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News Item2/26/18 4:36 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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The N.E. can get it right sometimes.
They were the first to break the story on former Democrat Presidential Candidate Senator John Edwards and his 'messing around.' No one else in the mainstream media wanted to touch that story, since they are so much in love with all Democrats.
It's a wonder they still have Moyers at PBS, after knowing he was the press secretary for Democrat President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ), known for keeping a nutcase (J. Edgar Hoover) in charge of the FBI, where he spied on an icon like Martin Luther King, Jr.

News Item2/26/18 4:31 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Good to see the Leftists in California are waking up to her hypocritical leadership. Someone had the audacity to ask her what she was worth, and she responded by saying, that's not what this is all about.
Of course, since we are talking Mexifornia, here, the person who will replace her is probably just as Leftist as she is, just like the ones who are going to Cuba right now to talk about how they can re-open the embassy there.
They also probably think Che Guevara was some kind of hero, not the amoral murderer that he truly was.

News Item2/26/18 4:27 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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It may be that Hungary is Europe's last hope. The churches in Europe are empty and their buildings remodeled for use as residences, restaurants, etc.

News Item2/26/18 4:09 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Have you seen this in any news outlet other than this "Christian Post"? In fact, I have seen very little made of Graham's 'graduation' in the news media; most are preoccupied with guns, the FBI's incompetence, the Broward sheriffs cowardice, the Steele report that Hillary Clinton paid for, etc.

News Item2/26/18 4:04 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Yes, DC is definitely full of liberals, even in the churches.
And good to see SA get back to the main theme of news items--sodomites.
But I thought Baptist churches were only 'loosely affiliated' and their annual convention never comes up with a New Policy To Be Obeyed (or else!). I could understand it if they wanted all services in all their churches to start at 11:00am Sundays, with Sunday School starting at 9:30am so they have time to finish and go to the service. I don't know if they want to go as far as adding a New Policy on Sunday night services.

News Item2/23/18 1:15 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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The real story is in the comments posted before this one.
It seems like not everyone here would be rushing to the Capitol to see the body.
Nor would they be united in their acclaim of his life or work.
I thought we might get a few liberals posting about Graham's relationship with evil men like Richard M. Nixon and Ronald Reagan.
I was going to write that he might get a more fair treatment at a mainline denomination than here, but I think the liberals hold sway there, and they cannot tolerate any dissenting views. It would be as crazy to think that as to say they will say something nice about President Donald Trump, who they see as being responsible for everything bad in the world. Has anyone asked you think there were no problems in the US under the previous guy?

News Item2/23/18 1:10 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Here's the last line of the story:
"We knew what we knew when we knew it, and that's about all that I can say," Sanders said.
That does not sound like Sanders is criticizing Clinton. He's too cagey an old fool to do that! He knows which side his bread is buttered on. Remember, he has never had a real job besides the politics gig all his life. Before he ran for Senator he was living on government aid!
And, today he might be preoccupied with the case being made against his wife who ran a private college into the ground.

News Item2/21/18 6:14 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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I wonder if they have also done any research on cars and trucks? Have Toyota owners gone to Nissan or Honda? Have Ford truck owners moved on to Dodge or Toyota?
I cite this just to show you how much a waste of time it is to go by these denominational labels. The big thing hidden here is Real Estate--each one of the big old mainline denominations own buildings and land, frequently on prime locations. I can think of a Church of Christ Scientist (I know, neither Christian nor Scientist) on a particular location in a South Florida city known for its finicky rules and regulations; that land is worth millions of dollars. Few people attend the huge building, but they still operate their 'reading room' with their own newspaper.

News Item2/17/18 11:23 AM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Wasn't Robert Reich the secretary of labor under President Clinton? Therefore, I would doubt anything he has to say about current events, unless you read Democrat Party emails and newsletters, which Jimbo Links-on must be doing. It's amazing how many Dem talking points he comes up with.
This is not to say that Christians cannot vote for Democrats; they do constantly, afraid that the other party will reduce their government benefits.

News Item2/17/18 11:20 AM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Interesting to see there is a Christian Sports Journal. I've never heard of it. Next thing you know, there will be a Christian Sports Network that will feature only stories about athletes making big statements about their faith, like what the Philadelphia Eagles coach said after the Super Bowl.

News Item2/15/18 3:20 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Well, good news is that nearly 80 percent do understand what liturgy means. Of course, Barna wrote a book, Revolution, about people leaving what many call 'big box churches,' so it is logical he would do a survey to show how many are not understanding what is going on.
It shows that there is a wide variety of churches out there. I think I heard there are over a thousand different denominations out there.
I remember another news item here about some of those churches supporting a blessing service for an abortion center.
Another thing to remember is that, when you see a health article saying that 'going to church is good for the body' they are not distinguishing what kind of church. An example is a study I saw in a secular health magazine about a study done at Loma Linda University in California about some health practice. I knew right away they are dealing with Seventh Day Adventists, who do not even drink coffee, which most Americans would not want to imitate.

News Item2/14/18 4:38 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, Florida  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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I can't wait to hear that the US Circuit Court in San Francisco, California overturns this!

News Item2/14/18 4:36 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, Florida  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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They say that 2 things you don't want to see being made are sausage and the law. I wonder if theology should be added to this mix.
It does make you wonder, what other rare things does this guy and other professors there think on various social issues.
Wasn't there an article here about the problems at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois over what they believe?
Of course, if we knew what they think, we would not want to attend any church where the minister obtained his degree from there.

News Item2/6/18 2:06 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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It's no scandal if you think the FBI has every right in the world to investigate any conservative group, and the IRS has the right to stop any conservative group from fund raising.

News Item2/6/18 2:04 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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If not the Masons, then maybe this is related to that "Skull and Bones' society that President Bush belonged to when he attended Yale University.

News Item2/6/18 2:01 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Maybe Dennis needs to bring up his viewer ratings, or he will lose advertisers and money. In the talk show world, he is rated below 40.

News Item2/6/18 1:59 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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[Removed by Moderator Alpha]

News Item2/5/18 1:28 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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Interesting question: do Christians observe the Sabbath? And what does that mean--no driving cars? no riding bikes? no going to restaurants or stores?
Orthodox Jews don't cook on the Sabbath, and can find the appropriate Scripture to justify that. Thus, do Christians cook on the Sabbath?
I've heard that around Orthodox synagogues, they put little ribbons on traffic signs or trees a certain distance from the synagogue, say 1,235 feet, for example. Anyone who walks further than that to attend their service is violating the Sabbath.

News Item2/5/18 12:25 PM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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I don't know how effective this can be, when many church-goers are using their tech devices to look up verses in the Bible while the sermon is being preached. I've even heard preachers mentioning this.
Also, the idea of a Sabbath rest is so foreign for people that I doubt whether this will fly.
Orthodox Jews are probably the most well-known followers of any Sabbath Rest, but this has led to tragedy in the case of the Brooklyn, NY fire a few years ago, where a pot or candle had been left on--turning it off would be WORK, so can't do that.
They have a lot of weird interpretations of WORK when it comes to tech, like how to use elevators (I've heard they press all the buttons).

News Item2/4/18 11:15 AM
Steve Doring | Tampa, FL  Find all comments by Steve Doring
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How interesting that the mid-day noise was the problem, not the early morning or late night calls they also broadcast. Anyone who has traveled in Muslim countries would remember them!
And, this is a good story to keep in mind whenever you read a story about the benefits of religious observances, like 'older people who go to church live longer' because of the social networks they can establish.
Those stories do not distinguish whether that social network is Jewish, Catholic, or Muslim.
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