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News Item10/3/19 8:19 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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We already do have the facts...we have the transcript of the phone call between Trump and Zelensky. Besides that, we also have all of the evidence that the Democrats have done nothing but try to take down a sitting President with manufactured "evidence", created, bought, and paid for, by their own party members. They create the crimes, scream impeachment, and then charge him with resisting their phoney investigations, when they know all along that they are setting him up with crimes they know he didn't commit, but that they fabricated to derail the 2020 election.

News Item10/2/19 7:05 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Quiet Christian Wrote:
"O God of all comfort, defend Your people. May You make their conduct in the face of oppression such that it calls into question the behavior of their attackers and draws people to You. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Excellent response to this story, QC. Thanks.

News Item9/25/19 5:15 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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They're all the largest group of hipocrites that I've ever seen, and their puppets, mainstream media, ought to be ashamed of themselves for their extreme bias, half truths, and outrageous lies, as puppets for the liberal party agendas. Do as we say, not as we do, should be their motto.

So, what have they accomplished since they were de-throned a few years ago...what have they done for America, and this nation's people? Um, nothing but spend hard earned taxpayer dollars on phoney investigations that they setup the phoney evidence for, over and over again, and that's, quite literally, it. The Democratic party is nothing more than an, above the law, crime syndicate, and a group of people filled with a level of hatred, the likes of which I've never seen.

News Item9/25/19 4:34 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Sorry for the difficulties you're faced with, SC. I can't imagine what it must be like having to regulate your environment, on a daily basis, and not really being able to venture outdoors during the warmer months, etc. I'm glad you're able to endure, knowing that God is fully aware, and by your side, but humanly speaking, I'm sure the days can be difficult, to say the least.

Yes, true, concrete basements, that are mostly below ground level would be a good option since they remain so much cooler during the warmer months. Dry during the cooler weather, as well, but a dehumidifier would be needed during the summer months to control the moisture, if that's an issue for you.

You're a trooper, and will pray for your overall situation, of course, and I hope others add you to their list, as well.

Carol, same goes for your health situation. I admire the strength that you both have, because I would have never guessed that either of you were up against such challenges, going by your comments and speech, etc.đŸ”©

News Item9/25/19 6:54 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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SC Wrote:
"...and it is a life threatening situation."

Good morning SC. I never realized that your health situation was that dire...really sorry to read that. Let me (us) know if there is anything real specific that we can pray for on your behalf.

News Item9/25/19 6:44 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr Tim Wrote:
"Being a queer used to be against the law..."

Thanks for that reminder, Dr Tim. Seems that's been all but forgotten by today's society, and in just a few short years. Also, not only the facts that it was illegal, and labelled as a mental illness, but there also used to be a deadly disease spread by these people, that's apparently been cured, and no longer any issue, since we never hear about it any longer.

The sodomites sure have turned things around, and now it's the born again Christians that everyone is trying to force into the same closets that the sodomites crawled out from.

Interesting, prophetic days.

News Item9/21/19 6:35 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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From the article:

"Pete Buttigieg, said that as South Bend’s Mayor, he was not able to participate in the annual Mayor’s Office Blood Drive. Buttigieg was calling attention to the FDA’s regulation that homosexual men who have had sexual relations with another male in the last year are banned from donating blood as a precaution against spreading HIV.

He said that this is just one example of the many ways gays are “excluded in this country,” and that as president, he would make sure the FDA’s policies are not based on “old prejudices.”

Unreal. The FDA has regulations that ban sodomites from donating blood, as a precaution against spreading HIV, and this Buttigeig charactor is screaming foul, because it's one of the ways that gays are being excluded in this country?? These people really are something.

News Item9/21/19 6:24 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Herbal Mama Wrote:
"Union Seminar has a Twitter post on their students confessing to plants...their post:"Today in chapel, we confessed to plants. Together, we held our grief, joy, regret, hope, guilt and sorrow in prayer; offering them to the beings who sustain us but whose gift we too often fail to honor.
What do you confess to the plants in your life?"

Yep, strange stuff, huh HM? They weren't alone either, as other loons were doing just the same the other day. You have to wonder how what the people's of other country's are thinking, as they look in and see all of the nonsense going on in this nation.

Everything we see going on today, the extremeness anyway, began with the inception of the new term at the time, political correctness, and that, coupled with OBama giving same genders the green light to marry, a few years ago, snowballed into everything we're seeing today.

