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News Item3/1/18 3:59 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Ah, Scotland, a fine place, except on March 13, 1996, when Thomas Hamilton went nuts and well, you know the rest of that story, just look up Dunblane Primary School.
Note that he was male.
I just can't think of any females doing this kind of thing.

News Item3/1/18 2:59 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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How would you interpret the last part of this verse?

Matthew 19:12
For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake.

News Item3/1/18 2:33 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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I was giving a wild guess on the ten percent figure, so I did a quick online search for my area...not too easy to figure out. But then I checked the largest city in this state and found that county has 4,676 males, 435 females, as of yesterday. It's all in a one-page, easy to read report, a wonder in these days of big and complicated government.
I used to think jail was for people being there for less than one year, but this report has about ten being kept for over 4,000 days, which works out to more than ten years!

News Item3/1/18 11:46 AM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Interesting idea to do a show about living according to the Koran. Many think Saudi Arabia would be the place to find it, and yet I just heard on NHK Newsroom Tokyo that they will start allowing women to drive in June. Let's see how that works out!
They also showed a running club of women who had to wear these long, bag-like garments to hide their entire bodies.

I thought this "year of living biblically" was already shown on PBS, so maybe it was just a variation they aired during Easter or Christmas seasons.

I don't think many people will want to watch it, since few pay attention to what the Bible says, and many see it as an area of conflict more than anything else.
I was amazed when I read last year that Doreen Virtue, a New Age teacher, was recommending her readers take up the challenge to read through the Bible in 2018. She said she was going to do it on Instagram, whatever that is.

News Item3/1/18 11:26 AM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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I'm a bit shocked, Jimbo, by no links in thy message! Has thy been reading Kim Komando's recommendation to not open links in email messages or posts to news stories?

KJV usage--if only we could get back to speaking like the KJV, we would be OK and all these religious conflicts would go away!

News Item3/1/18 11:23 AM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Maybe I was doing some "Star-Trek" like thinking..haven't they done an episode where they visit a planet run by women? Or was that the Twilight Zone? Outer Limits?
Reality--check your local jails and prisons for percentage of women; I would bet it's less than ten percent.

News Item2/28/18 4:49 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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It seems that some people think that the KJV is the only Bible that should be used.
Therefore, Wycliffe is barking up the wrong tree! For them, Wycliffe should be teaching the world how to read the KJV rather than translating it into Russian, Chinese, Spanish, etc. The fringe benefit would be that they could easily cross the border (you choose-on the north side from Maine to Washington State, or the south side from California to Texas)to live in America. Even my public library is hosting an event tomorrow with someone from the US Citizenship and Immigration Service to provide information, materials, and answer general questions regarding the citizenship process.
OF course, I assume that in Mexico or Canada, their similarly named govt. agency offers the same types of events in their plazas for any Americans, Guatemalans, etc. who want to become Mexican or Canadian citizens.
By the way, with the President's name in a couple other news items here, it all reminds me...what happened with all the people who said they would leave if he won the election?

News Item2/28/18 4:40 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Yes, Christopher, even Trayvon Martin would be alive today (though in the slammer) if the Proper Authorities had taken Appropriate Action and jailed him for burglary. He already had a record at school, so it would have been the 'straw that broke the camel's back.'
But as I said in a previous news story here, the Big Problem is Men. If they could be sent to one big island (like Great Britain, Scotland, etc), then they would be violent with each other, and no women would ever be harmed again.
Banning guns will not help; a recent murder story here in Polk County was about a couple of men who killed another man with a frying pan and baseball bat.

News Item2/28/18 4:16 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Of course, an alternative would be to make all males eunuchs, and only reserve their seed in frozen form for use with special women on breeding labs.

News Item2/28/18 12:45 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Yes, because you can't tell which one will go off. Banning guns won't help; there was a recent case in Polk County, Florida of a couple men who killed another man with a frying pan and a baseball bat.

News Item2/28/18 10:55 AM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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This is very good news!
What is ironic is that in the developed part of the world, less reading of the printed Bible is being done, while more is being done on smartphones, tablets, computers in general.
The translation into oral forms recorded on various electronic media and broadcast on radio and online is a new wrinkle that no one in the previous centuries ever considered.
Of course, Wycliffe is driven in part by a belief that Jesus cannot return until their work is complete.
But I do does the King James Version sound in Spanish? Russian? Chinese?

News Item2/28/18 10:51 AM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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The real question is...are you attending?

News Item2/28/18 10:50 AM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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The one characteristic that all these killers share is that they are all men.
Therefore, laws need to be enacted to control men. Ideally, they should all be shipped off to an island where they can only harm themselves.

News Item2/27/18 3:53 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Be cautious with links
Do not follow web links in unsolicited email messages, it could be a phishing attack. Cybercriminals always take advantage of popular websites and trending news stories to try and find new victims. That's why you need to be able to recognize a phishing scam.

News Item2/27/18 3:51 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Be cautious with links
Do not follow web links in unsolicited email messages, it could be a phishing attack. Cybercriminals always take advantage of popular websites and trending news stories to try and find new victims. That's why you need to be able to recognize a phishing scam.

News Item2/27/18 3:48 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Be cautious with links
Do not follow web links in unsolicited email messages, it could be a phishing attack. Cybercriminals always take advantage of popular websites and trending news stories to try and find new victims. That's why you need to be able to recognize a phishing scam.

News Item2/27/18 3:19 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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I did not think he was going to say, "I apologize for being a coward and not stopping the shooter while it happened."
Note that the statement was given by his lawyer, which means, he is more afraid of legal action than anything else. He might lose his job or retirement benefits.

One good aspect of this is that it gives the answer to everyone who says the solution is to have more trained security personnel in the schools.

More is being found out about the Obama-Holder program allowing the schools to keep bad kids around, just to satisfy some numerical goals of not being seen as racist.

News Item2/26/18 5:34 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Perhaps nothing was done by the Proper Authorities because they were not too eager to do their job for a new boss in DC that was not of their political party.
We just saw how deeply hateful some of their agents in DC were of President Donald Trump; why would we think the agents in the Broward County Florida office would think anything different.
Another issue has to do with Schools vs. Public: schools in Florida operate on a different legal jurisdiction than everyone else. They don't have to go to their local Building Department to get a building permit; their rules, they say, override the local rules.
Same thing with security enforcement. They don't have to reveal all the bad guys in their system.
It reminds me of the case of Trayvon Martin, who was suspended from his high school in Miami-Dade County, even though he could have gone to jail for burglary since he was found carrying jewelry that matched the exact description of what had been stolen from a home near his school. But the School did not want to dirty their record by having him sent to the hoosegow.

News Item2/26/18 4:47 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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I just did a quick search for SermonAudio's sermons for the word 'ecology' and found 22 sermons listed. I downloaded the first 2 from a series on Ecology and Economics that sound very interesting.
In the case of this news item, it sounds like the pastor is trying to be relevant to millenials. Maybe he will learn that they might like what he has to say, but are not willing to give up a tenth of their gross income to fund his salary.
Therefore, he will alienate his seasoned citizen members who may be willing to fund his salary, and then he will have nothing.

News Item2/26/18 4:40 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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How can this be, Jimbo?
I mean, isn't Boston the place all those Puritans lived in and controlled, down to making it illegal to miss Sunday services?
I've heard even Harvard was established as a training school for ministers.
How did this happen?
Could the same thing happen in the Bible Belt of the South?
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