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News Item10/20/2020 1:05 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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MLK, who believed Gandhi more than Jesus, was wrong: The church is not the "conscience of the State" (which sure sounds like "Dominionism"), its purpose is to worship and glorify God, and teach and minister to believers.

Many "Reformed" churches need reforming, apparently.

News Item10/19/2020 11:15 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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There are several ways to look at this. Mine is, the last thing Progressives/Socialists want is people who do not have to be managed, for what would the Welfare State be needed for? Conceptually, our countries have become Jeremy Bentham's "Panopticon," where everyone can be watched by guards from a central location, only digital cameras make the building unnecessary. Keeping people in perpetual adolescence, which gov't schools do very well, suits the goals of central gov't planners and consumer-capitalists alike.

I define "consumer capitalists" as industries which do not merely manufacture goods and services, which in itself is harmless, but consumer demand for them, which mass-production requires. Their propaganda is designed to created demand by appealing to sinful ego needs.

Therefore, parents who discipline their children Biblically, resulting in sober, self-sufficient, productive citizens, are subversive to this scheme.

News Item10/18/2020 10:50 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Whether the charges here are valid or not, we've heard of abuse at youth ministry activities, and not just from adults. Don't let churches chaperone your children; perverts are too cunning.

News Item10/17/2020 9:39 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Science flip-flops about as often as shady politicians, unsurprising since its methodology is logically fallacious. Mercury used to be thought a cure for syphilis. Arsenic was part of Victorian cosmetics. Let us not laugh too much at medieval alchemists who thought they could transmute lead into gold and find the Elixir of Life.

"We discovered that smoking is actually good for you" - gag from 1973 film "Sleeper"

News Item10/15/2020 2:21 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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"Racist" has become the all-purpose label for people Marxists don't like, serving the same purpose as "capitalist," "Kulak," and "anti-Soviet" in the past. It is vague enough to apply to anyone.

Given the rhetoric I have heard of late, I expect Democrats are quite capable of making "racism" a federal felony, so they can send Repubs or insufficiently credulous people to prison or re-education camps where they can be tortured (or disappeared) quietly. But first, they will have to tear down our "reactionary" justice system, which will come easily for them.

BTW I don't see how Baptist polity allows for such a Matt. 18 process, since congregations are independent.

News Item10/13/2020 5:28 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I have little trouble with science because what scientist say has to be verifiable.
The Scientific Method is *not* positively verifiable: Fallacies of Affirming the Consequent (if A, then B; B; therefore A) and Induction (if true for N, true for N+1). Even atheist Bertrand Russell admitted as much. Induction does work in certain analytic math proofs, but that's no help here.

And when you couple it with politics and grant money or the profit motive, it is even less trustworthy because of Conflict of Interest.

News Item10/11/2020 11:07 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Frank wrote:
I had never heard of Alan Turin.
Just a trivial quibble, but to save you and John potential future embarrassment, it's *Turing*. Yes, my computing peers honor his contributions to Computability Theory (look up "Turing Complete"), and not without good reason, but he still must answer to God before the White Throne.

To be sure though, Turing's concepts have little direct value for my daily tasks.

News Item10/10/2020 12:06 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Carl in Asheville wrote:
... discernment within the Body is a primary task of the Church. If we don't get it right now we will be unfit to judge after our glorification.
The starting point for Christian ethics is the Ten Commandments. However, even conservative churches today neglect or de-emphasize God's Law, either supposing it is opposed to Grace, or applicable only to Jews. So young Christians are starved of detailed instruction on it, falling into pragmatism ("whatever works") or subjective pietism ("God told me") instead.

News Item10/10/2020 11:37 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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HerbalMama wrote:
The school I went to had a huge population of blacks and if any of them really tried in their school work they ridiculed by their peers as "trying to white." \
Probably *poor* blacks: I believe people are separated more by class than color, which Americans, taught to deny class distinctions, tend to overlook. I read somewhere that kids in predominantly working-class British schools harass high-achieving classmates - color has nothing to do with it.

