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News Item8/11/19 6:57 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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I'm glad to see you back around, no matter how long it might be for. There have been few topics where I've seen very clear lines drawn in the sand, and this is one of them, and it's one of the two most shocking for me.

One side argues that it's no small crime to denounce, renounce, and call The Creator, a phoney, His Word, a tome of fantasy and myth, and biblical Christianity, a giant hoax. One side argues for the very serious nature of the crime of not only rejecting The Creator, but openly rejecting His very existence, and attributing Him and His Word, along with His Son's incarnation, sacrifice, death, and resurrection, to utter nonsense, reserved for the ignorant who are foolish enough to continue on believing such fantastical ridiculousness. One side views this to be no small crime commited; crucifying God afresh, and rejecting His existence, openly, especially for those who have tasted of Heavenly things, and been filled with the knowledge of His Word.

The other side argues for a saved man, backslidden, calls for empathy, compassion, prayers for restoration, and argues denouncement and renouncement as just sins commited, like any others, but fixable.

I see it as a very serious crime, and am really surprised by the wiggle room being offered to Harris.

News Item8/10/19 3:44 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Partaker Wrote:
"Go and see what this meaneth! If you have trusted on the blood of Jesus Christ to save you, you're safe. Joshua is probably a saved individual who seared his conscience day after day and is now in a spot he never saw himself in."

I don't know what I'm missing after reading some comments since this this Joshua Harris story broke recently. His apology to, and his new association with the LGBTQ community aside, this man, very publicly, denounced and renounced God, and Christianity, as a whole; effectively telling the world that the God of the Bible is a phoney, His Word a fraud, Christianity, a giant hoax, and that he was moving on; nothing to see here, to continue his search.

Yet, he did nothing more than commit just another sin, as a saved man, because we all sin, and that he'll just have to give an account for, like anyone else, but evenso, "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into thy rest..."?

In the article, he said he took part in the festivities, and enjoyed swapping storys with the LGBTQ activists. Swapping storys? I can't imagine what sorts of storys I'd have to swap with any of them, as a Christian, unless he had a secret life going on, well before his announcement.

News Item8/10/19 1:15 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Kieton Wrote:
"Can some one point out any real evidence of President Trump being a “ White Supremacist”? If not it slander, Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Exo. 20:16."

Ridiculous, isn't it? The very ones who are using mainstream media to do the accusing, don't even believe it themselves.
The race card is all they have left, after all else has failed, and failed miserably. There isn't any evidence, other than Trump's comments that they contort out of context to build a case that, once again, doesn't even exist.

No evidence, but since impeachment failed miserably, they're now throwing their hail Mary pass in an effort to sway public opinion to dethrone him in 2020. I think they're helping him at this point, because people are exhausted with their nonsense, and they've finally exposed who they've always been, and it's pretty ugly.

News Item8/10/19 10:54 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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I wasn't sure where to post this up, but Jeffry Epstein was just found dead in his jail cell in Manhatten.

He had been on suicide watch, and commiting suicide in a jail cell with little to nothing to do it with, and certainly nothing that would have made it a quick and easy job, speaks to his desperation...if it was in fact a suicide.

While I wouldn't deny anyone can be saved right before their death, I would think that most who do pray, and cry out immediately beforehand, after a lifetime of Christ-rejecting, do it as a failsafe; as a, just in case it's all true, afterall, type of thing.

Too bad...

News Item8/10/19 7:28 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Some great news for a change. I'm so glad they've been released, alive and unharmed.

I still grieve for all of those poor school girls who were kidnapped by Boko Haram, years ago now, never to be seen since. I can't imagine what those poor, poor girls have had to endure, the daily grief their loved ones experience, and I think about how each of those girls must hope to see the friendly faces of their rescuers, every single day. Poor, poor girls.

News Item8/10/19 7:13 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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...Anyway, none of that is important. The sympathy for the man is what gets me. The personal empathy for the man, and the, "Our brother has stumbled, let's pray for His restoration", is what I'm having trouble with. He was never a brother, and being filled with the knowledge that he is, can his hardened hard be softened and renewed unto repentance? Being filled with the knowledge that he is, can his outright denial and renouncement, be turned back into faith and belief?

I don't know, but the possibility seems bleak. However, with God, all things are possible. All I know for sure is that he is an enemy of The Living God, and doesn't deserve the sympathy I've been seeing from other Christians.

- Sorry so loooooong.

News Item8/10/19 7:12 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Carol Wrote:
"This seems orchestrated for a purpose. His “selfies” at the debauchery parade seem 
to announce his ‘coming out’."

