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Sermon2/14/2021 3:45 PM
Sinner saved by grace | Kingdom of God  Find all comments by Sinner saved by grace
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Two Miracles 6
David Gay
“ Fill us with Your power Lord! ”
He sees us in the crowd, every soul He knows thoroughly, sees all our mess, yet He calls us out, and draws us closer and closer to Him, till we see no One but Him, see His face, feel His powerful overwhelming love toward us and know He is God, my Savior and King Who has come for me... God help me to love like You, to see each soul as You do, to pray like You pray that my heart my eyes would bleed

News Item5/24/2020 7:14 PM
Sinner saved by Grace | New Jersey  Find all comments by Sinner saved by Grace
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I thot best to insert BOLD into your comments to help clarify my points
BTW, Zacharais speaking in a Satanic Mormon temple is not the equivalent of Paul speaking at Mars' Hill/Areopagus.STILL DID NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION WHY NOT WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? An equivalent hypothetical situation would be, God forbid, John the Apostle speaking inside a Gnostic cult temple. As Mormons have established a demonic false Christianity and can never be communed with in such intimacy. Their god is not God; how can you not see the evil in this?Zacharias committed spiritual fornication and apostate Christianity is too cowardly to call it; instead they patronize him as this glorious Saint who could never do any wrong. NO ONE EVER SAID THIS, ARE YOU SINLESS? The 'gospel' Zacharias preached, is not the Gospel. YOU CALLED IT THE GOSPEL, NOT I. His actions in presenting a so-called gospel openly show his inward sins and the rotten fruit. Let him be accursed. BOLD WORDS FROM ANOTHER SINNER SAVED BY GRACE
Galatians 1:8-9 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

News Item5/23/2020 6:43 PM
Sinner saved by Grace | New Jersey  Find all comments by Sinner saved by Grace
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Wow, thank you for your honesty. I see where you are coming from and it saddens me. I'm sorry also, maybe you missed the passages I set out, you didn't comment on them (Gal. 2:11-14 and Mark 9:38-40. Are they not true and God's words? Explain why your texts are right snd mine go ignored. I am sure we're both forgiven by the bloid of Jesus Christ and will one day fellowship in glory. Both of our eyes will be open and God's grace and mercy will be revealed. I just don't want to be the dinner that casts the first stone not the one who has coats cast at their feet (Acts 7:58) when stoning. Be careful brothers, your words are not in Christ-like love

News Item5/23/2020 4:48 PM
Sinner saved by Grace | New Jersey  Find all comments by Sinner saved by Grace
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So "presenting tbe gospel" doesn't matter to you. It's the location, hmmm, I guess that's the same for Jesus, Peter, Paul and hundreds of missionaries tbrough out the ages. Sorry for you! If he condoned anything about their beliefs (which he didn't), I'd be concerned. I did see this, because, when it originally took place, I too wanted to check it out. I think his graciousness was Christ-like, his decorum, Solomon-like and his presentation Paul-like. And I am sure he would respond, to you like, I will,.. Mark 9:38-40 and Galatians 2:11-14
hey_yo wrote:
You seem not to have watched Zacharias speak at a Mormon 'tabernacle'. Simply search YouTube for the actual video of this apostasy: 'Ravi Zacharias at the Mormon Tabernacle'.
It does not matter if he presented the gospel there or not, Zacharias gave incredible legitimacy to this Satanic group by giving them respect they do not deserve.
Where is the discernment?!
This is spiritual adultery on behalf of Zacharias, to his perverse shame, for all to see on YouTube.
I've looked on BaptistBoard and the Puritan Board to see nothing but praise for this man who made merchandise of you.
He died in the same evil shame as Billy Graham.

News Item5/23/2020 2:10 PM
Sinner saved by Grace | New Jersey  Find all comments by Sinner saved by Grace
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Sorry to hear all the unedifying talk about a man who served The Lord. When you're perfect, have your doctrine all neatly wrapped and share with others, the way he has or to as many as he has, then come and talk to me. But then again, I won't want to fellowship with you, because of your self-righteous hypocrisy. I didn't agree with everything he said, but I loved his sincerity. No wonder the world has difficulty with Christians, we shoot our own people. I think it was C. Everett Koop who said that Christians have difficulty with others christians because they sin differently than them. What's your sin?

Sermon4/3/2020 9:30 AM
Sinner saved by grace | Cleveland Tn  Contact via emailFind all comments by Sinner saved by grace
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“ GlORY!!!! ”
Glory glory glory someone touched me!!! Preach!!!!!

Sermon12/8/15 11:06 AM
Sinner saved by Grace | USA  Find all comments by Sinner saved by Grace
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“ You must hear it. ”
The power of God is in this message. God's word teaches us like nothing else can. Thank you brother Reg. Only in heaven will you know how much your preaching has helped me.

Sermon7/24/13 10:33 PM
Sinner saved by grace | United States  Find all comments by Sinner saved by grace
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“ A helpful foundation to a Biblical understanding of the Lord's Day ”
This sermon lays an excellent foundation for understanding the Biblical background of keeping the Lord's Day. Understanding the covenants and the heart of God in establishing the Lord's Day is vital to knowing how to go about keeping it in accordance with His word.

News Item5/26/13 6:23 PM
sinnersavedbygrace  Find all comments by sinnersavedbygrace
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John Yurich USA wrote:
I am contemplating getting re-Baptized at my friends Baptist Church but I won't be converting to the Baptist Church if I get re-Baptized.
John, Why do you attend a RC church when you claim to be saved at your brother's non-denominational church (independent ?)??

Why not therefore attend an independent church?

Why not attend your friend's Baptist church if you are prepared to be baptised there?

What is special about your RC church? In your shyness have you seen 'any' converted at this RC church?

You claim to have no problems with the main confessions of faith.

The main confessions of faith have a problem with the RC church!

Why not find a Calvinistic church?

Speak to a Baptist Pastor and see if he thinks you evidence that you are indeed a candidate for baptism.

Where in the USA are you and we can see what sound local churches are close by that will hold to the confessions that you believe!

Come on John, answer the questions

News Item6/14/12 11:46 AM
Sinner Saved By Grace | Midwest, US  Find all comments by Sinner Saved By Grace
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Presby wrote:
I wish you poor old Baptists would learn the truth about Presbyterianism.
Oh! And I wish you poor old Baptists would learn the truth about baptism.
At Least we Baptists got it right! John was a Baptist - John the Baptist - do you get it, Pesby?

Anyway, Don't you think Jesus, John the Baptist and many others would have been baptized as babies if Presbyterianism was right?

Sermon6/14/12 11:33 AM
Sinner Saved By Grace | Illinois  Find all comments by Sinner Saved By Grace
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Jesus the Son of Man
Keith Throop
“ Great Sermon! ”
I am really enjoying this expository series on John.

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