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News Item6/24/19 3:48 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This public Court of Protection deals with vulnerable adults who are incapable of looking after themselves, and do not have a recognised advocate or guardian, or where public authorities like doctors, social workers or other professionals have taken it into their heads to interfere, and challenge the guardian or advocate.

This court is notoriously secretive, has a great deal of power and no details can be revealed of names, location, etc, and the cases are usually held in secret and there is very limited right of appeal.

In this case according to the CNA reporting it, this particular judge is biased, as she previously acted as a counsel for British Pregnancy Advice Service, one of the three leading abortion providers in Britain, along with Brooks Advisory Centres and Marie Stopes Clinics.

News Item6/24/19 3:37 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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In Britain we don’t have too many Bible colleges, and some of those we did have have been closed a long time ago,

Other large ones from the evangelical denominations have teamed up with secular universities and become more academic so that they can offer their degrees.

However, this path will be one more fraught with danger over the LGBT / Transgender issues, and it may become impossible for them to continue in good conscience, or else they will go totally liberal.

Churches will have to start doing their own non-degree non-residential training of their own members, and maybe of some smaller churches linked up with them, and perhaps that is more biblical.

News Item6/24/19 3:23 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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No problem. The Bible is very clear that there will be at some stage, and we can actually see this happening now, an alliance between Iran (the leader of Shia Islam), Turkey (a non-Arab Sunni state that wants to regain its lost Caliphate, that before the 1st World War, ruled Israel, what is now Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, and was not popular in the region), and Russia, (a “Christian” Eastern Orthodox country, though with a powerful Muslim minority and all the “Stan” Muslim nations which branched off from it, which needs natural gas and warm ports), as well as the chaotic states of Libya and what is now North Sudan, that will invade Israel, primarily for booty and the spoils of war, but also of course in the case of the Muslims for religious reasons, while Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states stand on the sidelines, and protest, (though don’t actually come to help Israel). God will supernaturally destroy these armies and utterly confound them. This is in Ezekiel 38 and 39, and will be literally, not allegorically fulfilled.

News Item6/24/19 3:04 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It is shocking that an 85 year old grandmother with some health issues, should have been thrown out of her housing, simply for having Bible Studies and being a Christian.

It seems there was a commercial agenda by the landlord, as well as a religious one, as he wanted to change the senior citizen complex, into housing for “young professional” types, as no doubt this was more profitable for him.

Had he tried this eviction on a devout Muslim, or a militant atheist activist, or someone from the LGBT / Transgender community, I suspect he probably would have been facing criminal charges, as well as being sued for millions of dollars! The activists would not have rested until he was put out of business!!

I do notice two very bad trends, which we also have here in Britain. The first is the increasing persecution of Christians and to a certain extent as well, anti-Semitic attacks against Jewish people.

Secondly, there is an increasing discrimination against the elderly and severely disabled people, (despite equal opportunity laws supposed to ban this), whether it be pressure for euthanasia, contemptuous treastment of the elderly in the health service, rudeness and crimes against older people, and the BBC withdrawing free tv licences for over 75’s from next year.

News Item6/22/19 3:49 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Actually the Trinitarian Bible Society do not just print English Authorised Version King James Bibles. Yes, that is the only version they produce in English, but they actually print foreign language Bibles. The Old Testament is translated exclusively from the Hebrew and Aramaic Masoretic Text, and the New Testament is translated exclusively from the Greek Textus Receptus.

The liberal texts of Westcott and Hort / Nestle Aland are not used, or Codex Vaticanus or Sinaiticus, that they come from.

There are many projects going forward for Bible translations for many languages that exclusively use the Masoretic OT and the Textus Receptus NT, and no these Bibles are definitely not printed in China!!

News Item6/21/19 10:38 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Here we have an individual thrown out of two public professions because of “political correctness”. Of course, if he had been a Muslim, no action would have been taken against him for exactly the same views, that children do better with a mother and a father.

