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News Item4/23/19 9:46 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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By the way, though it is true that Catholic Churches were targeted, and three hotels as well, one of the churches was actually not Catholic, but an evangelical church. At this last one, an usher saw a suspicious individual inside the church just before the service started, and asked him to leave. He did, but promptly blew himself iup outside, killing about 35 people, mostly children who were still outside.

However, it doesn’t matter whether the victims were evangelicals, or Catholics, it is still tragic. It is apparent that the President and Prime Minister of Sri Lanka had fallen our, the President was warned of a security risk, the PM was not told of it, and the President had actually excluded him and his Cabinet from important national security meetings. The PM had previously been sacked by the President, but had been reinstated by order of the Supreme Court. This did not bode well for preventing this disaster.

News Item4/23/19 9:04 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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These folks cannot stand to mention “Christian”, just as they cannot stand to blame Muslims for anything.

By the way, unfortunately in English (“Easter”), and in German (“Ostern”), we have a pagan word, as opposed to French, (“Paques”), and Spanish (“Pasqua”), which reflects more the Passover origins. I never say “Easter” if I can avoid it, but “Resurrection Day”. I much prefer that.

News Item4/20/19 9:30 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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No John Lee from UK, most of this “climate change” / formerly “global warming” business is an absolute myth, fuelled by the New Agers, Easytm religions, secular leftists, evolutionists, and world “one government” / “one economy” / “ one religion” globalists.

Perhaps, these dear characters should go and protest on the streets of New Delhi, or even more likely can Beijing, as China and India are far worse than Britain or even the USA at belching out noxious fumes.

One Hollywood actress even specially made her huge carbon imprint in a passenger jet all the way from Los Angeles, to show her support for the eco-demonstrators here in London.

News Item4/20/19 6:05 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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2 things strike me here.

One is the increased lawlessness of these days. We have an epidemic of knife crime here in Britain, and London in particular. Nobody seems to know what to do about it.

We have even had an admittedly non-violent ecological protest blocking off whole areas of central London, for the whole week, organised by an outfit called “Extinction Rebellion”, (cancellation of bus services and no traffic in many parts of Central London, being the result ). This is more a middle class and actually predominantly white leftist series of demonstrations , and the police have mainly been standing around doing nothing, and even at times joining in, skateboarding, dancing with the demonstrators, etc!!

To go back to the black community, I think a large problem is that in most households in these communities, not having a father and husband, or if he is there, he is into lawlessness, drugs, alcohol abuse, etc. The “rap” / “hip hop” music culture sadly often leads to a lawless attitude. Tragically, “black” churches are often thin on doctrine, and full of entertainment, and there are many abuses in the leadership.

News Item4/20/19 4:57 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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early lectures and studies, this led to him challenging some of the deviant doctrines in the medieval Catholic Church leading to his attack on Indulgences, the whole set up of Penance, and the money grabbing activities of the rogue Dominican friar Tetzel, (sounds like the prosperity preachers of today!!), and finally to the posting of the 95 Theses on the door of Wittenberg Castle Church on 31st October 1517, and on to the Protestant Reformation.

News Item4/20/19 4:47 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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2 points:- first, remember Hebrew Jewish days are sunset to sunset, and a part of a day was counted as a whole day. That may possibly explain the confusion over the 3 days and nights of our Lord’s burial, and then resurrection.

2nd - With regard to the sadly deceived Catholic lay persons in the Philippines “crucifying” and flagellating themselves, we need only look to the example of the great Protestant Reformer, Dr Martin Luther, when he was an Augustinian monk in the monastery of Erfurt. He put himself through a rigid program of self-denial, fasting, dietary restriction, prayers, rituals and yes, flagellation, in addition to the normal requirements of his monastic order, so much so that even his monastic superiors were weary of him!!

One rather wise superior, Dr Staupitz, packed him off to the newly founded University of Wittenberg as a professor of theology and biblical studies, which in those days, actually meant you had to study the Bible!! This was long before the days of German rationalism and biblical liberalism!!

He was trying to gain peace with God, but finally, eventually, coming to the Biblical text in Romans 1 v 17, he realised that we are saved, justified, by faith, and not by any works that we can do. Dr Luther’s life was turned around, and from those ear

News Item4/20/19 3:46 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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definitely gone worse. There are a tiny number of private non-government funded independent Christian evangelical schools, but they are still subject to the awful OFSTED inspections, and can easily be closed down, and one in the North East was, and another one allowed to stay open, but effectively secularised.