Hi Carol, I tossed this around in my head when he first made the announcement. The reason was because of the space he dedicated to the LGBTQ community in his speech. He could have talked about a thousand different things, but he dedicates 1/3rd of his, exit from Christianity, speech to apologizing to the LGBTQ's? I kept that in the back of my head, but now, I believe you are right on...I believe he's either a sodomite, wants to transition to a woman, or wrote, or will be writing a book, and his public participation, sympathy, and support of that community is his sneaky way of pro-actively, and pre-emptively promoting, and securing sales, book signings, and lucrative media interviews. One other thing that came to mind, and this might be a bit out there, but it also crossed my mind that if he is a sodomite, what better way to put himself out there in order to meet someone; having thousands to pick from, being the new center of attention, and so many choices swarming all around him, but who knows.

News Item8/10/19 7:10 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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From the article:

“The Lord knows Joshua’s heart,” he (Pastor Heath Lambert) added. “Was Joshua a Christianized unbeliever who never knew Christ? We do not know, but God does. Is he a Christian who has fallen into grievous sin, and is in need of restoration? We do not know, but God does.

I'm really not understanding the sympathetic attitudes towards this man, especially at this point in the game. Greiving, and a sadness for his wife and kids, his falling away, and his eternal spirit...sure, of course, but the poor, confused, Joshua our kind brother, sort of empathy that I pick up while reading articles seem to be dismissing the very serious nature of what's gone on here; His crime against God.

Keep in mind that this man didn't just simply fall away, or become embroiled in some sin which is causing him to backslide for a season, or whatever. Joshua Harris, Pastor Joshua Harris, who, being filled with the knowledge of God, and God's Word, fully renounced God, God's Word, and Christianity, as a whole, effectively telling the world that it is all a farce, and that he finally figured that out. He turned his back on God, and called God a liar, but before strolling away, he was sure to tell the world that the God of the Bible is a phoney; a fake; a giant hoax.

News Item8/9/19 5:55 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Just Thinking Wrote"
"It is men who do mass killings. Why don't liberals demand man control?"

Because they capitalize on human suffering; using every opportunity to feign compassion, promote agendas, and do their very best to place blame on their enemies. Never let a tragedy go to waste...

News Item8/9/19 4:05 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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US Wrote:
"Nice try Christopher but in Jim’s many years of posting one can deduce that facts are not essential to how he views things. It seems to a common ailment among most liberals."

Hey US, you reminded me of something that I should have added to that comment, and it also shows the contrast:

Should the same, exact, but reverse situations have happened under Bush, Reagan, or even right now, if whites were calling for murdering blacks, and whites were inciting the hatred, violence, murder, and had the equivalents of the Sharptons, Jacksons, Farrakhans, Black Panthers, and the hate rappers, of the world, etc., but also being given an unobstructed, unchallenged voice to spread their hate, and incite violence, I'd be all over whoever was in charge. Bush, Reagan, Trump, whoever, white, black, liberal or conservative...wouldn't make any difference to me, and therein lies the difference...selective blindness and agendas. Hipocrisy to the extreme.

News Item8/9/19 9:06 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hi Jim,

I was talking only about while in office, as the leader of this nation at the time. He had a responsibility to speak up, and denounce the hatred, violence, bigotry, and the murders, but remained silent; only having anything to say when a black person was ever attacked or murdered.

Now, the very same people who never cared about OBama never speaking up, are lambasting Trump for not speaking up more than he has.

Are you aware that during OBamas reign, there was upwards of 30+ mass shootings, by official definition, but nobody ever placed any blame on his own anti-white rhetoric, yet, Trump is to blame for the current ones.

News Item8/9/19 8:03 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hi John, according to what I know, passing out tracts isn't your sole method of reaching out to the lost, correct? I believe it's just one of the things you've done, and/or, do, but not your sole effort, and not limited to that alone. The focus seems to be on the passing out of tracts, only, when, to my understanding, you're far more diversified, when it comes to reaching out to the lost, with the good news.

Correct me if I'm wrong...

News Item8/9/19 7:25 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Good summary, Adriel.😊

News Item8/9/19 7:06 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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So tragic, and I think the present political climate is fully to blame, for causing the imbalanced, and angry, to cross lines they may have never otherwise crossed. OBama and crew, allowed the racial divide to burst wide open, and I'd say he was even complicit by his own silence on whites being ambushed and murdered, and his clearly, anti-white sentiments. He even referred to his own grandmother as a, "typical white person".

When Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and the hate rappers, called for violence on the crackers, and death to white cops, OBama said what? Nothing. When white cops were being slaughtered, what was OBamas response? No response. When the Black Panthers stood at the polling stations with clubs, threatening whites if they didn't vote OBama, and when they put out a public hit on George Zimmerman, what was the response? There wasn't one. Utter silence, so who are the bigots? Who are the racists? Who's doing all the hating, baiting, and inciting racial violence and division? The liberals, and it's been crystal clear to see all along.

The liberals will search for a way to turn this murderer into another Hispanic white male, just as they did with Zimmerman, claiming Trump hypnotized him into thinking he was a white man who hated Hispanics.

News Item8/9/19 6:40 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Interesting John, and you could be onto something there.
I'm not, and have never been a teen mother, and here's the kicker: I've always used a smartphone! How weird is that? Coincidence? Hmmm.😊

News Item8/9/19 6:30 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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SC Wrote:
"...People say that they want a solution but totally reject the One who is."

Good morning, SC. Sobering and true, and that really is the bottomline, isn't it?

Now, while in this physical reality, we do need real-world solutions that mankind is tasked to, and has a responsibility to resolve. Although, the political machine rarely resolves much of anything, because for most, it's about agenda, and nothing more.

I won't continue rambling, but I get your drift, and it's right on. Christ is, and always has been the solution, ultimately, but He always seems to be hidden away in the shadows, and only called upon for assistance when it selfishly suits some fleeting need. Then, He gets boxed up and stored away again for the next time.

Yep, Christ is THE answer, but He's the priority for few.

Very early, hope I've made some sort of sense...

News Item8/8/19 7:08 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Frank Wrote:
"Interesting! We had a women's march here a couple of years ago and they were chanting things like, "my body my choice" and something like if I want to be "ugly, I can be ugly".
I don't think they don't hate the men who watch porno, but they hate those that become addicted to it and the consequences of that addiction."

Thanks for the correction, yes, the addiction itself.

There are few things that turn me off more than seeing women acting manly, acting tough, being obnoxious, and being aggressive. A more minor example would be just yesterday, when I was sitting, parked in a local park for a while. A middle-aged woman, along with the man she was with, were walking across the street as they left the park. I guess she thought a car was driving by too fast, so she postured up, all tough-like, and stood there, screaming in this high-pitched, shrill voice, as the car drove by, glaring at the driver. Made me cringe, and, strangely, I felt embarassed for her. I don't like to see any woman acting rough and tough, and think it looks ridiculous.

News Item8/8/19 4:16 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Frank Wrote:
"Yes Chris, your comment was right on. Pornography devalues women to the extent that they are deemed objects. If women truly understood the evil this causes, they would fight against those women participating in and promoting it. For some strange reason, the feminist movement doesn’t normally discourage it, but they hate the men that become addicted to it; and they should.
It is an addiction the same as alcohol and drug addiction."

Hi Frank...I never considered how it's really never discouraged, like you said. I wonder if they view it as a "My body, my choice", a woman's right, sort of thing. The imbalance is a strange thing though. Hate the men who view it, but remain silent on the women who violate themselves to make it all possible. Hmmm.

News Item8/8/19 7:31 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Pornography is disgusting, at any level. Given today's, free-for-all, almost, anything goes, atmosphere, I can't even begin to imagine what's all out there on the dark web now. People become callous to things so quickly, so I'm guessing that the already, super vile, has digressed to a new level of low, when it comes to what's now available for people to view. I don't even like thinking about it, because the wickedness is probably so shocking these days.

I've never been into any sort of pornography, but I have looked a few times, here and there, long, long ago. I very clearly remember how incredibly dirty and disgusting it all made me feel, and it took a while to shake those feelings off. I remember the feelings of pure evil, and I knew, even back then, that I had no business peeking into that vile world.

News Item8/8/19 7:01 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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B McCausland Wrote:

"The Spirit works effectually, we rather clumsily.

Sometimes people need to understand a particular point of doctrine before their understanding comes to light."

I really think we all need to examine how we, ultimately, respond to those who we are in disagreement with, or who may simply not be understanding attempted points. Great patience is an expectation for any born again Christian, not an option.

Yes, The Spirit quickens our understanding; revealing the hidden, but valid point about different people needing to grasp particular (varying) points of doctrine, to make their understanding sure, complete, rounded, to get things to "click".

The comment made me think back to a high school, advanced algebra class. I was having an impossible time grasping a particular method, and no matter how Mr Foeghan explained the rules, I was left clueless and frustrated, because I had to grasp it. One day, I walked into the other adv algebra teachers room, Mr Majerous, between classes, and he explained it, using an example that completely lifted my confusion, and I finally got it; everything suddenly became crystal clear.

Anyway, The Spirit will give understanding by whatever means is necessary...years of study, a sermon, a witness, or a simple tract.

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