Baptist would never have the outreach we desire without it. It is always surprising and gratifying each month as we look over the download report, and see all the states and countries we are reaching with God’s Word. Thank you for your commitment to getting out the Word of God."
Pastor Jason Ching, Grace Community Church

"SermonAudio is a wonderful extension of our ministry and allows us to preach the gospel around the world! Our pastor is devoted to preaching. He has been preaching several messages a week for over twenty years. Our emphasis is on the Word preached at our church and so we love what SermonAudio is doing with us. Over the years we have built up a community of listeners outside of our church family who faithfully access our sermons. Uploading the messages is easy and intuitive. We have benefitted from your video streaming service now for a year and love that. We appreciate your affordable pricing. Thanks for this partnership!"
Pastor Brian Jensen, Grace Family Church

"We have people find our church through SermonAudio on a regular basis. Partnering with SermonAudio is one of the best things we have ever done. You all are a real blessing to us!"
Steve Wilson, Pastor-Teacher, Grace Community Church of Bowling Green

"Our SermonAudio monthly bill is the best money we invest every month as a church! We are thrilled with every aspect of the service. It has given us opportunities to preach that simply are not available any other way. It has opened doors for ministry for us that we would never would have had on our own. For example, twelve years ago an Englishman from Africa was going to medical school near the Black Sea in Russia. He identified only six other believers at this school. They decided they would get together regularly to study God’s Word. He had listened to our church on SermonAudio and contacted me by email, asking if it would be OK to use my sermons as a starting point for their studies and discussions each week. Of course, I said that would be fine and for the next four years this group listened to my sermons on a regular basis. I have kept in contact with this man named Sean throughout the last twelve years. He moved to Thailand, eventually married, and two weeks ago asked me if I would be a reference for him as he was applying to a board of Christian surgeons who would go and do medical missions work in various places. Eleven years ago, a man in India began listening to my messages on SermonAudio. He led an incredible ministry that helped women who were in prostitution and human trafficking/slavery. He was wrestling through various issues in his life and we started to communicate. Through the years we have been able to supply him with nearly $20,000 worth of resources he needed to carry on his work. Seven years ago I had the great joy of going over to India to speak to a large group of young pastors that this man had been training. He gathered these men and I was able to minister to them for six days Those are just two stories, but two or three times a month we have some communication from someone in various places throughout the world who found us, started listening to messages on SermonAudio and let us know how God has used this in their lives. Keep in mind that we are a small church but God has allowed us to have worldwide impact in lives through partnering with SermonAudio!"
Pastor William Rogers, Grace Fellowship Church

"We love SermonAudio. We use it all the time. Our people get on it. It is one of the best things our church has ever done."
Mark Gervais, Grace Fellowship Baptist Church

"Our people really like SermonAudio. Some of our people travel or have to be away occasionally on a Sunday. I preach expositionally through books and those who miss a sermon in the series like to go to the site and listen to the sermon shortly after we upload it. We upload the sermon very quickly after the service and then upload the video of it the next day. The ability to watch it is valued by those who miss it SermonAudio has been very helpful for us as a church and we appreciate it this platform very much."
Justin Trevino, Grace Community Church

"We have been a broadcaster for a few months and SermonAudio has been a real blessing. It has made our lives so much easier when it comes to uploading sermons and searching for sermons by speaker, series, date, etc. Learning to upload the sermons is an easy process and is very quick. We also appreciate how easy it is to share sermons on social media. I often recommend SermonAudio to other pastors and churches as a great ministry tool."
Joey Hahne, Youth Pastor, Grace Church of Laguna Niguel

"SermonAudio is great! We use it primarily to reach people beyond our church. We get notes often from people who found us on your site and listen to us from around the world. Our tech guys tell me that the sound quality of our sermons on your site is better than our own website. We really enjoy archiving our sermons on your site because of the amount of space it would take on our site. We really appreciate your service."
Gregory Blake, MBS, Red House Bible Church

"We currently use SermonAudio for livestreaming our services and we are exciting about expanding of other features you all offer. We have incorporated the monthly fee into our missions budget. What you offer for the monthly fee is incredible. We really appreciate all that you make available to us. I especially love the hymnal feature you have on the site. I will often access that as I sing the older hymns. We are looking forward to integrating more SermonAudio features on our website very soon! God bless you for all you do."
Joe Terrell, Grace Community Church

"We use SermonAudio currently as a means to help people who live a distance away and can’t attend our church but consider us their home church. Your site is very useful and appealing. You have struck a good balance between being attractive and up to date without being cheap. We are going to look for ways to explore using more features on the site especially to reach out to those in our local community with the gospel. Thank you for what you offer on this premier site."
Mitch Lush, Grace Church

"We appreciate the opportunity you give us to upload sermons and to webcast our services. Our people who are sick, shut-in, or away on a Sunday really appreciate this opportunity to connect with us in this way. We also have friends in other states who are able to stay connected with us! Recently I traveled to minister overseas and it was encouraging to meet a believer who came up to me and shared that he had actually listened to series of mine that was helpful to him. We are grateful for all you do and for the assistance you provide us in these ways."
Gregory N. Barkman, Beacon Baptist Church

"We have enjoyed a fruitful relationship with SermonAudio for many years, and we continue to be immensely blessed by this ministry. We enjoy seeing the many sermon downloads from across the United States and around the World, and are especially encouraged by the numerous email contacts we receive from listeners who write to ask questions or just to encourage us. We praise the Lord for making this internet service available to us and for being able to recommend it to others."
James Flaherty, Grace Community Bible Fellowship

"Using SermonAudio is so much better than what we did previously with just uploading sermons to our website. We are thrilled to have it. It’s a great means to reach people. One member of our church is a truck driver who now can listen to the sermons he misses within a day or so. People who travel and miss one of the sermons can now keep up and not feel like they missed anything from the series. We are very pleased and gratified. The cost is reasonable even for a smaller church as it starts out. Thank you for this partnership."
Matt Hand, Grace City Denver

"When we revamped our church website a couple of years ago, we had the capacity to just keep all our sermons on our site. However, we made the conscious decision to continue our relationship with SermonAudio and upload sermons to both our site for our local community’s use as well as to keep uploading to SermonAudio. We found that partnering with you gave us exposure to an audience we could never reach on our own. The monthly cost is inexpensive and we are fascinated by the statistics that show our little church in urban Denver is reaching places like Pakistan. We see it a a big win for us to let other people hear the gospel in this way."
Tawfiq Cotman-El, Grace Church Austin

"We are a brand new broadcaster on SermonAudio but I have been familiar with SermonAudio for years. I was recently sent out by our church in San Antonio to pastor two churches. Getting started on SermonAudio has gone very smoothly. The site is user-friendly and everything is wonderful. I appreciate the personal connection you made with me just a few weeks after partnering with you. We look forward to what God has in store as we continue with you."
C. Benjamin Dill, Lighthouse Baptist Church

"A young fellow came to our church within the last year. He started attending after he heard of my messages on SermonAudio. He was an unbeliever so I invited him to join a class I was teaching on basic Christian truths. He received the Lord Jesus Christ, was baptized, and recently surrendered to the call to preach the gospel! This man was a veteran and came to us suffering with depression. The Lord has delivered him from his depression and given him great joy. Pray that the Lord may use this man greatly as he shares the gospel with others and prepares to proclaim God's truth!"
Curt Arend, Grace Bible Church San Diego

"I have regularly recommended SermonAudio to churches and pastors for years and many have become broadcasters with you. We have used the embed codes you provide to seamlessly integrate with our church website. We are encouraged to see the monthly statistics each month. The Lord has used this site for good in many lives. I receive lots of feedback through SermonAudio. One time a young man, who was away from the Lord, began listening to some messages on the site and realized he needed to repent and return to the Lord. As he listened, he reached out to us, decided to move to our area, and has begun fellowshipping and worshipping with us. God has done a work of grace and restoration in his life!"
Beth Parkhill, Grace Church (PCA)

"SermonAudio has worked very well for our church. It’s easy to learn how to upload sermons and the whole site works very simply. SermonAudio is a great outreach for our church. We are so encouraged as we see from the download reports that we have quite a few people who listen to our pastor’s messages all around the world. Our church members, including our shut-ins, are able to use the site with ease. Some of our former church members who have moved away continue to keep up with our pastor’s preaching as well. Sometimes you just don’t who is listening to your messages but it is encouraging to know that the Gospel is getting out there and God is definitely using this site. SermonAudio has been a real blessing for our own members and for the extended church! Thank you"
Pastor Robert Ventura, Grace Community Baptist Church

"SermonAudio is a great resource. I refer people to it all the time. I can’t tell you how many people have visited our church because of some connection they made through SermonAudio. The site works well and has good content. I love the speakers you have at your Foundations Conference and am so thankful you are partnering with the work in Manhattan. Keep pressing on with your good work!"
Michael Early, tech leader, Grace Chapel Reformed Baptist Church

"We really appreciate the visibility that SermonAudio provides for us. There are not many churches of our kind in Central Alabama, yet people in our area have located us through SermonAudio, have visited us, and some have united with us. It’s a great tool to help people connect with churches. I have always found the systems you have for uploading sermons to be easy to use. We are very encouraged by our partnership with you."
Elder Zack Guess, Grace Chapel Primitive Baptist Church

"You have a great ministry and we are thrilled to be a part of it. It’s just amazing to us how many people we can reach with the gospel through this means. I know a pastor who has a small ministry and longs deeply to reach more people in his community with the Word. He faithfully shepherds this small flock but he is always so encouraged when he sees how many people download his sermons and when he gets feedback from listeners! We get quite a bit of feedback ourselves and just think this is a wonderful means available to churches. We are very excited about all that God is doing through SermonAudio!"
Mark LaCour, Grace Bible Fellowship

"SermonAudio is a great blessing to me personally as a pastor and to our church family. You are a wellspring and a great encouragement for us all here. I listen to a sermon from your site at least every other day. I love the staff picks and recommended sermons! We are amazed at all you do. I wouldn’t change anything you do. We appreciate you reaching out to us last year when we experienced the floods in LA! You raised awareness of what churches on SermonAudio were experiencing and it was great to see the body of Christ respond to our needs."
Rev Garth Wilson, Sandown Free Presbyterian Church

"SermonAudio works very well for us. Over time the number of people accessing our sermons has slowly increased. There are several older members of our church who once faithfully attended each service but are now unable to do because of health. These folks are now able to still listen to our sermons every week thanks to your site. We find it easy to use, well organized, and freely available to any who want to listen. Thank you for making this all possible."
Danny Thursby, Grace Bible Church of Conway

"We love SermonAudio and recommend it regularly to other pastors. We wouldn’t switch to anything else. It’s just great! We enjoy using it. The apps you have are easy to navigate and look great. You are achieving the goals and objectives you have in spreading the Word and serving churches with this means of technology. We really appreciate our partnership."
Rev. Scott Harris, Grace Bible Church

"We have been pleased with our relationship with SermonAudio. At least three families, who are now in our ministry, found us on SermonAudio as they were looking for a church nearby. I often encourage people who are moving and looking for a new church to go on SermonAudio and use the local church finder. This allows people to listen to a few sermons before they visit. I encourage fellow pastors to sign up and become a broadcaster on your site. Five men from our ministry attended the recent Foundations Conference and were encouraged by what we heard. We appreciate what you are doing and the vision you have. We are hoping to utilize more of your features in the future."
David Silversides, Loughbrickland Reformed Presbyterian Chu

"We very much appreciate all that you do to make the preaching of God’s Word as accessible as possible. The individual who uploads the sermons for us here at Loughbrickland told me, ”I don’t think I have any constructive feedback, other than to commend them for making it so user-friendly! I would give them a full five stars!” We are glad to see each month, not simply the numbers, but the otherwise inaccessible places where the downloads come from. May the grace of God be magnified."
John Pittman Hey, Grace Bible Church

"We are very happy with SermonAudio, and it is a real blessing to our church members and to the folks who listen to our sermons. I have always had very prompt replies whenever I needed to address any issue, which is very rare. Your service is very professional and hardly a glitch ever takes place!"
Larry Brown, Deacon, Grace Bible Church

"Your service is very easy to use. We enjoy receiving the monthly reports and see how many people are listening around the world. It’s a great encouragement to those who preach the Word of God at our church to hear that even people in closed countries are accessing our messages. We have our sermons on our own website as well but SermonAudio is a service we want to keep. Your website is accessible and very reliable. We appreciate what you do."
Jackie Sanders, Secretary, Grace Bible Church

"SermonAudio has been a huge blessing to our church. Our pastor of 25 years recently retired and our people enjoy using SermonAudio to listen to messages he preached years ago. People also benefit from more recent messages. Overall we love the site. I find it very easy to work with. We have no complaints. Thank you for providing this service for us and other churches."
Grace Baptist Church, Grover Dean

"Our church is a small church. When our pastor came to us, he was a prison preacher and wanted to stay in touch with the prisoners that were regularly in attendance. We established a CD ministry specifically to these people that soon expanded to other friends of our pastor and the church. We also learned that postage and supplies were expensive. We looked for alternatives and were led to SermonAudio. We originally joined up with SermonAudio to expand our footprint into livestreaming. We went to those on the mailing list and let them know about SermonAudio. Some switched and some chose an email format that was used to send links to the sermons. We did this to save money and expand our base of listeners. This format works well and we “preach” its value to other churches and pastors. Our church has always been a supporter of outreach and missions. This service allowed us to do that. One thing we did not consider was that our messages would be going out literally all over the world. Each month we print out the SermonAudio summary and report back to the church. We are constantly amazed that our little church is a messenger to almost every state and many, many countries around the world. Your service and format allows that to happen. We occasionally look at other numbers. If we take those that attend, those that get CD’s, and those that listen on line, it’s a large crowd. We think about those that listen remotely and imagine how they are listening along with us. We wonder who they are and the circumstances that led them to listen along with us. We can never know unless they tell us, but it really does not matter. They are there. We thank you for this service. It really is a great bargain. It is professionally done and the technical support is as good as it gets even though it is rarely needed. The process for uploading and managing the database of sermons is smooth and seamless. The user interface is very good."
Jorge Elias, Elder, Grace Bible Church of Moorpark

"SermonAudio has been wonderful for us. It has given our church a lot of exposure. We appreciate the data from the monthly download reports you make available to us. I have used SermonAudio personally for years and have been enriched by it."
Pastor Michael Hildebrandt, Grace Baptist Church of North Tampa Bay

"We love your site and promote it to others. Our families know about SermonAudio and use it regularly. I enjoy the news feed that you have and access it daily. You have a great app and website. We really appreciate your ministry and the good men that you have represented on it."
Richard Warmack, Grace Baptist Church

"Our church started back in a living room some 30 years ago. We are a congregation in a rural area and average about 50 people every Lord’s Day. If you would have told me ten years ago that it would be possible for us to have over 100,000 downloaded sermons on SermonAudio, I would have laughed and thought that to be absolutely crazy. Now we have more downloads each week than we do people in the actual service. Those downloads come from all over the world and we have received feedback from all over the world. Because some of our people drive over one hundred miles to church each Sunday, I’m not able to spend a lot of time with them. I probably spend more time via Skype, Facebook Messenger, etc. interacting with people who listen to our messages on-line than I do with our church people. We get a tremendous response from SermonAudio listeners. If I don’t have the Sunday message uploaded by Tuesday or Wednesday, I often get a phone call from someone asking when I am going to put it on SermonAudio. Some listeners donate to our church. One day when I came to church I noticed there was a new car in the parking lot. When I entered the building, a man came up to me and said, “You probably have no idea who I am, do you?” I did not but the man introduced himself. We had actually gone to school together (kindergarten through high school). Even though we were in the same grade, we hardly interacted at all in all those years. some thirty years later, he had found that I was preaching on SermonAudio. He located where I was preaching and he and his wife and sons started driving 100 miles one way to church every Sunday. He brought another couple with them (who also live miles away) and all of them have been coming to the church now for over 5 years. In fact, this friend now fills the pulpit when I am away and preaches as well if not better than I do! We love the service you offer and are grateful for the opportunities it offers us."
Peter Nicotra, Grace Baptist Woodhaven, NYC, NY

"SermonAudio is a great tool for churches to use. We really appreciate it. It’s amazing how many people listen to it. We have had people listen to our sermons and recommend our church to people who were moving to our area. We also have had people who started listening to us on SermonAudio come and join our fellowship. One guy listened for about six to eight months and finally started attending with us. The site is a tremendous resource to to bless people who can’t get to a good church. It’s the equivalent to the yellow pages 20 years ago to help people locate churches. I’ve recommended your site to many people through the years and have been blessed by the speakers that I listen to on your site."
Ron Lovins, D.D., Grace Baptist Church

"We count it a real blessing to be on the site. We really view this opportunity as an integral part of our missions outreach. The Bible says to preach the gospel to the whole world and this is the path for us to do so. It’s been a tremendous addition to us. Our folks get on the site and re-listen to messages. They also promote the site to believers and unbelievers. SermonAudio is really a great tool--but it is more than a tool, it’s a wonderful ministry!"
Pastor Gary Fitzpatrick, Grace Baptist Church

"We appreciate SermonAudio and are glad we are on it. After listening to us on SermonAudio, some folks have come and visited our church. One young man moved to our area from OH. He went on SermonAudio before he moved and listened to several sermons and contacted us to let us know that he would be worshipping with us as soon as he moved here. I use it as a pastor to listen to sermons. You have a great site."
Tim Richmond, Grace Baptist Church

"We have benefited from broadcasting on Sermon Audio for over six years now. They provide an ease for uploading, sharing, and listening to the Word-preached which is equal to none. The SA network has grown to such an extent that we have people move into our city and find us as a local church because they follow SermonAudio and look for like-minded churches. That network has spread world-wide which makes us excited to be a part of it; sharing God’s News to the ends of the earth!"
Dr. Dan W. Cozart, Grace Baptist Church

"I have been in the ministry 65 years now. I have seen a lot of changes over the years and have been slow to embrace modern technology but I am eternally grateful for what you all are doing. A lot of our church people use this site. Furthermore, we can reach people all over the world through this site. I always wondered how the Lord was going to make it possible for the gospel to be accessible throughout the world but with technology like this it is happening! We really enjoy this opportunity. Our people recognize our partnership as a vital component of our mission outreach!"
Jeff Hawkey, Grace Baptist Church

"We are very grateful for the worldwide outreach opportunity that we have with SermonAudio. It is so encouraging to see the download reports every month and to see how widespread our church outreach is through this means. I preach in series and like the ability to group sermons in this way on the site. We also appreciate the opportunity to upload unlimited sermons. We find the site easy navigate and use. Thank you for your service to us."
Charles A. Whitney, Grace Baptist Church

"How much time do you have for me to tell you how blessed we have been by our partnership thus far with SermonAudio. It’s an incredible ministry. We appreciate how it serves the local church. We have had a number of contacts through SermonAudio. Recently a lady joined our church who listened to several sermons on the site before ever attending our church. We receive good feedback from former members who listen in as well. We appreciate the way SermonAudio has such solid, trustworthy content on its site. I know for me as a pastor it has helped me raise the bar of accountability in the sense that I understand that many more people are going to be listening to what I preach--far beyond the walls of our own church family. We use the cards you design to share the ministry of SermonAudio. We also promote it every week in our church bulletin. We feel very blessed to have this opportunity and are excited to hear all that SermonAudio is doing for churches to spread the gospel far and wide."
Pastor Andy Proctor, Grace Baptist Church

"We really appreciate SermonAudio. We have had a family visit us who discovered our church through your website. We also have had others write us and ask for further information or resources. Please express our gratitude to the staff who serve us well. We pray for you and the ministry tool you provide. May God bless you and prosper your work."
Pastor Dean Olive, Grace Baptist Church

"We enjoy SermonAudio greatly. It is an excellent ministry for which we have the highest regard. The way that it works is just outstanding. It is simple to post a sermon and easy to listen to them. It’s great to be able to share the sermons on the site through Facebook. Our people use it to listen to our sermons but also to access many other sermons as well. Thank you for the services you provide to churches like us."
Ron Harvey, Grace Baptist Church

"We love your service and enjoy all the features you provide for our church. Several in our church use the site regularly and recommend it to family members. God has blessed us by bringing a couple of families to our church who found us through listening on SermonAudio and have joined our church as a result."
Brad Swygard, Grace Baptist Church

"We encourage our people to look at your site regularly. We receive good feedback from people who are not local but listen to our messages on the site. I use the site for my own encouragement as a pastor, visiting the site weekly. I have also used to find churches that we can visit as we travel. We are very supportive of SermonAudio and the work you do."
Dennis White, Grace Baptist Church

"Things are going well with our partnership with SermonAudio. We have gained a family or two who found us through SermonAudio and began attending and joined our church. We find the site very intuitive when it comes to uploading sermons and also accessing them. We appreciate the improvements you have made over time. Thank you for all you offer."
David Collier, Grace Baptist Church

"SermonAudio is the best missionary I have ever had! It allows us to reach out to many countries every month. We are completely satisfied with your service."
Scott A Warne, Grace and Truth Church of Washington, PA

"SermonAudio works so well for us. We are a tiny church, yet this enables us to reach the world! Our people are faithful, disciplined learners so most of our members re-listen to every sermon by getting on your site. SermonAudio is very cost-effective! We love it. We would never go anywhere else to host our sermons. You have our highest praise. This is a great teaching and a great evangelistic tool. We consider this opportunity to be of the Lord."
Mark Loeffert, Pray and Go Gospel Proclamation Ministry

"SermonAudio has been a tremendous blessing to me for two reasons. One, as a broadcaster it has allowed me to get my sermons out there. I have a small evangelistic ministry and SermonAudio makes it easy for me to broadcast my teachings. One time I had met these twin brothers on the University of Delaware Campus while we were doing some evangelism there. They had great testimonies of how the Lord saved them and our conversation only lasted about 15 minutes. About one and a half years later they contracted me and said they were listening to me on SermonAudio. Now we have been working together in the ministry for the past two years and we have done work together in foreign missions. I would have never connected with those brothers without SermonAudio. I have also used SermonAudio as a way to network. I have met one pastor that has given me an opportunity to teach at that church and help them in evangelism. I also was invited to speak at a church in Ohio that led to me speaking at a conference there because I had met a Pastor at a conference. We talked and I gave him my card and he listened to my sermons through SermonAudio and then invited me. So SermonAudio has been a great help to me as a broadcaster and second as a user. I listen to sermons there all the time. It is a treasure trove of sermons. One time my phone broke and I didn’t know what to do without SermonAudio."
Bob Picard, God’s Grace Bible Church

"I like everything about SermonAudio. I have tried many other products for blogs and for audio uploading, but SermonAudio surpasses them all. I have saved a great deal of time by using SermonAudio instead of other sites. I love the format. I just told another nearby church about SermonAudio and said if you can afford the monthly charge then by all means use this site! I personally use the ROKU app as I am at home. I think the site is well-rounded. We use several of the features such as the Facebook and Twitter integration. SermonAudio offers a ‘one-stop shopping’ with lots of features any church can access."
Pastor Cliff Peppers, Gold Country Baptist Church

"Our people use SermonAudio all the time and have ben greatly blessed by this means of hearing God’s Word. We are so blessed as pastors by it as well. We are aware that being on SermonAudio gives us a worldwide outreach that we would not have otherwise. We host quite a few conferences at our church and we can just point the attendees to your site if if they want to re-listen to messages again. We really enjoy it and are grateful for what you do for us!"
Victor Allende, New Hyde Park Baptist Church

"Our local church currently has partnered with SermonAudio to post sermons from our Sunday’s (Morning/Evening) services. Our congregation has benefited tremendously in the use of this website. It provides the opportunity for our members to download and listen Sunday’s sermons throughout the week. Furthermore, I personally have used this site for many years to listen sermons from various topics and verse by verse preaching. It has been helpful in the complement of studying God’s Word. One of the many neat features about SermonAudio that is helpful, it is the Local Church Finder. It locates faithful and solid Gospel center churches around one’s local area and across the United States. Glad for this website, its vision, its mission, and the kind support the staff provides to so many like-minded believers and churches across the United States and overseas. We truly appreciate the partnership our church has with SermonAudio."
Pastor Phil Cavin, Glencullen Baptist Church

"We count it a blessing to be partnering with you at SermonAudio. We thank the Lord that in recent months we have seen a significant increase in the downloads of our sermons. We can’t explain it but rejoice in this. We often have visitors who are just passing through our area or who are looking for a church in the community. They often share that they have been listening to us on SermonAudio. We pray for you as a church. You folks are easy to work with and we are thankful for your service to us."
Pastor Scott Justice, Gloryland Baptist Church

"We really appreciate the service you all provide. We have people who listen to us all over the world, including missionaries in some secluded places. Some of these are missionaries we support and others are missionaries we have never met. Our former pastor spoke at a missions conference recently and he received a good deal of feedback from those who listen to us on SermonAudio. Occasionally we receive emails from people who listen to our messages and they are very encouraged by this means of accessing God’s Word. We are so thankful for the opportunity to spread God’s Word in this way. We are excited to hear about that we can now upload an unlimited number of sermons each month. We will be using that in the near future."
Paul Gibson, Knox Church Perth

"If John Piper is right that the purpose of Facebook is to prove on judgement day that our prayerlessness was not due to a lack of time, then the purpose of SermonAudio will prove that a lack of faith in Christ was not because there wasn’t the opportunity to hear the gospel. It is a gigantic electronic library containing solid reformed sermons on every subject and book of the bible, accessible at any time from virtually anywhere. As a church we have used sermon audio for about four years and it has allowed us to proclaim God’s word to to more than 30 countries where we would otherwise have no access. During this period we’ve experienced over 30,000 downloads - some by members of our church wanting to listen for a second time, or because they missed a service, and many by people who we may never meet this side of eternity. It is a great encouragement to know that long after a sermon was first preached, there may be just one person in some remote corner of the world who is brought to faith or helped in some way, because they have stumbled upon SermonAudio. We live in a day where there is much error and falsehood in the name of Christianity and so it is all the more powerful to be able to direct people to a site like SermonAudio, where we can be confident that its editors will not allow an erroneous message to go unchecked. We have found the site very easy to upload to and navigate and would highly recommend it to all Gospel-centred, Bible-honouring, reformed churches throughout the world.”"
Ken Jones, Glendale Missionary Baptist Church

"We appreciate SermonAudio as an avenue for our people and others who know us to be able to quickly and easily access our sermons. I like the way the site is organized. Our people love the Word of God, and we pray that those who love the Word of God going forth in a way that honors Christ will use this site frequently!"
Denis Lyle, Lurgan Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has been a going very well for our church. It is a big benefit to us as people from our church and around the world can listen to or watch our service. We have people from all around the world contact us as a result of our presence on the site. I am soon to retire from pastoring the church but our church will continue to broadcast on the site. Every blessing to you!"
Dorian Johnson, Worship Leader, Christian Fellowship Church

"Ever since I was introduced to the doctrines of grace approximately 10 years ago during my bus commute while working in NYC, SermonAudio has been an indispensable resource for my spiritual growth and health and my family’s as well. It was on SermonAudio that I heard Voddie Baucham’s sermon “The Centrality of the Home in the Evangelism and Discipleship of the Next Generation” which was where the “rubber hit the road” for my personal reform in understanding how the sufficiency of Scripture is displayed in the church and in understanding my God-given responsibility to lead my family in worship. It was from the teaching of Dr. Joel Beeke found on SermonAudio that I learned how to conduct family worship as our family life was revolutionized. (One of the personal highlights of the Foundations Conference was my opportunity to personally thank Dr. Beeke for his ministry in this area.) It was through SermonAudio’s Church Finder tool that we were able to find our church, Christian Fellowship Church in North Brunswick, NJ, as we transitioned from our old church. And it is this same Church Finder tool that helps us to find sound churches when we travel to different parts of the country. Finally, SermonAudio continues to be a source of encouragement to me as well as a resource in assisting in Sunday School lesson and sermon preparations through the search function that allows sermon searches by the Bible. Thank you and the rest of the team for all of your work which is indeed edifying to the body of Christ and glorifying to God."
Robert Vradenburgh, Friendship Baptist Church

"Recently a young man in his 20's called and left a message on our church answering machine. I called him back and he shared with me how he had recently trusted the Lord and how God had delivered him from godlessness and all sorts of life-dominating sin. The power of the gospel began to totally transform his life. Within a few days, this man found a job. He had been homeless for some time and God provided a place for him to live. The man lived in another state but somehow found our church on SermonAudio and started listening. He called to tell me that the bulk of his discipleship over the last few months had been by watching our webcast and listening to my messages on SermonAudio. What a joy to hear how God is doing a great work in this young man’s life. He wants to stay in touch with me. I am seeking to help him find a good church in his area so he can begin to fellowship with other believers on a weekly basis! It’s amazing to me what modern technology has connected us in ways I never imagined. SermonAudio has impacted this man’s life and has blessed our church family!"
Tim Hicks, Galilee Baptist Church

"We find that SermonAudio is easy to use. We like the layout, and the uploading for sermons is top notch. Being on SermonAudio has had an impact on our church ministry as about half of our visitors came after they listened to one of our messages on your site. People have the opportunity to get a feel for what they will hear and experience as they do this. We are grateful for the service and for the outreach you provide."
Gideon Levytam, Holy Scriptures and Israel Bible Society

"We have just recently started broadcasting on your site and we are very pleased with the results we are seeing. The Word of God is being spread in many ways. We are very happy and encouraged by the number of people downloading messages and listening to God’s Word. We are a small ministry but want to get God’s Word out to a greater number of people and see God change lives. Thank you for all you do to help make this possible."
Rev. Thomas Martin, Lisburn Free Presbyterian Church

"We are very pleased with SermonAudio. It is an excellent tool for evangelism and Bible teaching. We have people who can’t make it out to church for health reasons. These folks are from all denominations and they view this tool as their lifeline. This ministry has been so blessed. If we stopped using SermonAudio, it would be a big step backward for our ministry. We pray for you at all our prayer meetings. We are so blessed and thankful for this medium. It’s a tremendous tool for the Lord’s service and so accessible on all devices."
Rev. David Kranendonk, Free Reformed Church of Oxford County

"We are so very thankful for this service. It works very well for us. It gives our people the opportunity to listen during the worship services if they cannot attend in person. They also can listen to a message after it has been preached. We are thankful for all you do. May God continue to be with you as you serve us."
Rev. Hans Overduin, Free Reformed Church of Calgary

"SermonAudio is a great blessing to us! We love it. We are so used to having it and our members appreciate what it offers them. We see it as a great means of ministry. Thank you for what you are doing."
Dr. Stephen Pollock, Free Presbyterian Church of Malvern

"We value SermonAudio very much as part of our church ministry. It is a blessing to our own people. Your mobile app and the hotline that you recently established for technical issues have been nice additions to your service. We are so grateful for your faithful work. You offer a tremendous service to churches."
Geoff Banister, Free Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis

"Broadcasting on SermonAudio has been very good for us. It is our most effective tool for people finding us and visiting us and often times joining our church. Our church people are very encouraged that SermonAudio gives us a worldwide voice to preach the Word. Thank you for your ministry over these years."
Craig Celso, Free Grace Baptist Church