News Item4/20/19 3:43 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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When I was a young boy, I was educated primarily at a Church of England primary school, and then at a Church of England boys grammar school (a selective secondary school, which was largely abolished in Britain in the state sector in the 1960’s, to be replaced by non-selective comprehensive secondary schools, though a few, including my old school, still survive). This school even has its own chapel, chapel choir and chaplain.

These schools are partly funded by the state, and partly by the church. Many are now no longer under the local council LEAs as they were in my day, but have now become centrally funded academies or free schools, (a little like the charter schools in the USA).

They must use the National Curriculum, though they are allowed a certain amount of freedom over such things as RE, and the local vicar and church reps are in the board of governors. However, the infamous OFSTED still has tremendous power to enforce the prevailing LGBT agenda through its rigorous inspection programme.

Things were a lot more biblical in my day, in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, and there was still a broadly based biblical RE, Christian hymns and prayers at assembly, and one of the three chaplains was definitely evangelical and preached the gospel. Sadly, I think, things have d

News Item4/15/19 2:40 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Basically, here we have organised government sanctioned child abuse, aided and abetted by liberal parents, teachers, social workers, greedy doctors and nurses, and Marxist leaning town halls, with LGBT activists and the leftist national media fully involved and backed up by the aggressive and unpleasant educational inspections of OFSTED in England and Wales, and no doubt by the equivalent body in Scotland.

To pump an impressionable tiny child’s mind with ideas that they are “trapped in the wrong body”, to bring in drag queens to read stories to them, to use anti-bullying programmes as an excuse for LGBT / Transgender indoctrination, and then giving them powerful puberty blocking drugs to suppress their natural development, followed by opposite sex hormones, that cause depression, cancer and who knows what else in their young bodies, and then to carry out unnecessary butchery in their healthy body parts, is nothing short of wicked child abuse. This backed up by punishment and sacking of all who would object to this, leads to the sort of chaos that we have in the state schools of say, Brighton and Hove, where a record large number of pupils are going in for this deception.

News Item4/14/19 12:45 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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I know a lot of folks on SA do not care too much for creeds, and of course they cannot save anyone.

However, they are still a useful statement of belief, and the sadness is that many of the clergy and people that recite them each Sunday, either don’t believe them or don’t really take them to heart.

By the way, don’t be too phased by the word “Catholic”. It just means universal and has absolutely nothing to do with the Latin or Roman Catholic Church of Rome, or it’s Eastern Catholic counterpart, or for that matter the Eastern Orthodox Church.

I don’t change the word, as that is what the Early Church Fathers wrote, and I don’t see any need to change it.

News Item4/9/19 10:37 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Hardly surprising from a so-called church denomination that has a militantly feminist archbishop in charge, another female lesbian diocesan bishop who told a seamen’s mission in her diocese to remove the cross in its chapel to accommodate Muslim sailors who might wish to pray there, (fortunately the mission was independent and not under her authority and could ignore the instruction), and where no new male priest or minister may now be ordained unless he accepts female ordination and gay marriage, (though a few older priests who oppose this are just about tolerated in remote parishes, but if a “gay” couple wish to marry in their parish, another priest has to be called in to carry out the “marriage”).

Recently the Prime Minister of Sweden even declared that all ministers of the Church of Sweden should be compelled, by law presumably, to carry out “gay” weddings, or be sacked, even though interestingly the Church of Sweden ceased to be the official state church in 2000!!

News Item4/4/19 3:42 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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It is indeed tragic that evangelical churches, pastors, Christian schools, seminaries, Bible Colleges, universities and so on insist on compromising with the Creation of the World, and also with the Noah Flood.

Whether it is the “progressive creationists”, “theistic evolutionists”, “intelligent design, but without God”, or the subtle “Gap Theory”, that affirms a 6 24 hour day creation, rather I should say, re-creation, after a supposed gap of millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2, after a supposed previous creation that was under Lucifer and fell into judgment when he rebelled, it is all dangerous and extra-biblical.

I was saddened when I discovered a certain prophecy teacher that I highly respected holds this “Old Earth Creation” “Gap Theory” view, and unfortunately promoted it and has had speakers on his programme. This sort of thing is very sad. It should be back to the Bible, back to Genesis. That’s it.

News Item4/4/19 2:59 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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At last, both OFSTED, the aggressive children’s and young people’s education and activities inspectorate for England and Wales, and also local LEAs, (the latter have been stripped of many of their powers since sone of their schools have been taken away to be run as directly centrally funded Academies and Free Schools, but they still have some schools, and still enforce local school attendance), can now get their teeth into home schooling and family orientated education. They have just been waiting for the chance.

