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News Item1/28/2020 3:48 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I think shouting is good for those whose hearing has been damaged by years of listening to heavy metal music or playing a church organ. And all caps is OK for those who depend on reading glasses and would like to read something without having to use their specs.

News Item1/27/2020 3:27 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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And the mainstream media chimed in with..see, the evil and wicked President Donald Trump plays up to his dumb voters, who don't realize his Real Plan is to remove all choice from them.
Yet, at least one of those 'dumb' voters is asking, aren't the mainstream media friends of Democrats who want to take away the choice of everyone to own a gun in the privacy of their own home? Even a plastic straw or plastic bag drives them crazy!

News Item1/27/2020 3:22 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Maybe this crowd is the same group of people that went around the block and came back again! And, speaking of crowds, wasn't that a big crowd that showed up for the funeral in Iran of that guy who died from the "Hellfire" missile launched by a drone (and that reminds me...didn't Obama order some drone to send a missile to kill a US citizen-Zrwig Bag Downey-or something like that--and no one in the mainstream media worried about repercussions?)
And, speaking of that crowd at the funeral in Iran, I think I saw close-ups that showed some guy from Nebraska, initials of JL who posts here.

News Item1/27/2020 1:08 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Interesting comments from YIA.
News media in West 'eats up' whatever the Chinese Communist Govt says, as if it were the Gospel Truth.
I think China admitted they executed over 25,000 people in one year. But we still like to buy all the stuff they sell us in the dollar stores!

News Item1/27/2020 12:58 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Some might ask, Don't the French and Spanish cuisine include snails? And the French have these specially trained pigs that sniff out truffles (underground fungus) to eat?
You could answer them, 'Well, didn't Patton say he would rather have a division of German troops in front of him rather than 2 divisions of French troops behind him?'
And we know that, through immigration, they have basically given their country over to the Muslims?

News Item1/26/2020 4:31 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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This is the end result of the people eating things like rats and snakes.

News Item1/26/2020 4:29 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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This is the end result of the voters being allowed to smoke dope!

News Item1/25/2020 11:44 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Anyone remember how much criticism Obama got for attending that church in Chicago where the preacher said 'g-d America' ?
No? I didn't think so.
Seems like our press takes the side of the US opponents, and that's why President Trump's great slogan 'Make America Great Again' drives them crazier (I wrote 'crazy' first but then thought--wait, they already are crazy).

News Item1/25/2020 11:16 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Would that be the same use of quote marks around the words 'not valid' that they would tell you in a store when you want to pay with a plastic card, or when the police officer pulls you over--though you have not exceeded any speed limit--and asks for your driver's license, and then says those words--not valid?
Why the use of quotes in this headline?
I hope my question is not 'not valid'

News Item1/25/2020 11:14 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Isn't there some kind of pestilence mentioned in the last book of the New Testament?

News Item1/25/2020 11:05 AM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Don't hold your breath while you wait for world media to stand up and ask..what kind of religion would give permission to its followers to kill others? I was going to say US mainstream media (like the major TV networks, cable news networks, etc) but then I realize the BBC, Radio France, Japan's NHK network, and others are following the same liberal slant that can say nothing wrong with Islam.
Even in the New York City area, we see an increase in attacks on Jews, and yet we hear no outrage, no connection with Islam that is easily seen by any reporter.

News Item1/24/2020 3:10 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Japan's NHK network has reported that they also eat rats (bamboo rats) in this Chinese province. They are considered a delicacy. And of course, who can forget the Peking restaurant that had figures of dogs in their decorations, because they served meals made from dog meat(I was going to say 'serve dogs' but the5e09s n some might think, OK, so I can bring my pet Fido and they will serve him a meal? or 'serve dog meat' which some might say, OK, I can bring my Fido with me and I can order a meat-based meal for Fidoo to eat.)

News Item1/21/2020 5:13 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Let's see who's next--Haggee? He's not looking too good these days.
How about that other guy--Hal Lindsey?
You could say that the End Times for Jack came earlier than he planned for!

News Item1/21/2020 3:10 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Well, one solution is to stop allowing comments to be added to all news stories here. That would save time for the posters that they can use to sleep and the readers, too.
re: famous people not sleeping much
1. President Donald Trump sleeps less than 5 hours a night and seems to be doing well.
2. Winston Churchill slept little

News Item1/19/2020 4:48 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Japan's NHK channel reports that Chinese tourists use their smartphones in Japan. This has made many Japanese stores install new 'cash registers' to handle the phones. I've also heard many govt transit systems in the US are now accepting smartphone payment. Many US cities also accept smartphone payment for parking.
I think this is the Wave of the Future, with everything being done on your smartphone.

News Item1/17/2020 2:36 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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It would be good to hear from more SA posters that use these types of medical plans, esp. older ones who have Medicare.
I think a lot depends on a person's health situation.
A friend told me he attended many meetings at work for pre-retirees and they used to talk about how many more years they would live, once they reached age 65, so they needed to plan financially for that.
Well, as he looked around the room, he could see many obese people, and during breaks, saw a few head outdoors for a smoke. He said he doubted those people needed to plan on a long retirement! Nor the ones with high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and many other common diseases.

News Item1/16/2020 5:41 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Parents and grandparents should look at the history books their kids are studying--if they are written by Howard Zinn, they are in for a Big Surprise.
Check out the article about him at the website,

News Item1/16/2020 2:49 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Wow! I didn't know Carl McIntyre had his own website! I thought he was the wacko preacher who bought a boat and broadcast off the East Coast of the USA years ago.
I thought he went the way of Harold Camping!
By the way, when I tried the link, the C Post website said, 'article not found'
But I have heard of this story from the NY Times.
It is funny how people will buy something thinking it is something house, like getting a pig in a poke.

News Item1/16/2020 2:40 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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A perfect example of what some call 'brains full of mush' and of what scientists say--that the human brain does not mature until age 25, esp. the area where decision making occurs.
This reminds me of the interviews of college students in Minnesota done before Thanksgiving, asking them about it, and they all mouthed off what their leftist college profs had been feeding them (and yes, even their high school history books, written by leftists Howard Zinn).
It also makes the case for home schooling, using history books not written by Zinn, and even the influence of mothers and grandmothers, which leads me to a favorite chapter, 1 Timothy 5, which could be subtitled, 'Lifestyles of the Older Christian Woman.' It tells us that older women should stay at home to raise their children, in church guide young mothers and do good works, etc.

News Item1/16/2020 2:29 PM
Douglas Fir | Land of Pleasant Living  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Despite all the glowing reports of Israel given by so many evangelicals (promoting their guided tours of the area), Israel is not a Christian country, nor one that is populated by people who love the Bible, live according to Jewish laws, etc.
Even in the good ol' USA, a good third of Jews do not believe in God (hey, maybe that's why they also find it easy to vote for Democrats!).
I'm still waiting for someone to answer this question: if the modern country of Israel only came into existence after the end of World War Two, how did God bless the USA and allow us and the Allied Powers victory in that war, since we had not prayed for the peace of Jerusalem ever before (or during) and even the great and wonderful US President Franklin Roosevelt diverted aid from this country's own War in the Pacific to the Soviets.
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