"A friend of mine mentioned to me that he enjoyed listening to a pastor on this website called SermonAudio. I had never heard of the site so I went on to look at it. I saw that you were running a special for new broadcasters for $1 and I thought about all the years of sermons I had on cassette tapes stored in shoe boxes. I thought, ‘Well at least I could transfer these to digital CD and put them on SermonAudio and maybe someone would be blessed or challenged by them. About the time I signed up, you took the limit off the number of sermons one could upload in a month. What a sweet providence of God! So several months later I have uploaded over 700 sermons and last month reached people in nearly 40 states and 32 additional countries! That’s a great blessing to a pastor who hardly ever leaves his own county in western, rural NY. Thank you for what you are doing!"
Bill Rushing, Freedom Free Will Baptist Church

"SermonAudio is an amazing blessing to our church! I can’t say enough good things about your site. Our church has about 75 people on a Sunday morning but we have about 60 downloads a week from our sermons on the site. We are nearly doubling the size of our outreach through our partnership with you! It’s unbelievable what a great reach this site has. We love it! In fact, I just went through all reports we have received through the last year and I am going to share with our congregation tonight all the countries representing people who have downloaded our sermons. I am so excited and I know our church will be as well. I appreciate all you are doing!"
Rev. David Park, Hebron Free Presbyterian Church

"We value the service that SermonAudio gives us. We broadcast every Lord’s Day as well as our special services. We have people who listen from all around the world and in the US. One elderly couple in CT listens to every week because they are now home-bound. My wife and I had the privilege of visiting them last year in their home. We know of people who listen in, and by God’s grace, are converted. One Roman Catholic man began to listen to us on SermonAudio, came to Christ, and just married a young lady from our church recently. Another lady in our community felt like she could never attend church because of some suffering in her life. She began listening to our sermons. She called me and set up a visit with me and another elder. She was converted through hearing the Word of God and passed on to heaven last year. We thank God for the possibilities of preaching the gospel to many in this way."
Jason A. Van Bemmel, Forest Hill Presbyterian Church

"I have been familiar with SermonAudio for years personally. You offer a lot of good, solid preaching. We have been with you since the very first month of our church planting effort. Your site allows us to get our message out in a format that allows people to easily find, download and/or listen to sermons online. It is nice to see traffic outside of our local community as well. It’s another means of getting the Word out to our own people and to a broader audience we could not otherwise reach. I like the option of posting my sermon manuscript for people to read and also appreciate the short video clip option for free. I have found your site reliable and dependable."
Philip Hunt, Kitwe Church

"Through SermonAudio the ministry of Kitwe Church extends from Kitwe, Zambia to the world. Our church family is often scattered for work and other demands. SermonAudio is the link that keeps them connected when they are away. We are so grateful for this service to Christ’s Church!"
Rev. Ron Johnstone, Grace Free Presbyterian Church

"We have quite a few people in our congregation who listen to SermonAudio. One member is hard of hearing so she will often re-listen to the messages I preach on Sunday so she can get the full benefit from it. People who are on holiday often listen to any messages they miss. I listen to sermons from a few preachers on the site as I am driving in my car. What a blessing to listen to sermons using your phone now. I enjoy listening to excellent preachers on the site who are not in my denomination or group and have a different preaching style then I do but are nonetheless sound expositors. You are doing a good work. The people in our church are so pleased to see where God is allowing sermons to be heard through this means. We regularly pray for you. You are doing a good work. We are very, very thankful for what you do!"
Gabe Hurst, First Presbyterian Church

"Everyone in our church really enjoys your site. I encourage people to get your app and use it regularly. It is very easy to use. We find it easy to upload our sermons to our site. Our congregation benefits from our relationship with you and we look forward to continuing our partnership."
Bill Arnett, Church Secretary, Christ Church Congregational Church

"A number of folks, who have listened to us on your site, contact us. We are thankful for the broader impact for the Gospel that we have as we broadcast on SermonAudio. Personally, I am very blessed whenever I use the site. With so much rubbish out there on the internet, it is so refreshing to find a place that offers the transforming Word of God through sound, biblical preaching."
Rev. John Greer, Ballymena Free Presbyterian Church

"We have been on the site since its very beginning. I was excited when I first heard of the idea of broadcasting over the internet. Throughout the years some people in our community have found our church through listening to messages on SermonAudio. We also receive emails continually from people across the world that benefit from the messages on the site. Many people correspond with us and tell us that there is either no church at all or no church that preaches sound doctrine where they live. They consider themselves to be part of our congregation because they listen to or watch our services each week. Many remark that they have been built up in the faith or come to a better understanding of God’s Word by hearing messages on SermonAudio. Your site provides a tremendous outreach tool for churches! We could not be more pleased with this opportunity."
Pastor Michael Veach, First Bible Church

"We are very happy with the service you offer us. We receive lots of comments from listeners who use SermonAudio. You provide a good service for the body of Christ. We deeply appreciate what you are all doing and are delighted to have a part in it."
Kurt Johnson, First Evangelical Free Church

"We appreciate many things about SermonAudio. I know that when I listen to sermons from other speakers on your site I am going to get sound doctrinal preaching. We enjoy getting the monthly download reports and seeing the international scope of our sermons. I am able to upload the sermons to SermonAudio right after our first morning service is done and people have commented on how quickly they can access the sermons after they are preached. I have recommended your site to friends who have moved away from our city as a way to find good, sound churches in their new location. I encourage them to go to the site, look for local churches on SermonAudio, and listen to several messages to help them in their church search. With so many bad sites on the Internet, SermonAudio is a refreshing tool to put the Good News on the web."
Arnold Brevick, First Presbyterian Church

"I love your site! It’s great and provides an easy way to upload sermons. Our people can find sermons that they miss very easily by going to your site. When someone has to miss a service for whatever reason, they regularly go and listen to the message that week. We also have had a small number of people who have listened to a few of our sermons online and eventually started our attending our church. We are very happy with what you all provide."
Steve Brower, First Baptist Church

"We are very grateful for the service that Sermon Audio provides for our ministry. It is a simply yet effective tool that places the Word of God into the personal lives of church members or others within our sphere of influence. Moreover, it is very affordable! Sadly, there are many good services in our world today that would help further the Gospel effectively but we are priced out of them. You have our deep gratitude that you have kept the cost of Sermon Audio affordable. Thank you, and may our God continue to bless you as you serve Him."
Bill Hale, First Baptist Church of Parker Texas

"Almost every visitor that comes to our church learned about us by getting on SermonAudio and listening to several messages before attending our services. SermonAudio is great for backing up messages and storing them. I manage another account on SermonAudio for one of our missionary partners in Cambodia. He is only one of a few Cambodian broadcasters on your site. He reports that regularly people come up to him and say, “You don’t know me but I know you. I have listened to all your messages on SermonAudio. He has met Cambodians who have lived in other parts of the world for years and return to their country for a visit. They will seek out his church which is not easy to get to and want to worship with his church and tell them how God has fed their souls through his sermons on the site. There are even some who have downloaded all his sermons off SermonAudio on to CD’s or thumb drives and passed them on to others to listen to them. Without SermonAudio, many of these people would have no access to gospel preaching in their own language."
Louis Cloete, Bethlehem Reformed OPC

"I have used SermonAudio to download and listen to sermons often. It is a delightful tool for my own instruction. I am amazed at the number and places from which sermons are downloaded! I am an unknown preacher. Who would want to listen to my sermons? May the Lord bless His Word!"
Mr. Issac Banks, Dromore Free Presbyterian Church

"We are more than happy with our relationship with SermonAudio. It is a spectacular opportunity for churches. Our church prays for and is very supportive of our partnership with you. It is a wonderful tool in God’s armory! We have uploaded over 900 sermons to the site. We also put some select sermons on CD and distribute them to our community--3000 CDs every year! SermonAudio provides us with a local and worldwide outreach! Thank you for making this possible."
Pastor Jeremy Gerber, First Baptist Church of Weymouth

"We are very happy with the exposure we receive by being on SermonAudio. I really like the local church finder feature that allows people to find churches in their area. It’s encouraging to see on a monthly basis where people are listening to our sermons around the world. Our people have really appreciated having access to it and listening or re-listening to sermons. Your playback features and sound quality is always excellent. We are happy with everything you are doing!"
Jeremy Durens, First Baptist Church Arnold

"We point everyone to SermonAudio for our sermons. Your app is great and we constantly are sending people to download it on their devices. I love the analytics you provide each month and the breakdown of downloads and where people are listening is awesome. When we cancelled our app with you, we received several emails from listeners outside our area who wondered what happened so we resumed it. We didn’t realize how many people follow our sermons with your app. You can’t really beat the price for all you offer. We love many of your features including the local church finder and Twitter integration!"
Wayne Boyd, First Baptist Church

"We absolutely love your service. We have people who drive quite a distance to attend our church. Sometimes they can’t attend in person on Sunday nights or Wednesday evenings, but they can join us on livestream through SermonAudio. We also look at SermonAudio as an arm of our missions outreach. We love this opportunity to get the message of God’s grace around the world. We are thrilled to broadcast with you all. There is nothing quite else like what you offer."
Brandon Poole, First Baptist Church of Goodpine

"I think you all offer a tremendous service and a great opportunity for churches. We have several families who are oilfield workers and their jobs often pulls them away from church at times but they can easily keep up with the messages I preach through SermonAudio. That’s important because I use expository preaching and this allows them to keep up with the series I’m working through. Our senior citizens and others who have to miss a service because of health also really profit from SermonAudio also. Our seniors who often can’t make still feel a part of the ministry even though they aren’t present because they can listen in on SermonAudio. Several of my friends had told me about SermonAudio and I sort of stumbled across the site and am so glad we signed up with you. We are a globally-minded, missions-minded church and the more we get the message out there the more opportunity people have to hear and respond to the gospel. SermonAudio is a great tool to do this. We are also pleased with who you feature on the site because they are great men of God who we greatly respect. We know we can trust you and the content on the site. Thanks for all you do."
Assoc. Pastor Jared Longsine, First Baptist Church Oak Creek

"90% of the visitors, who come to our church and who are not brought by someone else directly, have either listened to our radio broadcast on a local Christian station or have first checked us out on SermonAudio. The service you provide speaks for itself. It is an effective outreach. Thank you for what you do."
Rev. Timothy Teall, First Baptist Church of Alto

"I really appreciate the ease with which people can access sermons on your site as well as how partnering with you expands our ministry potential. I am a pastor who thinks that face to face communication is really important so being on a platform such as SermonAudio really was not a part of my thinking or something that was high on my priority list. When I came to my present ministry however, some men in the church approached me and told me of what a blessing SermonAudio had been to them so I decided to try it for a season. We have been with you now for over 5 years! I have served the Lord in several states and in two Christian colleges. One of the unexpected blessings of being on SermonAudio has been how it has allowed me to connect with folks in places where I have served previously. I’m not exaggerating when I say that five to six times a year someone contacts me who I don’t know or I haven’t had any contact with for many years. They tell me they were surfing the web, got on SermonAudio and listened to one of my messages and wanted me to know how it spoke to them. Wow, what a blessing that is! It has also been valuable to me and our people here because I preach expositionally, verse by verse, so it allows people in our own congregation to easily keep in step with my preaching when they have to miss a sermon occasionally."
Frank Jones, Faith Memorial Baptist Church

"I just looked and noticed that we have been with SermonAudio for some ten years. One of the aspects that we value as a church is the international scope of SermonAudio. The knowledge of the Great Commission being carried out is priceless and the cost of such a service is nominal. Any church ministry must consider SermonAudio as part of its budget, if not, their mission outreach."
Marty Beamer, Faith Community Church

"The biggest advantage we have received from being on SermonAudio is that many people have somehow found our church sermons on SermonAudio. Some, who live in the local area. have started attending our church as a direct result of our association with SermonAudio. They trusted SermonAudio and they found us on the site so they thought we must be church worth checking out. They listened to some sermons and have since become part of our ministry. We find SermonAudio to be a great place to gather all our sermons in one place, link our website to SermonAudio, and reach people with good preaching."
Ray Harper, Covenant Fellowship

"SermonAudio is a great way for people in our local congregation to access the sermons that they miss. It’s a blessing to elderly people and others who can’t attend every service. We also have a collection of people in Germany who regularly download our messages. I received a note from a man in the Philippines who lives in an area where gospel preaching is limited. When his pastor can’t make it to church for some reason, they listen to one of my messages on SermonAudio. We value both the ability to serve our congregation and the worldwide reach SermonAudio makes possible."
Pastor Daniel Ozuna, Faith Christian Fellowship Reformed

"We are so grateful to be part of SermonAudio. Two Sundays ago we were blessed to meet a young couple named, Mark & Naomi from London, England who had found our church through Sermon Audio and had been listening to our messages online.We also had a visitor named Pat from British Columbia last Sunday. He also found our church by using SermonAudio. Each quarter during our business meetings Rosie Grubb will print out the reports available to us on Sermon Audio. She reports locations out of the country where we reach people and how many people have downloaded SermonAudio onto their devices as well as other statistics provided.The reports are a crucial testimony of how people are impacted from a small church such as ours, across the globe. We are very thankful and grateful for these tools that are provided."
Dr. Richard Piatt, Fellowship Baptist Church

"90% of the people who visit our church have first listened to one or two of my messages before they ever attend a worship service. SermonAudio also makes it possible for our missionaries to go on-line and listen. I am always amazed at how many people listen to our sermons. Years ago when people missed a service we would duplicate CD’s or tapes and people would pay a small fee. Now we just tell them, 'Go on-line to SermonAudio and listen for free!' We are very pleased with the service your provide."
Pooyan Mehrshahi, Providence Baptist Chapel

"We are not a large church but, by God’s grace, we know that thousands of people all around the world are listening to our messages.! Our sermons in Persian are heard by many Iranians and Afghans. We know of many souls who have been converted in these countries by the messages they have heard on SermonAudio. Personally I was a young Charismatic Christian when I first heard a sermon on SermonAudio. By listening to men in the early years of your ministry like Dr. Alan Cairns, John Greer and John Wagner, I came to understand the errors of the Charismatic movement. Eventually I was able to attend seminary in Northern Ireland and now I am pastoring this church which also has this outreach to Persians. Our people find your site very useful. I receive good feedback from our church. A number of people have come to us who have commented that they discovered us first on SermonAudio. Our church prays for SermonAudio and appreciate our partnership."
Rev. Matthew Nuiver, Faith United Reformed Church

"Some of our “snowbirds” and those who travel at times enjoy the blessing of being able to download sermons and listen to them while they are away from us. I often direct people to the wealth of sermons and resources available on the site. Personally I use SermonAudio to feed my own soul and enrich my own understanding of Scripture as I lead this congregation. Blessings on all you do!"
Curt Steffen, sound technician, Faith Baptist Church

"It has been a HUGE blessing for us to be on SermonAudio. I have received more positive feedback from people in our church than I ever thought I would receive. We have members who are homebound or who miss because of illness once in awhile and they are so grateful for the webcast we do. They feel like they are now at church and feel more connected than they have. People have graciously responded to this opportunity. It has really been a tremendous opportunity. Everything is working out well. We are very satisfied with your service"
Pastor Roy Mohon, Presbyterian Reformed Church

"We appreciate the international witness of the site. Uploading sermons to the site is easy and efficient in terms of time and effort. The layout of our church’s sermon page is attractive and useful. We appreciate the monthly download report that we receive each month. SermonAudio has allowed our church to have worldwide exposure! We are very thankful for what you do and commend this site to others all the time."
Ray Russ, Faith Bible Church

"Thank you so much for the opportunity to be a part of your excellent site and the great preaching it provides! People watch our livestreaming as well as listen to our sermons! We have had some who have found our church through SermonAudio and visited our church and some have become members. One young man and his family ‘met’ us through your site and drove a distance to visit us. They have been with us eleven years now and this man has been a faithful church member and ran our church bookstore! I wanted to call you and let you know this because I have such a heart of gratitude for what you are doing!"
Steve Richardson, Faith Presbyterian Church

"We always find it encouraging and a bit surprising at times when we find out where people are listening to sermons from all over the world. We are a small church and this site provides us with a much broader outreach. Recently I did a sermon series that was picked up from some in the US. One minister and I corresponded and have developed a friendship through this connection. Of course our own people enjoy the benefit of listening to a sermon they missed. We really appreciate the articles of faith that broadcasters must sign. People who are looking for sound churches often find them through SermonAudio because your site is well-known and has such a large presence on the internet."
Pastor Nicholas Smiley, Faith Bible Church

"I have nothing but positive to say about SermonAudio. I have been acquainted with the site long before I became a pastor. I used to listen to sermons frequently at that time. When I became a pastor, I knew we needed to be on SermonAudio. It’s a great tool for outreach and letting people know who you are. It’s also just a great place to store your past sermons for your people and others who want to see the larger picture of your teaching and preaching. We are a small church that frankly doesn’t get much traffic on our own church website, but on SermonAudio we get much more exposure. I really am thankful you all opened it up so we can upload unlimited sermons now. I also just installed your widget that makes it easy to upload our weekly messages to one place but it appears on both your site and on our website! Keep up the good work!"
Pastor Jeff Arthur, Sr., Elizabeth Baptist Church

"Sermon Audio has been a great blessing to our Church we have had visitors to our little town from New Jersey, California, Louisiana,North Carolina, etc. and have heard from folks from all over the world via email. We also have seen several people saved through this means. It is the very best place to store your sermons because it makes them available to such a large audience. Thanks much for your labors!"
Henry Dixon, Poplar Baptist Church

"We were blessed with a lady who came to us after she was wonderfully converted by listening to a sermon on SermonAudio! As she listened to a reading of sermon by Charles Spurgeon on SermonAudio, she called on Christ to save her. She started to attend our church and died about two or three years later due to the effects of her drug-addiction prior to coming to Christ. She was a very ordinary woman who came to love the Puritans and had a whole stack of their books she had read in her home She died peacefully in the Lord! A number of people have visited our church after first listening to our preaching on SermonAudio. It’s so encouraging to have a worldwide outreach through this site. We just learned that we can upload PDF transcripts of our sermons on the site so we plan to start that soon as well! May God bless your ministry!"
Mike Rodgers, Faith Baptist Tabernacle

"We are a small church but have had some people contact us throughout the years because of being on SermonAudio. One man from Australia wrote us to let us know that he was not walking with God but he heard one of our sermons on the site. God convicted his heart and he turned to the Lord. The Lord later called him into evangelistic work. We have heard from him a couple of times since then. We praise God for the impact of His Word through a site like yours."
Dr. Curt D. Daniel, Faith Bible Church

"I regularly remind our people to listen to SermonAudio and share with them that there are many excellent preachers on the site! As I travel to other parts of the country and people tell me they love good preaching, I encourage them to look at SermonAudio and they will find a lot of great preaching there. I appreciate the standards of orthodoxy that you have that ensure there are solid speakers. I certainly thank you for all you are doing!"
Deanna Dyck, Fairfax Baptist Temple

"“I really enjoy your site. It’s easy to upload sermons. I listen to sermons that I miss when I am serving elsewhere during the worship service. I love your app and use it regularly! Thanks for all you do.”"
Pastor David Moore, Milton Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has had a very positive impact on our ministry. Over the years we have seen more and more downloads here in the UK. Some folks have listened on-line to us, appreciated what they heard, and started regularly attending our services. I also do a great deal of traveling around the UK and preach often to believers who gather in small fellowships. Many of these dear people cannot find a Gospel-preaching church near their homes so they often start listening to me on-line when they cannot gather with like-minded believers. We are pleased with the service SermonAudio provides."
Pastor Bob Curley, Emmanuel Reformed Baptist Church

"We appreciate SermonAudio for three specific reasons. Many people who are visit our church become acquainted with us by visiting our website and then listening to some sermons on your site. Also, our members who have to miss a service due to serving in the nursery, illness or travel can listen to the sermon they missed that very week. Our people also find the archived sermons helpful if they want to refresh their minds and hearts on a particular doctrine or passage of Scripture."
Rev. Archibald A. Allison, Emmaus Orthodox Presbyterian

"We have been very pleased with our partnership with SermonAudio. For years we have posted audio to the site and now we are able to webcast our services. What you provide for churches like ours is a a big help for people who either can’t get out or who don’t live nearby but would like to listen to or watch our church service. A lot of our people really appreciate you because it is an easy way for them to access sermons again or to share sermons with friends and families. We have had some folks find us through the SermonAudio website, visit us, and some have joined our church. Some years ago a younger man who had come to Christ found us somehow on SermonAudio. He called his parent who lived in the area and told them what he had found. It ended up that over time both this young man and his parents united with our church! Being on your site is also a blessing personally because my parents are able to tune in every Sunday evening to our church. You can see that SermonAudio has been a blessing in many different ways! Thanks for all your work."
Pastor Jeffery S. Smith, Emmanuel Baptist Church

"We think SermonAudio is a great resource and are very pleased with it. We make lots of contacts with people through it and have had a number of people visit and attend our church after first listening to some of my sermons through SermonAudio. It’s been a great blessing to it. We link it to our website and use the webcasting feature as well. You all are doing a great job!"
Pastor Kevin Scott, Emmanuel Baptist Church

"What a blessing to partner with you. We have missionaries in Quebec and people in my hometown in Nova Scotia who regularly listen to our sermons. One time when I was traveling back home to Nova Scotia, some people there whom I had never met wanted to meet me. They did not have a local church nearby that faithfully proclaimed the Word so they had been listening to me for some time. They were excited to meet me in person and shared how they were blessed by the messages. We have members who have connections in the Philippines as well as family in Toronto so they too are able to listen in to the messages. I really appreciate how SermonAudio gives us a wider aspect to our ministry. The effort that goes into preparing and delivering a message can be go out again and again through this means. Also shut-ins in our church appreciate this opportunity to keep up with the sermons and feel more a part of the church."
Paul Walker, Elm Avenue Baptist Church

"SermonAudio is absolutely ‘the best bang for your buck.’ It offers amazing outreach! We are blown away by how God has taken our sermons all over the world through this means. By God’s grace we have a huge impact in the US and in Latin America as well since I preach sermons in two languages. We had a man from Holland who listened regularly to our sermons online. When he visited the US, he stopped in to see us one Sunday! SermonAudio is the #1 way people find our church. They listen to a few sermons and then come and worship with us. Some folks who live a distance from us listen regularly. I receive phone calls occasionally from people in faraway lands. Your site has been such an encouragement to us. Keep up the great work!"
Paul Thompson, Eastside Baptist Church, sbc

"We have been really pleased to be a part of SermonAudio. Your service is spectacular! It has met every expectation we had. The ease of uploading, archiving, and searching for sermons is wonderful. We receive lots of good feedback from our folks. Although we are located in a small town, there are many places in our region which are very remote and have no evangelical, Bible-preaching church. However, there are believers in these places and many listen to us on SermonAudio. In fact, a rancher in northern Idaho pays for our monthly subscription so he and others can benefit from our preaching. We recently added your live-streaming feature and that has further increased our ministry. Our shut-ins especially love it so they don’t have to miss anything going on at church."
Rev. Brian G. Najapfour, Dutton United Reformed Church

"SermonAudio is a wonderful instrument through which many are given the opportunity to hear God’s Word proclaimed. Quite a few people listen to or watch our services through this site. And occasionally I hear from these people. In fact, a few years ago one of our listeners contacted me, telling me that she would share some of my sermons with her sister. Her sister eventually became a member of our church. In spreading God’s Word, we use various means, including live webcasting, uploading our sermons to SermonAudio, and radio broadcasting. Our goal is to cast our bread upon the waters, praying that the fish will see and eat that bread. While I am preaching, therefore, I am mindful of those people listening or watching outside our church building. May God continue to use SermonAudio to advance the Gospel with the latest technology."
Jeremy Walker, Maidenbower Baptist Church

"There are many reasons why I appreciate SermonAudio. The site has a clean design, the advertising is not overly aggressive, and the price is reasonable. We appreciate the unlimited audio uploads, and the new reduced price for video. I have found your site useful as a way of recommending particular resources to people. Others have found us or learned more about us through our presence on SermonAudio. The site also helps a few of our people who must be away from us for legitimate reasons for a period of time. They can keep up with the sermons and stay connected with us when they are gone. I also appreciate that every time we have had to connect with you, the help you have given was timely and friendly - you answered our questions or addressed our problems. We are very grateful for your work and service."
Jasmine, website administrator, Metropolitan Tabernacle London, England

"The staff at SermonAudio has always been incredibly helpful in answering questions about features on the site that we didn’t fully understand as well as in addressing technical problems we have faced. The number of downloads from the site have always been very strong for us. They have never dipped and have even increased in the last six months. Whenever we use the text featured tool we notice it always has a great impact. Not only do more people listen to the featured sermon but we find it draws people to listen to additional sermons from our church and it drives more traffic to our own website. We don’t care whether people find our sermons through our own website or through SermonAudio; we just want to get the message out. We also advertise our annual church conference through your site. We can’t tell you how appreciative we have been of your help and services."
Matthew Eide, Covenant Reformed Presbyterian, PCA

"SermonAudio makes a great effort at keeping the cost reasonable for being a broadcaster so that it is accessible to smaller churches. Being on the site has given us far greater exposure than simply uploading our sermons to our own church website. We have seen good results since partnering with you. We get feedback from different parts of the world. We appreciate that our people can share messages with friends and family with minimal effort."
Mark Koller, Dallas Reformed Presbyterian

"We love SermonAudio. It is easy to upload, affordable and has a nice appearance. We link our own website to SermonAudio. It’s a wonderful outreach. We have had a number of people find us through the site, listen to a few messages and visit with us. We plan on continuing partnering with you."
Dr. John Suttles, Coweta Particular Baptist Church

"We are a very small church but we have had a phenomenal experience being on SermonAudio. We began downloading our sermons with you because some of our people come for a great distances and they had friends in their communities that wanted the lessons/sermons we were giving. SermonAudio was simply a way for people to retrieve this material. We never dreamed that, through the site, we would begin reaching people we had never met. We were shocked when we found out how many people found us on-line. Now that we have been on the site for some time, we have a widespread outreach. We get letters and emails from people quite frequently. We couldn’t stop being on SermonAudio now if we wanted to. It’s been a truly remarkable experience. We don’t offer anything unusual, amazing or outstanding but the amount of activity encourages us so much. Another incredible and unexpected blessing is connected with a rather large jail ministry that we maintain. When inmates, to whom we have ministered, are released from prison, they often continue follow our Scriptural teaching through SermonAudio. We get letters from them telling us how they are still growing! What unexpected blessings and benefits we have received by being on your site!"
Barry Parsons, Harvest Fellowship of Colebrookdale

"Sermon Audio has enabled Harvest Fellowship, a small church in a rural community, to have a global impact for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We give thanks to the Lord every time that we read our monthly report. I don't believe that there is a better and more cost effective way for us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature."
Pastor Dominick Grimaldi, Desert Sky Baptist Church

"We really enjoy being on your site. We have had some people contact us who listened to some of our sermons. This is my second pastorate and when I came here. I encouraged our church to sign up with SermonAudio. We appreciate your doctrinal position and as God continues to enable us we plan to continue broadcasting on your site. Thank you for this partnership."
Pastor Les Walthers, Dallas Reformed Baptist Church

"A church in our area recently closed and for the past couple of weeks a group of people from that church started attending our church. A dear older lady (and I can say that because I am in my 80s) approached me from that group and said, “I have been listening to your sermons for a little while and that is why we started attending here.” This lady apparently is a loyal listener to SermonAudio. We are grateful for your ministry, even in the way God used you to make this connection between believers!"
Rev. Thomas Yates, Maryport Street Baptist Chapel

"SermonAudio is a great resource! It is wonderful to have our sermons categorized all in one place and accessible around the world. Our people are now able to catch up easily with the message they missed. What you are doing is great. We really enjoy it. Our ability to reach people is far wider with SermonAudio than any other provider we know."
Ian M. Densham, Droylsden Independent Church

"We are very grateful for the convenience that SermonAudio provides in uploading our sermons. I have been with you for many years with two different churches and also have sermons posted from other lectures I give in other places. We are so grateful for your doctrinal stand also. Keep up the good work in the name of the Lord"
Arthur Thompson, audio tech, CrossPointe Community Church

"There are so many features available on SermonAudio. It has been and continues to be a good ministry for a lot of congregations. Our congregation really enjoys the site. Thank you for all the work you are doing to provide all you do for us."
Rev. John Shearouse, Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church

"I am very encouraged in what SermonAudio does and how it enables us to reach out around the world with God’s Word. I know our people enjoy the site and I have derived much benefit personally. I get calls or emails occasionally from people who have listened to our sermons. One time we were planning to drive out to the west coast. I had some contact from a man in Minneapolis, MN who had grown much in his faith by listening to my sermons but needed assistance in locating a solid church. I happened to know an elder from a church near him. We arranged a dinner with both of these men so I could introduce them to each other. It’s amazing to see the Lord’s providence in making these connections."
Joshua D. Owen, Cross Creek Presbyterian Church

"We definitely benefit from being on SermonAudio. We minister in a military community. When personnel, who worship with us, are deployed they can easily keep up with the preaching and teaching of the church. Those who are transferred are able to also keep in touch with us because of SermonAudio. I have been on SermonAudio with this church and my previous pastorate and really like the format you offer."
Travis Burke, Cozaddale Baptist Temple

"SermonAudio is a great opportunity to reach people all over the world. Recently a family from Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates began listening to our messages on SermonAudio. The family heard the Gospel and trusted in Jesus Christ as Savior. They joined a local church there. They have written twice and even sent a gift to our church in deep appreciation for how God used our messages to change their lives. A friend of ours who lives over there visited them and found them growing in their faith! This family continues to listen regularly to our sermons and we are so grateful for what God has done!"
Rev. Jay Fluck, Covenant Reformed Church Gettysburg

"SermonAudio is a very good tool for making your church known in your community. We have had some people find our church through SermonAudio. They listened to some sermons and visited. Some have stayed! By being on the site I have also been able to renew some old friendships! Now that you have made unlimited sermon uploading we hope to upload more teaching times! That’s great news!"
Alan Flint, Crich Baptist Church

"SermonAudio is an amazing resource really! It is difficult to say in a few words how delighted we have been with it. It has broadened the ministry of our church enormously and allowed us to reach places we could never go physically and preach. We have had quite a bit of correspondence over the years from listeners. You have always responded promptly to any questions or issues we have had. We are blessed by our partnership with you and are so grateful for all you do!"
Rev. Malcolm Watts, Emmanuel Church

"We are very pleased with your service and so delighted how the Word of God is going out through this site. We are quite encouraged by the number or people who download our sermons and quite pleased that SermonAudio grants a wider aspect to our work here. Please tell your team that we are very pleased and satisfied with their work. We wish every blessing on you and your work!"
Rev. Aaron Lewis, Crosslanes Chapel Evangelical

"SermonAudio has been a blessing to our small church here in rural England. It has connected us with some who found us on holiday or who have listened to our sermons and attended our church. It has encouraged us as we seek to be faithful here. May God’s blessing be upon you as you continue your work!"
Kenneth E. Klett, Covenant Presbyterian Church

"Our feedback for SermonAudio is very positive. I use it myself and listen to other friends on the site. Our sermons are on our church website but I regularly encourage our people to go on to your site to see all that you offer. The site is very usable both on the user end as well as for uploading to the site. I really appreciate the app because I listen to a lot of sermons on my phone."
Rev. Michael J. Kearney, Covenant Presbyterian Church (OPC)

