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News Item7/3/2020 6:48 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hi, Hope everyone's been doing well.

II Tim 2:15: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

A short study on this verse is interesting, but I posted it up to focus on Paul's instruction to study to show ourselves approved.

God made His plan and path to salvation, along with His instructions for Christian living, so crystal clear, that even children would be able to understand. Paul wasn't saying that the Christian needs to study, because God's words don't really mean what they say, at first glance, so we'll need to solve mysteries, riddles, and puzzles, to make sense of His overall plan of salvation, but simply, to always be ready with an answer; a correct answer, for our own selves, and our witness.

God Made His Word, on all matters of doctrine, and Christian living, so crystal clear, and with the purpose of mindful simplicity, so that any and all of sound mind, young or old, would be able to understand the clear basics. "Study" doesn't mean to do as the Gnostics; searching for non-existant secrets in-between already clearly defined lines, but simply to be ready, for our own selves, and others.

I just think that the basics get grossly over-complicated at times.

News Item4/12/2020 4:48 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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I remember, Mike, and real sorry to read that...

News Item4/12/2020 4:48 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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I remember, Mike, and real sorry to read that...

News Item2/21/2020 4:29 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Lurker Wrote:

"Sister B,
I was blessed by your comment and want you to know that. Far too many discussions go bad because of misunderstandings and frustration which lead to personal attacks. I know I have been guilty of the same in the past and still struggle with it. I remember many such instances with you personally and for that I apologize too. I trust you will forgive me."

B McCausland Wrote:

"...My apologies if you, and/or others here differ on this, being then cause for misunderstanding, with the potential to develope into idle contempt which is not my intend.
Again my apologies if this if misconstrued in any other way than the reason for which it is shared."

Reading this final exchange, made my day. Nice.

News Item2/6/2020 5:01 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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MS Wrote:
"by God’s grace we should all start with a group repentance towards one another, abide with the forum policies, and be a good witness concerning the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel that we all claim to believe.
What saith thee all?"

I'm with you, sister...seems simple enough. I always admire the consistent, humble nature of some, because I struggle with the consistency part, depending on the situations at hand.

You've always been even-tempered, and I've always been able to tell that you do your very best to be obediant, and to emulate Christ's characterstics. The love that you have for Him, shines through in your presence here; your on-line persona, on a consistent basis in the past. I've always taken notice of that.

Then, among others, we have the distinct pleasure of having someone like US on this forum. His consistent kindness, and his polite, humble nature, are a fine example to all, but maligned, and misconstrued into having some sinister agenda, lurking between his innocent sentences. He's owed an apology, and a sincere one, as I see it, because I just haven't been able to process how it is that an attempt was made to malign his kindness, and twist it into a diabolical mission, with some wicked agenda. More should have spoken up.

News Item2/4/2020 5:57 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Mod Alpha Wrote:
"... This comment board is hosted by SermonAudio and in that regard everything posted here is a reflection on SermonAudio to the entire world."

A sobering reminder...

Will do, sister MS. He's been in touch, but I haven't responded for a bit, but I will let him know for you.

Anytime, my brother, US. I think your consistent kindness has simply been mis-understood; being mis-interpreted as snarkiness, in-between the lines, which just isn't accurate, by any stretch. One thing I like about you is that you'll always kick back to do some introspection when unsure, which is a good example for all.

News Item2/4/2020 10:23 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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US wrote:

" I reject that evaluation."

I do as well. I've been following this thread, and you have my support.

News Item1/26/2020 8:20 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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"According to Director Rita Katz of the SITE Intelligence Group, the child militant in the video is approximately 8 years old."

So sad to read about things like this, and the children of this fallen world being harmed, indoctrinated, damaged, and confused, by the very people who are tasked to protect and defend them; the adults. In these particular cases, the innocents are being raised to hate anyone who isn't them, and to murder, on-demand, without any remorse, regret, or empathy, because they are murdering mere infidels, in the name of their capricious, blood-thirsty, confusing, and highly contradictory god of Islam; the Allah of the Koran.