Magistrates in Britain, with the exception of some qualified solicitors and lawyers who act as paid district judges, are generally specially trained but honorary unpaid officials who preside over the lowest courts, usually for minor crimes, and for certain legal procedures. Alcohol licensing was taken away from them, and given to local authorities, and major crimes appear briefly before them, and are automatically referred to the higher courts.

The Lord Chancellor used to be the top judge, and acted as Speaker of the House of Lords, but is now an MP in the House of Commons after a recent reform and a political official who is usually always the Minister of Justice. The Lord Chief Justice is now the top judge, but usually chosen with political considerations.

The NHS (National Health Service) is also a highly politicised healthcare service, and also rejoices in political correctness.

The government is determined to punish anyone who holds to the conservative view of marriage, and opposed to the LGBT / Transgende

News Item6/20/19 9:55 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Wayfarer Pilgrim, I fear you are quite right. This wicked LGBT / Transgender / Abortion / Euthanasia / Marijuana / Environmentalist Immoral Revolution is in full gear, as described in Romans 1, and in 1 and 2 Timothy, amongst other passages in the Bible, and will not rest until it has corrupted all the children and young people of the Western nations, and neutralised every godly voice opposed to such wickedness.

News Item6/20/19 9:46 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It is tragic that President Trump, who is indeed on every globalists hitlist to kill, impeach, or simply just hound out of office and replace with one of the ghastly Democrat Socialist Marxist secular humanist candidates, that has lined up to try to take over in 2020 to succeed where the dreadful Hilary Clinton failed in 2016, has such ghastly spiritual advisers such as “Pastor” Paula White.

Apart from the obvious disqualification as being a woman in a church post that is just not open to women, in flat defiance of scripture, and being unsuitable on moral and character grounds, she teaches prosperity theology, dominion theology and overblown charismatic theology, and is leading the President astray.

He may or may not be a true Christian, but in no way is he spiritually equipped to deal with such nonsense, or to discern what is right from what is not.

We must pray for him, for his true conversion, from the wisdom that he needs and he currently lacks, and for him to be built up in the most holy faith, and for him to have spiritual advisers who are truly regenerate, born again, who know their Bibles, who will counsel him firmly without fear or favour, and not “wolves in sheep’s clothing”, unlike this woman, who needs to be exposed!!

News Item6/19/19 11:23 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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We must really pray that the many faithful Christian churches and assemblies, in California, (there is a whole list of those who broadcast their sermons on SA), as well as some who do not, but are making a stand, will indeed come forth en masse and oppose this bill.

They must immediately withdraw all their children out of the state (public) schools, either for genuinely independent and solidly Christian schools, or for home schooling.

They should stop registering for 501(c)3 tax exemptions, should stop all compromise with evolution, and because their tax dollars still have to pay for the public education system, they should also protest very clearly outside both state and local education boards.

They should also use their vote very clearly to vote out these anarchistic pornographers from their school boards, the State congress and Senate, the local councils, and of course the national Representatives and Senators they send to the US Congress.

They must be as radical as the Muslims, but without the violence, as the latter will be pretty well exempt from these LGBT / Transgender rules anyway, though subject to them on paper.

News Item6/19/19 11:01 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I have a suspicion that this was in Scotland, as both teacher and student (the latter sounded, 16 - 18 yrs old, like a sixth form or fifth form student, the old style British set up, Year 11 to 12 in the newer British set up, or 10th to 12th grade in the US set up), had Scottish accents.

Scotland has its own devolved government, under the leftist and pro-EU Scottish Nationalists, backed up by the leftist but Unionist Corbyn’s Labour Party, and to a much lesser extent by the Liberal Democrats, and a tiny “liberal” Conservative minority led by the openly lesbian activist, Ruth Davidson, and maybe a Green Party member or two, and straight away we can see there is a problem.

Scotland has always had its own education system, separate from the rest of Britain.