"We are very pleased with SermonAudio as a means for getting God’s Word out to more people. SermonAudio enables us to extend our pulpit ministry and serves as a second church website for our sermons. It gives our church a lot more exposure. Thanks for making unlimited sermon uploading available. We are now able to add a lot of archived sermons now for no additional cost!"
Pastor Terry Cheek, The Inspiring Word

"I have recently celebrated my 3rd year anniversary as a broadcaster on SermonAudio and I thank the Lord for pointing me in this direction. The Lord has taken the messages of a small Baptist pastor, preaching in the mountains of rural North Carolina and distributed His message around the world. The Inspiring Word broadcast has been heard on every continent and in every state multiple times, that amazes me! When I review the monthly report and see that we have been listened to for example in China and I know missionaries are working diligently to gain access, yet God chooses to use SermonAudio and their technology to deliver His message through us. I pray that God will only grow our exposure and that we will continue to impact eternity through SermonAudio."
Pastor Roger Handyside, Cornerstone Community Church

"We have seen God work over the years through our partnership with SermonAudio in some interesting and incredible ways. Here’s one story. For years we have celebrated Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and we have often had speakers from nearby crisis pregnancy centers come and give the morning message. We have several archived on our site. One day a woman in our area, who was pregnant and ready to commit suicide somehow ended up on SermonAudio and found our church’s page. She listened to one of the archived messages from a few years before. She called up the crisis pregnancy center represented in that message and set up an appointment. After several meetings she came to Christ and had the baby. This lady is now plugged into a local church near where she lives! She still doesn’t know how she ended up on SermonAudio but the Lord used archived message on the site to give hope to a desperate woman who received Jesus!"
Pastor Lee McKinnon, Covenant Reformed Baptist

"SermonAudio is a very useful tool for allowing people in your area, who may be moving to your area, or who are traveling through your area to know about your church. We have been very satisfied with it. May the Lord continue to prosper you and bless you for your labor!"
Dr. David B. McWilliams, Covenant Presbyterian Church

"We really appreciated the ease of uploading sermons to your site. The monthly report is very encouraging to us. We have regular listeners who remind me quickly if I don’t upload the sermons quickly! SermonAudio serves us well!"
Jon Mahtani, Cornerstone Protestant Reformed Church

"We are thankful for our relationship with SermonAudio for two main reasons. It serves one of our main avenues of outreach to the community and beyond. It helps us get the Word out! Also it serves members who are sick or moms with sick children who can watch or listen to the service when they are unable to be physically present. We appreciate you assisting us in these two specific ministries."
Dr. James E. Adams, Cornerstone Church

"SermonAudio is a great tool. I appreciate the broad, but conservative, number of churches and speakers you have assembled on your site. What you have represented is fantastic! I think we are seeing a great wonder of God’s work in various parts of the world and SermonAudio is a great part of that I believe. Our church is heavily connected to works in Latin America and it is so excited to see the combination of written literature and ministries such as SermonAudio making a gospel impact there and in other ares of this world. We are surprised to find out how many people are listening every month! You are all doing an outstanding job!"
Wil Owens, Clovis Evangelical Free Church

"We enjoy SermonAudio for several reasons. It is very user-friendly and cost-effective for us. You all do a great job at making our sermons more accessible. I really enjoy looking over the monthly reports which are encouraging as well helpful to see the effectiveness of this ministry. The mobile apps you have developed work very well. You are doing a great job and providing a valuable service not just for us but for hundreds of other churches."
Pastor Martin Vogel, Covenant Christian Church

"SermonAudio has been extremely helpful to many. It is a real blessing. It is exciting to know that the Word of God is going forth from our church by this means. Through it people can enter our church even before really entering it. We ask God’s blessing on your work. We are thankful for all you do. Keep pressing on!"
Rev. Rodney Kleyn, Covenant Of Grace Protestant Reformed

"I started partnering with SermonAudio in 2004. It's been and continues to be a fantastic tool and service. It saves us a lot of work. We have a website, but our website is more like a billboard and SermonAudio does everything else for us. We interface our sermons on your site with our Facebook and Twitter accounts which is helpful. I have found your app to be a blessing. I commend you for your prompt and helpful responses to our questions and any changes we have needed to make. Finally, your church locator feature has been especially helpful in an area like ours where there are few broadcasters on your site."
Daniel Chamberlin, Covenant Baptist Church

"Thank you for the service you offer and for the consistency of your ministry. I was excited to hear about the news about unlimited sermon uploading. I think that is a great move on your part. We have been very pleased with the service we have received from you. We have had a good response to being on SermonAudio. Your name is well-known in our circles. I appreciate the local churches that you seek to attract and how you make attempts to connect with listeners with those local churches. Finally, I appreciate the exposure you give to ministries such as the Trinitarian Bible Society which I have followed for years."
Rick Vis, Covenant Fellowship of Moneta

"It is a pleasure being on SermonAudio. We find our partnership with you to be a mutually beneficial experience. The greatest benefit to us is the opportunity to preach the Word more broadly. The longer we are on, the more countries tune in. This is a great tool in the 21st century to propagate the gospel. I'm so grateful for this positive use of modern technology. We are also thankful for some people who have come into the life of our church through hearing us on SermonAudio."
Bill Pike, Deacon, Copperfield Bible Church

"It is very nice to be able to get the monthly download reports. It’s interesting to us to be able to see the various places where people are accessing our online sermons. People in our church use SermonAudio to catch up on sermons they missed. People out of state supplement what they are getting from their local churches. There are some in our area who attend other churches but who also like to hear our sermons as well. Finally, we have a significant amount of downloads in countries in Africa and in some Muslim countries. It’s great to see the reach around the world. We have no complaints. The site is easily accessible and works well for us."
Pastor Dave Johnson, Community Bible Church

"We are very pleased to broadcast on SermonAudio. Most of our listeners are those who come up to our area as summer tourists who want to continue to listen year-round to the messages our small church offers. For those that come up regularly each summer, this enables us to keep up a relationship with them. My father originally started our work and I assumed the pastorate back in 1982 after my dad passed on to glory. Now, my son who was a missionary in Africa for 18 years is assisting me in the work and he will take it over when I am no longer able to preach! We meet in a 106 year old building but through SermonAudio we are able to reach others all around the world! We are well satisfied with this opportunity and the services you offer!"
Russ Peterson, Media Director, Cornerstone Church

"SermonAudio is a wonderful part of our ministry. We are a small church that has blessed with a small tech team which enable to livestream every service! Our pastor uses the twitter integration and blogs regularly via SermonAudio. We have people who faithfully listen/watch in our own community as well as around the world. If for some reason we aren't on, they contact us and ask what is going on! One evening a week, we do a very simple webcast for shut-ins where I share just a simple thought from a verse or two. Then I pray for each one by name and other requests in our church. We only have a few shut-ins but sometimes many others tune in as well. This communicates to our shut-ins that we are remembering them and they are important to us. If they need help with any technology issues we go over and help them out. We also have a worldwide outreach thanks to you all. SermonAudio today is like what HCBJ used to be years ago--but now SermonAudio allows churches of all sizes to be heard around the whole world! Years ago this was something I could only dream about but you have made it a reality. We do all of this on a very low budget and it really costs us no extra time because we do it all during our worship service!"
Dallas Peyton, Jr., Cooks Chapel Baptist Church

"SermonAudio is a good fit for us. We are in a rural area but it is very effective took in reaching more people. We have expanded our outreach using the site. We actually receive more feedback from listeners farther away than here locally. We have reached many people with the money we have invested monthly. We find that a lot more people will listen to sermons on your site now than will do on the radio or on other media. Your app makes sermons even more accessible to people. My son and I listen to other preachers on your site for own benefit. We encourage our people to listen to other pastors as well. My son listens to sermons every day using your app. SermonAudio has been a 'win-win' for us."
Ron Ralph, Cornerstone Baptist Church

"The reason we signed up with SermonAudio is because it is a clear, affordable opportunity to get the gospel out to more people. We receive a lot of feedback (emails, calls, and letters) and we are truly humbled by this. Personally, I appreciate the relative ease of moving around the site and finding what I am looking for on SermonAudio."
Rodney Lucas, Operations Dir., Community Church of Columbus

"The site works great for us. We are a relatively new broadcaster and the we are thrilled with what we are able to do on SermonAudio. We upload sermons from three ministries within in our own church. We have regular preaching in English from our pastor as well as a Spanish and a Mandarin Chinese ministry. Every week, there is someone in our congregation who tells me they listened at home or during their drive time to a message they missed. This tool has been an encouragement to our church."
Kris Estep, Barberville Baptist Church

"I just wanted to let you guys know how much we here at Barberville appreciate all you guys are doing at SermonAudio., Your site had allowed us to have a far greater impact worldwide with the gospel than we ever could have by ourselves. Your services are tremendously affordable in comparison to everything else we looked at and we have had several folks visit and some join out church because of finding us through SermonAudio."
Timothy Guess, Collierville Primitive Baptist Church

"Whenever I talk to anyone about SermonAudio, I always speak highly of it. It is a great blessing to our church. I like the way you run the site. I love the ability to use the blog feature for devotionals I upload. I upload a sermon every week. Our own members use the site to download messages and listen again to messages. SermonAudio is also a great way to let people in your own community know who and where you are. We had a couple join our church just this past Sunday. They were attending another church in the area, but they sensed they need to be a much more Word-centered ministry. They found us on SermonAudio and started attending during this past summer. After visiting for several months, they have now become members. I also appreciate the fact that there is the ability to upload sermons in different languages. I speak Spanish and have a radio broadcast in Latin America. I upload my Spanish broadcasts and share the link on FaceBook. On a personal level, I listen to Spanish sermons as well (there are over 16,000 of them on your site). This help me stay up on my Spanish skills and it edifies me as a pastor."
Michael Stoltzfus, Media Dir., Community Bible Church of Highlands

"I like the way everything works on your site. It is definitely easy to access. I really like the app. A lot of people in our church use the app. I use the APIs you have available. Your site has a great archiving feature that gives the ability to organize our sermons. We are very happy with your distribution model. We are thrilled. Lots of people listen every week. Thank you."
Stephen Sherman, Christian Fellowship Church

"We are very happy with the service you provide. It is serving us well. I’m grateful we don’t have to worry about how we structure our website and sermons. You take care of how all that is presented on your site. People in our church appreciate how easy it is to access sermons from their computer or phones. We plan on using you all indefinitely. We are thrilled to hear that you are now offering unlimited uploads of sermons. There have been several months when we had more sermons to upload but didn’t because of the extra cost. Now we no longer need to worry about that. We are also encouraged about the upcoming new release of the Church Finder. Shortly after we joined SermonAudio, a family who found us on SermonAudio started attending our church. Today, they are one of the most active, godly families in our church. Needless to say, we are thankful for this feature that you have."
David Whitcomb, Community Baptist Church

"We are very pleased with the ability to be on SermonAudio and appreciate the work being done to make this possible. Several people watch our livestream when they are away. Some of our shut-ins enjoy watching the webcast. Also some relatives of folks in our church are able to watch as well. Some even watch our service before they go off to their own local church each Sunday!"
Pastor Richard J. Demoss, Colonial Hills Baptist Church

"My wife puts all the sermons on-line. We have had several visitors who live in our community hear our sermons on the site and have visited our church. SermonAudio enables us to have reach a lot of listeners in the US and around the world. We are very blessed by this partnership."
Mary Erickson, secretary, Columbia Presbyterian Church

"We really appreciate having SermonAudio as a resource tool in our church. My husband and I were on vacation last week and missed our service, but with SermonAudio we were able to listen to our pastors' sermon while we were driving. This is helpful especially while our pastor is preaching a series of messages. It's great to be able to link it with our website. We also have some people in our congregation who transcribe the sermon for some deaf believers in our congregation. We alert people by our Facebook page about new sermons we have added as well. Uploading our church's sermons each week is very easy. We also appreciate the reliability of your site."
Pastor David J. Bisset, Clifton Park Community Church

"It's hard to believe we have been for ten years now! It is definitely our platform of choice for uploading sermons! Everything you do is excellent. It has been great partnering with you. The price point is reasonable. It's wonderful that our small church in upstate New York can be heard around the world. We receive good feedback. I also appreciate that I can be "preached at" by accessing quality sermons from other men of God. I appreciate the resources you offer."
Phil Wetzel, Church of the Covenant

"SermonAudio works very well for us. We had a mechanism for posting sermons on our own website which worked well, but what you have put together is incredibly user-friendly for our listeners to access. Our church members access the site regularly We have had a some people discover us first on SermonAudio and are now part of our church family. One man living in the Philippines planned to move back to NJ. Before he re-located, he actually listened to us online for three or four months. He is now a member of our church. Thanks for your partnership with us."
Steve Wadleigh, Christian Family Fellowship

"We love SermonAudio. I have used it for years as a listener and its a joy to be a broadcaster on the site with our local church now. It's been a real blessing to us. Uploading the weekly sermon to your site and then providing a link on our website works incredibly well."
Pastor John E. Stoos, Church of the King, Sacramento

"We have been with you for over ten years and really appreciate the services you offer. I really like all the features you make available. The site is easy to use and reasonably priced. It's a joy every month to see where our sermons are being accessed in the world. Thanks for all you do to make this possible. You are always adding new features and upgrading current ones. We are very pleased with our partnership with you."
Pastor Lee Davis, Emmanuel Baptist Church

"I was with SermonAudio at my previous church for several years. When I came to this new work, we signed up for an account. We are very pleased with your service and the ministry you provide. We are thrilled with the outreach it enables us to have and the doors for ministry it has opened others. I have encouraged other pastors about your service and have recommended they sign on as well. Your website is easy to navigate. I have been able to teach others how to upload sermons very quickly. This tool is a great blessing to us!"
Justin Hoffman, Cincinnati Primitive Baptist Church

"e have been very pleased with your service. It is user friendly for uploading sermons and for people to download them and listen to them. The software works without a glitch. We are delighted that people are able to access our messages. We are very impressed with your service so far and are thankful for it. The price is also very reasonable!"
Rev. Ian Goligher, Cloverdale Free Presbyterian

"We are very thankful for the service you provide which makes it possible for us to store our sermons on your site. The feature we value you the most is the ability to webcast our services. You provide a reliable service in this regard and it is vital to our ministry. We have people in northern British Columbia that depend on us to provide this weekly service. We are also grateful for the consistent number of downloads we have each month. We have had a few people come to our church through the years as a result of our presence on your site."
Brad O'Neal, Clear Branch Landmark Missionary Baptist

"We are loving being on SermonAudio. The church joined about nine months ago, so when I came as pastor we were able to get up and running right away. It's great outreach! We are getting a great response! It's working well for us!"
Pastor Terry Cheek, Th.D., The Inspiring Word

"The Inspiring Word has been with Sermonaudio for around two years. As pastor of a rural Baptist church in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western N.C. I do not have the public recognition that many on Sermonaudio enjoy. Yet I want to brag on God. He has taken the preaching of His word over Sermonaudio and sent around the world. I have confirmed the preaching from this rural church has been heard on 6 of the worlds 7 continents and in all 50 states. Each multiple times. God has delivered us into China, Korea, all middle eastern countries including Israel. We have been heard in Africa and the Philippines. I praise God for His work through the Inspiring Word and Sermonaudio. May God keep you firmly in His grip!"
Barb Berger, Office Mgr., Clearcreek Chapel

"Our staff is very pleased with SermonAudio. We enjoy the fact that you have an app for mobile devices. A lot of people use it at our church for listening to sermons. In fact, yesterday I came home from church and our daughter, who had to miss the service, was listening to the sermon online! What a blessing!"
Gervase Charmley, Bethel Evangelical Free Church

"I am so thankful that another brother recommended SermonAudio to us. It is fascinating to see how many broadcasters are on the site from all over the world. It is also marvelous to realize that people are accessing our sermons all over the world, some of whom are in Muslim countries and other countries where they could never come out publicly to hear the Gospel nor could we possibly ever go physically to proclaim God's Word. It is very exciting to us to have this worldwide ministry in our small church. SermonAudio is definitely worth the monthly fee."
Pastor J. D. 'Skip' Dusenbury, Christ Reformed Presbyterian-PCA

"We are very grateful to partner with you in the work of the gospel. SermonAudio is a wonderful ministry. I always enjoy seeing the monthly reports which show us where God is spreading His Word through the nations. It is so encouraging to know we can have a ministry around the world through SermonAudio."
Josh Sparkman, Christ Presbyterian Church

"We love how many different features you have on your site beside sermons, including podcasts and blogs. The integration into our website is super clean and easy. I heard a lady in Mobile recently praising God for SermonAudio because she couldn't make it to church. We appreciate all you do."
Pastor James Mansfield, Bethel Baptist Chapel Billinghay

"SermonAudio helps remind us, that as a small church, we have access to the rest of the world. We have had feedback from around the world. One group of families in Australia corresponded with us, letting us know they us our sermons for morning worship since there is no church anywhere nearby for them to attend. We had some inquiries from America and I have been able, through SermonAudio broadcasters, to point them to churches near where they live. You are doing a great job. Your site has been useful. I appreciate the information about the Christmas books you are making available. We are ordering some from a distributor over here in the UK."
Pastor Chalan Hetherington, Bennetts End Reformed Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has been quite good for us. We have people all over England that listen to our messages, some of whom are looking for a church. We have had some come and visit us, especially on holiday. We are thankful for the considerable interest in our sermons. It has been a tremendous blessing in regard to our church. People know what to expect in terms of preaching before they even visit us. Over the years the number of listeners and downloads have increased. Being on SermonAudio has been a very positive experience for us and we recommend other churches and pastors to sign on with you."
Beverly Webb, Sonlight Baptist Church

"We always feel so blessed when we see how many states and countries have downloaded the sermons from Sonlight. October had 38 states and 31 countries! We know those that listen are truly hearing the Word of God being preached and taught. We think our Pastor is awesome! "
Rev. Daniel Jarstfer, Christ Our Hope Presybterian Church

"I find SermonAudio to be a tremendous resource. I appreciate that you helped me transfer my sermons from my former church’s account to my new church’s account. I use your site to post sermons to social media sites for use in outreach. I had a high school friend out west connect with me recently. After a few exchanges, I told him that I was preaching through Romans and my messages were all on your site. He was eager to listen to my messages on-line. I post sermons on social media from other speakers and organizations on your site as well. I am always amazed to see each month where people are listening and what sermons receive the most downloads. I’m so thankful we are even able to reach into restricted access countries with the gospel! SermonAudio has been helpful ministerially as well. When I was a candidate for my current church, I told the search committee to listen to any one of my sermons on your site. I also like to listen to the sermons of candidates that we are examining in our denomination for licensure or transfer. Your site makes this very accessible for us. When our people have to miss a Sunday, many go to SermonAudio to listen to the message before the return for worship so they can keep up with the book series I am working through. These are several benefits of being on your site."
Jeff Riddle, Christ Reformed Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has been a good outreach for us. We have been contacted by many people through the years. It also allows us to maintain contact with people who move out of area to other places. We have heard from people all around the world, from Romania to Hong Kong! Some time ago I was preaching at a church conference in Hong Kong. After one of my messages, a man who was not a member or regular attender of the church came up to me and said, “I have been listening to your sermons on SermonAudio for years!” That was amazing!"
Ron Stump, Deacon, Christ Fellowship Bible Church http

"SermonAudio is great! We love the monthly reports and rejoice in how God is using your site to help us reach listeners all around the world. Uploading sermons on your site is very simple and easy. You serve us well."
Ross Hodges, Associate Pastor, Christ Church Presbyterian

"We are very pleased with SermonAudio. We love the exposure it gives to us as people are searching for sermons. The interface for the site works well and we have always had good interaction with your staff when we had some technical issue to resolve. We have only good things to say about what SermonAudio offers and delivers."
Bob Brubaker, Christ Community Presbyterian Church

"It’s so exciting every month to see how many people are downloading our sermons and the places from which they access SermonAudio. We are so grateful for your service. Our people really enjoy the sermons you offer."
David Nee, Chalcedon Presbyterian

"We are amazed that reformed churches all over the world are accessing our sermons online. We have people listen and download our sermons from 145 countries. Sermons that are preached to a few hundred people originally are now being accessed by thousands! The SermonAudio app is phenomenal. Mobile devices account for around 60% of our downloads now. We enjoy that we can livestream and archive our videos. We use SermonAudio to push out our sermons to our Facebook page as well. SermonAudio is just part of our normal ministry outreach now!"
Jim Jarrett, Calvary Chapel Redding/Palo Cedro

"We really appreciate the service you offer. You have always been very responsive to any questions or problems we had. The greatest encouragement to me through your site is to receive the monthly reports and to see how many sermons have been downloaded and where people are listening in to our sermons. Its a blessing to know that a church like ours in rural, northern California can literally have an impact around the world."
Paul Mahan, Central Grace Church

"We are very thankful for SA. It is a wonderful means of getting the gospel out. The service is very reasonably priced I thank you all for doing what you do, for putting the site all together and for keeping it updated and current."
Dr. Andy Bloom, Central Baptist Church

"When our church signed up for SermonAudio ten years ago, we never imagined that we would have more than a few hundred downloads a month. Then we hit 2000 a month and now God has continue to grow our listener base so that we have 3000 downloads a month. Ten years later, we humbly praise God and are stunned that we have experienced 450,000 downloads from 187 countries on over one million computing devices. Last Sunday over 380 computers were accessing our worship service via livestream. We are committed to the verse by verse exposition of God’s Word and people are hungry for this all around the world. We hear from pastors who never were able to attend Bible college who regularly listen and learn God’s Word more thoroughly through our site on SermonAudio. We also heard from a missionary about some churches who didn’t have pastors at the time, so men in the church took turns preaching. These men often listened to our sermons via your site, took notes, and then preached them to their congregations. These are men with no formal education in a country most people have never heard of. We support a lot of missionaries but SermonAudio allows us to reach areas of the world where our missionaries could never go. I received a note from an anesthesiologist in another state who wrote to tell me he came to know Christ through preaching on the site. Another listener wrote to tell me that he had gotten his life right with the Lord after a period of backsliding. This is what God has done through our partnership with you. To Him be the glory!"
Pastor D. L. Gilpatric, Center Effingham Baptist Church

"I personally check out the news feed on SermonAudio, enjoy the Scripture reading I found there, and enjoy the devotionals on the site. I have also enjoyed the 24/7 radio feed on the site. A number of our people utilize the site. I remind our people several times a month of the resources available at SermonAudio and encourage them to check out the various features."
Dr. Phil Sigman, Central Baptist Church

"I have recommended SermonAudio to all the pastors in my fellowship of churches. One of the main benefits of being on SermonAudio is the much broader audience you reach. The audience is huge, much larger than your normal sphere of influence each Sunday and better than your own church website by far. Before SermonAudio I used to spend lots of times working on our website and putting up sermons and maybe having ten people “visit” our site a month. Since being on SermonAudio for less than six months, we have had nearly 3000 downloads of our sermons. I love the reports that tell us that we are reaching countries we could never otherwise dream of reaching and our highest amount of downloads come from Spain and Brazil. SermonAudio allows us to reach places with God’s Word I will never be. Also, our church is located in a region where lots of people come and work for a few months at a time and return back to where they live. These oil industry workers often find us on line and listen to us or read the articles I post. Just a couple of Sundays ago a couple (one of them from the Philippines and one from Alaska) came and worshipped with us. They will be leaving in a few weeks but they told me when they come back next summer that they will be worshiping with us again. We had another couple who attended Steve Lawson’s church when he was in Mobile, AL. They moved to our region and found our church and worshipped with us several times. Although they ended up living too far to worship weekly with us, they decided to set us up and pay our monthly fee on SermonAudio! Of all the internet ministry tools out there for churches to access, this is by far the most significant one there is!"
Pastor Jerry Thrower, Central Baptist Church of Orange Park

"What an encouragement to our small church to see people accessing our sermons in countries around the world—even in countries that are closed to traditional gospel ministries. We have had numerous people who have listened to some of our messages on SermonAudio and have come to visit us and some some have remained as part of our church. People want to hear the preaching before they ever come to a church today and SermonAudio makes that possible. And the monthly membership to broadcast on SermonAudio is reasonable enough that even small churches like ours can afford it!"
Pastor Jim Townsley, Central Baptist Church

"The feature that is the biggest attraction to us is the ability to livestream our service! We looked at several other sites but didn’t a company that we really wanted to pay for what they had to offer. We particularly value the ease of uploading material, the quality of the livestream, and the capability of sharing quickly on social media. Bobby McKeever, Sound Ministry Leader"
Jim Stone, Administrator, Cascade Bible Church

"We are frequently amazed at the outreach we have through SermonAudio. We work pretty hard to maintain weekly postings and God has blessed us with regular listeners worldwide. Our pastor’s son was stationed in Germany in the military at one time and we still have a pretty big audience there. SermonAudio is a fantastic service and we appreciate what it allows us to do."
Troy McGahan, Friendship Baptist Church

"Our church has been on Sermonaudio for over over a year now. We love the fact that we can reach people overseas and stateside with the Gospel of Christ. However the most attractive thing about Sermonaudio is how simple it is to upload sermons."
Bro. Edward Dixon, Camden Baptist Church

"SermonAudio is a real blessing and encouragement to our people. Our listening audience has grown over the years and continues to grow. We really appreciate this opportunity to use technology in a way that glorifies God. It’s great to use the features your team has developed. We live in a military town and several of our members are sent off elsewhere to school for weeks at a time or are eventually transferred. They really appreciate how SermonAudio allows them to remain connected to our church. I also hear from older folks who can no longer drive at night so on Sunday evenings they often tune in to our services are receive great blessing. This site is a definite asset to our ministry."
Kit Pherson, Calvary Baptist Church

"My deacon uploads my sermons on your site an we found out that quite a few people are listening to them online. We found out that college students and other people who pass through our church and move to other places still feel a sense of connection with us because they can still listen to our sermons. I encourage other pastors to get on SermonAudio. I tell them people are going to listen to something somewhere. Why not get on SermonAudio and encourage people to listen to the great content there. SermonAudio is a great tool for Gospel preaching and a blessing to our people."
Pastor Cory Griess, Calvary Protestant Reformed Church

"SermonAudio has benefitted our shut-ins, those who miss a service occasionally, and people around the world. We get emails once in awhile from listeners who watch our livestream. I can’t tell you what an encouragement it is to me as a pastor to know that all the preparation I put into preaching a sermon impacts not just those present on Sunday but also those who hear the Word on your site. We also have a partnership with pastor in Mynamar. We upload his sermons on to our church SermonAudio account. As far as we know he is the only speaker on the site who preaches in Burmese! We are grateful for you your ministry!"
Jeff Ferguson, Calvary Reformed Presbyterian

"You really can’t beat SermonAudio as a tool for archiving, managing, and searching for sermons! It’s relatively easy to use! We love it! And best of all we don’t have to manage our own servers! SermonAudio is the gift that keeps on giving! People access sermons that were preached over a decade ago at our church! Thank you for what you do!"
Pastor Van Morris, Calvary Christian Center

"We find more and more people coming to our website and listening to sermons. SermonAudio has played a role in that. Our members often recommend our messages to their friends. Just a few days ago, I received an email from a lady who attended another church in another city. Her church was encountering some controversy over the issue of marriage. One of our members recommended that tshe and her husband listen to my series on marriage and they did. She wrote me to tell me how these messages renewed their understanding of what God’s Word said about marriage and cleared up any confusion she had. I receive emails regularly from people who listen to our messages and have a follow-up question, or who are looking for a church and want to know more about our church. Personally I use SermonAudio quite often to download and listen to messages while I am driving or mowing our lawn. There are so many good sermons on the site. I appreciate the comment section associated with sermons. I often read these to help me decide which sermons might benefit me the most."
Pastor Floyd Radebaugh, Calvary Bible Baptist Church

"SermonAudio is a great way to get the gospel out around the world! We get to broadcast the gospel in places our missionaries cannot even go. We are very pleased with the outreach that SermonAudio enables us to have."
Pastor Tim Leaman, Calvary Baptist Church

"We have had a number of visitors as a result of SermonAudio, among whom are several families who have joined our church. One time a couple in our community, who had no connection to our church, experienced a great tragedy. Several weeks later they came to one of our services. Afterward, they introduced themselves to me. I asked them, “How did you hear about our church?” The man responded that one of his co-workers (whom I have never met) suggested that he listen to some sermons on your site. The man did and found our church through this. Through God’s great mercy, I was able to visit this couple in their home and present the gospel! The Lord saved them and they have been worshipping with us ever since!"
Pastor Matt Whitcomb, Calvary Baptist Church

"We really appreciate your service. I have worked with several different companies over the years in regard to uploading sermons and you offer the best service out there. We currently are upload audio with you but are planning on adding video soon and are eager to partner with you for our livestreaming. Thanks for your commitment to continually improving and making opportunities likes this possible."
Dr. John Barnett, Calvary Bible Church

"I want to express how big a fan I am of SA. Just on the personal use alone I've been able to enjoy sermons from some of my favorites such as James White. The ability to hear sermons read from the Reformers, Puritans, and Spurgeon has been a blessing.SermonAudio is where I would direct people who want to listen to an entire series or see everything in one place. I'm a consumer and contributor of SA and it's the place every Christian teacher should host his/her content for the sake of God's Kingdom.--Patrick Studabaker, Audio Technician"
Armen Thomassian, Calgary Free Presbyterian Church

"I have been delighted with the service of SA long before I became a pastor 18 months ago, and continue to be thankful for how the Lord seems to be using the sermons as a blessing to His church beyond the congregation here in Calgary. Getting emails and messages of encouragement is nice, but we have been greatly blessed recently to welcome a young family to the church who used the Church Finder on SA to find us and begin worshipping with us. I cannot thank Steven and the team at SA enough for all they do and the burden they have to bring the gospel to the nations, and I trust the Lord will keep their hearts and use this platform for many years to the glory of His name."
Shawn Davis, Calvary Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has made a big impact in a small church like ours. We are very pleased with the opportunity to be on the site. I would highly recommend it to others. We get lots of positive feedback. Many share sermons from our church and other great sermons from other churches via their Facebook page. I am a big fan of SermonAudio and was one of the first users of the site when it only had a few hundred sermons on it. I would ask you to pray for our church and our town which was devastated by the recent flooding in WV back on June 24, 2016. Our church auditorium had some flooding but our parsonage was totally ruined. We have lost everything. Five families in our church experienced significant damage three of whom lost everything they owned. Every business including stores, banks, gas stations, etc have been closed since the flooding. This week the first business finally re-opened, a drug store. Our town has a large aging population and it has been particularly difficult on them. We are thankful for some churches who have helped us out as we try to rebuild and minister."
Pastor Joseph LoSardo, Bread of Life Fellowship

"I want to express my appreciation for Sermon Audio. It has been a blessing to us, as a service to our local church as well as in outreach. Many visitors to the church have told me that they listen to the sermon on Sermon Audio before attending. We are grateful for your service to the local church, and appreciate being a part for the past 11 or 12 years."
T. J. Klapperich, Calvary Baptist Church

"We have been very pleased with SermonAudio. It has helped our people greatly. They share messages with friends and co-workers with whom they are sharing the gospel. Being on the site has been very positive. Some people even find our church occasionally through your site."
Dr. Donald R. Gommesen, Ph.D., Calvary Baptist Church

"We really like the whole process of being able to upload sermons and PDFs as well. We are very happy with your service.--Hollie church secretary"
Andrea Pol, Bornholm Free Reformed Church