Anyway, crazy stuff going on as the progressive liberal types keep stepping closer and closer to the edge of madness. Problem is that their madness keeps becoming normal ways of life pretty quickly, as society accepts and adapts to the outrageousness.

News Item9/20/19 7:43 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Jim Wrote:
"I have little problem and neither do most people with describing neo-nazis as white trash."

Good morning Jim,

How would you, and/or, "most people", describe the Black Panthers, or Louis Farrakhan, and the like?

Although the views of any neo nazis are in fact, trash, whenever anyone uses the term, white trash, I take it as sounding like anyone who has white skin, is trash, to the person saying it.

News Item9/18/19 4:45 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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These people really are something else. Whether it's this nonsense, or pushing for legislation that allows any gender to use whichever restroom and locker room they happen to identify with, all is well, until their own wicked agendas hit too close to home, effecting their own loved ones. Funny thing is that they'd be the first to call security when some guy named, Bubba, was found hanging out in the same restroom that their little girl just went in to use. They'd be the first to call the school, in a rage, when a teenaged boy classmate stepped into the locker room shower with their teenaged daughter.

All is well with these hipocrites, until their nonsense hits too close to home, and then they cry foul when they're the ones who pushed for, and enacted the nonsense to begin with.


News Item9/15/19 6:14 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Good. The diabolical thing is that community, and their supporters, have been driving hard for years, and focusing on this nation's children on their own version of conversion therapy; to convert every single child they can confuse in order to increase their numbers and future voice. They can convert, by any means necessary, and to protect their efforts, outlaw any efforts to oppose, or reverse the damage they've done. How convenient for them to be able to make up new laws, on the fly, to give them carte blanche control, by outlawing any opposition, and even defining any attempt at reversing the damage, as a hate crime. Interesting days, as time begins to wrap up, and the sound of trumpets swiftly approaches.

News Item9/14/19 8:56 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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This fraud just kills me, as does Beto O'Rourke, and the rest of the 2020 charlatans who are making all of these grand, and outrageous promises, that won't even be within their sole power to make good on. They all must have a good laugh over how ignorant people are to believe the nonsense that gushes out from their mouths. They make any ridiculous, unattainable promise, and no matter how off the charts it might be, the people jump up and down with wild clapping. The gullibility is astonishing, and sickening as so many sheeple will throw their votes to them, based upon nothing but lies for political gain.

I can't even begin to imagine the state of this nation, if/when the liberals are back in charge, and I'm most concerned for this nation's children, who they seem to be focusing on to indoctrinate them to use as future tools for their agendas.

News Item9/13/19 7:01 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Interesting how the liberal party is forever race-baiting, and twisting and contorting comments to suit their agendas, to fool the mis-informed, low-information, ignorant American public with their outrageous lies. They act as if they are the pillars of truth, morality, and all for the people, when they are the very ones who divide this nation with their lies, breed hatred, and keep the racial divide wide open and bleeding. They blame conservatives for the very things their own hatred incites, and it's so crystal clear, but with mainstream media in their court to spin all of the outrageousness, and with the Washington conservatives being so passive, they continue to get away with it.

Racism? Hatred? Divisiveness? The focus should be on the Washington liberals, but it all gets deflected the other way, thanks to creative spin, double-speak, outright lies, and a big media voice for the assist.

News Item9/13/19 6:50 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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From the article:
"As we’ve all seen, the rabid and unhinged pro-LGBT activists believe that no laws or rules of decorum prevent them from harassing, intimidating, and destroying anyone who disagrees with their agenda."

LGBTQ activists...rabid and unhinged. Perfect description of them. Sure is interesting how mere disagreement with a lifestyle has become tantamount to bigotry and hatred. Disagree with it, speak out against it, preach against it, protest against it, or even quote what God Himself has to say about it, and you put your very life in danger, in many cases. My, how times have changed. Thanks for that stroke of your pen, Mr OBama; the signature that gave them the green light to lawfully marry, and unleashed the plague that has steamrolled across this nation, with a violent fury.

Check out the end of the article, where it gives examples of just a few of these drag queens who, apparently, are Satanists, and witches, etc.

The pedophiles are getting closer and closer to the children, and all in the name of political correctness, tolerance, and diversity. Tragic days, but how much darker they'll become as time reaches its end, and the angels stand ready, as the trumpets begin to sound off, and God says, "No more!"

News Item9/12/19 6:13 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hey Wayfarer,

I was real saddened to read that your son apparently went through on his plan. Real sorry to read that. I'm glad you were able to make contact, and that you were still trying to make contact. I remember everything you've said about it over time, and I know how heartbreaking and frustrating the process has been, since the first announcement, etc.

