Very helpful Sermon! As I was listening I was struck with the thought of just how much the American Church suffers from Biblical illiteracy--not just in facts but in understanding what our position in Christ really is. In Him we are wealthly beyond comprehension and are afforded every spiritual blessing, yet we act as paupers who have been deprived and thus must manipulate God to bless as if He were relunctant to do so. Thank God we don't need "gnostic" keys to open doors that promise feelings of spiritual euphoria or that advertise a higher plane of spiritual experience.
The other thing that struck me is that for the most part the average Christian has seemingly lost his will to discern for fear of being labeled either "too negative" or "legalistic." We are seemingly more oriented towards "what works" and jumping on the bandwagon rather than taking the time to analyze every fad or trend with the accurate and skillful use of God's word. We have become too lazy and careless. Thanks for uploading this sermon.
Thank You! Great Sermon! Thank you, Thank you for speaking out. I knew there wasn't something right about this new trend, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Praise be to God! I highly recommend this sermon.
wise, biblical, Christ-centred arguing Richard Caldwell has argued convincingly that Bruce Wilkinson has carelessly mishandled the word of God and that:
1) The Jabez prayer is not a model prayer
2) Its content is not consistent with how we are instructed to pray by Jesus
3) The notion of prayer repitition is also opposed to Jesus's teaching
4) The key to real blessing in life is not the prayer of Jabez but rather it is Jesus Christ
Now please download it and listen for yourselves!
Great Sermon! What is the role of a lampstand? What is the role of the church? What is the role of a minister?
Excellent questions; with Biblically accurate answers provided.
This sermon is titled "Understanding the ministry," and it helps do just that.
Scott Hughey
Refreshing It is refreshing to hear a sermon (this applies to the entire series of "Man as he really is") that teaches the true nature of man.
When we understand this, we better understand the grace of God.
Thanks For Your Insight Great sermon. Very true and Biblically based. Everyone needs to hear this in order to question those who practice the Prayer of Jabez.
Excellent tool... thanks I came back and listened to this sermon again when I was preparing to teach a youth class on James 2. I remembered the excellent presentation on what a saving faith is. I prepared a 5 minute audio cut of Richard putting verses 21-23 into proper context.
This is an excellent illustration of what salvation truly is. I highly reccommend it.
Scott Hughey
Great Sermon! For a while I have been wrestling with specific areas of obedience. Last week I realized in so many of my attempts I had not asked for Christ's help. When our weaknesses humble us so, only the grace of God gives the oppurtunity to hear about our standing in his sight.
Thank you
Great Sermon! This is an excellent compliment to the Mark 10 series. We see in this series what happens when God saves someone. It is also incredible to see an Old Testament basis for the doctrine of the Trinity.
Great Sermon! A really helpful sermon. You have confirmed what I was thinking but you have pinpointed the various reasons very clearly. I would have liked a printed copy but was unable to do so. God bless you.
Excellent! I wish more people could hear this message. Many of my friends and family have become hostages to the superstitous use of this prayer. May God use this message to reach all those who have been decieved by "The Prayer of Jabez".
Could not agree more!!! Pastor Caldwell has put his finger
directly on the problems with the
JABEZ phenomenon that is sweeping
the church.
This is a MUST listen to anyone who
has either read the book already or
is curious about the book.
Way to go Pastor Caldwell.
Great Sermon! A much needed presentation,I might go one step further and suggest what many call "The Lord,s Prayer" is not a model for repetition in the Body of Christ to day ,but for the setting up of the Kingdom of Heaven as in our Lord's earthly ministry, and again in Tribulation days when the 144,000 present the claims of the Crucified,Risen,Glofified,Soon Coming Lord of Glory to the Mount of Olives. These will be days when the Kingdom is in question,when bread is scarce, when the Glory has left the House.
Repetition of this prayer may be the norm during Tribulation days by many who are willing to lay down their lives for the Testimony of Jesus, but in spite of it all ,Israel will say when they see Him in His Glory, "What are these wounds in Thine hands,and He shall say unto them, these are they with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.
May the Lord richly bless your ministry for His Glory.
Great Sermon! This sermon was exceptionally helpful in setting the record straight on the prayer of Jabez. Often, we feel that something may not be quite right in a particular trend among Christians, but we may not be able to pinpoint quite why we feel uncomfortable. Well, Richard Caldwell, Jr. pinpoints it--and does it respectfully, cogently, thoroughly, and in an outstanding fashion! Many thanks.