"For myself, I find to be a great tool for re-listening to sermons, or when ill health or bad weather prevents attendance. From the download reports, I can also see how far a reach we worldwide, which would not be possible without this site. Thank you for providing this tool for the publishing of sermons. May God bless it to His glory!"
Pastor W.T. (Terry) Worthan, Calvary Baptist Church

"I don’t know where to start when it comes to recalling the blessings our small work has received by being on SermonAudio. We have sought to use every means possible to get the gospel out and SermonAudio has been one of the primary ways we have seen God bless. My granddaughter faithfully uploads every message. One man is undertaking the task of transferring all my messages from cassette tape to digital format. We love the blogging service you all offer. It’s jus amazing to us how God has blessed our time with SermonAudio. We hope you at SermonAudio are as encouraged and optimistic as we are about what God is doing. Our church prays for you and your ministry regularly."
Phillip Reemtsma, Calvary Baptist Church

"As I was preparing my sermon for Sunday I decided to incorporate a story from a book I was reading about a little church in Scotland. I preached the sermon, our tech team uploaded it to SermonAudio and two days later I received an email from a man in Scotland who had listened to my sermon while walking his dog that day. He was very discouraged and so we continued to communicate for some time through email. Through this season of counsel, I was able to help this man change for God’s glory!"
Joel Van Hoogen, Bread of Life Fellowship

"Your ministry is providing our church with a bigger footprint around the world, and as a fellowship with a heart for the regions beyond, this is something special."
Jeffrey Alexander, Calvary Baptist Church

"We could not be happier with SermonAudio! The ability to get our message out to people we would never otherwise reach is astounding!  I once received an email from a man in Scotland who wrote to tell me that he was very discouraged and down at one point in his life. He found my messages somehow on SermonAudio and a downloaded a few. He wrote to tell me that God used those messages to turn his life around. He got his heart right with God and began regularly fellowshipping with a church there.  That story alone makes our partnership with SermonAudio worth it all!"
Michael Lane, Calvary Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has been a great help to our ministry! It is always a blessing when a member comes up to us and lets us know how much they enjoyed one of our recent sermons they missed in person or listened to again through SermonAudio. SermonAudio has literally allowed us to have an international outreach. We have 15 missionary families sent out of our church and they are able to stay connected to our church through SermonAudio. We also have a man in Australia who has become a close friend of our ministry through SermonAudio."
Audey Shepard, Burkett Baptist Church

"I really enjoy SermonAudio. I used it when I pastored in Germany for 17 years and it was very beneficial. A lot of people in America downloaded my sermons from Germany.  Then when I moved back to the States, I started using it again. I still have my German sermons up on the site.  I get lots of good feedback from listeners.  What you do there at SermonAudio is great. I am excited about the news about uploading short ten-minute videos at no cost to the site!  I really appreciate everything you do."
Mark D. Campbell, Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church

"Today we had our first visitor who has attended our church because of our SermonAudio account. I am greatly humbled by that thought."
Richard Holdeman, Bloomington Reformed Presbyterian Church

"We are totally satisfied with your service and the experience we are having with Sermon Audio. We've seen the Lord do some remarkable things through it.  People have found our church and become supporters of our ministry from a distance through listening to our sermons on SA.  We appreciate your great customer service too.  May the Lord continue to bless your ministry!"
Sam Magdalein, Bible Believers Baptist Church

"Sermonaudio has been an excellent service for our church. I am constantly impressed by both your speed and knowledge in the support department, and the constant improvements to the service. It seems you’re always adding support for new devices and ways to get the sermons out there, and I don’t have to worry about compatibility. Everyone can hear our sermons, whether on our own site (embed widget), or their phone, via apps, web browsers, etc. The new Apple TV app is perfect as well. The download statistics are excellent, too. We have close to 1,000 sermons and nearing 700,000 downloads- incredible and helpful for us to see that it’s getting out there. We also use the live streaming service and it is very robust and reliable. We have a couple hundred people who watch each week and it’s very helpful for them. Also nice to have an affordable streaming service that’s not laden with secular advertising. We are very, very thankful for your service and team, I really appreciate it. It makes publishing the preaching easy."
Daryl York, Brentwood Baptist Church

"The ease of uploading sermons to your site has been very helpful. You make this process simple and easy to learn. We love that we can link our SA page with our own website. We are amazed that these sermons can be heard around the world.  I find the monthly reports that show our worldwide reach so encouraging.  We have had several people visit our church who found us on SermonAudio. When we are considering new employees here, we often encourage them to listen to several sermons to make sure they feel we are a good fit."
Bro. Ralph Foster, Bloomington Chapel Church

"We have have had feedback from all over the country. We are all about getting the Word of God to everyone we can. I have received phone calls from many individuals, including one man from Nigeria. We received feedback from one listener who saw one of our videos in Iraq. Your ministry is a blessing to a church like ours which loves to share the gospel!"
Rev. Phil Owen, Berean Free Presbyterian Church

"Every week as I drive, I listen to Dr. Mohler’s The Briefing and some messages from some of my favorite preachers on SermonAudio. Downloading messages is easy.  I enjoy features such as searching based on Bible passages, using your news feature occasionally, and your local church finder.  We appreciate our partnership with you."
Gregory Miller, Bible Believers Baptist Fellowship

"We praise God that we have had people listen to us on SermonAudio from all 50 states and many countries abroad. We just had one couple drive up from SC for the weekend to meet us in person after listening to us for some time. We find that SermonAudio not only provides a way for people in our own church to listen to messages they may have missed but also it ministers to people in churches where the teaching isn’t very strong and healthy. We have found that there are people who are hungry for God’s Word and find solid preaching for their souls on SermonAudio. We look forward to partnering with you for a long time."
Pastor Dennis Dills, Clarkesville, GA

"We truly appreciate SermonAudio at our church. You have helped us grow our membership here. We have had lots of visitors come to our church who have heard us on SermonAudio. One family actually moved from TX to GA after they heard our sermons on your site. We print a lot of tracts and booklets and ship them all over the world. We print our SermonAudio info on every piece and so lots of people see it and go on-line! I personally listen to lots of other preachers through your site as well. SermonAudio works out very well for us."
Mrs. Paula Kimberly, Bethlehem Baptist Church

"You are a WONDERFUL ministry! Our church members use SermonAudio all the time! People who attend conferences at our church are also excited when they find out we are on SermonAudio. Thank you for what you do!"
Mike Hoggard, Bethel Church

"God has used our partnership in a unique way to reach into one of the most dangerous areas in Kenya. A few years ago we were able to buy an FM radio station which broadcasts our church services 24/7 in an area where terrorism and tribal wars abound. They pull messages off of our SermonAudio account for this ministry. A few years later, my son-in-law started going out to a different village every week on Sunday nights with a white sheet and projector and started broadcasting the livestream of our Sunday morning service here in MO. (Its Sunday evening in Kenya when our morning service begins). The first time he did this, 150 Kenyans showed up to watch the service. Now we regularly have 250-500 people show up in a different village every week to watch the service (as someone translates it simultaneously there). So not only is SermonAudio a blessing to people in our church but every week through its technology we are impacting hundreds of people who are starving for the Word of God in Africa! We are so thankful for our partnership with you! You do a tremendous job providing the technology to make this possible!"
Pastor James A. Barker, Bible Baptist Church

"I first heard about SermonAudio years ago and really desired to be on it but didn’t have the time to upload sermons. One day a lady in our church felt burdened to get it started so we signed up. When she moved, she turned it over Phyliss, a blind, elderly, Jewish Christian lady in our church who does a faithful job each week uploading our sermons, outlines, and notes. She is so enthusiastic about this ministry and shares the monthly reports with me. She loves the Lord along with her husband, a Holocaust survivor, who is now in a nursing home! Whenever she has an issue, she calls SermonAudio and receives excellent support. I get emails from all over the world from listeners on SermonAudio. You all are doing a great job and it is exciting to be a part of reaching the world through this means!"
James Crace, Bethel Baptist Church

"Our church is very happy with SermonAudio. We are grateful for the online presence we have there. Uploading sermons is easy. Site looks great, uploads are easy, and listening to sermons is simple."
David Harris, Berean Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has been good for us in a few ways. First, it allows us an unlimited amount of storage for our sermons and makes it much more easier to upload our sermons and have them linked to our website. Second, everyone I know who uses the app or the website finds it very easy to locate, download and listen to sermons. We are very satisfied with our decision to partner with SermonAudio."
Brandon Lowery, Bethel Baptist Church

"I truly appreciate the mobile app. I often load up 10-12 sermons on my phone and listen to them like podcasts as I have time. The app is one widget I use constantly. My wife just recently headed out on vacation and before she left she asked me to load up her phone with sermons. You have an abundance of content and an array of preachers that is very helpful. It seems like there is a sermon on every verse or passage in the Bible. Thanks for the great job you do!"
Terry Basham II, Bethel Baptist Church

"SermonAudio is very user-friendly. It is easy to upload sermons, manage our content, and share sermons on Facebook and Twitter. Several of our current members checked us out first on SermonAudio before visiting us in person. Our partnership with you has been very positive. We have experienced a steady increase in the number of sermons downloaded through the years. Our church views our presence on your site as part of our mission outreach. It’s fascinating to see where our sermons “go” throughout the world. The technical support is great and you have a lot of cool features. I’m grateful a friend introduced you to me almost ten years ago."
James Gray, Bethel Baptist Church

"Our people use and enjoy SermonAudio a lot, whether it is to re-listen to a sermon that impacted them or to catch up on one they missed. Just this past week, a man who was looking for a church visited us. He found us through searching for a church in the area, listened to a few messages, and then came on Sunday. We appreciate what you do!"
Dr. Jim Ghanayem, Bethel Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has been extremely helpful in our church ministry in three specific ways. We have a lot of people move to our area and several families started attending our church who first discovered us on SermonAudio. Secondly, the opportunity to livestream our services has especially encouraged our shut-ins who can’t regularly attend worship with us. If needed, we will go to their home and get them all set up to watch our services so they continue to feel connected with us. Thirdly, often in counseling or when people ask me about a particular passage of Scripture or Biblical doctrine, I will send them a link on a message I have preached. It enables them to listen to it, process it and come back and discuss it with me. I was just talking with someone the other day about a particular doctrine and I was able to direct them to a couple of messages on that issue. I love the mobile app you have. I recommend your site to members who spend lots of time commuting to listen to SermonAudio messages while they are driving. Thanks for your ministry."
Wade Lentz, Beryl Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has totally opened a new window of opportunity for our voice as a church to be heard in our community and around the world. We are a small church in a rural area and so it is unbelievable when we see the places around the world people where people are accessing our sermons. This is a great encouragement to our people. We rejoice that this site is used in such a broad way. We have utilized the 'featured sermon' option a couple of times and rejoiced to see the results from that service. You have been a blessing to us."
Bruce David Bell, Berean Bible Fellowship

"We enjoy working with you a lot. You enable a small church to have a large outreach. The work you do is very professional. SermonAudio is an important part of what we do as a church in electronic media and we value our partnership with you."
Joey Kellett, Berean Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has allowed us to develop several interactions with listeners outside of our church. I correspond with a guy from Australia who heard of our church on SermonAudio. I know it reaches a lot of people around the world. Our congregation benefits from the site by allowing our members to listen to sermons or short podcasts during their drive time to or from work. Thank you for making this possible ."
Rob Stroup, Berean Baptist Church

"I know SermonAudio is well-respected in our circles. I was at a marriage conference recently where two or three of the speakers reference materials that would be valuable in our counseling. They added, “You can access those resources right on SermonAudio.” Our shut-ins as well as moms who have to stay home with sick children go on SermonAudio to listen to our pastor’s messages and relly benefit from it as well."
John Anderson, Bay Presbyterian Church

"You have developed an amazing bit of technology. I especially appreciate the feature that allows the sermon to be translated into various languages. It’s incredible that sermons can be instantly translated. I minister not only here but also abroad and this is great feature. Our church is also encouraged each month as we share the statistical reports you provide about the places where people listen into our sermons."
Bradley Cochrane, Bark River Bible Church

"I have found SermonAudio personally enriching to my own soul. I have been blessed to listen to men of God, even from the past, such as Jim Elliot. The quality messages on the site are wonderful. Our people use the site to catch up on a message they may have missed. Our partnership with you also gives our rural church an opportunity to touch the world in some way. You have been a blessing to us."
Neal Gelderman, Canadian Reformed Church of Yarrow

"We definitely enjoy the service. The greatest way our people use the site is if they have to miss a service due to illness or some other reason, they can tune in and watch the service live or listen to the message later in the week. We are thankful for all you do."
Ben Davenport, Bellingham United Reformed Church

"We are very happy and very satisfied with what SermonAudio provides us. Our tech team really appreciates you. I've enjoyed how easily it is find other sermons by other godly men that have helped me. You have been a real blessing to me and our church."
Pat Leahy, Asheville Bible Church

"SermonAudio gives us a 24/7 presence in our community at an attractive price. When people call me and inquire about our church, I often encourage them to go to SermonAudio and listen to the last few messages I have preached so they have a flavor of what our church is like. People can now ‘visit’ our church even before they actually visit. Also, I encourage people who are re-locating to begin the process of looking for a new church even before they move by going to SermonAudio’s church locator and finding sound churches in their new city or town. One day our church could not meet because of snow and so on Saturday I wrote a short email and encourage our people to “re-listen” to a message I had preached some time ago on a theme I thought needed to be heard again. I received really good feedback from several people who followed my encouragement. SermonAudio was a wonderful help on that day. Your site has probably helped our church in more ways than we may ever know. It is such a reasonable investment and we are truly grateful for making it possible for churches to use cutting-edge technology for the kingdom of Christ."
Rev. John Hartley, Apple Presbyterian Church

"You have an excellent site that allows people to correlate lots of good preaching material as people are exploring various texts or themes in the study of God’s Word. The greatest benefit to us as a church has been people who ended up worshipping in our church began their discovery of us on SermonAudio. Your site has thus facilitated the growth of our own work as it allows people to get acquainted with us before they actually visit us in person. Thanks for your partnership."
Phil Pockras, Belle Center Ohio, RPCNA

"God has allowed us through SermonAudio to extend our ministry in a significant way to brothers and sisters in Asia and in West Africa. SermonAudio is also a great encouragement to our shut-ins. SermonAudio is our biggest electronic witness. It doesn’t replace our ministry of local witness but it offers a great supplement or complement to our personal outreach. We are well satisfied with our partnership with you."
Gregory Barkman, Beacon Baptist Church

"You have an outstanding site! You mastery of technology has benefitted us greatly! It has been amazing to us to see how far and wide this site takes our messages. We hear regularly from listeners from other states and other countries. Through SermonAudio we have made friends with listeners who have reached out to us from Germany, England, and Australia. We have also had people visit and join our church who first listened to us on SermonAudio. When I first heard about your site sixteen years ago, I didn’t think it would benefit our church much, but I am thankful others prevailed to have get on the site! We are so glad you are there. Thank you for doing such an excellent job!"
Dr. Robert Lawrence, Ascension Baptist Church

"I have been associated with SermonAudio for twelve years including this church and a previous ministry. We view the site as an extension of our ministry. I receive comments on sermons all the time from listeners. We put the sermons into podcasts and on iTunes as well and people share messages with neighbors and friends. A lot of people who have visited our church mentioned that they found us on SermonAudio and listened to a few messages before they came. We are looking to expand to webcasting soon and adding the video component. I think SermonAudio is a great tool for churches."
Greg Zietlow, Austin Bluffs Evangelical Free Church

"SermonAudio works well for us. It is quick and efficient for uploading sermons. Every week in the fall and spring when we have our LIFE groups, we link our website to SermonAudio so people can re-listen to the sermon as they work on questions which our pastor posts in a PDF format. Our people enjoy the simplicity of being able to do this as they prepare to discuss what God taught them through the weekly message and share how they will apply it in their lives."
Brent Gallant, Arbor Heights Baptist Church

"SermonAudio is fantastic. It is easy to upload audio and video. I have nothing but great things to say about it. You are improving the site all the time which is appreciated. We are totally satisfied with your service."
Nate Johnson, Second Presbyterian Church

"We love SermonAudio at Second Presbyterian. We are very happy with your services. Your site has allowed us to offload so much content. We use your site to the fullest extent possible. Our people love the ease of access. Lots of our people have downloaded and use the mobile apps. We value our relationship with you!"
Pastor Aaron King, Zion Hill Baptist Church

"We have enjoyed the ministry partnership with SermonAudio. One of the men in our church talked me into signing up with you and I have been tremendously pleased with it. We have many retired folks in our church as well as in our community who are very thankful for this site and use it to listen to messages from our church as well as from older pastors they know on your site. I just downloaded the mobile app on my phone and find it useful for listening to messages throughout the week! Thank you for what you do."
Mike Milano, Abiding Grace Church

"We are a very small church which started less than three years ago. One of our elders signed us up for SermonAudio and the other elders “scolded” him and asked, “What are you doing? We are struggling financially as a new work and can’t afford it.” But over time, the first three families who came to our new church found us on SermonAudio. Those three families have been with us ever since and are involved to this day in our ministry. So thank you for helping a newly planted work. SermonAudio is an awesome site and a fantastic tool for the church!"
Mark Winder, Wolf River Presbyterian Church

"I really appreciate the way that you screen your broadcasters. I love to send people to SermonAudio and have confidence that they aren’t going to hear heresy. It’s heartening to know listeners will hear solid Bible messages when they go to your site."
Chris Hartshorn, Anaheim Hills Presbyterian Church

"SermonAudio is the standard site churches in our denomination use for sermon distribution. We are a mission work and so, as soon as we had the resources to do it, we signed up to be on the site. It has been a terrific tool for us. It is a real breeze to upload a sermon and its an easy process to access the messages. Being on SermonAudio has been a great experience for us."
Rev. John Maginn, 1st Reformed Presbyterian Church Phoenix

"I am very impressed with your site. I have used SermonAudio for a number of years personally and have uploaded sermons through our church now for some time. The site is very useful to so many people. I can’t count the number of individuals who have told me how they have been helped by messages which they listened to on SermonAudio."
Rev. Van Eeden Petersman, Adoration United Reformed Church

"SermonAudio allows sermons “to live a little longer!” What a blessing to upload the messages as soon as I am done preaching and to have them immediately available on your site with no ongoing maintenance issues on our part. Everything works well for us. You provide a reliable and consistent product that we greatly appreciate."
Rev. Travis Grassmid, Zion Reformed Church

"Our congregation is loving our partnership with SermonAudio! It is being used by our people as well as people elsewhere. I just ran into someone from California who has been listening to our sermons. The site works very well for us. Uploading goes well. We are thrilled with what you offer and we are only using a fraction of all your available features. What you do, you do well! Thank you!"
Pastor Herb Hatfield, Aberdeen Primitive Baptist Church

"I have told many other pastors about your site! I appreciate your labors so very much. SermonAudio is a great 21st century means to reach the world, edify the church, and glorify our Savior. We are so grateful for the opportunity for our small church to reach people all over the world! You are doing a great work!"
Pastor Sean Harris, Berean Baptist Church

"Last Wednesday I counseled and did dinner with a couple who found me on and make a trip to Berean during their trip to the beach so we could connect. How cool is that? I am shocked every time I find out someone is listening to us through the power of the Internet."
Pastor Matthew Duerr, Zion Lutheran Church

"We are delighted with the opportunity to partner with SermonAudio. We have had many responses to our presence on the site. A number of people are now an integral part of our church who first found us, listened to a few messages, and began to attend our services. We are excited with what God is doing through you and pleased with the results of our partnership. You are doing a great work!"
Rick Warta, Yuba-Sutter Grace Church

"SermonAudio has proven very useful in our church for the storage and distribution of our sermons. It has been an unexpected blessing as people listen into our sermons from all around the world as well as those nearby. People find it a convenient and easy way to download and hear God’s Word. Although there are many corrupt uses of technology, we are so thankful for effective uses of technology to get the gospel out to a wider audience. Thank you for what you do for us!"
Pastor Rod L. Hendrix, Word of Life Community Church

"SermonAudio is a real blessing. We are a small ministry (we call ourselves the Gideon ministry because we are few in number), however through our presence on SermonAudio we have established some very good friendship and regularly receive feedback from listeners. SermonAudio makes it possible for our friends on Facebook to hear our message. We have one man who listened form OH stop by on his trip down to southern Florida! What a blessing! We are very pleased and thank you all. SermonAudio fills all the needs we had when signed up—and more!"
Pastor Jason Betts, Wilton Baptist Church

"We utilize SermonAudio a lot for our shut-ins! We have a lot of military personnel that are with us for a few years and then are re-assigned to other bases. They have used the site to keep listening to messages once they move on. I have used and enjoyed the site and we have encouraged and equipped people to put it on their mobile devices. Our audio folks find it very easy to upload. SermonAudio is a big asset to our ministry. Thank you for what you do."
Bro. Blake McDaniel, Williamsburg Baptist Church

"We are brand new to SermonAudio and it has been a great experience so far. We are blown away by the reach this site offers to a church like ours. And it takes so little effort to upload a sermon! I hit “voice record” on my iphone. Then as soon as message is complete, I put the message in dropbox and then upload it to your site! All I need is my phone! How convenient! SermonAudio has been a very helpful tool to me for years but now our church is enjoying the privilege of broadcasting with you! I’ve already told other pastor friends they need to join SermonAudio!"
Andrew McAfee, White Oak Independent Baptist Church

"SermonAudio works very well for us. I find the site very user-friendly for uploading material and our church has lots of views from listeners. I also find it very helpful as a bi-vocational pastor as I am able to use the site to hear other good preaching almost every day."
Jim McArthy, Westminster Presbyterian Church (PCA)

"SermonAudio is a tremendous blessing to our congregation. We have a young man who takes his responsibility to upload each sermon seriously. By the time I get into my car to head home after a service, the sermon is already available on SermonAudio. Since God promises to bless His Word, I think we should be figuring out ways to sow its seed as plentifully and as liberally as possible! SermonAudio is a great way to do this! I also use the site for the feeding and watering of my soul in private devotion to God. I am a younger, solo pastor of a church so I download sermons by other pastors all the time. I need someone to preach to me and I find this through your site! Thank you for your ministry!"
Jim Smith, WagonWheel Missionary Baptist Church

"We have had numerous people, both those who were visiting our area for a Sunday as well as those looking for a church here, find our church as a result of SermonAudio. They would first listen to a message or two and then seek us out for fellowship. I have had calls and emails from listeners in several different states thanking me for the ministry of the Word on SermonAudio. One truck driver mentions that he listens to sermons while on the road constantly and how he shares the links with others. SermonAudio is just super way to get the Word out! We thank you for all you do!"
Rev. Andrew Eenigenburg, West Sayville Reformed Bible Church

"There is so much I appreciate about SermonAudio. Uur small church has only begun to utilize your many features. It is very easy to upload sermons to the site. You make it simple to paste links to other social media platforms. The search capability on the site is great! And the cost is low! I promote your site to other churches, I tell pastors that it is just another hook on the web and encourage them to sign up. SermonAudio is a searchable, linkable and simple way to get solid content out there. I call it a “force multiplier” in that it takes work you have already done (sermon preparation and delivery) and expands its impact with relatively little effort! Pastors are already preaching messages and most churches already record them. SermonAudio just allows pastors and churches to get more mileage out of what they are already doing with very little additional effort."
Marc Bertrand, Walsh Baptist Church

"I’m very impressed with the site and quite surprised by the reach that the site allows us to have throughout the world. We originally signed on as a broadcaster because we thought it would be a more economical way of ministering to our shut-ins and members who had moved away but wanted to still listen to our sermons. SermonAudio met that need but it also allows us to reach others who listen globally. We put a link up on our church Facebook page and our members regularly share our sermons with others. Thanks for offering a place to upload a reasonable amount of sermons each month at a good price."
Pastor Timothy Johnson, Venice Baptist Church

"We just started broadcasting with SermonAudio this year. We are so grateful for the service this site provides. We have found the helps and tips for new broadcasters useful and accessible. We utilize the service in several ways. We occasionally show a video from another broadcaster on SermonAudio during one of our teaching times. I refer people in our church to various other sermons/series on SermonAudio that might address a particular question they have or deal with a particular text they are studying. Several people in our church have benefitted greatly from SermonAudio."
Bernie Graves, Vision Community Church

"SermonAudio has been great for our church. A guy in our church introduced us to this tool and we have benefitted from it tremendously. We have had a number people attend our church because they found out on SermonAudio and we have many 1000s of downloads over our time on the site. SermonAudio is a great encouragement to me as a pastor who labors diligently in the Word every week. It is rewarding to feed the flock in attendance on Sunday but it is so encouraging to know that there is a larger audience out there benefitting from my preparation and delivery of God’s Word."
Pastor Mark Siers, Volusia County Baptist Church

"We are very pleased with the service that SermonAudio provides our local church. We love the ROKU app and will be really excited when Apple TV is also an available platform. We want to stay with SermonAudio for a long time. It is a great service for a reasonable price and the ministry takes a solid stand for truth in its articles of faith which every broadcaster must affirm. —Pastor Mark Siers"
Robert Reed, Victory Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has been a tremendous blessing to me and my church. The number of email responses and phone calls we receive are unbelievable and the number of people who download or stream sermons is remarkable. I have used all sorts of advertising media including TV, newspaper, and other means to reach out to our community with the gospel. I have been on the radio for many years, including 25 years on station. But by far and away, SermonAudio is the best and most fruitful ministry outreach I have ever used in over thirty years of ministry. SermonAudio links seamlessly with our website. And it actually saves us outreach dollars. We have people all over the country who are writing to thank us constantly for the messages and articles we upload. I used to mail out DVDs and CDs to people all the time but in recent years I just send them to our site on SermonAudio to listen and receive biblical instruction they need. If someone said they were going to shut down the whole internet except for my choice of one site, I would choose SermonAudio without a moment’s hesitation. In my opinion, SermonAudio is the greatest tool on the Internet. Personally, every Monday, I download 5-6 sermons a week on my iPhone and listen to them while I am driving. I love to learn from other preachers. I glean so much from them. The SA app is phenomenal. I think right now I have 350 messages downloaded onto my phone. I listen to them and then delete them and new ones. To be honest, I don’t even listen to sermons from any other site. With over a million sermons, SermonAudio has everything you need. I never would have thought that I could preach anywhere in the world, but in essence that’s what you get with SermonAudio. I could go on for thirty minutes about the benefits of SermonAudio. It’s the greatest thing on the Internet!"
W. T. (Terry) Worthan, Calvary Baptist Church

"We at Calvary Baptist thank God for this service and the opportunity to publish the gospel through out the world. May our God be pleased to protect our freedom to continue to do so."
Pastor Joel Overduin, Vineland Free Reformed Church

"I use SermonAudio every week as a pastor for my own enrichment! I find it encouraging to listen to sermons by other pastors. SermonAudio is a well-used piece of technology among our congregation. When our people are not able to attend services, they are still able to watch on-line on their computer, mobile devices. I have even heard of some who have watched the service while lying in the hospital! We indeed are blessed beyond belief with all the resources on this site!"
Jeremy Oldie, Trinity Baptist Church

"I've enjoyed your service as a listener for several years now, so the ability to broadcast our messages has been a great blessing. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to use your service!"
Tim Feathers, Trinity Bible Church

"Our members use SermonAudio in several ways. I often hear people asking, “When will that sermon or Sunday School lesson be up on SermonAudio?” People who miss a service will often listen on-line later in the week. When I travel, I often go to SermonAudio and download some sermons to take on the road with me. Some members listen to sermons, instead of an audiobook, while they work. Members often share sermons through social media sites as well. SermonAudio has been a blessing to our church!"
Dale Crawford, Trinity Baptist Church

"We have appreciated SermonAudio from the very beginning. It has been a real benefit to us as a church. It has been great for hosting all our sermons so that they don’t need to be stored on our website. The link on our website sends people seamlessly to SermonAuido. Your website is very user-friendly. Uploading is a breeze (less than 2 minutes per message). Thanks for all you do."
Henry Johnson, Trinity Presbyterian Church

"We continue to appreciate you offering us a place to post our sermons online. Our congregation uses SermonAudio a lot to share the gospel with family and friends as well as with other believers. We consider SermonAudio and the means of the internet in the spread of the Gospel worldwide in same vein that the Roman road system and the common language was in the first century! SermonAudio is to our day what the printing press was in the 1500’s. SermonAudio allows us to proclaim the whole counsel of God worldwide as well as to preach the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the world. We know that God’s Word will not return void (Isaiah 55:11). We look forward to continuing to broadcast with you!"
Dr. Larry Saunders, Toronto Free Presbyterian Church

"We have been with SermonAudio from its very beginning. We have seen massive changes in what this site has been able to accomplish and facilitate throughout the years. When we signed up for the service, we simply desired to get the Word out far and wide and we have been so encouraged by the outreach the site provides. We have received much feedback from people overseas and all over North America who tune in regularly to our services every Lord’s Day. A lady who lives in Switzerland was visiting her sister, a member of our church, told me recently she faithfully listens to us on SermonAudio. Thank you for all you do and for maintaining a strong conservative doctrinal stand!"
Ted Johnson, The Bible Church of Owasso

"We are very happy with your service. I often received comments from members of our congregation regarding how reliable and easy to use SermonAudio is. Many people in our congregation use it. Sometimes people will ask me how they can share a sermon that they found helpful to their lives and so I send them the link on SermonAudio and they pass it on. We often send people with questions on a particular topic, theme or Scripture passage to the site as well. We used to upload our sermons to our own website but we have found a great advantage in terms of reliability and content by uploading them now to SermonAudio. We want you to know that we chose your site because of your clearly defined doctrinal statement. It was important to us to know that we were supporting a company that had standards for truth. We pray that you may continue to be a shining light in the world of technology."
Carl Muller, Trinity Baptist Church

"SermonAudio does great work! The site is fabulous! I personally use it a lot as a pastor. It’s a huge benefit to me and our church. I recommend the site to my congregation all the time. There is so much fluff and otherwise bad preaching out there today, but I know SermonAudio has great standards and offers solid teaching. It has so much material that is well worth listening to. Our people testify often that your site is a great blessing to them. I think it is a massive benefit to the church and I give it my unqualified endorsement. We regularly pray for you and the work that you do for the Gospel!"
Nathan Fort, The Shepherds Church

"SermonAudio is awesome! You do everything well! I pastor a small church and we used to have a website but we couldn’t really maintain it so we decided to shut it down. We used Facebook to let people know about our times and location of services but we really missed having a place for people to listen to sermons. So we found you and signed up and it has been a huge blessing. Our tech guys find the site easy to use and are much more efficient in uploading the sermons because of it. The cards you sent me that included our SermonAudio information and phone number were phenomenal! I hand them out to visitors all the time! Thank you! That was a big boost to our ministry! We are thoroughly pleased with your service! I can’t “brag” about you enough. And the cost is a great value to a small church like ours that has to be careful in our stewardship. Keep plugging away in all you do!"
Pastor David Spaggiari, Tree of Life Christian Church

"We have been very happy and extremely blessed with SermonAudio over the years. We view the monthly reports and your service has had a deep and meaningful impact on our ministry across the world. We are a very small church and have limited resources. We have reached many people across the globe that would have been impossible to reach without SermonAudio. We have had several opportunities to travel to India and Africa to participate in pastor conferences. There are now many pastors in those regions that have access to our entire library of studies because of SermonAudio."
Julian Riddle, Surfside Presbyterian Church