I once spoke to a black coworker who explained his father would beat him if he failed at school - crude but effective.

News Item10/9/2020 8:28 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Many husbands would probably affirm the opposite: that debating comes easily for many women.

It disgusts me how so many corporations fall over themselves to appease Progressives and even anarchists, whose standard line is that corporations make too much money. Part of the general insanity, is all I can conclude.

News Item10/8/2020 11:59 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Mike wrote:
My Grandparents, Dad, and Aunt among those from Italy. Helps me appreciate liberty a bit more, I think.
I'm curious: what part of Italy? Southern Italians, I'm told, are pretty different from northerners culturally.

Fun fact: Dr. Federico Faggin, U. of Padua graduate, led development of the 1st microprocessor, the 4004, at Intel. He later want on to found Zilog, which was a keen competitor for awhile during the '70s, and *still* markets Z80 derivatives.

News Item10/8/2020 11:48 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Northern refugees are processed by the ROK security service (NIS), interviewed, taught how to get by in S. Korea, and given free rent for awhile to give them time to find a job and adapt.

But sadly, the public is often suspicious of N. Korean refugees. And northerners think southerners are too cold and materialistic.

News Item10/7/2020 9:23 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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This pope is saying nothing new: he is simply repeating Catholic Social Teaching, which has opposed private property and capitalism ever since Thomas Aquinas at the latest, who was inspired by Aristotle's teachings, not the Bible's.

The only substantive difference the RCC has with Progressives is abortion and euthanasia.

Over a century ago, folks from Catholic countries (e.g. Italy, Poland, Ireland, and later, Latin America) immigrated en masse to predominantly Protestant and capitalist America, so they could enjoy its greater political and economic liberty. The reverse has been rare.

News Item10/2/2020 11:48 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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And what about

Cough up that casino revenue!

News Item10/1/2020 9:51 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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"Redfining" - Yes, Reds definitely need to be fined for vandalism, but it's unlikely to happen.

News Item9/29/2020 12:43 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Frank wrote:
IMO, this juror should have been removed. I am not saying that someone can’t have divine guidance but a trial is about evidence.
A brave thing to say here. If all the man meant was that he asked the Lord for clarity of mind (contra noetic effect of sin), that's OK (although I wouldn't cast pearls before swine), but otherwise yes, the Bible itself declares the importance of evidence: the testimony of 2 or 3 witnesses (including forensic evidence) is the principle.

I hear many Christians say "The Lord told me..." Now if they are claiming God verbally spoke to them, they'd better be right, or else they violate the 3rd Commandment.

News Item9/29/2020 11:07 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Since the study was funded by the aviation industry, that 1% statistic is doubly worthless as there is a Conflict of Interest.

Also consider the risk of whether you want to fly aboard the 737 MAX. Signifying America's ethical collapse, Boeing products (as well as the FAA regulators in their pockets) are no longer reputable. How are the mighty fallen! Some industry types blame the cost-cutting McDonnell Douglas execs from the merger.

News Item9/26/2020 8:35 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Why did this have to be Christ Church?? If the press discovers Doug Wilson's views on slavery and Theonomy, the narrative will "go south" quickly (pun intended).

News Item9/22/2020 5:27 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
You know what they say about hindsight , Neil, it's usually 20/20. the Puritans were doomed to fail because they believed in
Neither you nor anyone else can prove such a generalization. And I'm not interested in your Hobby Horse.

News Item9/22/2020 10:33 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from, " Exposing Hidden Anti-Semitism in the Church"
This mirrors the toxic, phony deduction used by Progressives: "If you dissent from my doctrines, you're a racist."

And that indirect quote is irrelevant; Jewish restoration wasn't denied by some of the Puritan commentators I'm aware of. Even Oliver Cromwell was sold on it.

Jim Lincoln wrote:
They were certainly going to collapse
- pure hindsight

Sometimes your posts are so riddled with errors, it's like playing Whack-A-Mole identifying them all. Perhaps you like provoking people to get attention, which is a sin.

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