Whether it's this situation, or the transgender confusion, etc., woe to those who condone, support, and harm the children, either physically, mentally, or by leading them astray via indoctrination. Woe to the adults who use the children as tools/pawns to breed confusion, hatred, and death, to further their own dark and nefarious, personal, political, and/or, religious agendas.

Matthew 18:10
Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.

News Item12/18/19 6:01 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Good morning. Frank, thanks for saying you liked my series of comments on this topic, but on a different thread last week. I find it interesting how Steven would jump onto our reasonable, biblically sound thoughts, while leaving some of those below, completely alone.

Hi JD, I agree with you comments, and the general flavor of Soujourners, but personally, I would steer way clear of "demon possessed, abominable scum" as a blanket descriptor".

We were lost, but now are found...we were blind, but now we see God's unmerited grace, only, and by nothing of ourselves, are we not amongst them, or supporting the wickedness. I'm trying to say that while we are to judge righteously, by speaking up and exposing Satan's wicked schemes, and while we are to hate the wicked deeds of the unrighteous, we can't ever forget that we have been saved by grace, by the skin of our teeth, by nothing of ourselves, and that our hearts should break in half over those who Satan has beguiled, remain in utter darkness, and many of whom will be thrown into outer darkness. How tragic.

I think we often look at the person with disgust, and although their deeds are disgusting and wicked, it's by God's unmerited grace that we have been separated, and called out from amongst them.

News Item12/13/19 7:15 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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...the act of homosexuality goes directly against the natural order that God set up, and it seems to me that God is particularly grieved by this sort of thing/wickedness. I view sodomy as being far and away different, and more greivous than the common theif or adulterer, but I am not minimalizing their sins, which are also worthy of death and punishment.

There are many places, throughout God's Word, where he lumps many sins together, in one breath, but sodomy and beastiality are often singled out, and warned against all on their own, which give them special weight, it seems to me, but I can agree to disagree. Bottomline is that I don't remember anyone ever claiming that homosexuality trumps all, or that all other sins are trivial, and not worthy of discussion, or condemnation, in comparison.

We greive for them, but you seem to have mistaken the comments as sitting in judgement, and waving our fingers as if we are better than anyone. No, only by God's unmerited grace am I not with them, or one of their supporters. I'm no better, but I've been given sight to see, and the knowledge to flee. We need to speak up and out in love, and with a genuine concern for their eternal souls. Nobody has ever said, as the publican, "Thank God I'm not as these", with pride in their hearts.

News Item12/13/19 7:12 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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...with the ACLU, mainstream media, social media, and liberal Hollywood being their powerful voice used to take down, and ruin any detractors.

My main concern is for the youth who have seen suicide rates skyrocket over the transgenderism nonsense that the LGBTQ community has lobbied so hard to successfully normalize within society. Not to mention the rampant child abuse since the sodomites were given the greenlight to foster, adopt, use any gender restroom/locker room they so choose, and infiltrate the cub/boy scouts, etc.

I comment on these topics at times because they have infected an entire nation, and have severly confused and damaged this nation's youth; condoning, promoting, encouraging, and glamorizing their wicked deeds, and even claiming that God Almighty is good to go with all of it.

I don't put the common theif into the same category, nor the adulterer that you mentioned. They are sinners, living in sin, and we are all sinners, yes, but they don't spend their waking moments on missions to turn this nation's children, and overall, ignorant societal populace, against God Almighty, or trying to convince all that their ways are the new ways, so get on board, and stop being a bigoted hater.

News Item12/13/19 7:10 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hey Frank, thanks for your comments.

Steven, seems to me that this topic is a bit more personal for you in some way. The two things I noticed is that you cherry picked my comments, and had nothing at all to say against Lisa's take.

Yes, the destruction of Sodom, began with pride...I get that, but to infer that stealing a candy bar and homosexuality are on even playing fields; sin, is sin, is sin,is exactly what the "Christian" homosexual community finds comfort in..."don't judge us, we are all sinners".