"We are delighted with the service you guys provide! Keep us the good work!"
James Egloff, The Body of Christ Serving South Jersey

"SermonAudio is a fantastic place for our sermon archives. Family and friends who can’t attend our church often listen in. When I am ministering to people who have struggling with certain issues or who need clarity on questions with which they are wrestling, I often send them to a particular sermon we have on your site. Your site is very robust in its content. We are so thankful for the reach SermonAudio enables us to have. It truly makes the world a smaller place!"
John Brackbill, The Bible Church

"Our experience with SermonAudio is all good. It allows us to get the messages up on the site very quickly so that people who missed the message due to serving elsewhere in our church or illness or whatever are able to listen to the sermon soon after the service is done. We see it also as an outreach tool which allows us to communicate with people outside of our church. I use the site in evangelism as I talk with people about the gospel. I can’t imagine not having SermonAudio as a ministry tool."
Rob Davis, The Bible Church of Cabot

"SermonAudio? We love it! It has great functionality. The mobile apps are fantastic. The site is easy to navigate. Our people use it all the time. It interfaces well with our website , so when people want to listen to sermons they find on our site it drives them to SermonAudio. We have had people who move away due to family or job relocation and they are able to continue to listen to our sermons. The monthly fee is definitely worth it. Through the site people who listened to us have contacted us with questions about the Bible. SermonAudio has really been a front-door to our church! Hats off to you for the new sermon player as well. It’s only been out a few weeks, but church members have already commented how they enjoy it!"
David E. Thompson, Texas Corners Bible Church

"We hear from people all over the world who listen to our sermons on SermonAudio. I’ve had a pastor from Africa call me. It’s just amazing what the Lord has done through this site. There are actually only a few nations in the world where someone has not downloaded one of our sermons We have been humbled to have reached people in all fifty states. We have had people contact us and come to Christ through using SermonAudio. People write us and even send us money. I’ve received a note from a pastor in China who has appreciated this ministry. And SermonAudio has helped grow our church locally. People have gone on-line, listened to messages, visited our church and are joining our church. Thank you for all you do!"
Shawn Anderson, Sycamore Reformed Presbyterian Church

"We are very grateful for SermonAudio. We are a small church plant yet this allows us to make contact with listeners outside our ministry. Last year we had three families visit our church after they listened to a few sermons on the site. I use SermonAudio for my own personal edification as a pastor. We love your service. Thank you."
Philip Proctor, Sterling Presbyterian Church (OPC)

"The first thing I did when I came to Sterling OPC was to sign us up for SermonAudio. We really appreciate your ministry. It is a tremendous benefit for our church. We have had many people check us out first on SermonAudio before ever visiting our church. One couple from California was moving clear across the country to our area. But before they moved, they wanted to make sure there was a good church available. They went on SermonAudio and listened to a few messages even before they decided to move. Your service is very reasonably priced. I am so encouraged every month by the reports you send us. I send an email out to our congregation and let them see how God is using us to reach people all around the world, even in closed countries. We may never know the impact of this ministry till we stand before Christ in glory. It’s a privilege to partner with you. Thank you for how you have helped our church grow in this way."
Rev. G. W. Fisher, Tacoma Bible Presbyterian Church

"SermonAudio is working great for us. All the feedback we receive is possible. It works well both for our own congregation as well as long distance contacts such as members who experience job changes and move some distance away."
Freddy Fritz, Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church (PCA)

"I really appreciate your site a great deal. I am frankly surprised how many people listen to our sermons on SermonAudio. It seems nearly every person who visits our church has first listened to one or more messages from our church before coming in person. We find your site to be a very helpful ministry tool."
Michael Hayes, Teays Valley Baptist Church

"I heard about SermonAudio about two years ago when I first started to spend lots of time with my pastor. Now I use the app every single day. I do a lot of outside work around our church and every time I am working SermonAudio is my “go to” app. Thanks so much for all you do"
Nathan Zakahi, Sunnyside Grace Brethren Church

"I find it very easy to navigate your site as well as to upload sermons. We upload our sermons on our own website as well as on SermonAudio. We find that more people access our sermons on your site than ours so we are thankful for the much greater exposure you give us."
Jonathan Mattull, Sovereign Grace Presbyterian Church

"We pray for the work of SermonAudio, as you broadcast the preaching of God's word throughout the world. Who knows how many people will be gathered unto Christ and built up in him by such means? May the Lord be pleased to uphold and encourage you as he blesses your labors."
Dan Denham, Sugar Land Bible Church

"I can't emphasize how much Sugar Land Bible Church (SLBC) appreciates Sermon Audio (SA) being its primary content delivery network (CDN) for messages and lessons from the Bible. As SLBC approaches its two-year relationship with SA in hosting its video/audio webcasts and on-demand usage, it has seen remarkable growth in viewers and listeners. We are quite pleased with the reliability of SA to get SLBC's content out to recipients both nationally and worldwide. I pray consistently for SA to operate freely, profitably, and without internal or external divisions or legal actions. I admit my prayers are self-serving, but it is so that the lost might be saved and that Christians may be built up in the nurture and admonition of the Word of God. Please extend SLBC's and my gratefulness for SA's service to us and the body of Christ."
Jim Wetterlund, Suber Road Baptist Church

"I truly appreciate the ministry of Sermon Audio. As a listener it is easy to use on my iphone and I am able to listen to a wide variety of great speakers on Biblical topics and texts that I am studying. As a broadcaster this is an important tool in serving our congregation. It is such a help to be able to allow our people be able to keep up with our series in the Gospel of Mark. I am extremely grateful for this tool both personally and pastorally."
Pastor Gilpatric, Center Effingham Baptist Church

"Thanks SermonAudio for a great place to post sermons and to hear good preaching. It is a blessing to our church family and extends out outreach to the church family around the world. We are pleased to be a part of your expanding ministry."
Brent Baughman, Stanley Heights Baptist Church

"I promote SermonAudio in the pastoral administration class I teach at a small, local Bible college. I tell my students and others that any church can afford and should use SermonAudio. I am amazed at its global reach. I think it is a great tool. It opens up many ministry opportunities. It’s a wonderful resource for God’s people and to reach lost people. In addition to a place for sermon content, our church has been blessed by the Gospel of John which SermonAudio produces. We brought hundreds of these and still distribute them around Easter time in our community. They are beautifully done and we find that most people will accept this little book. I can’t say enough about the potential that SermonAudio presents. It’s a great opportunity every church needs to consider and utilize!"
Pastor M. Earl McGuffey, Sugar Run Valley Baptist Church

"SermonAudio allows the ministry of our small church to reach around the world. Several of our missionaries access SermonAudio to listen to my messages. This site should be a great encouragement to pastors because it allows their preaching to echo far beyond their own church family on Sundays."
Pastor Steve Marquedant, Sovereign Grace Reformed Baptist Church

"Through the reach of SermonAudio, several people listened to a few messages from our church, started attending our church, and have become part of our church family. Uploading the sermons requires very little effort, yet it is a great help to our people and a blessing to other listeners outside our fellowship. It is evident that you are tech savvy and innovative. Thank you for all you do. We are excited to see how God continues to use SermonAudio for the wide distribution of His Word."
Klass Veldman, Springford Reformed Church

"We enjoy SermonAudio very much. I became familiar with this opportunity to upload sermons in my previous ministry in Grand Rapids and continued to use it now in Canada. It is a great resource for getting the gospel all around the world. It’s incredible that one can have an impact worldwide through this means. May God continue to bless this ministry."
Lloyd Moore, Spriggs Road Presbyterian Church

"Our church is very satisfied with SermonAudio. I use it all the time to listen to messages. I enjoy the Charles Spurgeon audio feature. If I miss our pastor’s message on Sunday for some reason, I listen to it as I take my Monday morning walk. It is a wonderful tool for our church."
Mr. Rich Conant, Sovereign Grace Presbyterian Church

"SermonAudio provides an excellent service for churches. I use it a lot personally. We have never heard a complaint about the service. I think you all are doing a great job. We are very pleased with the impact of SermonAudio."
Lee Johnson, St. John's Reformed Church

"All of us at St. John’s love SermonAudio. This site has done a lot for us over the years. We receive feedback often from people who listen to our sermons. People in our church use the site to catch up on missed sermons. And we hear from people who we have never met before. We have had several “back and forth” conversations with listeners we have never met face to face. Also people have found us on SermonAudio and listened to a few sermons to see if it was the kind of preaching/church they were looking for even before they attended a worship service. SermonAudio is simple to use. It charges a reasonable monthly fee. And it is a great resource for churches! To use the internet to broadcast the gospel around the world is indeed a beautiful thing!"
Mark Summers, Sovereign Grace Community Church

"You have created a great and wonderful tool for churches to broadcast God-honoring preaching. I have been blessed by this site for years and our people are very happy with this affordable media you provide for us! Thank you so much!"
Rev. Mitchell C. Dick, Sovereign Grace United Reformed Church

"We love this site and know many others have been blessed by the storehouse of gospel preaching found on SermonAudio!"
Chris Cashen, Sovereign Grace Reformed Presbyterian

"We are so pleased with SermonAudio. The uploading process is easy. The site is well run. And people enjoy listening to the sermons. Thanks for all your hard work in making this opportunity available!"
Kent Harding, Sovereign Grace Reformed Church

"SermonAudio has been truly helpful for our small congregation here in southeast Missouri. Beside giving our people the ability to listen to sermons they may have missed or want to listen to again, this site has been greatly used as a resource in our small town. There is a great need for solid Bible teaching in our area and many people who don’t even attend our church regularly access such teaching via your site. A few individuals have actually found us on SermonAudio before they ever attended worship with us. We just think SermonAudio is a great place to lock arms with like-minded broadcasters and churches to spread the gospel in a greater way than we could ever do on our own!"
Pastor John Ashwood, Sovereign Grace Church

"A pastor friend of mine told me about SermonAudio more than ten years ago. There is no other medium quite like it for smaller churches like ours to reach hundreds and thousands of people with the truth. This site has been an effective tool for our church. We are a small assembly and yet we have had 100,000 sermons downloaded through this site. We have ministered to people we have never seen and never will see until glory. In a day where the internet is full of so much evil and so much false teaching, we thank God for SermonAudio, a site dedicated to spreading the truth of the Gospel. Our church is thankful for you and very pleased with our partnership. Most weeks in our men’s prayer meeting we offer up prayer for this site and its worldwide impact."
Max Doner, Sovereign Grace Bible Church

"I came across SermonAudio years ago when I was looking for something related to my study of God’s Word. One of the top hits was a sermon on the site so I checked it out. I talked with a computer guy in our church and we decided to pursue this ministry opportunity. This brother also wrote a program to digitize all my messages on tape so that we could put them on SermonAudio. Thirteen years later we 2200 sermons uploaded and the response has been amazing. A small church of less than 20 believers in South Africa without a pastor currently actually uploads a message each week from our site and they listen to it during their worship time. We have also had people in Scotland and India who listen regularly to our sermons and have corresponded with us. We are a very small church but through SermonAudio we have a global missionary outreach around the world. We are amazed and very grateful that SermonAudio exists! Thank you!"
Bruce Crabtree, Sovereign Grace Church

"We hear from people everywhere who download or listen to messages from our church. I just got a call from a lady in China who listens often. I also have received letters recently from people in Utah and KY. SermonAudio is one of the best ways for getting out the gospel. It is an excellent, inexpensive resource for any church."
Clay Curtis, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church, NJ

"I have found SermonAudio to be a great resource for our church. When I came to this work, there were only three families. Almost every member since I came as pastor first heard about our church through SermonAudio. I have told other pastors about this site and a few have signed up and found the ministry valuable. One time when I traveled to minister in Australia I was able to introduce two groups of people to each other. They lived less than 100 miles apart and represented two churches who didn’t know the other existed."
Kurt Smith, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

"One of the best mediums for ministry for media in this modern age is SermonAudio. It enables good, sound preaching to reach the world. I have had people as far away from Australia listen to my messages on SermonAudio. I have listeners who share that they glean much from the sermons on your site and look forward to hearing new ones. We have listeners as far away as Australia. One listener from TX sent us money so we could feature one of our sermons on your sight. SermonAudio is a wonderful way to reach people you would never likely connect with in terms of Gospel ministry. The monthly reports are an invaluable resource of encouragement to pastors of smaller churches. It reminds them that the Lord is pleased to use their labor in the Word not only in their own congregation but also around the world. I am very, very encouraged by what you are doing."
Mrs. Paul Jordan, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

"SermonAudio is such a blessing to those who listen. Our members find the site very helpful! We praise God or our partnership with you. To God be the glory for what He is doing through your work!"
Johnathon Bush, Southside Baptist Church

"We love SermonAudio. This is the second church I have pastored where I have utilized SermonAudio. It is a real blessing to our church members who miss a service due to illness or travel. We have had people who found us on SermonAudio begin to visit our church. It is a great tool and we are most appreciative of our partnership with you."
Scott Scallan, Shiloh Baptist Church

"I love the site. SermonAudio is user-friendly. It is so cool to see the reports each month. It has give us much higher visibility in our community. The people in our church love it because when they have to miss church, they can still keep up with the messages and feel connected. It’s also great for my family and friends who live elsewhere to be able to listen to my preaching. SermonAudio has meet fulfilled the expectations we had when we signed up a few years ago!"
Pastor Chris Barney, Hampton Park Baptist Church

"SermonAudio serves us well. We have used this site for years. It integrates well with our own church website and with the livestreaming of our services. We appreciate how it works with mobile apps."
Pastor Cameron Pollock, Community Baptist Church

"We are loving SermonAudio! Partnering with them has doubled the amount of listeners we have on the Internet. The site has become invaluable to us. We have people from our area who find out about us and start attending our church because of our presence on SermonAudio."
Pastor Jerry Locher, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

"We have used SermonAudio for several years. Recently we added the video feature and live webcasting. We have seen a steady increase in listeners in response to this. We advertise on our Facebook page and that has helped generate more interest. Thank you for all that you are doing to help churches like ours post our messages online."
The Rev. Dr. R. E. Knodel, Jr., Southwest Ohio Reformed Presbyterian

"SermonAudio does a marvelous job making sermons readily accessible to the general population at large all over the world. It’s amazing to me that people who are unchurched or who are in churches where there is not strong preaching can still listen to solid exposition through SermonAudio. This is an incredible resource and extremely helpful for individuals or families. SermonAudio contains some of the best preaching in the world. It especially is encouraging to pastors of smaller works who labor in the Word. It allows them the opportunity to have an impact to many more people than may even attend their church. The church would be greatly impoverished if SermonAudio ever ceased to exist."
Pastor John Skaggs, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

"I’m so grateful for the service your provide and the parameters you set for the content on the site. You offer a great service, especially in a day when most are no longer seeking to guard the truth. Our church hosts an annual Bible conference every year. Thousands of people have downloaded the messages we posted from the speakers. We will be promoting next year’s conference with Paul Washer on your site soon. Keep doing what you are doing!"
Jim Cassidy, South Austin Presbyterian Church

"SermonAudio is working out great for us. It is a good way for our members to access our material! We have a close relationship with the church that planted us and SermonAudio is a great tool for us to listen to messages that interest us from that church and for them to do the same with our messages. We are very pleased with the increased exposure the site gives us in our community!"
Rev. Kyle Sorensen, Salem Ebenezer Reformed Church

"Thank you for reaching out to us. We have been very blessed by SermonAudio on a number of levels. I appreciate your constant pursuit of excellence and including new features as well as keeping up with the fast paced world of ever changing technology. When we revamped our church’s website last year, it was such a relief that all we needed to do when it came to our messages and sermons was use the code SermonAudio provides and all our information from the SermonAudio site shows up on ours. We especially appreciate the monthly download report. We put them up on our Church Bulletin board, and members do look at them closely. Guests come to our church because of SemonAudio. One thing I have been encouraging our members to do is to share a favorite sermon with the Facebook or Twitter Link that is there on the sermon page. That increases our exposure (and yours) exponentially. While nobody has asked for it from our church, I wonder if SermonAudio has considered having a few more social media sharing options than just Facebook and Twitter? Just a suggestion for you to pass on. Thank you again. We do pray for the outreach of our ministry through SermonAudio. We also will pray for you at SermonAudio who have done the very hard work behind the scenes to keep the technology working."
Rev. Rick Vasquez, Skyview Presbyterian Church

"We are very pleased with the service of SermonAudio. Our congregation utilizes the site frequently and others around the world download and listen to our messages. Our partnership with SermonAudio works very well."
Aaron Morgan, Scherer Memorial Presbyterian Church

"We really enjoy SermonAudio. Our people are using it quite frequently. We are glad to be able to partner with you and appreciate the work you do."
David Hankal, Roan Creek Baptist Church

"We are relatively new to SermonAudio. We are loving it! It is awesome! We are getting positive feedback from those who access the site."
Pastor Stanley McKenzie, Reformed Presbyterian Church, Southside

"Many people in our church use SermonAudio and benefit from it. We are quite pleased with the site. The site is very easy to access. The mobile apps are outstanding. You are doing a great job! Keep doing what you are doing!"
Rev. Leldon L. Partain, Rosedale Reformed Bible Church

"People who use SermonAudio in our church are so appreciative of this site. This site allows former ministry colleagues and believers I know in such countries as Senegal, Nigeria, and Congo also listen to my sermons. What a blessing to have such worldwide access. A lot of people who have come to our church over the years first found us on SermonAudio as they were searching for a local church. They heard solid, Bible preaching and visited our church. I certainly am grateful for your ministry."
D. Mark England, San Diego Reformed Presbyterian Church

"A lot of people who are looking for a church in our area find us by searching on the web and locating us through our SermonAudio page. We are very happy with your service and are looking someday soon to add live webcasting as a service to our shut-ins and those who can’t make it to church occasionally."
Wade Mann, Reformed Presbyterian Church of Shawnee

"SermonAudio is helpful in giving our church greater exposure in our community. It provides an easy way to make our sermons available both within and beyond our local church congregation."
Pastor Michael Fintelman, Reformed Church of Plymouth

"We are very grateful for the ministry of SermonAudio. We desire that the Word of God impact those in our church, our local community, and beyond. Partnering with SermonAudio allows us to accomplish this mission."
Pastor Patrick Stefan, Rochester Reformed Presbyterian Church

"We really love SermonAudio. The site is simple to use—simple to upload sermons, simple for people to listen to them messages. It integrates well with our website. We like that we are able to sort messages into various sermon series. It is just a huge benefit to us because it allows us to store all our sermons and not have to worry about all the technical aspects of doing that."
Wayne Boyd, First Baptist Church

"We are thrilled with SermonAudio! It is an incredible site. We view it as a mission outreach really. We support missionaries around the world but we consider SermonAudio as part of our missionary work as it broadcasts the Word so widely."
Pastor Jonathan Neighbour, Resurrection Life Christian Fellowship

"I have had to take some time off from preaching and thus posting on SermonAudio, but our church still receives lots of “hits” on the site. Over the years we have interacted with people from Africa and the Philippines who heard our messages on SermonAudio and have emailed and given testimony to the blessing of the sermons they have listened to. One person in Africa contacted us and asked if they could download my messages on the site and put them on the radio over there. We have heard from people all over the U.S. and around the world who have listened to messages using this site. We are impressed with it. We tried other sites in the past but none of them compare with the service and quality we have received from SermonAudio."
Bro. Jimmy Oalmann Jr., Richardson Baptist Church

"SermonAudio works great for us! It’s amazing to see the scope of the audience we have through SermonAudio. It is truly a blessing. It’s also great to be able to listen to messages one might have missed or to listen to a great message again. We are very thankful for how God has used SermonAudio and look forward to see how He is going to use it in the future. We really appreciate all you folks do."
Rev. Jeremiah Montgomery, Resurrection Presbyterian Church (OPC)

"The reach of SermonAudio is very good, both domestically and internationally. We appreciate all you are doing to assist our church and others in putting sermons on the web."
Richard T. Crofutt, Reformed Pres. Church of Slate Lick

"SermonAudio has been a totally positive experience for us. Our church has been through some difficult times and we came here trying to hold on and try to keep the congregation going. I first looked at SermonAudio as a way to minister to our elderly members who missed the services because of illness. After putting the messages on-line, however, we discovered that local people, who were looking for a place where their spiritual needs would be met, started listening. We have had four to five families come and stay on at our church as a direct result of SermonAudio. They used the Internet to look for solid churches, listened to a few messages, and started to attend. In fact, I have one or two more contacts in the area who have started listening recently but haven’t attended yet. I am also looking into the local ad option on the site as well. It’s also encouraging to see that people as far away as Germany, Taiwan, and Australia have listened to our church’s sermons. I also sincerely appreciate that SermonAudio has a standard for broadcasters and content so that you know you will find orthodox teaching and preaching on the site. This is a very unique site and I appreciate all that you are doing."
Rev. Warren Gardner, Reformation Presbyterian Church

"SermonAudio allows our church to have a local ministry as well as a much broader outreach. People from member churches of our denomination access our site. Using SermonAudio has greatly encouraged our people. We really appreciate your ministry."
Jonathan Hutchison, Reformation Orthodox Presbyterian Church

"SermonAudio is very easy to use to upload messages and to access those messages. We have a link to it on our website. It is really everything we hoped it would be. Our members listen to sermons as well as friends of our congregation in other locations. And oh the joy to see when a sermon from our church is downloaded in Kazakhstan!"
Pastor Stephen Gambill, Reformed Baptist Church of Nashville

"SermonAudio is an incredible ministry. It is really a vital part of what we do as a church. I preach expositionally and so our people love SermonAudio when they miss a message because it allows them to stay within in the flow of the preaching ministry. Every Monday I send an email to our church entitled ‘For Those Who Missed’ and it contains the links for the messages. I am very pleased with the quick turnaround between the time we upload sermons and they are available on the site. We have uploaded audio on the site now for over ten years and recently added the video of my sermon each week. I also post the SermonAudio link on our church’s Facebook page and on my personal page. I like the fact that someone can listen to or watch the preaching right from the Facebook page. Also I would say that 99% of the people who eventually come to our church actually find us and check us out on SermonAudio first. Our church is just thrilled with SermonAudio. Just last week we had our annual congregational meeting and every year as part of my year in review I share with our people the scope and breadth of our SermonAudio outreach as I compile the monthly reports. We just are so encouraged by what God does through this ministry tool. Thanks for all you do!"
Josh Schwisow, Reformation Church of Elizabeth

"We love SermonAudio. We appreciate it versatility which its varied features provide. The various features and feeds it provides allows us to propagate our messages on many platforms. We have a couple of accounts with them and we have high praise for how it easily the system of uploading system works."
Pastor Jeff Massey, Redeemer Reformed Baptist Church

"I have used SermonAudio almost from its beginning. Our church here has used it since we constituted in 2015. I have found the site very helpful. We hope to use it more in the future once we find a permanent meeting place for our church."
Pastor James Hamilton, Red Mills Baptist Church

"I am very pleased with SermonAudio. It is very helpful to our people. It is a great location to send my people to listen to excellent, solid preaching all in one place. SermonAudio is a deposit of truth that is wonderfully helpful. I also want to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the Foundations Conference you hosted in December in New York City. I have heard only positive feedback from my friends who were also able to attend. You guys are doing a great job! I encourage you to keep on doing what you are doing!"
Pastor George Vander Dussen, Redeemer Presbyterian Church (OPC)

"We hosted our sermons on our website for awhile. Then we heard about SermonAudio and decided to try you out. We kept statistics of how many people found us on our site vs. SermonAudio and pretty soon it was evident that posting on SermonAudio reached many more people than we ever had before. We really appreciate the job you all you do. I have been listening to sermons through your site for years."
Rev. Douglas L. Watson, Redeemer Orthodox Presbyterian

"We thank God for our partnership with SermonAudio. Through this site, we have had three or four couples start attending and become members of our church over the last eight years. For a small church, that is a great blessing."
Pastor Cliff Blair, Redeemer Presbyterian Church (OPC)

"SermonAudio works very well for us. It is money well-spent. We have been on the site for nine years and can’t believe that people from every state and 200 countries have listened to us in that time. I hope one day in eternity to meet someone who was was impacted as they listened to the Word in this way. People who are moving to our area often scout us out on SermonAudio before attending here for the first time. Our members who are away from church due to sickness or travel catch up on sermons they miss. I serve on the home missions committee of my church denomination and I encourage new churches especially to get on SermonAudio. It’s a great way to introduce the preaching of the church to those seeking for Biblical teaching."
Pastor Scott Henry, Providence Reformed Church (RCUS)

"Thank you for your service!! . . .It has been a great blessing in my life and that of many others that I know!"
Pastor Chip Byrd, Redeemer Presbyterian Church

"The site has been a great blessing to our church. I was a listener for several years and a couple years ago our church began to partner with you. It has been a very positive experience. We find the uploading process quite simple. Our people listen to sermons they miss. One of our members listens to the sermons a second time as he drives his truck each week."
Pastor Adam Claxton, Red Bridge Baptist Church

"We are very pleased with the service we receive from SermonAudio. The reach is quite impressive."
Pastor Stephen Nutter, Providence Reformed Baptist Church

"I have been listening to SermonAudio for a long time. Our church has been broadcasting now for four years. It is money well-spent. We are so thankful for the response for our presence on SermonAudio. We have have visitors come as a result of finding us on SermonAudio. It has raised our profile in this community. Please pray for the expansion of God’s kingdom as we use this tool for the furtherance of God’s Word."
Pastor Dale Adams, Lighthouse Bible Church

"We are encouraged by the SermonAudio monthly report on how far reaching the messages go ... into all the world. We have more new people at our church tell us that they found out about us through and listening to our messages. So thank you for this ministry."
Pastor Kevin Bowling, Liberty United Baptist Church

"We thank God for SermonAudio! In our first month we reached 28 states and 11 countries! All from a small Fundamental Baptist Church in Eastern Kentucky! This has been a blessing for me and the congregation at Liberty United Baptist Church. Thank you for the hard work you do, the support you provide to broadcasters, and may God surely bless you!"
Pastor Darren Thole, Providence Presbyterian Church

"The main way people in our community find and start attending our church is through our presence on SermonAudio. Of all the ways we seek to reach out to others, we have found SermonAudio to be the most effective way to do so. Pray that we would remain faithful in an area where there are lots of churches but relatively few who are remaining true to the Word!"
Pastor Doug Schlegel, Providence Reformed Church

"SermonAudio is a an excellent value. We are a small church with limited funds but this site allows us to reach out to our community for a reasonable monthly membership. We find that today people check us out on line before they check us out in person. People who visit our church often listen to a sermon or two via SermonAudio before they actually attend. This site offers us visibility in our community which is important to us."
Pastor Clayton Willis, Providence Presbyterian Church (PCA)

"The site is great! I use it to listen to other sermons frequently. Many members in our congregation use the site when they miss a service for some reason. Most are now listening on mobile devices. I receive positive feedback from my congregation for its ease of use. We live in a resort area and so we have out-of-town visitor who have found us through the SermonAudio church locator. It’s fantastic to partner with you."
Rev. Wilbur Bruinsma, Protestant Reformed Fellowship

"I want to thank you for the excellent resource you provide to get the truth out all over the world. We are a mission church plant and SermonAudio has been a wonderful way for us to broadcast the gospel! The ability to webcast and upload video has been a huge blessing to us."
Pastor Lee Dodd, Providence Chapel

"We are big fans of SermonAudio. We recently upgraded to your video-streaming service after using the audio features for some time. It is a wonderful avenue for the saints in our church who have to miss a service for various reasons. We are not the most technologically advanced church, but we find the site easy to use and navigate."
Pastor Mark Lukens, Providence Baptist Church

"Initially I was a little apprehensive about spending the money on SermonAudio, but a man in our church persuaded me that this would be very beneficial . . . and he was right! We have only been with SermonAudio for a few months now, but we are amazed how many people have found us and listened to our sermons. I am humbled to serve as a pastor of a small church and even more stunned by God using our church to impact even more people through this means. This is such a great way to get the truth out!"
Pastor Ron Frasco, Providence Bible Church

"For years we did the whole laborious tape duplication ministry until a guy in our church found a way to go digital. Then we heard about you! We have been so pleased to be able upload nearly all our messages. We are so humbled when we hear how God is using the ministry of His Word around the world through SermonAudio Your team keeps current with all the advances in technology. It is really a pure blessing. Whenever we have experienced support issues, your team solved our problems quickly and efficiently. We find the site a great counseling resource, encouraging people to listen to a sermon for their particular need and then discuss the message with them. Our church is eighteen years old and we just moved into our first building a year ago. Pray for us that we might use our new facility fully for God’s glory!"
Mrs. Karyn Avants, Providence Baptist Church

"Our church has only favorable things to say about SermonAudio. Our people are amazed to see how God is spreading His word through the site as they read the statistics every month. Please don’t ever stop doing what you are doing!"
Eric Johnson, Providence Baptist Church

"SermonAudio is such a blessing to the people in our church, but it especially encourages our missionaries who can listen to messages and stay connected even though they are serving around the world. Due to some environmental issues, my family has had to move out of our home and we have to relocate our church—both of which at considerable financial cost. Please pray for us as we make these transitions."
Daniel Hunt, Pleasant View Baptist Church

"I actually listen to SermonAudio frequently in my spare time. It is an excellent ministry tool for our church. We praise God for the blessing of a growing Christian school and the ability to partner with missionaries in Nepal and England. Please pray for us in these expanding ministry opportunities!"
Rev. Dr. Dana Goodnough, Pittsford Community Church

"SermonAudio is working out well for us. The monthly reports are a huge encouragement to us as we see that people from all over the country and the world listen to our messages. Please pray for us that we would be more intentional at gospel outreach in this coming year. The Northeast has some tough soil, but we want to become better at local evangelistic outreach!"
Pastor Jake Stone, New Testament Baptist Church

"I appreciate all that SA does! It is a true blessing to be able to upload our sermons. It is a great benefit to people when they are sick or out of town to be able to listen to the messages they miss. It’s also a blessing to see where people listen to our sermons—all over the world. Through this site we have had contact with people here in our local area as well as those who come down and vacation near us!"
Pastor Randall Klynsma, Northland Reformed Church

"SA allows the messages I preach from God’s Word to live on!"
Pastor Joe Moore, Pathway Baptist Church

"I have only been a broadcaster with your for about a year, but I am very pleased with the way this site serves as an outreach tool! I have shared with other churches about the effectiveness of SA and at least one other church in our area has signed up with you! Thank you for your service!"
Dr. Thomas Cucuzza, Northland Bible Baptist Church

"What a unique site! SA is a great tool for reaching people beyond our area. I love the search capabilities feature and the integration with Bible software programs like e-sword. The video feature works well! God has used SA in our church. We have the audio of our sermons on our church website, but a lot of people in our church like to go listen on SA. The monthly cost is quite reasonable for all you do!"
Nicholas LeBlanc, Central Bible Church

"Technology has its downsides, but making the proclamation of the Word of God available around the world is not one of them. What a blessing SermonAudio has been to our ministry. Not only do those who support our church have an opportunity to listen and watch classes and sermons, but we are finding ministry partners around the globe. It's incredible to get the monthly download reports and see how the ministry of a small church plant can impact the lives of believers thousands of miles away. We thank God for this ministry, and pray that it will continue to be a resource in the hands of God's people, for God's glory!"
Joshua Parks,