I have no doubt that leftist SNP Scotland which operates its education totally separately, will do the same thing there. In Britain homeschooling is rare, but until now has been just about tolerated. This is about to change.

News Item4/3/19 7:05 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Dr Tim, the abbreviation that Wayfarer used, TGC, refers to “The Gospel Cialition”, a somewhat leftist social justice orientated evangelical group that does believe in gospel preaching, but seeks to marry it with social justice, slightly liberal leanings in other moral issues, etc., or otherwise, an unfortunate compromise. Many of the leading lights in the SBC, some IFB Baptist’s, and some new-Reformed churches are involved with it and it is known for its major conferences, sponsored books, etc.

News Item3/28/19 7:48 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Perhaps what these parents should have done to avoid the SWAT team and Social Services seizing their children, is to have brought them up as Muslims, (as these seem to be a protected group that are immune from this over zealous child protectionism), or to have declared that their children were “trapped in the wrong body”, and should be affirmed as the opposite sex, or to get their boy to be a child drag queen, or perhaps their daughter to stand outside the school on strike with a banner proclaiming support for the environment and challenging “climate change”.

This would get them acclaim and they would be lauded, no doubt, on the media. I am being facetious of course, but this shows where we have got to.

This shows the depth of depravity of our society, and how far away we are from the Lord.

News Item3/28/19 7:39 AM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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With all the Brexit chaos on my country here in Britain and the “political correctness” floating about, we could do with someone like this lady in our Parliament!!!

News Item3/27/19 9:58 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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father may have to give up his job there.

Mrs Arden, the Socialist Prime Minister, has surely got some explaining to do. I don’t know the policies of New Zealand with regard to abortion of disabled babies, but chances are, it follows the same policy as much of the West.

It is good that the Utah Governor is going against this terrible trend.

News Item3/27/19 9:53 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Down’s Syndrome children are often delightful happy children that bring great joy to all that know them. If they escape discrimination in the womb, they often get it later on.

Only this morning, I read of the shocking hypocrisy of the “dhimmi” Islam supporting state of New Zealand, fresh from the Christchurch mosque attacks.

While bending over backwards to support Muslims, local and immigrant, after the admittedly dreadful mosque attacks, New Zealand apparently has no room or time for a Down’s Syndrome child.

A lovely large Sri Lankan family currently living in the Republic of Ireland, applied legally for long term residence visas to join the husband and father of the family who had got a top IT job in New Zealand, and was fully legally resident there. All went well, and the mother and all the children, bar one, were automatically given visas. The last child, however, was denied the visa, because she is Down’s Syndrome, and the New Zealand authorities felt that her “health needs” were not conducive to New Zealand. This is despite the fact that the father is well off, and was quite happy to pay for any support expenses for his daughter at school or elsewhere. This is absolutely disgraceful, and now the family will have to scrap their plans to live in New Zealand and the

News Item3/27/19 9:13 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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Yes, this “Gay Pride” here in Britain, in the month of June, is huge. Apart from the huge one here in London, most other British cities hold “Gay Pride” marches and parades in June, (a small number of cities have them in July or August).

Usually the Mayor, leading city dignitaries, and of course, liberal, apostate clergy, turn out on force, and many hospitals, schools, public and private companies and institutions have rainbow “Gay Pride” flags fluttering high..

In the schools and colleges, there is often a “Gay History” month, and special events take place with LGBT speakers and presentations.

Here in London, on the Transport for London Underground and Overground stations, there will be special signs and flags, and LGBT and some non-LGBT staff members will wear rainbow badges announcing their allegiance and support for “Gay Pride”.

Even the Muslim Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, (not the annually robed ceremonial Lord Mayor of the actual City of London elected by the Aldermen and Councillors of that historical Borough), but the political elected Mayor of Greater London, who with his assembly members rules over the whole of the Greater London area, with all the boroughs of London, always gives “Gay Pride” his full support.

News Item3/27/19 4:18 PM
Chris G P | England  Find all comments by Chris G P
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These Chinese Communists just haven’t learnt from their former colleagues of what was the mighty seemingly unconquerable Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which lasted just 70 years, or its satellite Eastern European states which lasted 40 years, and where the atheistic regimes collapsed.

As fast as these governments with their schools, Young Pioneers youth organisations, and state media, mandated atheism, more and more Christians arose, even though their churches were raided and closed down, they were tortured, imprisoned, and even executed, and those that escaped that fate, were sacked from their jobs, or thrown out of school or university, and the Gospel went forward more and more. The gates of hell will not prevail against the church, as our Lord Jesus Christ said.

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