Let me ask, did he sound defiant, or matter-of-fact while breaking the news to you? Just curious. I'm wondering if the reality of what he's done is setting in at all, because there's still plenty of hope for do know that, right? No matter how bleak the situation might seem at the moment, God can do some pretty amazing things with us humans, so keep trying to reach out, because I'm assuming you're his only Christian contact. Sever that and, well, I'm sure you never will. Nobody is a lost cause...nobody.

News Item9/11/19 7:08 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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From the article:

"...clinical psychologist James Cantor writes that “the majority of kids cease to feel transgender when they get older.” Cantor cites research indicating that the rate of “desistance” in transgender children ranges from 54 percent to around 90 percent, depending on the study."

Hmmm...I wonder why that is. Could it be because their young, immature minds are being clouded and confused by the very adults who are tasked to protect, and guide them properly? The sodomite agenda quickly targeted this nation's children; making sure to hit them while young and maleable, to increase their rank, power, and future voice. A sickening, bottom of the barrel, wicked agenda, and woe to them all for not only harming so many children, but indirectly causing so many deaths, resulting from bullying, utter confusion, and gender remorse.

Anyway, why do so many kids cease to feel transgender when they get older? Because they come to their senses as they mature, see things as they are, and realize they've been duped; tricked into false gender identities. Thank goodness that so many get past this nonsense, but so many don't.

There's even the, "Center for Transyouth Health and Development" at the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital. Sickening.

News Item9/10/19 5:27 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Quiet Christian Wrote:
"Great point, Chris. I think in this case, though, considering the stark, hyper-aggressive atheism of NK along with the continuing seeds of faith that remain in good thanks to major efforts there even long ago, Pyongyang and Kim are scared. They have to stop the message. If they really believed that their atheistic communism is so superior no one would rationally turn from it, they would have left Han alone. Even demons fear the Lord and tremble, reminds the Apostle James. Kim has a willing knowledge, and therefore is doubly guilty by making himself an enemy of the Lord."

Hey QC,

I agree, and it's one of the big pieces that keeps the people in bondage, in line, and as one with the state religion. Can't allow the "infection" of Christianity to begin to spread, so send a message out that any dissenters will be murdered, or imprisoned.

News Item9/10/19 3:53 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Frank Wrote:
"IMO, the creation account is a cornerstone to all other truths in scripture. It reveals God who can simply speak things into existence. The complexities of God’s creative power are mind boggling and unfathomable to any fair minded person. And just think, God simply has to purpose something and it must come to pass."

Hey Frank, your accurate and wise comment made me consider something about humanists, Athiests, and anyone else who dismisses the God of the Bible, and mocks Him as a fraud, and a phoney. They scoff at the creation account, claim the Bible is a Jewish farce, and get a good laugh over the crazed Christians who foolishly believe in some all-knowing, all-powerful being who exists in some invisible reality, and is in charge of all.

Problem is that most of those saying these things, believe the exact same, by claiming that the universe, and Gaia, are living, breathing forces that are in control of mankind's destiny/fate, and that if you think/do anything negative, the universe will react negatively, and then effect ones present reality, karma, and reincarnation, etc.

All nonsense, but most believe in this higher, intelligent, creative power, pulling life's strings, while calling Christians, crazy fools, at the same time. Some logic.

News Item9/10/19 9:39 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Now, how do we know that she doesn't have some control issues, and didn't order him to stand for the entire flight? How do we know he just can't stand her, and couldn't get himself to brush elbows with her for six hours? Love on his end, perhaps, but love on her end, expecting him to stand there for six hours? How about a pillow on his lap, and her laying across him, which seems more reasonable.

I know I'm being pessimistic 😊, and am half joking, but it was his choice, so none of my business.

The other side is that maybe he stood so she would be more comfortable, for a quick nap, but she passed out for those six hours, and he chose to just let her sleep. I'd give him a pat on the back for love, and selflessness, in that case.

News Item9/10/19 6:11 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John UK Wrotw:

"Good morning JAG,
I've no idea what an oppossum is, but I can only imagine they are the equivalent of what is quite common in the UK - the rabbit."

Ha-ha, that cracked me up...rabbit.. no, no, and no. A possum, or more rightly called, the opossum, looks like a large rat with a long snout, and their usually only seen on the side of a road, as roadkill, being nocturnal creatures. Hardly cute like the bunny rabbit, and certainly not for human consumption, and that's why only hillbillies eat them.

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