"God is good and forever to be praised. SermonAudio has greatly increased our ministry’s opportunities, outreach and impact. We are in the country of Spain and there are many believers in distant areas that are able to listen to Biblical preaching on a weekly and even daily basis now. Having more access to Biblical preaching has revived the desire of believers to know God better. Being able to share sermons and blog study aids through different media has been a great benefit as well. SermonAudio has greatly increased our horizons. Thanks!"
Harvest Reformed Church (RCUS)

"We have members who are not able to always come to church on Sunday morning because of their job and they listen to our sermons on SermonAudio. They appreciate this service so they stay connected. Thank you so much for this ministry!"
Dr. Terry Cheek, Calvary Missionary Baptist Church

"Calvary Missionary Baptist Church is a fellowship of born again believers nestled away in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western N.C.. After taking this pastorate I realized we needed a missions and evangelism outreach so I began praying for the Lord's direction. I truly believe the Lord directed me to SermonAudio as a venue for our missions and evangelism outreach. provides the latest technology to even the smallest churches and the listening audience is truly worldwide. I recommend SermonAudio to every church and pastor looking for an affordable opportunity to send the gospel around the world. Finally let me say I admire your standing on true biblical doctrine and theology. I pray your vision, values and virtue remain foundational from the inerrant, inspired word of God!"
Pastor David Simpson, Providence Church

"We at Providence Church very much appreciate the opportunity to utilize the outreach of Near the conclusion of his life, Paul said "preach the word". Our heartfelt desire is to carry to our generation the word of the gospel, which declares sin put away and God's people freely justified by the merit of Jesus Christ. Thanks for all you do to make these efforts come to pass."
Pastor M. Earl McGuffey, Sugar Run Valley Baptist Church

"Thank you for the ministry of SermonAudio. It has enlarged our outreach as a church and enabled us to spread God's Word to places which otherwise were not possible for us. We are glad to be among the many who are being used of God through SermonAudio."
Jimmy Oalmann Jr, Richardson Baptist Church

"We at Richardson Baptist Church have been blown away with the services of SermonAudio. We upload the sermons and the staff at SermonAudio do the rest. This is truly a blessed ministry to partner with and we recommend it to everyone. We are looking and longing for the return of Christ, but until then we will continue to put sermons on SermonAudio. We are thankful to be caught by His grace."
Good Shepherd Community Church

"Putting our sermons on SermonAudio has greatly expanded the teaching ministry of our small church whose building is located on a back, hard-to-find street, in Dallas, TX. It is exciting to see that more people are listening, not only in the U.S., but around the world."
Dick Radell, The Word for Life

"The Word for Life ministry has partnered with SermonAudio for several years now and we are very pleased. Prior to partnering with SermonAudio we had very limited distribution of the great preaching and teaching that comes from our pulpit and classrooms. SermonAudio has given us global distribution of the biblical truths that come from our pastors and teachers. To date, we have had over 94,000 downloads of our sermons and teachings. And not only do we know the aggregate number but SermonAudio is able to tell us which sermon/teaching/topic/or bible verse got our audience's interest and attention. We would encourage other ministries to investigate the capabilities of SermonAudio in their outreach ministry."
Bro Worthan, Calvary Baptist

"Words cannot express our appreciation for this ministry. Only eternity will reveal its importance to the advancement of Christ Kingdom. God Bless you and your staff my dear bro."
Grace Church (PCA)

"Our church has broadcasted weekly sermons with SermonAudio for several years now and currently has over 600 sermons uploaded. This repository of messages has been a source of encouragement and spiritual growth, not only for our congregation locally, but for numerous listeners all around the world! Several times a year we will receive an email from a listener who has benefited from our messages going out through SermonAudio. I can't think of a better or more efficient way of carrying the gospel to the ends of the earth."
Brer Craig, Hidden Hills Sov. Grace Baptist Church

"Thank you so much for this service. I have found it so easy to work with and am simply amazed at the outreach. Just had no idea. Our first month 40 states, 25 countries. Perhaps most of this is 'surfers.' But we'll see what the Lord has in mind. Just wanted to express my gratitude for this fine service you provide."
Ella Grove Baptist Church

"Dear staff at SermonAudio, thanks you so much for the desire to start a website where the word of God can be heard around the world. It is so humbling to know that so many in different states and countries can download the messages. The great commission is to go out and spread the Gospel and although we support missionaries this is just a added bonus to be able to reach even more souls. To God be the glory."
All Saints Redeemer Church

"All Saints Redeemer Church of Decatur, Georgia is extremely thankful for the wonderful privilege of having our sermons aired on Our principal interest is that of glorifying our Triune God by serving others with the gospel of his Son. It is a twofold privilege: firstly, to be divinely granted the stewardship to protect as well as proclaim this message, and secondly, to have it aired on this means, sharing the same platform with more able and illustrious gospel preachers. Thanks, SermonAudio, for allowing us this humbling opportunity."
David H J Gay, David H J Gay Ministry

"I want you to know that I am staggered at the wide distribution my sermons have received, and the reaction to them, and in such a short time. I am a 'one man band' in the UK, with a good friend in the US who is uploading for me -- I have no 'power base' or organization to support me, so I am thankful to God for your part in enabling me to reach so many people throughout the world."
Rev. Phil Owen, Berean Free Presbyterian Church

"I appreciate your ministry and want you to know that this site has been a great blessing and help--finding churches when on the road, helping others find a church after a move...for years i have used an i-pod to listen to sermons while travelling--Minnick, Masters, Ferguson, Sproul, Begg, Phillips, Greer, Banister, Trueman, Carson, Ham, ..."I thank God upon every remembrance of you". May the Lord bless you."
Russ Sukhia, Liberty Church, PCA

"The pastoral staff and congregation of Liberty Church, PCA in Owings Mills, MD has been encouraged by the monthly reports of how many people are downloading our sermons each month, and how many different countries (usually between 30 and 65) are represented by those listeners. It's presumably the only way we will ever touch lives in places like Qatar, Uzbekistan and Aruba---although a Mission trip to Aruba sounds intriguing."
Grace Baptist Church Los BaĂąos

"We already have a website where we upload our sermons, but it is amazing to see the preached word delivered to a wider global audience through SermonAudio in the short span of time that we availed of the service. We are very thankful for the service provided by SermonAudio. It comes fully featured with every tool we'll need to publish online. It is also an encouragement to see the attention given to keeping the website's content adhere to the fundamentals of the faith, testifying of their commitment in upholding the truth. May our LORD continue to bless this ministry for the furtherance of His kingdom."
Dennis Sampson, SONRISE Baptist Church

"Being on SermonAudio has been such a blessing to our church. To see how God has used this little church from the Black Oak section of Gary, Indiana to get the word out through SermonAudio across the country and the world is truly amazing. We especially love having to go and look up where some of these countries that we have never heard of are located. God is so good."
Pastor M. Earl McGuffey, Sugar Run Valley Baptist Church

"Thank you for the ministry of We are so delighted that our church now has an outreach around the world in addition to our support of several missionaries. As Pastor of a small church, it is encouraging to know that my preaching ministry has expanded through in ways I would have never thought possible before."
JD Shipp, Century House Evangelistic Foundation

" was a wonderful discovery for Century House Evangelistic Foundation as it turned over the helm to the next generation. When Dr. Les Woodson, the retired founder of CHEF, learned that his audiotapes were being converted and uploaded for the world to hear, he shook his head and wondered why. Now he shakes it just in wonder. Downloads within minutes of uploading and listeners in over half the states and 9 foreign countries in just our first two months as a member! It has brought fresh wind to his sails and strengthened his legacy. Thank you for making this possible."
D Gilpatric, Center Effingham Baptist Church

"Thanks SermonAudio for the great sermons you air on your website, these have been a great blessing to me, an encouragement. I often listen to them at home as I am not able to get out to hear other speakers."
Don Bell, Lantana Grace Church

"I am amazed every month when we get our download report of how many people are reached with the gospel. This site enables us to preach all over the world and to also listen to men who I would never have the opportunity to hear. Thank you to the folks who labor to keep SermonAudio up and running and being so caring and professional."
Pastor Sean Harris, Berean Baptist Church

"Having finally taken the plunge for our own church APP, I can tell you I should have done it a year ago. The response from the church and the greater listening audience has been very favorable. The APP gives church members the ability to quickly see what the latest sermon or podcast from their church. Users can easily sort to find series, topics, and specific scripture texts from the sermons Berean’s pastors have preached. Sermons can be downloaded for future listening and the calendar feature allows users to keep up with what is happening at the church. The only complaints have come from our non-Apple users. Let us know when you are ready to develop non-Apple APPs for churches and we will be first in line!"
David Johnston, Garvagh FPC

"Yes we are so pleased to have our church's sermons on as we are quite a small membership yet we have downloads from all over the world. So we would say keep up the good work. May the Lord continue to bless your magnificent avenue for the spread of the gospel."
E. A. Johnston, Ambassadors For Christ Intl-USA

"The Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to: "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine" (2 Timothy 4:2). The top notch sermons on accomplish all of these. God is a global God and being a broadcaster on SermonAudio has enabled me to reach the world. Thank you Steven Lee for your blessed ministry! I highly recommend it!"
Pastor Warren Gardner, Free Church of Scotland (Continuing)

"As a pastor of a very small congregation, I am continually encouraged by the thousands of others who are benefited by my labors in the Word through your ministry. SermonAudio is also such a blessing for those who hunger for the ministry of God's Word throughout our nation and around the world."
Justin Pierce, Grace Reformed Baptist Church

"I knew that posting sermons on sermon audio was effective for pastors with names like Whitefield, Spurgeon, Washer, MacArthur, Noblit etc. But, I really had no idea that so many people would hear the sermons and the gospel proclamations from a pastor, such as myself, who preaches to a congregation of 25 to 30 people. We posted these sermons, for God's glory, praying that the people in the Tri-Cities area would listen and know that we seek to be a Bible saturated, and Biblically correct church. Since posting 10 sermons and two blog post, last Wednesday, we have been blessed by God and His use of SermonAudio to reach hundreds of people with sound teaching and the truth of the gospel. Thank you SermonAudio in assisting Evangelist Churches Pastor and Teachers with laboring to fulfill the Great Commission."
Pastor Adam Davies, Amazing Grace Church

"After 3 years, we continue to enjoy this site. The possibilities are endless. For example, we recently started to partner with several Cambodian/American churches by hosting a Pastor’s retreat. The messages were interpreted into Khmer and are now available for our Cambodian Brothers and Sisters in America and around the world. Thank you for your continued commitment to the advance of the gospel and God’s word through SermonAudio!"
Northland Reformed Church

" has added a new dimension to the ministry and labors of our congregation. How cool to think that the preaching of God's Word in our local church can continue to be a blessing to God's people around the world. Thanks. We should have become members long ago."
Bob Faulkner, Hackberry House of Chosun

"How humbling and thrilling too, to sit in this office and touch 50 states and 100 nations, as the Lord did through me and SermonAudio this month. I regularly pray for your ministry that encompasses the Planet in these difficult times. May God increase the spread of His Word and be pleased with our efforts."
Faith Family Fellowship

" has been a wonderful addition to the resources we have available for God's people here at Faith Family Fellowship. We have been pleasantly surprised at the number of downloads we have received. Plus, all we provide is a link on our website and does the rest. Easy to use and easily accessible. We love it!"
Hope of Christ Church

"SermonAudio has been a tremendous value to our congregation. Not only does it provide a stable hosting mechanism for high quality sermons (which were otherwise growing beyond a manageable level on our server) but it has also increased the footprint that our sermons are heard. We recently had a visitor who attended because he first found us on SermonAudio. That says it all."
Pastor Dennis Dills, Bible Way Baptist Church

"Thank you so much SermonAudio. Our Church (Bible Way Baptist in Clarkesville, GA) has been greatly blessed by the outreach it has experienced from you. Truly, God has inspired this great tool. Many in our Church are excited about this work. We are ministering to more people through the preaching of the Word around the world than we are in our worship services three times a week. Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you."
Jim Stone, Administrator, Cascade Bible Church

"We first heard of SermonAudio through our missionaries in Columbia. They suggested we post sermons there so they could be fed by the messages from their home church. While they haven't been able to get access yet, we are amazed at how quickly we've had over 2,000 downloads of our messages. Our pastor just can't believe that many people would be interested in his messages! Thank you so much for your ministry to the internet world, we sure appreciate this method of reaching out to the lost in the world AND to encourage the believers."
Pastor Dave Johnson, Community Bible Church

"We appreciate the services of so much. It has expanded our listeners from just our local flock to world wide. We are amazed when we receive our monthly report to see all the countries when people have tuned in to download our messages. We live in a great tourist area and many asked for copies of messages once they left us to head back home. This became quite a challenge to keep up with. Now we can just give them our website address and they can get them whenever they have time. Thanks for being there. Only eternity will reveal how great an outreach, and number of souls saved through your services."
Pastor Sean Harris, Berean Baptist Church

"Berean is going into its 9th month with and we are really beginning to see the benefits of partnering with you. Just last week, I received an email from a man in GA who professed how he had discovered through a sermon preached at Berean he was living a lie as a professing Christian. But now he had truly put his faith in Christ. PTL! I pray this happens more and more. Next, we are beginning to receive first time visitors to the church who are relocating to Fort Bragg because of I have told all the pastors I know who are not broadcasting their sermons that they will not find a better company to host their sermons. Our church members love that we are now webcasting. You made that so easy. I look forward to being a part of when the website breaks the half million mark in sermons available for download and beyond. Keep up the good work and thank you."
Pastor Steve Hereford, Changed By Grace

"I stand amazed at the depth you continue to take your ministry. You're always update on the latest technology and with a much affordable price for even the smallest church with a small budget. Your list of broadcasters exceeds itself as well. Thank you for your commitment to broadcasting the truth of the gospel 24 hours a day and doing it in all the means possible. There is no reason why a good Bible believing preaching church shouldn't jump on board and extend their ministry throughout the world. We're thankful we did over 11 years ago!"
Lehigh Valley Baptist Church

"We've been a broadcaster with SermonAudio for many years. By far, our favorite feature of SermonAudio is the ability to easily stream our services online, providing a much broader impact for the preaching that takes place at our church. While the idea of live streaming on the internet may seem intimidating, SermonAudio makes it simple; anyone can do it. On top of that, SermonAudio is always in the process of improving and providing new services and capabilities to their customers."
John C. Whitcomb, Whitcomb Ministries, Inc.

"I deeply appreciate the great outreach opportunity for my Bible messages through SermonAudio to people all over the world. May our gracious Lord continue to bless your ministry for His glory."
Pastor Glenn Hopkins, Zion Baptist Church

"We at Zion Baptist are thankful to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for this amazing ministry where our sermons are heard, not only in every state to the United States but all over the world, many places we have never heard of download and listen to the sermons preached at Zion. It is an answer to our prayers that the Lord would use our sermons to reach His people scattered all over the world. May the Lord put a great burning and pain in His peoples hearts for lost souls. God has always heard and responded to His people when He heard their cries and mourning's, please Lord let Your people mourn for the true conversion of Your lost sheep."
Faith Baptist Church

"Your iPhone Church App is a steal, and allowed us to deliver an app to our visitors in a ridiculously short period of time. Every SermonAudio customer should check this out, and it's just one more reason for any church to consider being a SermonAudio member."
Pastor Jeff Arthur Sr, Elizabeth Baptist Church

"Thank you so much for your labour to help Churches reach the world with his precious word. SermonAudio has been a tremendous blessing to the Elizabeth Baptist Church in Wva."
Pastor Steve Hereford, Changed By Grace

"I just want to personally thank you for their commitment of broadcasting the gospel! There are very few sites on the Internet where you can point people to that will teach and preach the gospel. Our church has benefited greatly from your ministry and now with the iphone app our reach is even greater. We are indebted to you for the opportunity to partner with you in this ministry! May God continue to extend our ministry of preaching to the nations!"
Jon Couch, This Day Ministries

"We have greatly enjoyed the customer service and partnership of It has been a breath of fresh air to partner with an organization like that uses cutting-edge technology to take the Gospel around the world so that people can hear the life-transforming message that is only found in Jesus Christ. The numbers of those who need to hear about the saving power of Jesus are staggering. However, with, we are now one step closer to reaching all of those who need to hear."
Pastor Chalan Hetherington, Bennetts End Reformed Baptist Church

"We would highly commend SermonAudio to any Church holding to reformed theology, who are endeavouring to reach the world with the simple yet profound message of the Bible. The message of the Saviour Who came as man's only substitute to save him from an eternity of hell and give him heaven instead. We have been made aware that many lost souls have been reached through this means of media. May the Lord be pleased to continue to bless this ministry and add to His Church, His dear ransomed children as "faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.""
Edwin Gonzalez, Cornerstone Bible Church

"SermonAudio along with our Radio Ministry and Webpage, continue being main avenue for outreach into our large community of Miami and beyond. I have shared with friends in ministry that perhaps the days of "door knocking" and "track passing" (to strangers and by strangers), are no longer the most effective way of getting our ministries and the Gospel of Jesus Christ presented to our communities. For good and for evil, 21st Century society has turned to the cyber media and social networks; this is where we are most commonly engaging our Jerusalem, Samaria and even "the ends of the earth", and even though society may and has changed, the Great Commission mandate has not and SermonAudio is an affordable and useful tool the Lord has enabled for the modern church to use in the pursuit of Jesus' mission that as we go, we must "make disciples, baptize them and teach them all things He has commanded, even to the end of the age." SermonAudio is an important line item, in our church "Evangelism and Outreach" yearly budget, and for us, it is not a fancy convenience, but a mandated necessity."
Jeff Gregory, Good Shepherd Community Church

"We have only been members for a month but it has been exciting to see how the sermons preached at our small congregation are now beginning to be downloaded around the world. The awareness that people from various places on the globe may listen to my sermon, has personally given me a new sense of divine commissioning to declare the Word of the Lord. I have confidence that the new exposure we are receiving through SermonAudio is going to be a great benefit to our church. Thank you for this tremendous service to local churches and pastors and to Christ's kingdom."
Pastor Bill Hardecker, Mt. Zion Baptist Church

"Thank you for allowing our church to live stream our morning service. First, this will be a blessing to our sick and shut-in members. Second, this will be a blessing to our foreign missionaries, as they too (assuming their Sunday schedule isn’t simultaneous with ours) can watch and enjoy some good preaching. I can only imagine the fellowship needs of our missionaries. Third, we get a chance to present the precious message of the Gospel in a fresh way to someone in cyberspace. Our prayer is that God’s Word is proclaimed clearly with God’s power."
Community Bible Church

"Many thanks for the service you provide offering so many sermons in so many formats and venues. Our church is excited about the number of downloads each month and I have also download the Android app for my phone and use the "My Church" tab to hear my pastor's sermons."
Calvary Bible Baptist Church

" has been awesome for us! We have missionaries that we've sent from our church that have been thrilled to be able to reconnect with their home church and listen to their home church Pastor preach. We've also received a very good reception having only been on the site for a few months. Thank you Mr. Lee for helping churches get out into the world even further!"
Reformed Presbyterian Church, Southside

"We feel that SermonAudio is an amazing ministry. We have had so many folks visit, and a number of them join our church thanks to the exposure we have on SA."
Elder David Collier, Grace Baptist Church

"It is such a blessed privilege for me to be able to get the word out through Grace Baptist Church is a small, rural congregation with very limited resources. We assist several missionaries in foreign countries but our outreach through is absolutely amazing. We reach 30-40 states and 18-25 foreign countries every month with just a few hours of labor and minimal expense. Since I am recording the messages for anyway it has also opened up additional local outreach through distributed copies of CD's through our members and our radio program. I get as excited as a child with a new toy every month when I read the reports and see my Savior being honored by the downloads of gospel messages. Thank you and all the staff for your efforts to allow us this blessed privilege of ministry. May God bless you and use you for His glory."
Dan Osborne, Westchester OPC

"We just received a new member as the result of SermonAudio! He came into contact with our church by listening to our sermons. Then he started attending our church and now has become a member. Our being on SermonAudio also has increased our influence and exposure."
Community Baptist Church

"We are a small church, yet we have had about 26,500 downloads of messages from our ministry. We have had visitors come to the church from hearing us on SermonAudio. This is a "sound" investment of time and money!"
J. Andrew White, Princeton Presbyterian Church PCA

"We have been 'on line' with SermonAudio now for about two months, and I am very much appreciative of this resource for the Kingdom. The website is very well done and creative in the full features of ministering the spoken Word. And I am surprised and humbled that there are listeners of my sermons in places all around the world. Thank you for the service you are performing in expanding the reach of our church and my desire to preach faithfully God's Word."
Gervase Charmley, Bethel Evangelical Free Church

"Since being on, we have been able to reach people all over the world with the Bible teaching that we at Bethel Evangelical Free Church consider to be the most important part of our work. One sermon has been played over 120 times since it was preached in May of this year! There is simply no way that any other set-up would have allowed us to do this."
Jon Cardwell, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

"We are so blessed with God's provision through SermonAudio. While we were ministering in remote bush Alaska, SermonAudio provided many in our village access to our messages while they were away, and it let the folks who supported us as missionaries know exactly how were doing and what we were preaching and teaching. Now, in Alabama, the majority of visitors, and all of our new members, found us on the Internet through SermonAudio. Thanks Steven, for all the improvements you've made to the site. We thank the Lord for this invaluable resource."
Pastor Edwin Gonzalez, Cornerstone Bible Church, Miami, FL

"SermonAudio continues to be our main source of outreach in our community. Many visitors who are now regular visitors and membership candidates located us through SermonAudio. Our own people can enjoy the ministry while away on vacation or business trips and the continuous improvement program of SermonAudio makes it one of the highest return investment any church can make, for the purposes of Evangelism and Outreach. May the Lord continue blessing your labors."
Rev Jonathan Campbell, Newbuildings Independent Methodist

"One of the features I love about is the Online Bible. As I prepare my messages I am constantly using this tremendous tool. It is like looking up a concordance, only much quicker!"
Dr. Peter Nortier, Mercies Of God Association

"Thank you for your web site as it is being used of the Lord in a gracious manner. Folks who help support our effort are rejoicing when they receive the monthly report of where the messages are being downloaded. It makes them to feel a real part of the effort so they support it wonderfully. Keep up the good work as the Lord continues to bless."
Dr. John C. Vaughn, John Vaughn Evangelistic Association

"In the days of cassette tape distribution, we were thankful to see recorded sermons reaching dozens of missionaries and at times, hundreds of friends of those who heard them live and wanted to share them. Since we have been using we have had biblical sermons downloaded in the hundreds of thousands! We are not only seeing regular downloads, but listeners are contacting us for follow up. The efficiency of distribution and impact on multitudes makes an essential for us for effective stewardship."
Robert Vradenburgh, Friendship Baptist Church

"We sincerely praise the Lord for the great enhancement of the pulpit ministry of our church by SermonAudio through both monthly downloads and the recently-launched live audio webcast. Our shut-ins, sick folk, and large missionary family are able to experience what God is doing right in our midst! Truly, "the word of God is not bound." SermonAudio is enabling God's Word to transcend the old barriers of time and space."
Bill Marshall, Presbyterian Reformed Fellowship

"We continue to enjoy and benefit from the service provided by SermonAudio. A number of former attendees at our church are able to continue to hear our sermons, not to mention new listeners added each week. In addition to new digitally recorded sermons, we hope to have encoded more older sermons now on tape and upload them to SermonAudio in the near future."
Evan DeVries, Faith United Reformed Church

" is a major player in our church's evangelism efforts. Within the First week, there were over a fifty downloads. We are also utilizing the service on our Website, a real blessing for those wanting to re-listen to Sunday's service, and a tool for those wanting to share God's spoken work. The service that SermonAudio provides our church and many others is a blessing, and has helped up move forward in our mission to evangelize the lost. We are proud to support SermonAudio, because we are humbled to help in the expansion of God's Church."
Gervase Charmley, Bethel Evangelical Free Church

"We have been on SermonAudio for just a couple of weeks, and already one sermon has been listened to more 40 times. SermonAudio gives us an international reach, and uploading a sermon is simple and easy to do."
Curtis Knapp, New Hope Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has been a great tool for our church. It has allowed us to have a ministry to many unknown souls scattered throughout the U.S. and the world. We are amazed at the number of times sermons are downloaded by people who surely have no idea who Curtis Knapp is. We may never know, until we are in glory, the degree of usefulness that SermonAudio has had for the universal church of Jesus Christ."
Pastor Cory Griess, Calvary Protestant Reformed Church

" has been a great blessing to me and Calvary Protestant Reformed Church. As I sit in my study and do the hard work of exegesis and sermon making, it is encouraging to know that the work I am doing may be used by God to benefit not only the congregation I am in, but members of His body the world over. Thank you for this wonderful tool!"
Rev. Warren Gardner, Free Church Atlanta

"SermonAudio has been a tremendous arm of outreach for our ministry. There is much encouragement to see sermons downloaded to around the world and especially in countries with histories of suppressing the Gospel. Within our congregation, members regularly take advantage of SermonAudio to listen again to messages that have particularly helpful. Those sick or shut-in who are unable to come to services or listen to our broadcast, are able to download sermons and listen later. Especially helpful sermons are also shared with friends and family by recommending the message posted at SermonAudio. Visitors have often mentioned that they found us first at Free Church Atlanta is a small Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) congregation in metropolitan Atlanta. We are deeply appreciative for the service that SermonAudio provides!"
Bill & Wilma Droogendyk, Providence Free Reformed Church

"Month in and month out, we continue to be amazed at the way the gospel reaches to the ends of the earth - and that's just our postings. When multiplied by the number of churches that post to SermonAudio it becomes all the more amazing. May God pursue the spoken word with His Spirit to the glory of His Name."
Pastor Nathan Eshelman, Los Angeles RPC

"SermonAudio has aided us in establishing a listening audience all over Southern California and the world. As the only confessionally Reformed Church within the city limits of Los Angeles, we realize that the need for the Gospel is great. Even here in the City of Angeles, there are millions who need to hear of Christ's redeeming grace. SermonAudio helps us to reach many that we may never meet."
Dr. Jim Phillips, Discover The Word Online Ministry

"I would like to thank all of you at SermonAudio for putting up such a user friendly system that even I can use to get our classroon teachings out over the internet. I have another website and combined with SermonAudio our classes are reaching the whole world. Last month we had well over 7000 downloads from both combined sites. Thank you for making it so easy to get the Word out."
Radio Pastor Peter Nortier, Mercies of God Association

"SermonAudio is assisting in the progress of the Mercies of God. Each month I send the list of the downloads from SermonAudio to our supporters and they use the information to pray and increase the work. It also makes them realize the part they are playing in being a part of the Mercies of God on SermonAudio and it thrills them to see the Lord working and be part of the effort. In fact one preacher is now looking at SermonAudio and will soon be subscribing to it. Keep up the good work and we praise the Lord for the outreach of SermonAudio!"
Bruce A. Ray, Juanita Community Church

"We are a small Reformed Baptist congregation near Seattle, Washington and have been posting sermons on SermonAudio for about 6 years. We wondered at first if anyone would listen, but each month we are amazed at the outreach we have to all 50 states and many nations. We have been able to identify patterns and know that we are having ministry to people who live in places where missionaries are not allowed. Many visitors to our church have checked us out first on SermonAudio.."
Bob Jones University

" enables BJU to extend the preaching of God's Word through the daily chapel program to family and friends of the University around the world."
Dr. Joseph Pipa, Greenville Presbyterian Seminary

"There are many reasons I am thankful for SermonAudio, but one of the primary reasons is God is using this ministry to train people to become sermon listeners. Neil Postman documents in his book “Amusing Ourselves to Death” how television has radically affected the way people listen. This phenomenon has affected how people listen to sermons, but through the ministry of SermonAudio people are becoming profitable hearers of the word of God preached."
Answers in Genesis

"Ken Ham and Answers in Genesis have been heard on for nearly 10 years. We have enjoyed this relationship and are especially pleased that it gives us another venue to distribute the Answers in Genesis message of Creation, Biblical Authority, and Apologetics. Tens of thousands of listeners have been exposed to AiG and these foundational truths through We highly recommend this ministry, as an additional means to proclaim truth."
Dr. John C. Whitcomb, Whitcomb Ministries, Inc.

"I am profoundly grateful for the global outreach of SermonAudio! In a significant way, you have helped me fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord: 'Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations...' (Matt. 28:19)."
Dan Brooks, Heritage Bible Church

"SermonAudio has allowed the preaching ministry of Heritage Bible Church to reach far beyond what we ever thought possible. What a marvelous tool for reaching the nations!"
Grace to You

"We're thankful for the partnership of, helping John MacArthur and Grace to You unleash God's truth, one verse at a time."
Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

" is a great asset to our seminary and church ministry in a variety of ways. It is also my favorite site to visit to hear sermons. Steven Lee provides warm, personable service and does a masterful job of presenting tens of thousands of sermons in a very accessible way. The variety and quantity of sound gospel ministers' sermons that posts is unparalleled by any other ministry."
Dr. Steven J. Lawson, OnePassion Ministries

"SermonAudio is, absolutely, the best way to hear the best men give the best preaching in the world. Here, all in one place, is a collection of the very preachers whom I would most want to hear. Look no further than SermonAudio."
Tenth Presbyterian Church

"SermonAudio has been providing Tenth with a turn-key, inexpensive, and effective solution for live webcasting and archiving of our sermons, Sunday School classes and special events for over 5 years. SermonAudio has always been responsive to our requests and suggestions, and they continue to add features catering to the churches and audience they serve. We continue to be pleased with their service in support of our mission to reach Philadelphia, the United States, and the world with sound Biblical teaching and theyve been a great partner for our ministry."
Rev. Bernie Diaz, Christ Community Church

"We have seen some promising and interesting results just from our first month on-line with our preaching ministry on SermonAudio. We're pleased with our home-page and being part of a vast and biblical web-site proclaiming truth to the world."
Word of Life Community Church

"We are extremely grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ for directing us to SermonAudio. Although we are new to this site, we have seen how much of a blessing it has been and will continue to be. There are so many tools to use for exposing and helping our ministry develop into what God wants it to be. We have also heard other great sermons that were very thought provoking and essential as well. Thank you SermonAudio for allowing the Lord to use you in a mighty way. We pray God's continued blessings upon your ministry."
Dr. Steve Hereford, Changed By Grace Community Church

"I love the ministry of! There's not too many places you can go where a ministry is marked by a dedicated team available to assist your ministry. They are there to showcase your ministry, sermons, videos, web streaming, etc., to the church and world. Signup today and reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ."
Edwin Gonzalez, Cornerstone Bible Church

"SermonAudio continues being a great means of outreach for our congregation, beyond the scope of what we could have ever imagined. Who would have thought that the ministry of a small local congregation would reach people accross the world? We appreciate especially your "ministerial" spirit which is very patent in your extremely affordable and ever improving service to the churches. May our Father's Name be hallowed, Christ's Kingdom established and God's will taught and gladly obeyed in the world, as a result of the Spirit's blessing upon your faithful labors."
Pastor Phil Schlamp, Living Hope Evangelical Church

"It has been a great blessing to be on SermonAudio. It is encouraging to see how many times people from all over the world listen to our messages. As a pastor, it is very encouraging to check into SermonAudio and see that a message has just been listened to. May God bless you and give you wisdom as you continue this very blessed outreach."
Faith Protestant Reformed Church

"Our congregation has found to be an incredibly useful tool for evangelism. People around the world-who are normally outside our sphere of contact-now have regular access to sermons from the Reformed tradition. We give thanks to God for providing this excellent means to spread the gospel to "all corners" of the earth."
Forrest McPhail, Inheritance in Christ Church in Cambodia

"I have been continually amazed at the wide audience that I have received for my sermons in the Cambodian/Khmer language on Khmer speaking people all over the world are downloading and listening to God's Word. Praise the Lord for this wonderful resource. I can see even greater benefit in the future as more and more Cambodians become adept at using the internet."
Oak Grove Baptist Church

"We count it a great blessing to be part of SermonAudio. To be able to reach far beyond the limits of terrestrial broadcasting and bring the truth to all nations can only be seen as a gracious providence from God."
Adam Davies, Trinity Baptist Church

"We are thankful for SermonAudio's ministry to the church and the world. Since we have been broadcasting, two local people found our sermons on the site and are now attending our church! May the Lord continue to use SermonAudio to fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord! Thanks again for your ministry!"
David Carson, Zion Tabernacle

"I am amazed how many people are listening and from so far afield. The congregation are thrilled that we are heard far beyond the confines of our little flock. We pray that God will continue to use SermonAudio to teach and bring the message of salvation to millions."
Jim Harris, Heritage Bible Church

"We at Heritage Bible Church in Boise, Idaho are new to It is amazing to so quickly have an outreach so broad. Thank you for the excellent service. It will be a joy to see what fruit God brings from using this technology."
John C. Whitcomb, Whitcomb Ministries, Inc

"I am so grateful for the many responses to our messages on! Just yesterday a man phoned to say that listening to the sermons has profoundly changed his life. What an encouragement to keep on with this important outreach ministry around the world."
Pastor Russ Sukhia, Liberty Church PCA

"Liberty Church PCA, has been able to expand her impact dramatically through SermonAudio. Our sermons have now been downloaded over 68,000 times from about 80 countries. Several believers have written to say they have no Bible-preaching church in their area, and they rely upon our sermons, and those of others, for solid instruction. Our own members and friends use the service when they miss a Sunday, and some new church members have told us that they heard us first on SermonAudio."
Frank Cirabisi, Grace Reformed Baptist Church of L.I.