My old teacher training years ago was not valid in Scotland. The present regime in Scotland is more radically pro-LGBT / Transgender than the rest of Britain, with a radical syllabus not too dissimilar, though probably slightly more moderate than the one in California, and until stopped by the British Supreme Court, were going to have a state appointed “Guardian” for every single child in Scotland, who could overrule parents!!

They are still trying to go through with a national smacking ban!!

News Item6/18/19 12:40 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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The admittance of married men to the Western Latin Roman Catholic priesthood, which would also apply to married Protestant convert ministers and pastors who join the Western Roman Catholic priesthood, and also to the Eastern Rite Catholic priests, (usually semi-autonomous churches that acknowledge the supremacy of the Pope at Rome, but use their own liturgy, in most cases Eastern Orthodox, and subject to approval of the Pope appoint their own bishops), are however subject to strict conditions, also applying to deacons in both Western and Eastern Rite parishes and dioceses.

1). They must be married before ordination, no single priest or deacon is allowed to marry after ordination, and must remain celibate for life.

2). If their wife dies, they may not remarry, but must remain celibate for life.

3). In the Western Latin Roman Catholic Churches, with a very few exceptions, such married priests could not normally be a senior priest, or solely in charge of a parish.

4). They can’t ever become bishops, unless their wife dies and they take a vow of celibacy immediately after. Nearly all Eastern Rite bishops, and indeed Eastern Orthodox bishops, are usually chosen from monastic orders, and are monks.

News Item6/17/19 2:45 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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These horrendous scientists are obviously no doubt inspired by the example of Dr Mengele, the infamous Nazi SS Doctor in the concentration camp of Auschwitz, who carried out cruel and wicked experiments on the children as well as some adults that were incarcerated there.

They are also following in the tradition established by the Canaanite pagan priests and priestesses of various demonic gods that were worshipped by the Gentile pagan people, and tragically at times of national apostasy by Israel as well, which the Lord God condemned and judged in the Old Testament.

News Item6/17/19 2:26 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I heard of a most horrendous case in Brazil through a Christian website which will never make the liberal press or television in USA or Europe, certainly not in my country of Britain, where it will be totally censored.

It did however apparently make the South American Spanish and Portuguese press, where it was rather more featured.

A lesbian couple had effectively kidnapped the son of one of them from the father, gone into hiding, watched medical videos, castrated the poor boy, and then when he died of the complications of this amateur surgery, tried to destroy his body. The father raised the alarm, some quick witted children playing football nearby saw the women trying to hide their wicked handiwork, and they were speedily arrested and are standing trial in Brazil.

This I think is one of the logical outcomes of this appalling immoral revolution that has taken the Western world by storm, and tragically is even invading not only the liberal apostate church denominations, but all too many professed evangelical churches.

News Item6/17/19 2:15 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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This is nothing more than licenced child abuse.

The logical conclusion of this wickedness, is physical “castration” and sterilisation, cancer, heart trouble, strokes, organic illnesses, breakdown of the vital glands and organs of the body, alongside mental instability, suicide, etc., alongside the spiritual problem in many cases of demonic oppression and even possession.

Would we tell a young child who had a drink or drugs problem, gambling, or was addicted to hard core pornography, or starving themselves obsessively from food or cutting themselves, that they should actually entertain these wicked fantasies, yet we tell children and young people who defy God, hate their male or female body, given to them at conception, and believe that they are the opposite, or even simultaneously both sexes, “trapped in the wrong body”, to just go ahead and we must honour that, on the pain of prosecution or losing our jobs if we do not!!’ This is the politics of the mad house.

News Item6/17/19 5:33 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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These US American atheists are determined that like as in the USSR of old, Communist China and North Korea of today, and of places like Vietnam, Laos and Cuba to a certain extent, that atheism and secular humanism are to be the official enforced state religion of the USA, contrary to your Constitution, and the wishes of the Founding Fathers.