Why do I often respond to these sorts of topics? The homosexuals have gone from hiding in closets, to infecting an entire nation, confusing an entire nation of children, glamorizing their wicked deeds, breaking through a taboo barrier, where now, they and the things they do, are celebrated and encouraged, and they are convincing themselves, and the ignorant, that God Almighty made them that way, while telling the children, "God made you that just be you, and ignore the haters". Ridiculous.

They have overwhelmed this nation's courts with frivolous litigation, incessantly hunt down, and attack Christian owned businesses, have fully infected the public school system, public librarys, and every public crevice of this nation;effectively silencing any criti

News Item12/10/19 6:47 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hi Lisa,

You did your best to dismiss Frank as someone who is sorely mistaken, judgemental, and, unfair, in just your first five words. The bottomline is exactly what Lurker said, and that was that you'll need to take your unbiblical position up with God Himself. God hates all sin, and we all sin, but there is a big difference between doing our best to avoid sin, even though we stumble, living in sin, and certain types of the sins we choose to take part in. God has made it clear, throughout His Word, that he abhors those sins, even morso, that work against the natural order that He set up, and makes it clear that there are varying levels of eternal punishment. Sodomy and lesbianism are particularly aggregious sins that God calls abominations, with severe consequences.

Nobody is born gay...they are conditioned and/or, abused as children/young adults, and confused by those who are suppose to be protecting them...they were victims in some way, in most cases, but still make the choice to disobey God, and defile themselves.

Loving them as they are, is irresponsible, and sends them an eternally wrong message. Christ doesn't love them as they are, and a Christian loving them as they are shows a gross lack of biblical knowledge. They need your witness, not your support.

News Item12/9/19 7:15 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Unprofessional Servant wrote:
Looks like Jim’s barking up the wrong tree again. Trump did not tweet a doctored video
I had to pop in for this one, because I've never seen US input his name wrong..."Unprofessional Servant"...cracked me up. 😂 Autocorrect, I'm assuming.

Hope everyone's doing well..

News Item12/4/19 7:00 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Matthew 5:17-20

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

News Item11/17/19 8:08 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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BM Wrote:
"Sorry, you missed the word "TUNE" , not the lyrics."

In America, a tune {slang} is a song, which encompasses the lyrics and instrumentals/melody/rhythm, of that tune/song, as a whole; having no difference between the two.

I still don't understand the categorization, but it's fine, and no explanation is necessary.

News Item11/17/19 6:47 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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B McCausland Wrote:
"Quiet Christian,
Surely there are hymns better than others, the main drinking song being the American anthem seconded by the Amazing Grace tune."

Good morning, BM...

Did you mean to say that the song/hymn, "Amazing Grace", is a top American drinking song? How do you understand it being used in American culture to categorize it like that? Thanks.

Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
T'was blind but now I see

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear
And Grace, my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

Through many dangers, toils and snares
We have already come.
T'was grace that brought us safe thus far
And grace will lead us home,
And grace will lead us home

Amazing grace, How Sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
T'was blind but now I see
Was blind, but now I see.

News Item11/2/19 9:32 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Will do, YiA.

News Item10/6/19 7:07 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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comments the way, my comment had nothing, whatsoever to do with Sanders or his health, but was piggybacking off of some other general comments.

News Item10/5/19 9:37 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Amazing to see what happens when people don't balance their news sources, or vet widely available facts. The general public seems to believe that mainstream media is neutral, and unbiased; reporting the facts, and only the facts. Such utter ignorance, and highly irresponsible. The mainstream media outlets are completely slanted, fully biased, and basically work for the Democratic party, as useful puppets, with outright lies, mis-information, double-speak, and silence on any information that testifies against Democratic agendas, set-ups, and outrageous accusations.

They've weaponized the justice system, and the racial divide, abuse the political process, and are nothing but a group of above the law, criminals who should be imprisoned for their treachery against this nation, and outrageous crimes perpetrated against a sitting President, and why...because they are frothing at the mouth to reign supreme, and will stop at nothing to regain their throne.

Anyone who leans their way, sympathizes with them, and their agendas, in any way, or succombs to their outrageous lies, believing them to hold any sort of truth, well, it's beyond me...

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