"We have been greatly blessed by the Lord by having our messages on your site. We've had over 800 downloads of our sermons, and by the time I've finished uploading a new set of messages, they have almost all been downloaded at least 1 time. Of course, we've had listeners all over the world, which is a real pleasure to see, knowing that the Lord may use our sermons to help bring someone to Christ in some far flung, anti-Christian nation that is difficult to reach in ways other than the internet. The best thing so far, though, is some communication that my pastor has had w/a Mormon. I don't know how devoted a Mormon he is, but any kind of sound teaching may surely prove fruitful to him, to lead him out of his darkness. Thanks for providing such a good site."
Pastor Glenn Hopkins, Zion Baptist Church

"Praise be to our God and may all that listen to our sermons on SermonAudio, give God the praise. We are so blessed to have the services of our small assembly of believers available to the whole world. Before this blessed ministry, only our few and those who requested by CD were able to hear these sermons, now hundreds listen each month, from all over the united States, China, and some countries I've never heard of. May the Lord our God continue to bless SermonAudio and this wonderful ministry."
Jon Cardwell, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

"If I were to remove my ministry website and all my blogs (and I have considered doing that to focus on our local church), I'd still keep SermonAudio. Although I'm no John Piper, John MacArthur or Henry Mahan, I have heard from our local congregations in Alaska, and now here in Alabama, the blessing SermonAudio has been to them."
TIME in the Word Ministries

"In years past those wanting to spread the gospel around the world had to train and then travel, perhaps for months at a time, risking life and limb by taking dangerous voyages to the four corners of the world. Today, thanks to technology and SermonAudio, we are amazed month after month when we see from our monthly download reports that the preaching of the Word of God has been listened to in places of the world that do not allow missionaries or that would take much effort and cost to reach in person. This in no way circumvents the need for missionaries to continue to carry the gospel to the unreached, but it does give us one more tool to preach the Word, see sinners saved, and saints sanctified wherever in the world they may be!"
Don Bell, Lantana Grace Church

"We at Lantana Grace are thankful for the opportunity given to reach so many people we could never reach with the Gospel of God's Freegrace by SermonAudio. I am amazed at the places were our messages are downloaded, and also the amount. This site is so user friendly."
Bible Baptist Church

"We have been thrilled with the service that SermonAudio provides! It has been so simple to make our pastor's sermons available to our people through our website. Thank you for this wonderful ministry!"
Cornerstone Bible Church - Miami, FL

"SermonAudio continues being a source of outreach and referrals for our church in our area, and even out of our state boundaries and overseas. The service provided by SermonAudio is very affordable, and it is obviously priced with a philosophy that seeks to promote the Kingdom of God and the preaching of the Gospel and not just the profit of its owners. We are grateful to the Lord for your labors."
Josh Hansen, Hampton Park Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has been a great asset to our website. The ability to integrate our church's sermons hosted on SermonAudio into our own website, with the search capabilities it has, is a great feature. Many have asked how we did this and I just say it's SermonAudio."
Pastor Jerry N. Thrower, Central Baptist Church

"I had been wanting to add audio sermons to our website, but I didn't have time to figure out how to do it. A friend said I should check out and it has been exactly what we needed. Very easy to use and they provide the ability for a web page on your website that goes directly to your audio sermons! Also, I can't believe how many hits and downloads we get. In the first week alone we had right at 100 downloads of just a few sermons that we had posted!"
Neil Crabtree, Holywell Evangelical Church

"Many thanks for our first monthly Download Report. It will only be on this coming Lord's Day, that everyone in the Church at Holywell will realise that we are in fact on SermonAudio. We had our PrayerMeeting/Bible Study last evening, where I pinned - as you suggested - the monthly report in a prominent place in the church building. We are all pretty amazed that already, in just over two weeks, over 200 sermons have been downloaded. This is a real encouragement to us, and especially to our pastor John Thackway, that the Word of God being preached here in the little town of Holywell, in Wales, is being downloaded by folks there in the U.S.A. and in places like China. (that was the biggest surprise). So, in a nutshell, we are thrilled at what the Lord is doing through your website in carrying the preached Word of God to all nations. May the Lord continue to bless your very valuable work."
Warren Gardner, Free Church Atlanta

"We at Free Church Atlanta are very grateful for the valuable service that you provide. It is a joy for our people to listen again to sermons they have heard and those who have been ill have been able to hear the sermons they have missed and have found encouragement. As a small congregation of the Lord's people, we also rejoice to see reports that the word preached in our midst has been shared with many people across our country and in a number of nations around the world. Significant downloads to China have been a special cause for rejoicing. As pastor of Free Church Atlanta, I would personally thank the staff of SermonAudio for multiplying my ministry and for providing rich resources for me and multitudes who are blessed by taking advantage of your ministry."
Jason Young, Heritage Baptist Church

"This is my first month using SermonAudio for our church. It took a little work to upload my current sermon study, but it was well worth it. I was greatly encouraged by the number of people who downloaded the sermons after only the first month. I was blown away to see how many from around the world also listened to the sermons. Thank you SermonAudio for your work. May the Lord continue to bless your efforts."
Dr. Theodore Zachariades, Sovereign Grace Baptist Fellowship

"This is amazing. SermonAudio is accomplishing the impossible. That is, that our congregation would have insurmountable obstacles in getting our message across without this medium, is becoming clearer and clearer the more we are reaching various corners of the globe with our messages. SermonAudio is a true partner with us in our calling to reach and disciple the Nations. Praise God for such an ingenious approach that respects God's ordained means of saving His people through the foolishness of the message preached. May God alone be glorified."
Bill Marshall, Presbyterian Reformed Fellowship

"We are a small congregation with a simple, unadorned, Biblical form of worship which does not appear popular today. However, through SermonAudio we have seen an outreach far beyond our meetings--even into such remote areas as China and Kenya. And we have never had a glitch with SermonAudio."
Pastor Glenn Hopkins, Zion Baptist Church

"We at Zion Baptist in Polkville, MS are very excited and blessed indeed about the outreach ministry on SermonAudio. We love getting emails from saints all around the world asking us to pray for them and with them for lost souls and Christians being persecuted and killed for the Lord Jesus sake. Oh, may God the Holy Spirit go out with each sermon to convict men of sin, to uphold and encourage striving/contending saints, to call to repentance people, officials, nations everywhere to turn from their ungodliness and serve the true and living God of the Holy Bible and Creator of all that is."
Dr. Steve Hereford, Changed By Grace Community Church

"Hello Pastor, I have been sharing my preaching/teaching ministry on since December 2000. I never imagined the impact this ministry would have on our church until we signed up and starting offering our sermons. Today, we have seen downloads number in the 7000's. The site is attractive, constantly maintained, and full of many opportunities to take your ministry to the ends of the earth. What more can I say? We have tested it since 2000 and are reaping the fruit of our labor. Want to know more? Browse the site, listen to the sermons, watch the videos, and then pray and remember that God "is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us" (Eph.3:20). Sign-up today. The process is fast and easy and enjoy the same benefits that hundreds of ministries enjoy on"
Arie Wessels, Reformed Congregations of New Zealand

"Thank you for your wonderful website. It is a great means to spread the Gospel around the world. May the Lord Bless those means to the upbuilding of His Kingdom."
Leonard Burrell, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

"Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Pensacola, Florida, have been pleasantly surprised by the unexpected listener response to our site on SermonAudio, as well as the courteous service and assistance you and your staff have rendered. Further, your recent voluntary lowering of costs in recognition of current economic conditions came as a welcome surprise and reflects the character of a caring business gentleman."
Tod DeLisle, Emmanuel Baptist Church

"Emmanuel Baptist Church would like to thank SermonAudio for the service they provide allowing us to make our sermons available to our senior saints and those suffering from illness and are unable to join us in corporate fellowship to have easy access to the messages preached by Pastor Kevin Scott from the Word of God. We are a small congregation and are thankful for the affordability of your service to the people of God. We are thankful for the 10 free uploads monthly and are hopeful that you will be able to continue on with this. May God continue to bless your efforts to assist in the spreading of the Good News of Jesus Christ."
Jeffrey Jones, Reformed Presbyterian Church of Columbus

"Getting started with was easy, and the technical support has been superior. Easy sermon uploading and the provided sermon browser code for our own web site has dramatically simplified our web page administration effort. We look forward to seeing what God will do as the good news of the Gospel is spread and the saints are equipped for the work of ministry."
John Pittman Hey, Grace Bible Church

"SermonAudio is a spectacular ministry resource, especially for a small congregation such as Grace Bible Church. It provides a "multiplier" to the preaching of God's Word, allowing many times more hearers of the Word than would be possible in the confines of the meeting house. It is beyond comparison in its professional style and management. Brother Steven Lee keeps it on the cutting edge of web technology. I know of multi-million dollar ministries whose podcasting and webcasting efforts cannot begin to match what SermonAudio offers - and at an extremely affordable price! SermonAudio and its staff are a special example of how the many members of Christ's body the Church work together to advance His Glory and His Gospel!"
Cleveland Baptist Church

"We are thrilled with the opportunities that provides us with. Our church has sent out 10 missionary families around the globe. What a blessing it is for them to be able to hear messages that are preached by our pastor from the pulpit of Cleveland Baptist Church each week. All of this is made possible because of Thank you for your service."
Pastor Glenn Hopkins, Zion Baptist Church

"It has been and is very exciting to us, being a small assembly of believers to have the opportunity to share the messages, teachings, expounding that we are blessed with, with the whole world. I never thought people in France, Africa, New Zealand, or even Canada would ever hear the gospel preached and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ exalted from Zion Baptist Church, in Polkville, Mississippi; but they have and are. I thank our God for you all and all the help you've been in getting this set-up, it was so easy. May the Lord continues to bless you all in your efforts to honor HIM!"
Edwin Gonzalez, Cornerstone Bible Church

"Our church has benefited from your ministry in several ways. Absent members who can pull the sermons from your site, visitors who locate us because of your web page, and we are even dealing with a sad case of a man who calls himself an apostate, but who clings to the preached word because of SermonAudio and yet he believes himself to be beyond forgiveness. I have heard of total strangers telling me, they have heard our sermons online and some of them are as far as other countries. This is something amazing for a small church like ours, with little gifted preachers and teachers of no reputation. May the Lord continue blessing what you do, may His Name be exalted and magnified through your broadcasts, may His Kingdom be extended in the hearts of believers drawn to fresh measures of obedience and submission to Christ, and in the hearts of unbelievers who find themselves irrestibly drawn to Christ because of your ministry."
Jon Cardwell, Former Missionary-Pastor to Scammon Bay, Alaska

"I just wanted to say, again, how blessed we are to be with SermonAudio. Certainly, there are other sites that we might be able to broadcast with yet, we've found, that even though we left our beloved Yup'ik brethren in Alaska, their exposure to so many awesome teachers and preachers of true Biblical faith are here on this site. When I encourage my ministry co-laborers to make their teachings available on SermonAudio, I also mention to them that when their congregations hear the teaching of other excellent expositors (all more excellent than I), they can be blessed that their congregations are growing in the same rich Christian heritage we have received from the apostles! We continue to be blessed to be a part of the SermonAudio family. On an even more personal note, while we've been down here in the Lower 48 States and had access to a much faster Internet, it has been an awesome blessing to use the KJV Bible readings of Vernon Lapps and Stephen Johnston. I listen to the Word while reading the chapters specified in my R. M. McCheyne 'Daily Bread' portions. Morning & Evening with Mr. Spurgeon has also been a tremendous blessing for my wife and I."
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

"We feel so blessed to be able to use this means as an outreach for our churches ministry. Our church is in a remote location which the avarage person even from the same town might not pass in a lifetime and yet we can share our pastors messages with others around the world and even some of the brethren from the Philippines may be able to hear messages when our pastor/missionary cannot be with them in person. We thank the Lord for leading us here and pray it will be a great benefit to many."
Gary Wheeler, Grace Community Church

"We wanted to let you know how much your service has helped us take the Gospel to the nations. We have been able to keep some of our missionaries supplied with weekly preaching. We think that alone is well worth the cost. It has also been valuable for college students and those who travel for work at times; allowing them to stay in pace with the rest of our church while they are away. Please keep up the good work."
Doug Watson, Redeemer OPC

"Our small congregation is both humbled and grateful to the Lord for the wide outreach that we have through SermonAudio. As part of a denomination that seriously pursues home and foreign missions, even our mission church can participate in our church's gospel work through our contributions to the denomination. But SermonAudio has given us extra reach. It is therefore very encouraging for us to know that our individual congregation is able to effect the gospel work outside of our four walls, both within and outside of our city, and the island of Oahu upon which we minister."
Rev. Bill Marshall, Presbyterian Reformed Fellowship

"We have enjoyed very much the service of since our account was opened in June 2008. Based on SermonAudio's very useful monthly download reports, we can say that the exposure our sermons have received has far exceeded our expectations. We have also benefited from the help of Steven Lee in making the best use of the many excellent features of"
Theodore Zachariades, Sovereign Grace Baptist Fellowship

"Warmest greetings in Christ the Lord. We are so grateful for your ministry. Helping our small church get the Word of God out around the globe is a true partnership fulfilling the Great Commission. May the Lord continue to use this ingenious outreach only for His glory."
Rev. Jonathan Campbell, Newbuildings Independent Methodist Church

"Our church is delighted to be associated with SermonAudio. Internet ministry is a vital part of our overall ministry and we see SermonAudio as the most professional broadcaster available. We are more than satisfied with the service provided."
Rev. John S. Mahon, Grace Community International

"Our website was receiving about 50 - 100 hits, mostly regional in nature. After three months with SermonAudio our website activity increased to an average of 1,500 downloads from all over the world. Thank you for your ministry."
Harold Pickett, Joshua Baptist Church

"We just received our first Monthly Download Report and were surprised to see the number of different states and especially different countries that have downloaded our Pastor's sermons. Our goal last year was to Go Global using today's technology to get the message of God's grace to as many people as we can. SermonAudio has helped us tremendously in this endeavor. We are looking forward to increased growth as more people learn of a church where the old time gospel is still preached and people's lives are changed. Thank you for providing the means to reach others with God's message for today."
David Silversides, Loughbrickland Reformed Presbyterian

"A friend once said that the Internet is the nearest thing to a level playing field that Christians have in the media. There is truth in this, in that we can make known the whole counsel of God without hindrance and SermonAudio is of immense help in doing so and we are thankful to the Lord for that. It is particularly encouraging to see downloads in places where the Gospel is not normally preached. Thank you for your labours."
Matt Filbert, First Reformed Presbyterian Church

"We at First RPC, Beaver Falls, PA have greatly appreciated the impact that SermonAudio has had in getting God's Word out to the broader community. We have been very interested in the reports that are generated each month and would love to see one little addition made to those reports...stats by zipcode of each download. This little addition would not compromise privacy, but may greatly aid churches in knowing where to invest precious advertising dollars to be about the work of church planting and hopefully seeing more churches arise that could themselves participate in SermonAudio. Please consider this plea. Thank you again for the fine work you all are doing and for the ministry you have through SermonAudio!"
Pastor Russ Sukhia, Liberty Church, PCA

"Our church family has been encouraged to know that Liberty sermons are being downloaded thousands of times each month in about 40 different countries. For a small monthly fee, we are able to extend our outreach to those we could never reach otherwise (I recently corresponded with a listener in Brazil who had some questions). In the past two months, the country with the most downloads of our sermons was China. I suspect that Chinese mothers may have discovered that our preaching has a soothing effect on Chinese infants at nap time."
J. D. Hatfield, Riverside Christian Fellowship

"SermonAudio is such a blessing! There is a reason why so many people and so many churches use it. It is a fantastic way to get the message out, and a wonderful resource that allows anyone access to a whole library of good preaching. We couldn't be happier with what has happened since we started posting our sermons on!"
Gregory N Barkman, Beacon Baptist Church

"We continue to be amazed at the outreach of our sermons through SermonAudio. We regularly receive emailed responses from all over the world. We could never have enjoyed such a wide spread ministry without the excellent services of SermonAudio. We thank God for the opportunity of participating in this outreach."
Community Baptist Church

"Community Baptist Church has been broadcasting sermons from the pulpit of Pastor David Nicholes for a few years now. We have received numerous requests for CD's, numerous emails and letters from people all over the globe! Did Christ not command us to go into all the world and teach? We are missions-oriented and believe that people are saved by Grace alone in Faith alone through the "hearing" of solid, orthodox, and biblically expository preaching from God's word. is the only outlet worthy of consideration to that end. Thank you."
Mark Jenkins, Providence OPC

"SermonAudio has been a great encouragement to me as a pastor. When I get the "Monthly Download Report" and see that 14 sermons were downloaded from China I praise God that my tiny, midddle-america ministry is being used by him AROUND THE WORLD! Very exciting, very sobering."
Darrin Webb, The Berean Broadcast

"I want to say that I have been impressed with SermonAudio. The site is very professionally managed, with improvements coming regularly. As a broadcaster, I could not ask for a better partner in my effort to proclaim the word."
Pastor Steve Hereford, Changed By Grace Community Church

"We are pleased to partner with with all our media ministry. The technology is always up-to-date and state-of the-art. Whether through our live audio webcast, videos, or large amount of archived sermons, has always met the challenge. We highly recommend for all your media needs. You're not going to find another ministry like, so stop looking and come on board."
Wil Owens, Search And See Ministries

"Our ministry is a missions organization. Our mission statement reads, "Taking the message of Christ to All People, in All Places, by All Means, at All Costs, so that the Gospel may be heard and God may be glorified!" Apart from short-term missions and partnering with indigenous ministries, SermonAudio has been the most effective tool in applying our mission statement. We are continually amazed at how we have received a nationwide and worldwide audience to the sermon ministry. Thank you SermonAudio for such an accessible, far ranging tool to spread the Gospel and encourage the saints!"
Dale Pearson, Duluth Bible Church

"We, at Duluth Bible Church (DBC), are very thankful for your ministry. A particular area of appreciation for us this year is the ability to webcast our GIBS (Grace Institute of Biblical Studies) program for four (4) hours every other Monday. Ultimately, the purpose of the GIBS ministry is designed to glorify God through equipping believers to be faithful servants / teachers of the Gospel of grace through the faithful exposition of His Word (1 Corinthians 10:31; Ephesians 4:11-13; Timothy 4:2) for the building up of the Body of Christ. We have students enrolled in the program from around the country and since we started webcasting the sessions in January of this year, the students have been have to participate live with the teachings. It has worked out great!"
Mitch, Hudsonville Protestant Reformed Church

"We have used SermonAudio for about a year now and we are very pleased with the results we are seeing. The website interface is very user friendly and very professional. SermonAudio has opened new doors for our evangelism work, it is a vital tool in spreading God's word in todays technological world."
David McCartney, Martyrs Memorial Free Presbyterian

"We are happy to report that a lady was gloiously converted whilst listening to Dr Paisley preach on Easter monday afternoon on the video webcast of Martyrs Easter Convention. All mesages have been uploaded as MP3 files. Much prayer is going up that the Holy Spirit may work and draw the unsaved to tune in to the webcasts. Praise the Lord revival will come as promised!"
Pastor James Mansfield, Bethel Baptist Chapel Billinghay

"SermonAudio has given our fellowship another dimension in that although we are only a small church on the Lincolnshire Fens we now know that we have active fellowship with brethren and sisters across the world. Feedback is a great means of fellowship and encouragement. I calculate that at present people listening too our sermons mean that in effect we have an additional 40 people in our congregation. Thank you for the opportunity to share."
Pastor Greg Miller, Bible Believers Baptist Fellowship

"Bible Believers Fellowship has been thrilled to see the increased number of sermon downloads since joining We had originally posted our messages on our own site but did not know when anyone would actually download them, although we knew they were trying because we constantly received complaints about the server and the inability to download. Now, we know how many are downloading and we know where they are located when they do it. And haven't heard a SINGLE complaint about the service since we began in August of 2007. We thank God for and highly recommend their services."
Evelyn MacIntyre, Grace PCA

"We became full members of SermonAudio exactly one year ago. It's been exciting to receive the monthly reports because each month the number of hits we receive grows. It is wonderful to know that our small church can have a positive effect on many who would never be able to attend our services. We have had hits from a number of countries. Our young pastor boldly proclaims the truths of scripture each Sunday and with the help of SermonAudio the blessings of God are available to more than our congregation. It is also a great way to share a sermon with a friend or relative who is unable to come to our church. My husband and I are rarely away from our home church on Sundays, but when we are we know we can listen to the sermon we missed on SermonAudio. Thanks for this great tool for sharing the Word."
John Rega, Calvary Baptist Church

"Calvary Baptist Church is not only thrilled to have the privilege to be able to put God's word out, but we are very excited about the possibilities. May God receive all the glory. May he bless our humble efforts."
Rev. Kleyn, Pastor, Trinity Protestant Reformed

"Our church has been using SermonAudio now for almost four years. We have found it to be extremely simple and user friendly, but have especially appreciated the vast opportunities it has given us as a church to do outreach and to give exposure to the sound biblical reformed gospel that we preach and teach. The bookstore and the blog features on the page have also been very useful in this work. Our people, and friends and contacts all over the world, also appreciate the access to our church's sermons on this site. Thanks, SermonAudio!"
Roy Mohon, Presbyterian Reformed Church

"It has been a great encouragement to see so many downloads from the USA and various parts of the world. It encourages us to pray for those who we do not know personally but with whom we have some bond through this ministry. It helps to widen our vision and make some spiritual contribution to others far distant from us and for this we thank God."
Greg Cerbus, Reformed Presbyterian Church, Southside

"The Reformed Presbyterian Church, South Side Indianapolis has been using SermonAudio since November 2005. This web service is just what we needed. The utility and ease of maintaining and distributing our sermon library has been outstanding. Once the audio file is uploaded it is always available, without any worry or care on our end. We have welcomed several guests who sought us out after hearing us on-line. SermonAudio is a great benefit to our congregation and for others interested in hearing Reformed preaching all over the world. Reviewing the monthly download reports for favorite sermon titles and the listing of various states and countries has been of interest to many in our congregation. We just had another month of over 1,000 downloads! Thank you for providing this extremely helpful and valuable service."
Bill Hale, Church of Mercy in Cambodia

"A family from Australia called Chheng the other day. They are about the same age as Chheng and left Cambodia in the early 80s as well. They have been listening to the sermons for many months. The wife said she listens to them all the time...while washing dinner...folding laundry...etc. She also said that her son downloads a copy of the sermons and then he makes many, many copies on cd and passes them out to other Cambodians in Australia. They just visited Cambodia for the first time since the war and they stopped by the church when they were here."
Bob Vincent, Grace Presbyterian Church

"Thank you for the ministry that you provide. Shortly after we began broadcasting on SermonAudio, we began to be contacted by people with personal problems who had found grace in the Lord Jesus Christ. This has continued, and it is concrete evidence that your ministry has extended ours -- literally around the world. May our Lord keep you faithful and extend your influence in a lost and hurting world."
David BarcelĂł, Iglesia Evangelica de la Gracia

"Wonderful Resource! SermonAudio has been of great blessing to our church here in Barcelona, Spain. In just a few weeks our sermons in Spanish have been downloaded hundreds of times everywhere in the Spanish Speaking World! I could not imagine a better way to be of blessing to our brothers and sisters around the Globe. ÂĄ Muchas Gracias !"
Jeff, Hilltop Audio Ministries

"Love it. Been impressed with Steven's response on any questions I've had… Keep it up guys, we need you to succeed."
Pastor Marvin Stalnaker, Katy Baptist Church

"Pastor Scott Richardson has been a preacher in Katy West Virginia for over 50 years. SermonAudio has been a means, provided by the God of all grace, for Katy Baptist Church in Fairmont WV to get the messages of God's free and sovereign salvation, preached by this faithful minister, to the world. For this I am truly thankful."
Grace Gems

"I have been a member of for only a few weeks, and have found their customer service to be superb. I am very poor at these technological things, and they are always right there to correctly answer any question I might have. Their tech support is flawless!"
Bible Baptist Church Elmont

"We recently sent out on CD the sermon, "The Power of GOD", to a pastor in Newfoundland, and he reported back that 5 souls were saved. makes it possible to spread the gospel, throughout the land and to every nation. What a blessing, What a Savior!"
Jim Gunn, Vineland Park Baptist Church

"We had planned for a long time to get Christ-honoring expositions on the Internet. The response is overwhelming to me. In one week we have had over 700 views of our messages and over 300 downloads. Our church attendance is less than 50 each Sunday. How else could we reach this many people with the Gospel? On top of this the support from Sermon Audio is too good to be true. If you have tried to get help from most software providers you know what I mean. A real human answers the phone and patiently helps a beginner like me to the service work through the learning curve. That said the service is quite intuitive and easy to follow. This is one of the best uses of the Lord's money that I have found."
Sondra Harris, Bible Baptist Church of Elmont, NY

"The adminstrators of are Spirit driven, as they are fulfilling the commission of our LORD to spread the Gospel to the nations. The information the website brings, inspires and edifies the lost and saved by enabling the true Word to be heard. The administrators of the, have been instrumental to me. They have patiently walked me through all technical aspects to set up. The opportunity for our church to reach souls through this website is a blessing. The new listeners and visitors to our church, generated by our presence on this website, encourages us daily. Thank you,, for your commitment. May you find grace in His sight always to continue; and blessed are those who are moved to do His will here."
Steve Marquedant, Sovereign Grace Reformed Baptist Church

"Thank you for your excellent service. It has been a blessing to our church, and has been a means of numerical growth to our congregation. It also gives us an excellent resource of sermons on subjects that have been preached that we can direct our people to use."
Pastor Sammy Burns, Grace Covenant Church

"As pastor of Grace Covenant Church, I'm very grateful for and the privilege to have our church on your site. We have already gained contacts of interest through our web page, and it is helpful to have sermons and teaching uploaded. Thank you for your services to the Body of Christ!"
Dr. James Phillips, Discover The Word Online Ministry

"Hi my name is Dr. James Phillips and I would like to say a few words about my experience with Our ministry at has been greatly blessed by the SermonAudio exposure world wide. The format with which to get your messages on line is very easy compared to many other web pages. The service and help from the staff of SermonAudio has been great. I can actually do most maintenances to our web site with the easy format that SermonAudio offers. I have another website which is and I must have an expert web master to maintain that site because it has such a complicated format. When I have had a problem and have called the phone number for assisstance I have had immediate help, usually from Bro. Lee. Thanks to all the staff at SermonAudio for your great help in getting out our special little contribution to the cause of Christ's Kingdom. We at or have specialized in teaching God's Word from the original Greek and Hebrew language and our feedback from all over the world has been nothing but positive. Our products in the web store are easy to put up and very easy for those interested in obtaining our products. I especially like the monthly report telling you in what countries and states all your messages have been downloaded, and which messages have recieved the most hits and downloads. Thanks again from discovertheword online ministries."
Dr. Steve Hereford, Changed By Grace Community Church

"I am constantly amazed at the services of Our church has been broadcasting our sermons since 2000 and now have almost 800 sermons online averaging over 3000 downloads per month. There is no other service on the Internet like this! I highly recommend SermonAudio for your church, college, or radio broadcast. The dividends are eternal. Thanks SermonAudio for all you do with keeping the site updated with all the latest innovations and technology. It's an honor to broadcast with you."
Chris Marley, Miller Valley Baptist Church

"Thank you. SermonAudio has been an excellent tool for ministry. You folks are a tremendous blessing."
Alan Lester, Grace Unlimited

"SermonAudio has been such a blessing to me personally. What has surprised me more than anything is the number of people who read blogs on this site. I have been encouraged to write more, knowing that others are delighting with you in the wonders of God. Being a SermonAudio broadcaster draws me out to more enthusiastic Christian service. Thank you!"
Nebo Free Will Baptist Church

"We have been so blessed as a church to be on this website. The Lord has done a mighty work through this website. We have a small congregation and didn't really have a lot of visitors before we started putting our services on SermonAudio. Through this website we have loved ones who live in other states who are able to feel as if they were in service with us. Our assistant pastor and brother from the church have just left for a trip to India because of our services being heard in that country. We also had an Indian man come visit our church while in the states on business. We've met more people than we ever imagine when we first became a member of SermonAudio. We give the Lord all the glory and we just want to be faithful to praise Him for His blessings on our little congregation. You have a remarkable website and may God bless you for striving to get the gospel heard to countries that wouldn't hear it other wise."
Stephen Gambill, Reformed Baptist Church of Nashville

"Thank you for your excellent service. We have continued to be amazed and thankful how the Lord uses SermonAudio for the good of our own body, as well as the spread of the Word throughout the world."
Reformation Covenant Church

"SermonAudio has worked out great for our church. It is super easy to use and we find that it is a very efficient way to get the preached word out and into the world. Having our sermons on sermonAudio has been so encouraging! We've had the opportunity to correspond with many other believers from all over the United States. This service has truly blessed our church!"
Brother Buzz Burrell, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

"The Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Pensacola, Florida has appreciated the opportunity to expand the listening audience of this small assembly across the country and around the world. By GOD's grace, using this medium, hearers of the Word preached have been magnified hundreds of times, with downloads and respondents from all 50 states and dozens of foreign countries. We thank GOD for this outlet; it is the most cost effiecent outreach method we have!"
Dale Pearson, Duluth Bible Church