What was conceived by the Founding Fathers as an idea that the USA would not be under the tyranny of a prescribed state religion, as had happened to the forefathers who emigrated to what became the USA from other countries where they had been persecuted for not following the state prescribed church, but yet with broadly Judeo-Christian foundations has been totally subverted since the 1960’s and before to
mean that everything in the public sphere must be atheistic and totally godless.

As the people under the USSR and other regimes discovered, and as the Communist Parties of China and North Korea are discovering now, it is an idea that in the end will not work, and the true church of the Lord Jesus Christ will not be destroyed, however much persecution is thrown at it.

News Item6/17/19 4:04 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I am absolutely sure that if the Founding Fathers of the United States of America returned now from over 200 years ago, they would be absolutely horrified in many ways, and would go back and rewrite the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and would redo the Establishment Clause so that, yes there is no state religion, but there would be a statement that USA was to be built on Judeo-Christian foundations.

What the atheists and secular humanists have effectively done since the late 1950’s, and even a little before that, is gradually, mainly through activist court cases, but now increasingly through legislation as well, made atheism and secular humanism the actual enforced state religion of the USA in defiance of the Constitution and opposed to the real intentions of the Founding Fathers of the USA. Flatly illegal, but except on odd occasions like this, (praise the Lord for this particular case), they often get away with it.

News Item6/17/19 3:53 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Even the 4 state allowed religions are under threat. The Patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Church was effectively deposed by the Government of Eritrea and is under permanent house arrest, because he would not tow the government line, and the other three groups have to be very careful.

However, anything else outside the Eritrean Orthodox, Sunni Islam, the Lutherans and the Roman Catholics are totally banned.

The people of Eritrea are also subject to long term compulsory military service, which is ill paid, and effectively closed down all their normal business and family life.

This government in Eritrea seems to have set up a kind of state idolatry of complete and absolute obedience to the government. I remember when the province of Eritrea fought and won its independence from Ethiopia, many years ago, and I guess many Eritreans wonder if it was worth it!!!

News Item6/16/19 2:10 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Obviously this demonically inspired hard line feminist woman, (tragically I noted her British accent, even though she lives in the United States), has never really bothered to study history.

I have no doubt that members of the Nazi Party , the SS, the Gestapo, and numerous doctors and scientists employed by them in the 1930’s and 1940’s really thought in their demonic delusion that they were actually doing society good.

This kind of wicked thinking takes us also back to the ancient Canaanite religions, of Molech, Chemosh, Baal and Astarte, where infant sacrifice and ritual prostitution were the norm, all done in the name of fertility and producing the right crops, etc., etc. The true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Creator has made it very clear what He thinks of such wickedness.

He will indeed bring His judgment and wrath in such a society. We can only pray tact this demonically deluded woman will repent and get right with God, receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, and denounce her previous teachings. She will lose all her friends, and her position, but she will gain an eternal inheritance.

News Item6/16/19 1:58 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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One of my very close relatives died in a hospice. As far as I know, everything was done as it should be. She had terminal cancer, of an aggressive type, had had one very brief course of chemotherapy which did not go well, radiotherapy, and surgery before that. The palliative care provided at the hospice was very professionally done.

Though we do not have full blown euthanasia permitted by law in Britain, and pro-life MPs in the House of Commons, and peers (nobles) in the House of Lords, many of them permanently disabled or with a terminal illness themselves have successfully managed to resist proposed laws that are constantly being raised up by secularists and liberals, we have had many very subtle forms of euthanasia such as the infamous “Liverpool Pathway” used in hospitals on elderly people.

I have heard of relatives who have successfully objected when a hospital tried to withhold basic food and water from their loved one when they had a stroke.

Tragically I believe it is only a matter of time before the leftists and secularists get their way, and get a bill successfuly through Parliament, aided by activist court cases.

News Item6/14/19 9:28 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I really do wish that the person with large letters would stop his anti-Semitic comments.

I would like to remind him that the patriarchs from Abraham onwards, the prophets, the apostles and our Lord Himself were Jewish. I would also like to remind Him that there are many Jews who have received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour!!!!

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