"We, at Duluth Bible Church, are thankful for the SermonAudio ministry. Our local church is a grace-focused ministry seeking to evangelize the lost and equip the saved through expository, grace-oriented Bible teaching centered in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that one of the primary purposes of the Church is to advance and communicate the Gospel to the entire world. SermonAudio has been an excellent supplement to our main site for providing audio messages around the world via the web and has provided us a very cost-effective means to video webcast our messages. The technical support has been exceptional! Thank you for all you do."
Grace United Reformed Church

"We have found to simplify posting our sermons onto the internet as well as greatly increasing the exposure of the sermons to the internet audience. In short, we have been very satisfied with"
Aubrey Boles, Chalcedon Presbyterian Church

"SermonAudio has been fantastic! It not only gets the preached word to the world but has brought visitors and new members to our congregation. It is easy to use and the use of the technology has been a spring board not only for our church media growth in CD, MP3 audio duplication but an encouragement to advance into printed media and book publication. There are many brothers and sisters living in a famine of truth and now can receive the sustenance they need."
Jon Cardwell, Scammon Bay Covenant Church

"We are especially grateful for your ministry at SermonAudio. It is a very special blessing for us, not only to have a venue for our congregation to hear messages they may have missed, but as missionaries to bush Alaska, it is such a joy to have access to so many sound Biblical expositors. My family and I have been so blessed to hear that in these dark days there are men that are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ... and that they are making their preaching and teaching available through SermonAudio. We listen to many downloaded messages; and some of them over and over again."
Kevin Swanson, Generations Radio

"As a broadcaster in both AM/FM formats and webcasting, I want to commend you for developing a powerful ministry tool that is reaching many around the world today. You have made good use of technology for the sake of Christ's kingdom. I am constantly amazed at the level of detail you have worked into this web tool. Thank you for your work."
Grace Unlimited

"Signed up with SermonAudio and uploaded my 8-part series on addictions. Within the first 48 hours, I had already had 89 downloads from different countries around the world. I look forward to seeing how the Lord uses these sermons in the future."
Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church

"Our church has been using for approx. 3yrs and we have seen a gradual increase in the number of our sermon listeners. We've also noticed that when we feature one of our pastor's sermons (Dr. Dan Broadwater), the number of people who listen increases dramatically -- usually the number increases to 5-10 times more listeners (500-1000% more downloads). Listeners are being drawn from almost all of the US states and 30-40 different countries. Thanks for offering the SermonAudio library to us. Your ministry is much appreciated."
Matt Richards, Trinity Baptist Church

"We have found to be an effective tool in spreading the word of God both locally and internationally, we heartily recommend it. May God be glorified as the truth is proclaimed."
Pastor Paul Rendall, Reformed Baptist Church of Tama

"Writing from the perspective of a small church with members and others coming to us from other communities an hour away from us, or more, SermonAudio is a very good way for people who have a computer to keep track of sermons that I have preached. A person or family may not have been able to attend the services because of weather, but they can still listen. It is also a great blessing to be able to listen to the preaching of other men, both contemporary and those who are now in glory with our Lord. May the Lord bless the efforts of those who are putting all this sermonic material on line."
Airdrie RPCS

"Thank you for the work you do in spreading the Word of God through SermonAudio. We in Airdrie RP Church are striving to serve the Lord in one of the most socially deprived areas of the UK, and have seen at first hand the power of the gospel in the changing of people's lives. The recent featuring of Rev Quigley's sermon was a real encouragement for us. May the Lord bless you as SermonAudio goes from strength to strength."
Pastor Rudolph Gordon, Victory Bible Baptist Church

"We are very thrilled with the service and outreach we have with The cost is very reasonable for us. We highly recommend"
Mark Judy, Hancock Baptist Church

"We believe broadcasting with is the best way we have to take the Gospel to the world. We have had listeners from many states and from several countries across the globe. Furthermore, the expense is quite minimal and is far and away more cost effective than radio and TV. We are glad the Lord enlightened the founders of to begin this ministry. God bless you."
Joseph LoSardo, Bread of Life Fellowship

"We are grateful for the opportunity that SermonAudio provides to extend our pulpit influence beyond our local area. We frequently receive encouraging letters and e-mails from around the world. In addition, we have had several members of our church move to different states - SermonAudio keeps them in touch with our sermons. Lastly we appreciate the exposure which Sermon Audio provides to our local area. After just being on SermonAudio for one month, we had two families visit our church - one continuing on now for one year."
Daniel Chamberlin, Covenant Baptist Church

" enables a small church like ours without any computer gurus to have a wider ministry. After just a few weeks the response has been surprising and encouraging. If Paul were preaching today, I expect he would be using as a vehicle to get a hearing for the truth! We are thankful to have this weapon in our arsenal."
Pastor Jeff Riddle, Jefferson Park Baptist Church

"We have just reached our one year anniversary of broadcasting on SermonAudio and have been highly pleased with the service and ministry result. We frequently have new attendees in our church who say they discovered us first through our website and its link to our messages on SermonAudio. Former members who have moved out of the area are also able to keep up with the teaching/preaching ministry of our church. We currently have a young man in our church who is a medical student at the University of Virginia serving a short term internship in public health in Brazil. He recently emailed to say he has been listening to our messages on SermonAudio from Brazil."
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of S. V.

"By the Grace and Glory of God SermonAudio has gone beyond the professional and the elegant. It has afforded opportunity for teaching, preaching and evangelism for churches great and small. Each are able to share those vital and ever necessary sermons to family, friends and workers, as well as fellow Christians through out the world. We have been blessed and encouraged by people from all over the US, and abroad, who have come to our church to hear the preaching of the word of God, many saying that they found us on SermonAudio. We thank God for his kindness upon you all, and we thank you for your labors in providing this tremendous tool and opportunity to spread the Truth and declare the Glorious Word of God."
Pastor Jon Cardwell, Scammon Bay Covenant Church

" is awesome! It is so simple to use that I don't have to become a techno-genius to upload messages, outlines, and Bible studies. That means I can spend more time in the work of the ministry than wandering around on the computer wondering if the material is there or not. I really love the SermonAudio Monthly Report and the Member's Only page. The Monthly Report blesses us with a breakdown of downloaded messages by geographical location. Our messages and Bible studies have been downloaded from lands as distant as China, Romania, and Finland! That's incredible. SermonAudio allows us to quite literally fulfill our Lord's command to go "into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Thank you, for such an accessible resource!"
Littleton Bible Chapel

"Littleton Bible Chapel has been using SermonAudio for over a year now. It has allowed us to share our Sunday morning messages with people all over the world. Ths site is designed so well that even the least experienced computer user can easily find what they want and download or stream it for listening. I regularly get comments from our congregation on what a great service this is. I've also received email from folks around the country and around the world thanking us for making these sermons available. Alex Strauch is our primary speaker and he has published a number of books over the years including "Biblical Eldership" and "Equal but Different" that have caused many people to become aware of him. Folks who've read his books are thrilled that they can now hear his regular preaching."
Berean Baptist Church

"We greatly appreciate the opportunity to have our sermons online. We ask visitors to our church service to let us know how they learned of our church, and we have had an increasing number of responses indicating they learned about us on the internet."
Grace Community Church

"On behalf of our World Trip team, I would like to thank you for what your website has done for our trip. With daily photo albums of our progress on our short term missions trip to the Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar and Romania, we were able to keep everyone back home informed of our daily progress. It has been truly a blessing for everyone! Thank you for making the blog pages and photo albums available for use! We have as of this writing 19,500 hits on our blog pages and almost 16,000 hits on our albums. These hits are from all over the world! We would not have been nearly as effective in communicating with those back home without you! Thanks again!"
Grace Community Church

" has put us in contact with many like-minded Christians that long for Christ to be exalted in truth-saturated, God-centered, powerful preaching, in a time when most pulpits are full of watered-down doctrine-less forms of entertainment."
Community Baptist Church

"Community Baptist Church is first and foremost concerned with pronouncing the Gospel as clearly taught in Scripture to the glorification of Jesus Christ and the edification of His Saints. is a major tool that we have found to be extremely useful. In addition to sending missionaries to the field across the globe to bring the glorious truth of the Gospel, we have the power of the Internet via We are exercising dual global outreach efforts and we agree totally with's motto..."FAITH COMETH BY HEARING." No other instrument next to preaching is as valuable as this service."
Michael Morrow, Union Baptist Church

"I and Union Baptist Church are overcome by the mission opportunities SermonAudio has provided. It is close to sinful for a local church not to take advantage of the ability to preach the Gospel to the world for mere pennies a day. May God continue to use your ministry for His glory."
Rev Ian Brown, Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church

"I appreciate the tweaks you are constantly implementing on the SermonAudio site. A great site just gets greater! Evidently SermonAudio is attracting more visitors / members as the months go past. Thanks for allowing us to share the experience!"
Rev. Ian Brown, Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church

"Though our church has only been registered on SermonAudio since February 2005, we have been overwhelmed with the response! It appears to us that there is no more cost-effective way to 'go-Global' with your ministry than this!"
Don White, Wahoo Community Church

"What impact can a small church (under 100 people) have on people around the world? How can a small church be involved in sharing the Gospel on a world wide scale? One of the ways we have been able to share the Gospel and reach people around the world is by means of We currently have 232 sermons on our sermonaudio site and have had over 7,000 downloads since September of 2003 from 54 different countries. WOW! We look forward each month to the report we receive from SermonAudio. Broadcasting on this site has been a big encouragement to us. We would like to thank SermonAudio for this wonderful opportunity."
John Whitcomb, Whitcomb Ministries, Inc.

"SermonAudio has brought tremendous encouragement to us, as we learn of thousands of people around the world who listen to the messages you send forth. God's Word cannot return empty and void."
Gary McGee, Sovereign Grace Church

"I am thankful for the blessing of I believe that this resource is one that brings honor and glory to the Lord. It is an excellent way of proclaiming the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to Internet listeners all over the world. And I want to thank the staff of SermonAudio for all their hard work."
Village Presbyterian Church

"We have found provides a wonderful forum to share sermons. The website is absolutely professional in its look and feel and the customer service has been outstanding. Thank you for the great service!"
Dr. John C. Whitcomb, Whitcomb Ministries, Inc.

"Responses from my SermonAudio lectures have been a source of great encouragement in the Lord. Thank you for making these messages available to people around the world. May God richly bless your dedicated efforts to glorify Christ our Savior until He comes."
Covenant Reformed Baptist Church

"For a nominal fee, we have seen our sermons circulate far more than they were before. We are impressed with the outstanding quality and immediate support that we receive from SermonAudio! We are so impressed that we are considering having our members "sponsor" additional series uploads."
Robert and Jacqueline Magnuson, Trinity Free Presbyterian Church

"We absolutely LOVE hearing Trinity Free Presbyterian's sermons by Pastor Mooney on When the Lord willed that my husband's job would relocate from Alabama to a small island in the middle of the Pacific ocean, we knew there would be inconveniences, but a lack of excellent quality sermons to nourish our souls would not be one of them. Thank you so much for the service you provide. If you didn't know that your sermons made it all the way to a family on a one square mile coral reef in the middle of nowhere, now you do : ) What a blessing to hear such a wonderful pastor such as Myron Mooney all the way out here!"
Brother Leonard Burrell, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

"Sovereign Grace Baptist Church is an independent assembly; small in number, but active as we preach the gospel and teach the all things, as set forth in the Faith once delivered to the saints. While we support several foreign missionaries, our outreach area has been limited. SermonAudio has changed that and we thank GOD for it. An example of the change is: In February, listeners from 31 different states and 11 foreign countries downloaded and heard our messages. The reasonable cost of SermonAudio helps make this possible."
Marcia Benner, Cornerstone Church Mesa AZ

"Just a note to tell you how much we appreciate the SermonAudio site and the opportunities it has opened to us. A young couple who originally came to Cornerstone Church last year after they found Pastor's sermons and our church info on SA officially joined our church last Sunday. We have at least one Winter Visitor who is with us very happily for 3 months from finding us on a search by location, who emailed from WI for more info before she came. We also have been contacted by Pastors in the Philippines and in Africa, and been visited by a Pastor from Canada, traveling thru AZ. Of course, requests for sermon CDs. Thank you! May the Lord bless your endeavors and continue using them for His Kingdom."
Dr. Charles A. Stewart, Cana Baptist Church

"What a pleasure it is to be a part of the family. I have just completed my first month as a broadcaster and have been overwhelmed by the number of downloads of my sermons from the USA and twenty-nine other nations around the world, including Communist China, Hindu India, and Islamic Oman! Combining the world-wide outreach of the internet with a sophisticated website like produces a powerful ministry tool any Pastor would be wise to exploit for the Kingdom. My church leaders and I are very enthusiastic about this new local, national, and international outreach arm of our church's Bible-teaching ministry. The staff has been most courteous and professional, eager to assist this broadcaster, and amazingly effecient in taking care of any concerns or questions I might have. Their conduct, as well as their website, has been honoring to our Lord Jesus Christ. I would be more than happy to discuss my experiences and to highly recommend to any Pastor!"
Colin Mercer, Mourne Free Presbyterian Church

"The church in Mourne appreciates the opportunity to use the excellent facilities of SermonAudio. This worldwide ministry is seen as an extension of our local ministry at home. We have been greatly encouraged by the increase downloads over the past two or three months. We are always very encouraged when requests for sermons come to us from across the world and for those who have emailed to say that they have appreciated the preaching of the word. It is our constant prayer that God would richly bless you and this work and that it will be means of bringing many to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ."
Nathan Foran, Berean Baptist Church

"We thank the Lord for the opportunity to broadcast our services with We reach many more people (saved or unsaved) per month than we did before. It is great to be able to say to someone "Hey, my pastor just preached a message on that. You should listen to it online. Just go to!""
Malvern Free Presbyterian Church

"Our church here in Malvern has benefited greatly from the use of SermonAudio. We are encouraged to see a number of downloads per week per message, and requests for tapes fairly often. Our members have also benefited from the use of SermonAudio by being able to listen to sermons from home on weekdays, or when they have been sick and not able to make it to church and the Lord's Day."
Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

"The church here has been overjoyed and full of thanksgiving to OUR Great God for the blessings we have received through our new ministry on SermonAudio. It has enabled us to preach the Blessed Gospel of our Redeemer in places and to people that we never thought possible. It has also been a real blessing of encouragement to the church as well as me personally...We have been reminded once again...our "labour is not in vain, in the Lord". May the Lord continue to bless the staff, people, and other churches of SermonAudio. May He continue to bless us together in this labour of Christ's love."
Pastor Steve Hereford, Changed By Grace

"I want to express my thanks and gratitude to Jesus for I believe that SermonAudio is certainly a God-send to churches that want to organize and provide audio ministry to their members as well as to the world. Through SermonAudio you will not only stay on top with the latest technology but you will also be provided with an opportunity to reach those who may never enter the doors of your church. Each month you receive a report that allows you to track the effects of your ministry as well as see where God is taking it. As one preacher said, "If you take care of the depth of your ministry, God will take care of the breath of it." In our case, God is using SermonAudio to do this and that's why they have become the primary source for all our full length audio. The page that you receive is not only attactive to the eye but also filled with many opportunities to showcase your ministry. From your lastest photos to a Web Store that will house all your products. I highly recommend SermonAudio for your church or ministry. You will not find any other website that offers so many features for just $29.95."
Rev Andrew Patterson, Garvagh Free Presbyterian Church

"It was after the funeral service of a Godly committee man, who was a true ambassador for Christ, which occasioned the thought of our church being on SermonAudio. One man likened it to a modern day tract distribution work. Ever since then, we have been overwhelmed at the number of people who are listening and downloading the messages worldwide. As the number of sermons increase on our site, we have found that the downloads are steadily increasing. Our people in Garvagh are amazed at the parts of the world that are being reached. We heartily commend the SermonAudio team, who have made the site so easy and manageable to use. May the Lord continue to use this witness for His glory alone."
Phil Higby, Pompton Plains Reformed Bible Church

"I have been the Tape Ministry Coordinator for the Pompton Plains Reformed Bible Church since its beginning in 1984. In the spring of 2003 we started our own website. One of our members owns Alpha and Omega Software Corp. and designed it for us. We have our Tape Ministry Database on it and quite a few sermons in Windows Media .wma format. It was some time ago that a member of our council asked me to look into posting our sermons on the SermonAudio website. I had been getting the newsletter for a while and looked into it. I was very pleased with what I found on your website and reported back to the council. They asked me to obtain a membership and purchase software as needed to make the .mp3 recordings. Since our own website's Windows Media .wma format will allow a download, but such a download will only only play on a computer's sound system, so the .mp3 format is a real benefit. I believe that is why we have had 151 downloads since we started with SermonAudio. I for one praise God for this ministry."
L. Burrell, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

"As one of your newest broadcasters, we may have jumped the gun by going on-line before we were really set up. We are still getting familiar with the new recording (MP3) equipment as well as new software (XP Home), Hopefully, it won't be too much longer. I will share a word with any who may be "thinking about it"; your support has been great every step of the way!"
Rev. Gordon Dane, Crossgar Free Presbyterian Church

"The broadcasting of our sermons by the means of the internet on SermonAudio has been a means of reaching people we could not otherwise have hoped to have reached. We were amazed at the number of downloads of our sermons from all over the world. It is a means of fulfilling the Lord's commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel."
Jim Savastio, Reformed Baptist Church

"Your ministry to us has proven a great blessing to our own flock, and we believe to many others around the world as well. Thank you for your many sacrifices, your zeal, and your vision to serve the Kingdom of God!"
Rev. Freddy Fritz, Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church

"Our church has enjoyed the opportunity to have our sermons broadcast on It is a wonderfully economical way to broadcast sermons. Thanks for making it possible for us to do so."
Chris Gable, Lehigh Valley Baptist Church

"SermonAudio has been a God send for us at Lehigh Valley Baptist Church. We had originally hosted audio sermons on our website, but it was difficult and time consuming to update. We started broadcasting last year and have seen our sermons downloaded 5,000 times. The exposure we get with SermonAudio is tremendous. Thanks for all you hard work in keeping your site up to date and for this great service."
LeRoy Rhodes, Mount Zion Primitive Baptist Church

"The reason I changed from my previous audio site to SermonAudio was because of the outreach of this site, and the simplicity of uploading sermons, and the home page setup and edit that you have created. This is a great time saver for pastors who maintain their own audio site. I want to thank you for using the gift God has given you in this area of service. Also the working together as a whole to send forth the gospel of Christ by our being bonded together by the gospel is a blessing and joy to many who will download and hear these sermons. God bless you."
Immanuel Free Reformed Church

"We, at Immanuel Free Reformed Church, have been blessed by the wonderful exposure we have gotten by putting our sermons on Our sermons have now been listened to all over the U. S. and the world! Our congregation has been encouraged and excited when we see what sermons, and where they have been downloaded from, in the monthly download reports. Thank you so much for, with God's help, making all this possible for us to do at a reasonable monthly price. May God continue to bless you!"
Tim Bourgeois, Tree of Life Christian Church

" has been a blessing for our church. For our own members is has provided a convenient alternative to taking home a cassette tape of the Sunday teaching since they can now listen on their own schedule. Plus they have access from their own PC to an entire growing library of messages. For outreach purposes the service has enabled us to speak into the lives of people we would never have touched otherwise. I'm amazed each month to receive the download report and see that people from Australia to Great Britain to Nigeria to Singapore are listening to the messages."
Church of Mercy (Cambodia)

"Years ago, many Cambodian people became refugees, fleeing the reign of Pol Pot. Through the ministry of it is now possible to reach many of the Cambodian people around the world with sermons glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord has already blessed our site with many visitors listening to and downloading sermons in the Khmer language. We have also received requests for copies of sermons on cd. We had no idea what kind of results to expect when we began posting our sermons. We are tremendously excited about how the Lord has blessed our site. One of Pastor Chheng Nuon's goals was to reach Cambodian people with sermons glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for being the vehicle to help accomplish this goal."
Rev. Derek Erwin, Orlando Free Presbyterian Church

"Thank you for the excellent service that SermonAudio provides. It has been a real blessing to the congregation in Orlando. Thank you and keep up the good work!"
Pastor Jim Adams, Cornerstone Church

"SermonAudio has been a very pleasant and effective surprise. We hadn’t expected such a widespread degree of gospel outreach. SermonAudio provides a fresh presence into the world and also sets the platform for very gratifying internal enthusiasm of our people. More than once we have heard someone leaving church saying “I can’t wait to tell (Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother…etc. ‘back home’) that they can now hear Cornerstone Church sermons on the internet and see our pictures too!” We have thoroughly enjoyed these first two months with SermonAudio and look forward to a continued outreach through their services for many years to come."
Reg Barrow, Still Waters Revival Books

"SermonAudio has done a tremendous job of helping us spread apostolic Christianity worldwide via free MP3 downloads -- at a more than reasonable price! We have received a large number of downloads and positive comments from numerous countries (even including countries like China, Lithuania, Nambia, and Iran). With the long reach of SermonAudio you never know who will be listening to your messages, but you can be sure of this, just about anybody in the world will have potential access (at least anywhere there is a computer and a web connection)."
Pastor D. A. Waite, Bible For Today Baptist Church

"Our Bible For Today Baptist Church appreciates the ministry of greatly. By means of your service, our church in Collingswood, New Jersey, U.S.A. can broadcast its messages throughout this country and around the world. We are encouraged that 2,966 downloads were made during the month of December, 2003, from 31 foreign countries and 47 of our own states. It is a modern miracle of getting out the gospel of our Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ."
John Whitcomb, Whitcomb Ministries, Inc.

"We rejoice at the evidence of God's blessing upon SermonAudio in reaching thousands of people around the world with Bible messages which God has laid upon my heart through the years. The results we have seen so far have encouraged me, under God, to dedicate my life to further preparation of Bible messages for God's people everywhere. Thank you so much for your skills and experience in making this happen. To God be the glory."
Oulton Broad Free Presbyterian Church

"We at Oulton Broad, England are a very small Church with only a handful of regular attendees, yet it has been our utmost joy to know that sermons preached in our little Church, faithfully week by week by our dear Pastor, are also enjoyed by thousands of people right across the globe! What an incredible thing it is, that the preached word of God can be broadcast so effortlessly to anywhere on this planet, from such humble beginnings! This is such an encouragement for us to press on in our ministry for Him."
Del Ward, First Baptist Church Sterling Heights

"SermonAudio has expanded our opportunity for ministry. Our people who serve in other ministries are able to listen to or download the sermons online. Other members listen to sermons again. They can refer their friends to a helpful sermon that will minister to their needs. It is also interesting to see that people from all over the USA and the world are being blessed by the messages posted by our church staff. I recently received an e-mail from a man in India who requested a copy of a sermon."
Charles Poss, Reformed Presbyterian Church

"Before, we attempted to post a number of sermons to our church's website. We were forced to constantly rotate the sermons because of limited space. changed all of that. Now, we are provided an unlimited amount of archiving of the sermons which allows the listener a greater degree of choice and convenience. Furthermore, for a small church such as ours to be able to broadcast all over the world, what we believe to be thoroughly reformed, expository sermons, is phenomenal. We continue to believe to be a great service to the Church."
Stephen Gambill, Reformed Baptist Church of Nashville

"SermonAudio has been a help especially for those who are sick or travelling and have to miss the services. It is a convenient way for them to catch up on the ministries without having to request a tape. It has also been helpful in exposing the preaching ministry of the church to friends and family, as well as allowing someone to listen before they visit the first time. Thanks for a great service and customer support."
First Baptist Church of Parker Texas

"We are so very thankful for the opportunity to enjoy the outreach offers our church! Radio broadcast time in the Dallas-Ft.Worth market became very expensive and we had to discontinue our radio program. fills the broadcast niche we were missing. Not only can we afford to offer our sermons to a very wide audience, but our outreach through now extends beyond our immediate broadcast area."
First Baptist Church of Parker Texas

"We never received any statistics on potential listeners when we were broadcasting on radio, but gives us a monthly summary of our audience location as well as the sermons being chosen for listening. Listeners can learn about our church, view photos of our ministries and easily correspond with us through email. The portability of sermon downloads rounds out your wonderful service. Thanks for offering a meeting place for listeners interested in faithful, powerful preaching."
Calvary Baptist Tabernacle

"Pastor E. A. Anderson and the congregation of Calvary Baptist Tabernacle are delighted with the World-Wide response to the sermons from our church. This is a ministry that is extremely cost effective and positive in its outreach. When we get the download report each month it is shown to the congregation and they never cease to be amazed at all the people that listen around the world."
David G Mook, Phoenix FPC

"We have been broadcasting on SermonAudio for two years, and have been completely pleased with the service and the value, both spiritually and financially. The site is being maintained at a high level and provides exposure for our church's ministry that we could never afford through any other medium. The reports we receive each month are a tremendous encouragement to our people to pray for the Lord's blessing on the ministry of His Word. We regard it as our most effective and efficient means of outreach. We trust that the Lord will continue to bless this vital ministry."
Bob Faulkner, Hackberry House

"Thank you for the wonderful opportunity of being a "worldwide" broadcaster from the privacy of my own home! I have now taught nearly the entire BIBLE via the auspices of your website, and literally people all over the world have been touched. Just a couple of days ago, a Korean brother from Sydney Australia contacted me to let me know he was using my Bible studies for his little Korean church. What a joy and encouragement! Thank you for this GREAT service and your immediate feedback to any problems I have encountered (which have been FEW)."
Pastor Larry E. Ball, Bridwell Heights Presbyterian

"We have been overwhelmed by the response to this medium. We never dreamed of the response we are getting. We have had numerous responses of appreciation from Christians we probably will never meet this side of heaven. We have even had a visitor who lives thousands of miles away who happened to be traveling near our Church, a regular listener over the Internet. We are thrilled with this medium to get the Word of God out, and would recommend it to other churches."
Richard Rorex, Calvary Baptist Tabernacle

"I posted the monthly report tonight and Pastor was thrilled to see where his ministry for God and Jesus Christ has spread. We are seeing more value per dollar from this outreach than our advertising in the yellow pages or newspapers will ever provide."
Pastor D. A. Waite, Bible For Today Baptist Church

"Just last week we learned of a man in South Africa who takes our messages, puts them on CD's at his own expense, and distributes them to likeminded Christians throughout his area. Just yesterday, we had a retired Lt. Col. in the Brazilian Air Force and his wife attend our church. They are in the USA attending a Baptist Seminary that I recommended when the wrote me for a recommendation. They first heard of our ministry through the messages on SermonAudio.Com. These are just two illustrations of the valuable outreach across the globe of this ministry."
Dr. Steve Hereford, Changed By Grace

"Since we started broadcasting with SermonAudio, we have had three families join our church. One individual found us on SermonAudio three months before attending our services. She later joined and was baptized. The responses that we have received have not only come through personal visits but also through the many email requests for either tapes, MP3 CD's or spiritual guidance. Thank you for having an exceptional site and for the partnership we share in taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth. I highly recommend your ministry to churches and ministries that seek to use the Internet as an opportunity to broadcast their messages."
Dr. Mark Allison, Malvern Free Presbyterian Church

"SermonAudio has been a great benefit to our church as we try to proclaim the gospel of Christ to a needy world. We continually receive correspondence from those who listen to our messages all over the world and have also had a number of visitors to our services. Keep up the good work."
Rev. John Greer, Ballymena Free Presbyterian

"We are delighted to be a part of the SermonAudio ministry. It is very exciting for the congregation here to receive the monthly download report and learn of the various countires where our sermons have gone. We would heartily recommend faithful pastors and churches to get involved in this God glorifying ministry."
Tom Hill, Master Ministries International, Inc.

"Thank you for the excellent service that you provide to ministries like mine. My organization, a nonprofit corporation, has one passion, the spiritual revival of the Church of Jesus Christ. Since 1993, it has broadcast programs on televison in one nationwide broadcast as well and numerous regional and local broadcasts. The service of SermonAudio has taken these broadcasts and made them available on their site. I have had hundreds of downloads of these broadcasts to places all over the world. I greatly appreciate the increased outreach for this ministry at a reasonable cost."
Philip Owen, Berean Free Presbyterian Church

"Thank you for this 'one-of-a-kind' web site that helps souls who are hungry for the Word of God and studying to locate a true and living church that is preoccupied with God's glory and in growing believers who will in turn reach the lost. We have had calls and visitors from time to time. Also the news section is helpful in that you have already sifted through the endless and often vain events to give us the pertinent happenings and providences."
G. N. Barkman, Beacon Baptist Church

"We at Beacon Baptist Church are grateful for the opportunity to broadcast our sermons on Frankly, we have been amazed at the response. We have heard from listeners all over the world who tell us how blessed and grateful they are to have access to our sermons. We pray that God will sustain this ministry to the glory of Christ."
Reginald Cranston, Port Hope Free Presbyterian

"A man and his wife recently joined our church after listening to the sermons on SermonAudio. I would therefore recommend SermonAudio to Pastors of Bible believing churches, it is a wonderful way to get your ministry known and to reach souls around the world as well as people from your own town or city who as yet do not attend your church."
David G Mook, Phoenix Free Presbyterian Church

"There is not a better value in outreach ministry than to have the preaching of God's Word from our church going all over the world 24 hours a day, and the cost for broadcasting membership is, comparably, very low. Our experience has been that as the number of sermons available on our homepage continues to grow, downloads are increasing dramatically. We find the site very easy to use and rejoice at the thought that people around the world have heard the messages preached in our pulpit."
David G Mook, Phoenix Free Presbyterian Church

"For a small congregation, there is little that could be done to generate a wider outreach for very little cost that would match the effectiveness of The staff at SermonAudio was very helpful in solving various technical problems we encountered in our startup phase, and has always been very prompt in replying to any questions. We highly recommend as a powerful means of reaching the world for Christ in the 21st Century."
Geoff Banister, Indianapolis Free Presbyterian

"Before our church began broadcasting on SermonAudio we were paying close to $800 a month for a daily 5 minute radio broadcast. We were thankful for the opportunity to extend our voice to the Indianapolis area but for a church our size we reached the place where we could no longer justify the expense. Through SermonAudio we went from paying $800 a month for 5 minute spots to under $40 a month. The price difference was phenomenal. But so was the value. We broadcast full sermons now - not 5 minute sermon excerpts. We are able to use the sermons preached on Sunday. The minister does not have to have special recording times for the radio. And the Lord has literally given us a voice throughout the world - not just the immediate vicinity of Indianapolis."
Geoff Banister, Indianapolis Free Presbyterian

"Through the monthly download reports we are able to see exactly how people are responding to our messages. In a years time we have had more people visit as a result of SermonAudio than we ever saw for the duration of our time on the radio. The value of SermonAudio to the Free Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis defies calculation. And I believe in the coming days it will only get better. I thank God for this effective tool of outreach and I heartily recommend SermonAudio to churches that are looking for an affordable means to expand their ministries."
Dr. David Yearick, Hampton Park Baptist Church

"Like most churches, we are always interested in expanding our outreach. has provided us with a great opportunity for getting our message to many more people. We presently have nearly 200 sermons available, and more are added each week. They can broadcast 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from anywhere in the world! The potential audience is unlimited, and the cost is minimal. I would recommend to any church looking for additional means of advancing the Gospel."

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